T HE WO L VnnI N E C. I. KIDD Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING THIS WAY you Summer Students-Come around for a LUNCH that is a LUNCH wBAN IR 9 Corner of Monroe and Thnayer Sts. A fanil line of Tobacco and Cigarettes. iifgh Grade Confections and Fruit. a 0 SPECIAL SALE ON LETTER PAPER AND TABLETS We carry All Sizes Loose Leaf Paper 340 S. STATE ST. IRVING F. SCHLEEDE I 0 1 I UNIVERSITY AVENUE, PHARMACY 1GOULDING & WI(EIL Drugs, Cigars, Candy, and Stationery. Agency Mornts Non-Leakable Pin I DETROIT TOLEDO' ClEVELAND PORT HURON.I BUFF ALO k\~~GODERICHj THE C-HARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS Spend yur vacatioo the Great Lakes, the nost economical and enjoyable oting in Amierica te an.' No mlatter tsohat point you want to go, ose D. & C. W eeYuCanl Go Lin Stesmers operating to all important porto. Dally oseice btenDetroit and BuflMop lot to Novemsber ist. City of Detroit Iland City ofCleeand111, twso ofth lagetide wheeloteamoers inthe world, ontisodivision June 10th to Septemtber IOth. Daily service betweneDtroit and Cleeland April 15th to DecembeorIlot. Doing July aod Aogut twoo boats ot ot Detoit and Cleveland essry Saturdy and Sundaynight. Pssr tripo soeely beowens Toledo, Detroit, Maskinac Iland and wsay portt. Ten Dsy Itopoeor alloweod at Alpena either direction on tourist ticketosnwithout additional cst. Daily oseriscebetween Tolndo, Clevelnd and Psi-in-Pay. Specsial Steamer Cleveland to Mackinac iland, twso tripesneekly, Jone l5th to Septembr Oc stopspig olysat Detroit every trip and Goderich,Ot., rvery Monday op-bondandlSaturday down-bod. Secoil Dy Tipsbetwe~ecnDetroit and Cleveland, DuringJuly and August Tsesday, Wednsday, Thusday and Satsrday ot ot Detroit; Monday, Wrdnesday, Thursdyand Friday ot o lieveland. RAILROAD '1' :K IcTS AVAILABLE-Tickets reading via any roil ine teicenesot ? : Jntd Bouffilo and Detroit and Cleveland wil be honored to t nesporlotinn nco D. & C. LinSteaers in eithoer direction. Senod 2cno tanI ppforllstroted Pamophletand Great Lakeo Map. Address: L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. A. A. Schant, Dio-Prenod Ge'l Mgr.. ® Detroit &Cleveland Navigation Company CHINESE sTI)ENTS WILL BE G(rauitte's Enagegenet Announced. MCIVNEAT (CONFERENCES. ! Announcemntthfis recently heels - luade of the engagemenst of Mien Jose- (Continued from page 1) philne Hayward, of South Boston, Mao- of whiiclh the local cliP is a chapter, sachosetts, to Mr. Lawrence H. Thsns- has a msembershoip o1 800, and holds aso, of Detroit. Mr. Thomas gradoiated atnually those conferences in the dif- i 1910 tram the electrical cengneering' ferent sections of the cooutry. s departmsent of the University nofAMich-t This year, the easterno convention igan. will heeIseld August 21 to 29, ot Cornell, the mid-western at Illinois, August 29 JOHN WHITE WILL I)lS(U[SS tn Septemher 5, and the western, at PLAN FOR (ITY (1OVRRIRTNT. Calitnrnia, August 29 to Septemher 5. ___ Ownig to the lscation of Michigan, Ito litne with the recent appointment thse meinhers will Ps almost eqoally of a committee consisting of faculty distrihsuted hetween the easotern and memhers anod Annt Arhor bosines nild-westeris sections, although the mnt netgt local oranizaninenotoalinvestigate b questions of city Iscl oesizaio nomaly elngs10governmnent, comes the ansnounlcement thie muid-wecstert. that the Hon. Johns Z. Whsite will lec- The last mid-western conference was tore at the coort house ono hs cons- held iu this city in the first half of miosion forim of government. September, 1912, when the university M.Wie h oastgeIoei apprprited su of$199forthethe deniocratic candidate for Uniteid opiening recepttion,. sod othorized Re- States Senator tromoIlilinois. Ilie is genst Juiniuss Deal, Prof. itohert M.exctdo give two lectores, onoe in Prf.T.l.ehi of the heatrcme-t, the afternoon, and one in the evening, Prof T. . Rnkinof he retoic d-hat has not yet notified floe civic asso- partselt, nd D. S L.Frenh, hoiation offhciails of the exact time at succeeds Prof. James A. Craig, in Sewihh ilh nAnAhr mcticis, to render all possible accom- The committee appointed hy the modatioso1 the visiting delegation, civic associstion* to invetigate queso- The ptrograms of both conferences toi fmncplgvrnet spr are similar in nature, covering differ- toof mplniofthasociametipto sot social, intellectual, literary, athiet- core co-operations between the busi- ic, usial nd usiesssesion. Aness men in town and the university special feature of the progra is the____________________ bazaar, which provcd to be the muot popular last year when it made its Vitr exlibition in Barbour gym. PerrysVitr Mtany SMichigan members are holding 1 (Alt Sneoner) otfices at thse mid-western section; 113 1at Iu t= Presidetit V. T'. Maiw of the local elbb is vice-chairioaai 00 the section; sod T. Y. Tam, '14E, is treasurer. On the ' - +i ° confiereince conmmiittees are, athletics, T. Sets, '15E, and K. W. Au, '15E; ha- DO BL DA Y S maar. Q. L. Yotimg, '15E, sod C. 11. Song, 'l.5E; business, S. U. Huang, DETROIT- PIT.INBAY-S '15)R; thitiese literairy, V. T. Maw, Daily Put-in-Bay Excursions. Rouz '14E, Eis;glisls literary, T. F. 1-wang, Steamer"Put-in-Bay"e (Nrw), 4( '141, atnd T. W. Shen, '14E; accommo- deck en the Lakes, Continos music, datietss, I. H. Si, '13; ansI publicity, C. Commodios diniog and luoch roooss. IP. Wanig, '14, antI Jabin Hsu, '14. Dooble daily service now in opemationt famaso bathing beaches, historic cavesa t'NI)ROGOES 8:3t0 a. n., via Put-is-hay, $1.21 ea( t3OOT OO EIGI'TI IEGOSDetroit udily at 8tI0 A. M.Steamer IIPERAIIOY FORf '1A ItT, C days at 5:00 P. m. Charles Rtise, an eight year old boy, Da lg tT is o C sine to the ufniversity hositital from Lewiston, Michigano, unacconmpanied, -dtoctrcsrmvdfo i foodtins ctarctsretsovil rom hio Wrie forFolder eyes Monday. 'This is the second time that he has come to the hospital for ats operationi sins Iis eyes. He deceloped blitsdncssr several yearstago when he was struck-, ini thes eyes during.ig tsowbsall ight. 7MTeorainsmsthvebne- tirety suiccessful, aind it is believed aN thoat, oitli lthe aid ot glasses the boy - w ill so00 Pcable to see is soil is Call 15 for haggage clinched froto/ _. hsoose to destination. tf. "t fexperts. 10hs b eels is i sigtiig liii' (oOnillOi son flailforssr5oeioicasdllit is likoely thalt the Aiisiirbor vote'rs woll have 1010oppflotunity ceoy shisrtly to exproess thsir ssntimentloti the ({'ranger~eli('o lese ThinsWeek. 'This 'ietdnesIday eveingsswill lie' flo last of thse ssiosucodaticing filrties lit tGrange's.Thest' pialtiesfhave besei ovcry wnell attetidid said credit is cluei Mros. Granger fssr the sstndard siti'hs mnaintined. 'T'si'Acadiemoy Sill I'e'peflcaboutlO ct fu. 2sf: whentsheocr'eglar a' ssembsliehs00111 asgasin Pt' held. In Ite iersois of Ta~lmadge Kitng of Fettots, Mich., Ithe usiversity is In gain afnother''promssising atletfi'. Kin:; ito the fatll, anis shsssldl make a great, recorofsor himsself. At presetthle is a sftufentl sOtlHobar'it.ollegi', soher'es'lie' playedIhalf ibackonsfthes varsity, tooof part its college' theatricals, amidhply- esd on the glee club. columns your business guide. Every advertiser apepar ing thesre is ideserv- log of your patontage assd. can bfe re- lied upon. SCelebration In-Bay!, TEAMER SEVCE SANDUSKY--CEDAR POINT ind trip week days 60c,' Sundays 7,5c. 10l0 passenger capacity, Largest Glafncing Ocean steamesr ochairseIPrivatn poisons, Faot steel steamser "Franik E. Kirby." to Puit-in-SPiy and Cedario int- Wffold- and msamosth hotels. Daily to Cleveand doh way. Steamer "Ptin-Pa5y"' leaves r"Frank E. Kirby" leavei Detoit week ;leveland $1.25 (way e.s '; -- _- ,_ _ Rubber Soled Foot- wear for Men and Women-- _ l ftine is SATISFACTORY and roRIGHT IN PRICE wilt be found at MYNE LOCATION-119 E. LIBERTY STREET 1 have beer headquarters for the past seven years toe this class of toootsear. (Ifig ji c I 50 hIja i"l « cII )1 lli) FURNISHERS and HATTERS to University Men 342 S. State St. ANN ARE-OR DYE WORKS Httietic Clc'ancre3 Phone 628 204 E. Washington St. TUTTLE LUNCH ROOM Lunches and Sodas 328 South State Street Groceries and Meats Call 407. Everytitg First-Cluss sod Frost. A. LEMBLE, Sr., Prop. 530 Forest Avenue Aee Arbor, Mich. i a The Michigan Au- u Snbscribe scow ancd become a msemcber thcereby of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION r Q.Tins ALUMNUS is time largest college mntlhly in lice eountry. QL It conctainas tile latest news about time Umiversity, and editorial commont on importanot events. QL It Fcs011 contains personal itencs conicernhing memnbers of your cass every omconthl. Q A volumse Fcs of THE AtLUMNeUS contains lice history of time Usiiverscity for the year. QL It publishes *a seres of well chosen pictures every momnth. $1.50 A YEAR. 1r I Iip NO"0TICE ' e elta Starts Serving Lunches September ist STATE AND PACKARD STREETS