THE WOLVEnITSNU i TRY T RU0BEY'S ICE CREA Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 16 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUS( MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Regular Fall Term Sept. 29- Feb. 7 All Braches of Msc For Cataloge or Informatio, call at ofic or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Captal 'rl,.o srplus, 500Oa THE FARMERS AND MEHANICS BAN ANN ARBOR, MIC. iofelook~ig a11(4 C ourt o' 'o',c~otonoc,,of ou Culle as cis our W orod. 3 pr cetInersinoutr Svigs Departoer Genms' Furnishings Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. Univerly Ave. Summer Term IS CLOSING Do you realize and appreci- ale the opportunities of pur- chasing from the largest stock of Law and Medical books in the State of Michigan? 'thi is al 0111.pai ty youd.n l ac st oar ' n homei , and you so .uol take advantag of i. Stock up your library with Text-Books Reerence Books Encyclopaedias * Dictionaries Quiz Compends C. F. Bartliell LAW, MEDICAL AND DENTAL BOOKS 326 S. Sate Street Teho 761 L "The Arcadia" OPEN During Summer Session Reglar Prices $3.5--,$4.00 BRENNAN-MORROW, 612 E. Libry, Phnt 14 The Tobacco Shop & Billiard all The Place tor Summter School Stdets 118-a120 E. Liberty Stree * 311 S. State St. Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMER STYLES A SPECIALTY Established 1 888. All work made in this city. 311 5. StateSt. ,T H E WOL V ER INEHwith absolutey no extra root to the university. The official newspaper of the turn- It strikes uts that the scheme it a user cession of the University of Mieh- good one. ansd we urge that it he given gan, publiohed by the studentt, Tuet- it trial. day, Thursday and Saturday after- Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., (Continued from page 1) Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. is likely to be settled without muoch Slice H-ours-1:00 to 2:30 p. in., daily. difficolty. Boyle played a brilliant Phoone 960. game on the 1910 freshsman sqooad, but dropedouot of school for a year, and Subscripotion Rates-By carrier, seven- whsen toe returnoed in 1912, he reported ty -five cents for the summer; mailed late, ouot of conditiooo, and in no shape tany address for one dollar. to du himoself justice. Hie is expectedl Advertising Rates-Furnished upon. to he iso good shape this year, and it is' aplticatiso to the business manager. predicted tat he will develop into oooe 6 100 stoodents; 22,000 townspeople, of the best quarterbacks that Mtichi- - Loti P 1. Italler-Mantiaging Editor. gan has ever had. Boyle will not have Phone-1016S. too eoasy a timse, howcever. T. H. Bush- S Villioet A. thart-Itttsiness Miantager. ooHell, '15E, who played a good game at Gi Phone-357. quarter too the Pennsy game last year, ____________________________is no01 vs he overlooked in spite of the NEWSS STAFF. fact that he is woefully light. R. F. (2ortoit1)aseo ews dito. tugloilt, '15E , whso is also handicapped Y.FIt~ll Hit.1utNis llltlt by tack ofoeight, omakes up too game- .F.Jell trHteu-sest.ues.Edtor osss, ond is a valuable backfield oman, KettI~ttnetr -Lcturs. articularly intoohe open style of play. Issue Editors. J. B. Catlett~, '15, who played quarter- Coorge M. Cortis. Eari. Crossoman. back on the freshmaon teamu last year, eGuy Wells. is very poweerfully built and showed Rleporters. coonsidrable speed. He has also made - John It.fOber. Charles C. Webber. gssd as a halfback. _Walter W. Watson. J. J. Rteighoard. Wilt Be Strotog ont Defense. 00F J. Hoffneister. Reuben Peterson. If last year's team was weak on the t'. t. IHughes. Howard V. Devree. defeonsive, this year's bids fair to moakej K M. Maock Ryans Leo J1. Wykkel 0010foc it. Calotaino Patoersoonswill get S. W. Rtobionson. all thoat is possible out of 200 pouonds at o robrvoo, in ithe center positiono. Henory Itousintess Statff. Licttoer, '141E, whos played center oon - IHenry S. Paorsonss, Asst. Boos. Masnager. lbs Reserves last seasoon, will be Pat- Ire W. Mlarble. Louis Rabe. erson's oooderstoody this year. If1R. A.I Pret ITraphagen cano get lots stoodies into tsue Elitor-.11. lteigllord. shape, lo'hewill be a valuable man to-' ~ssubstituote for Capitain Paterson. He is six feet ho height antI weighs 195 pounods. If he receives perooissioon to for one of ths guard or tackle post- 130KS T CST. tionos or possibly at center. Oneof he eaves itms n te e- l,iletllent Are Heovy pens lit o th Miciga unergad- For the position of guard E., J. Al- irat, epecillyin te lw an mei-nendinger, '24, looks like a certaityt caldeprtmnts i fo boks.Mici-if toe retpeatshis umagooiticeont game 01 11,hasalwys oased f binga porlast your. He weighs 1910 pounds, and ,r~ms uivesity Duingthe asttwodespito' his wetigot is remarkably fast. or treeyeas, as eenS. S. Scott, '14P, is one of thoe biggest toecoed neceosry to raise the fees is candisdats's for a lplacs. tie stanods over toosot of the odepartonents and this six feet, anod weighs more than 200 "oleld with the advanoce of expeoses pounodo. With two year's experience alonog other loses has brought no to fleoen0 tho' Reserves, he ought to make a poittwhtere some sort of economoy is good shooing flits seasono. Reuben necessary if Michigan is to hold out Peterson, Jr., 't4, is another lineman floe samec inducements to the self-sup- who boos been ono the varsity squad for' portinge studenst as too past years. two seasons. ftHecighs 185 pounods. At anunomber of Sloe universities in F. J. Quail, '16, 'oas a powerful mem- sloe cooutry, there have seens establish- her of the 1012 all-fresth teens.Il~e s o oekstores whicho are operated 000- weighos 190 pouonds, anod was consider- dier thoe suptervisions of the university, ed the best builtt freshmnoo in the unut- ond whero' books are sold absoltoety at versity. A Dorrance is another big ac- cost. to floe stoodeoots. Not only does five moono who will try for a line post- tots umeansta very great savioog to ev- tion. W. D. Cochoran, who played cen- vol one whto buys tots books thoere, but ter on last year's freshmoan team, too oaddition iftoill give wsork to a num- weighs 2111 poouds, and is a hard ag- toes of self-suptporting students, and gressive player. He wilt be a hard 0 d L i a I E i i I mass to beat oust of a gusarod positions. A. A. Raynoond is osothoor six Soot o'ool- didaote for guoard. Be weighos 1800 pouonds, ond tlayeod a goood gameto'ith the frestonen last yeaor. At tackle, F. J. Mcele, oughot to make good,.tHe is a 2010 tootonoer 'ithl a year's experiesnce oo the Recserves hack of him. L. It. o'ntooo, '16E,1010y- ed a fair gaooe at tackle co thoo frooso- mans teamsi sseasoto. Heteightts I96 pounds. F. C. Mtorse, '141H, layeoo tackle on Sloe reserves last fall. tto' u'eighs 1901 pounsds, osod to fast for lots weight. John R. Nortons, '16E ,tlooyod tackle on Sloe fresomon teamuo lost seoa- son, asndtoseod his 2000 opouds to goodt advanotaoge. F. J5.illtard is also a casndisdate for this toositionowhvtlaye00 od, on the Rteserves loast seasosi. Jamso' W.i Raysnsford is ansother liksely canto didate. End Maloterial Shlos o Proitise. R. 1S. Torbet, '141E, who starrod bout yeartoonomakisng forwaorod passo'sseemns certain of holdisng downon outfs the ends this 5season. Its so eigbs 2700 poonds and is fast. Miller IfT. Pontious, 14L, captain-elect of floe varsity base-' ball team, will probably be used oagoain at enod this yeaor, though too haso tlayed a brilliant game of tackle. His height and agility make himos particularly valuable too handling forwvard toossess With Torbet he pollod off too tosses in theoC ornoell gameoclast seaosono swhich, gave the -Wolverines the victory. tHe tilos toescooles at 1s85 00,0 's. ?uotO Tessin, '141L, is expecteod to moake stome' at the others hutstle hio, year. 1-1e wveighos 155 pounsdos, asid is a doeadly tackler. lEtton Joamoos, '16, to likley to make one of floe roegulaor eosbutoo another job this year, if hte tive'ssop to1 his reputationo.tHe is a natuoral foot- ball player, sod destite lots weoight of 180 poonods is Sass as lightninog. With Sts wealth of material, tros- pests tools bright, and Yost shouldl be abile to develop a teatmowhticho wilt ranok soith some of the colobroatood teams of toast years. Lit Atnnounteet 00 (bth'lis Weeko. Theo' annuotaltnnounicement for tho' department of literooture, science antI arts wilt be outt the blater p fthuoliso week. Usually the announeenstis not ready for sdistriboution ousoti the .rst of October, butthSlos year ass effort is being mnade So get it 0osf beforo' the close of the summer sesion. RECREATION lo you play Golf or Tennis ? We carry full looses of Spal- dinss andsoolXWrtglht &-IDitson's mxake of Atllo loC(oocl its tGeneral. I s cryartisle gosar- asoteeti WAIIR'S University Bookstore MAtE OR TOREOUtlElltBETIG PLACE HUSTON BROS. Te Finest Billiard Roem to the State CIGARS aod CANDlES. ",We Try to Treat. You Right"- COU SI NS & HAL L ICor. S. University and Twelfth Street L Telephone 1 15 We Make Old Hats New Alt kins'Cleaneds andtot cedo. The Best Shoe Shine Shop NEXT TO wACRER'S THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS. BANK Catalot....50 oo,soo.oo Surplsoan UdivdePrfis.., oooo.oo Transacts a Geoneal Bankiong Business 3 pe cts5ntereso5t paionsoSvinsg~s eposi. Yorvuot s~~ie'ssSolitedso. Clots. E. Otsuoi, rs , MictaeltJ. 00000,, Cost,', W.u. Harimaic's5e-rs,Ca,10.asstos.o DeFries Art Store RED RUBBER SOLES ' Put on Any Shoes at PICTURES AND FRAMING 2B3 OUT MAI STEET 0. 0. ANDRES, 222 S. State Street I CALL TA Ib 5 O On Call Dlay or Night "'Auto and Baggage Livery Ann Arbor Taxicab 00.1 300 N. Main St. I The White Swan Laundry Corner Detroit arid Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave., Ann Artor USES SOFT WATER I~aosin every bundle of Laundry worksont from the White Reaons Swoan Laundr y, why you should CALL PHONE 165 foor tour wvagon. GOOIDS NOT ROTTED BY CR MtCALS-Wbite, soot yellowv nor blue--buttlon holes intact buttons ditto. Special atten- lion giveon to boitos clothes. OUR PRICES TBE LOWEST. THE WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY "IYou can tell A Centleman by the Cleanliness of His Linen" If youatssstheoesct thatois done, gaos The City Laundry THOS. ROWE, Prop. 4t4-406 Detroittretr SPRUNKS s The 'Gar oyle ~AnROR PRESS ALL COLLEGE WORK Ma&il usTri l Order DETROIT MICH. SUGAR HOWL 109 5. Main Street BEST ICE CREAM SWEETEST CANDY PROMPT SERVICE SUGAR HOuW&L 109 5. Main Street Phone 967 DAVIS & OH LINGER Prompt Printers Deliveries mhade when promised Phone 432"J 109 E. Washington Sireet