AT YOUR DOOR THREEO L V E R1 N ELYIIAiI EVENINGS A WEEK, 75c Ii SUMMER PUBLICATION Vol IV. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDIAY, AUGUST 19, 1913. No. 24 FOOTBALL OU L O!G11 I l 19111~ERMAN STUDENTS TO VISIT SE M E CELE T UNIVERSITIES OF AMERICA ______g_,__or total 0ratr ils tn liph Tiro 1lnydir, '141, lRel iras Fromt FAight "IP :.ell kvc Eligile Fo I'lis f ii 5membohrt, iid their 111eiOinl o at With iisVarsity, and Others fou~nl hs r ha s, A. E'. Whitney Party Of 30t. Llnkgoad. silt o te pa. i r with Pcof soot -laid lri. . ('. (totldaird al heir hione ie talpl M. Sniyder, '144L, returinid yes- "WA VN IIl TWO SETS OF i th K hS.i e 'iii *. ors J1. ~a kab int t(ilo Aoo Arbor after a surnmer -IIT. Mliie z i inl it cire ailsit su1- i Europe. Oni the steamshaip Cymric, With right ""ito fromt last year's at iithisitt II titiiii ii 0 tttiteif aitt, thiahhe returned were about 30 football tani, .ll eligible, on the list of men inviteil ti return foarltrpfall priactic'e, prospiects for iiixl yeatrIuok brighit. "Jiimile''Crait"islthe oiily miiii eligible from last yetr'sVarsity who trill tnt play thiis year. Tlip-oClnQunareH bc oe aoil Ilarton are of course oiii of it. hit Coacsh Yosttrillliars aiiucleustI of veterans around whitcI to buildl tili a leant consistig of taptain "Giib- iles" 'aterson, "B3ra e" Ptontiuis, "Squiba" Torbel, "Atlia" Aluiendilisier, "Tontnay" Ittughilt, "Jimaf ltayiiafortl Itce [IT FRFEIT LAST CAME TO CMUS LEAGUE CAMPS 1 l~uipui Fistand S'ecnd Teams 'hto l 7t' l ed hBt P ie ideal,?t sliii spy;tel ::s :E .etii 4R;"'6¢e eams W.~ (iIIBER,, 1.3, AND) Miss HAIRE.MARRIERECTNIIN. Wilbur Gilbert, EL1, and Mien Fistic Gaire, a graduate of the ltniversity School of Music were marnied re- cently at Boyne City, Rich. Mr. Gil- bert wehile in college took an active part in campus affairs. Ge is a nmem- her of the Beta Kappa Psi fraternity and Mliss Haire is a menmber of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Mr. iid MIls. Gilbert have gonii to California omi thrir honeymoon. CAPTAIN JOHN W, WESCOTT STRICKEN WITH APOPLEXY Was Relative aflPurhasing Agent C. L. Lana at Whose Ranme He Wan Visiting. 1Captain Julio W. Westeott, the fathi- er-in-law of Purchmatsing Agent C. L. ) i Loo. wa sud enl tricken with u'-I T of bid, to l pro tion hav' t his isla plat inig ini o Gteriianioswho swere coining to America iii attentihle tosmopotlitan club con- tFtin' at t'orniell University. 'flitest men were almost all from Gtrmtan universities, and wtere typical Germni stutdents, sthl duelling scars as th'ir ftaces, and bnoundless enthus- iatsm for things Germtan. They are sent here at the expense of a pace foundation under the direr- Wait Pctlet. ion of Normian Angell, and are accom- ti s x 2.7g ; unil by Br. George A. Nasmyth. "To"BsnlTiuhilh" I'.''le party will travel all over the '"" '"' '''~' tbe tBtsies this, Ithre twill be' i ntlter hlettit ,.,.. ., .5.444 i ted Slte after the convention at oplexy' while o a visit at the hone refit itt stroiug iein Promi last ye'ar's Itsrot cc .333 IIthaca has tadjourned, and Br. Nas- of his daughter in this city and died to t s amid the 191i 2atl-fitshi sta, twhio I' n. _c m0. 0 is tyth will lecture at nmost of the prin- shortly after. Captain Westcott had patit tvlrtaa seo he5itdtoetli ltiiItt la ii1 cipal umniversities on disarmament, had a long antI varied career and teas cste haustleto Incbu-pithei' plaes. Allstlto t lws orted ii 9 ttIi;'lairs best i xet Itttc niest fone of the best known marine nient t'r the cuatci sill stairt Mict u' t it tltiititiPao hliigatnstill he on his itinerary, hut lye stlls13 inniwh loimihett' ss4s i"ttt t'sititiet1i{'trtlittdittewtill mot knowtrcertainly uintil lie has intesaeoaigfenfr4 er Of; fuu'inaisi tltobii' uees tiitt oeItli no at iit Oe zillniii ofith'isdecamierredIwstll Edwin Mlead, swho is at the head of J. ts. hitesicoft amid Co., fi witui; fur a ytara t, least. mu utnimi his tour for him,.arnerpsrer. 1 ItristeriV ois rt'etmtplity ttto lades y_________At the age sf 13 he began his marl- mar 'wSnamSs o am cktes Possibule, .t touinot ibttltt rgin. t lime career as cabima boy on one of the Unix hut St'lt~t'l tuu Vst luuutlh hs i I'miut e'I.Itotutlio, ltt'ith'ti ofold timue lake steamers. Me had scarce- hog enohiug uht classt'materinltoivhr.hiniut'h'isal iItiie es I itl t't'ttillicose THE WEATHERII tAI I attaitted his majority' when he was it is emutumehi nst hass uiatt'i~t lit ist'laiit thi' rtoitit u' s" .i i htmaittasiapttaot' mdedcaorimfand eoryfieryersehu reh thrt'e ltetadig, caiatehuts for the"posi- trill tte ltultit'tl eii ''litti stha''s isstie h1'rtiast far AiiiiAibor.nevdstotrotgealketem-fs -ships. lion thion atfullbackieltfteoten by tih' grad- ofl 'lt Wltst'tntt. Fa~ir today and Wedtnsday. Moder- Captain Westcott's bravery in the will niatioin outCat'ttiiiiiai itp .n Cl's nh- t' norltueatst Is southeast wvintds. rescue of those in imminent damtger of of tI Qjuinn, '"1I, lbrothei.rut themnQutinnit.stit5 khu 'utnutu' ,,I theaiy'' hht1ildiig. 'I:etlmY's''npriira rwighssre stesbeto ie t'Olttai T'houtamioita udersatudty' oili o~ -,,i :+?,i:<. il he Ittit i Maxiimuti93;mittimnum 73. 'Wind naany a tale. Ge had, moreovem', an give li 't' 'shisity at etisos, tui1 lsituau'i'it fitllh i' iut til t itO{ ii illthe ue titld-l- ' chsity':i6. Prenipitationi .0. almost uncamny ability to tell the and nt Ahia arsity raliherawhien cald iuptn t7'si'sc'emitntutly t'it'tllip lyth it ty' limit'3'teitageoa maximium 84; umimi- name of a boat as soon as she appear- prnop t illthit'cntati's slim's lost y'earic' ii IiiActor. totutti67. lPrecipitatiomn .0. led otn the horizoms. -hazi lit' hits bteen oh thu' reserve sqluatd futo ________________________________t_________ion t'e list 1550 seasaons, umitdsas a nitin- otn ber o ' hush 19110 all-frteslhteats CHINESE S TUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY WILL BE L 11 hneto landtheIltbetrthlt. i.C IVE A.T SEVERA.L CONF~EIRENCES of .11i<