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August 16, 1913 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1913-08-16

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Vol IV.


No. 23


Prize ook ad Strictly student Pro-
d11Iion 'Seres to Arouse
Ilenewed Interest.
IIELA, '4 A1) 1i11IMAN TO All)
At present abouttwenty students
an( alumni are working for the $100
prize which the Comedy Club is offer-
ig for the hest book, whieh s to be
produced as their play next tall.
Considerable stimulus was given to
the amateur playwrights by the asn-
nouncemeit that the play finally ac-
cepted by the Comedy club would have
a reading beiore it least two ot the
big li(astern producers. Manager Ar-
thur Cohen received letters last
spring from both Charles Frohman
and lavid telasco in reference to
the plan, and both promised to do
all in their power to hell the local
All manuscripts must be submitted
to the committee of judges by the
first Friday after school commences
next fall, and the decision will be
iad e public as soon a s possible.

The contract for trecting te ne
contagious diseases hospital for which
the city of Ann Arbor voted $25,000
recently has been let to Fred C. Wein-
berg, the local contractor, for $22,369.
The balance of nearly $3,000 will be
used for painting, glazing and wiring
the building.
Work has already been started on
the excavating. The contract stipu-
lates that the building must be com-
pleted by January 5.
The medical department of the uni-
versity is to have the administration
of this hospital, and Dr. Reuben Peter-
son recently visited hospitals in Phila-
delphia, New York, Boston and Provi-
dence to get ideas which will be em-
bodied is Ann Arbor's hospital.
Barristers Hope fil'Final Clash With
Lits in Spite of Fact That Race
is Over.
The Shmnding of the Teams.
Von Lost Pet.
Laces . ....... ...... 6 2 .750
[Ait s ....... . ...... 4 4 .500
. edics. ... 4 5 .444
Engineers ............ 6 .333
Manager Walter Emmons of the en-
gineering baseball team today official-
Iy notified manager Benjamin Rosen-
thal of the laws, that the engineers
would forfeit tomorrow's game, thus
giving the Barristers a cinch on the
campus league pennant. Owing to
he pr" of studies, the boiermakers
haebt ten unabl to get together a
team, and it was for this reason that
the game ad to be forfeited.
It is not yet known definitely wheth-
er or not the Hts will play the laws
for the game scheduled for next Mon-
day. The lawyers will be on hand
with a full team, and the lits are anx-
ious to show that they are still in the
same class with the attorneys, even
though the default of the engineeers
prevents them from having a chance
for the championship. If it is de-
cided that a game will be played, no-
tice will be posted at Huston's before
Monday afternoon.
Miss Arizona B. Wimple, of Tacoma,
Wash. a graduate of the University,
has recently been appointed to the
post of state bakery and sanitary in-
spector by Governor Lister, of Wash-
ington, having gained a state wide
reputation as a pure food crusader
dturing two years in the office of food
and nmarket inspector for the city of
Publicity was the chief weapon in
the campaign, the newspapers coop-
erating actively with liss Wimple's
oflice. Details of her reports were
published constantly and stores or
markets which did not toe the mark
soon found their business twindling.
Before 'Miss Wimple ha been in of-
ftee six months the food purveyors of
Tacoma were vying with one another
in maintaining sanitary establish-
itents and pure stocks. Miss Wimple
is expected to introduce the same
methods ito her state campaign.
Eix-piesident Angell Visits in East,
President-emeritus James B. An-
gell has left for Narragansett Bay,
Rhode Island, where ie will make a
short visit.

17 Chinese Sitdents Are Enrolled.
The official records show that there
are 57 Chinese students attending the
university during the summer session.
flhis is a larger number than at any
other American university.




Professor Tealdi Explains English
Ideal Illustrated by Oxford
and Cambridge.
"I would like to see the campus of
the University of Michigan inclosed,"
said Prof. Aubrey Tealdi in a lec-
ture on "Some English Gardens" in
the west amphitheater of the physics
building Thursday afternoon. "By a
wall or some sort of an enclosure,"
he said, "we could produce some of
the effects of Oxford and Cambridge.
Our architecture differs, of course,
but at least some of the classic beauty
could be obtained."
Prof. Tealdi considered English
from the seventeenth century up to
the present time. In comparing
American gardens with those of Eng-
land, he said, "In England the gard-
en is a part of life, but here it is
something subortinate and out of the
way." One of the principal features
of English gardens was shown to be
the variety. "I have not seen two
gardens in England which resemble
each other," he said.
It was shown that the garden is
possible for the poor people as well
as the aristocratic families which can
afford to employ skilled gardeners.
By stereopticon illustrations simple
gardens were shown to be more effect-


President H. B. Hutchins has been WILL RETURN TO
suggested by the Detroit United Rail-
way as being acceptable to them tot N ARBOR DON
arbitrate the dispute between the com-
pany and the men regarding hours of
work. Craig Sticks To Determination tot
William Stapleton, Chief Justice R. TO Participate In Athletics
C. Ostrander, of the state supreme This Year.
court, and John Naylon have already ---
been accepted Chief Justice Ostranderi, S('HEDIULE IS YETl' INCOMPLETE.
however, has refused to act on the I
plea of the great press of business be- Invitations will be sent out shortly
fore court. by the Athletic association to between
President Hutchins' name was sug- 35 and 40 men to return early for
gested as acceptable with those of participation in the preliminary foot-
the other members of the state rail- ball training. The list of those who
way commission: namely, Messrs. will be invited to return has not yet
Lawton T. Hemans, C. L. Glasgow and been completed, but will be announced
James Scully, in a day or two.
This year the preliminary work will
SHAKESPEARIAN CLASS WILL again be held on Ferry field instead of
at Whitmore lake, as the change mnde
APPEAR IN SECOND RECITAL last year was fotad entirely satis-
factory both to the coaches and to the
men. Not only is there a better field
College Thespians Are Working Hard here for practice, but better accom-
To Make Production modations, both board and room, can
Best Ever. be had.
The invitations request that all can-
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood's class didates report in Ann Arbor on Mon-
in Shakespearean reading, which day, September 15, in order to be in
scored a big success two weeks ago readiness for active work, which be-
gins on the morning of September 16.
when it presented Romeo and Juliet, Coach Yost will retu nt from Europe
will , give 'its second public recital in
Sarah Caswell Angell Hall Tuesday,

next at 8:00 o'cock.
Prof. Trueblood admits that the

tuna m'Arthur Coh e'n.
Tryouts for the play will be held
about October 1it Thess will be
cionducted along different lines than
the custom that has prevailed, in that
there will be no Arbitrary assignment
of 1atirts, but a series of tryouts will
be ttu whith ill result in a sur-
\ival of the ilttest for the various
any of ttle old stars le grad-
uated al i will not be cith the clubI
during the ensuing year, but muchI
nterest and keen competition is ex-
pe cted from the new material. As'
has been the plan durini the past
year. the cub will hold regular meet-
ints.tilc will do considerable Wor
along dramatic lies,il t addition to
staging its annual production. ..
One innovation which will be insti-
tuted this year is that no prohessional
coac sltis to hut'empoyedi'ia's hereto-
Iore: the naigement will be entire-
ly undor- the control of students,
which will make the production a
strictly 1ateur one.
ln I ai .rthur Cohen predicts
that with Ith reinstatement of a pure-
ly studet plts tand the interest that
is h ing disilaye.', dramiaties will
fitd ai place on the campus that will
suitsis any work ever accomplished
alon thatli ne il ithe east.
Thie ofiers of the club for the
nsu t'in s year are: WNaldo Fellows
si silt itt tLouise ithson '15, vice-r
president Joseph Turpin '11, secre- I
tary-treasurer and Seymour Scott'
'14, property manuger.

ive than the elaborate and over-orna- class is the best ever, and its work
mental embellishments of some of the has been decidedly above that of the
iore expensive ones. average cast of amateurs. In spite
"We want enclosures, fences, and of the length of the play and the
backgrounds, let us have more of relative short period for preparation,
them," said the speaker. Illustra- which extends to less than three
them," tsaidothegspeaker.aIllustra-
tions were shown of walls which serv- weeks, the college thespians are en-
ed as backgrounds to flower arrange- thusiastic to give the public a record-
meitts which would otherwise have breaking production, and are drilling
been entirely without effect. their lines and cues to near prefec-
"The one great art and difficulty of than at extra sessions in the evening.
gardening," he pointed out, "is to have As usual the play will be given as a
a succession of flowers, to have flow- platform rather than a stage presenta-
ers in bloom at all times of the year." tion. The cast will be changed for
Birds were shown to be an added eac scene to give the members equal
attraction in any garden. Bird opportunity to play the star roles.
houses have been erected in the se- Those who will participate in the
eluded parts of many of the English performance are: The Misses Mary
gardens and large numbers of song- A. Bronson, Mary J. Hughes, Lena
sters take advantage of the unmolest- J. Krakau, Delta M. Kauffman, Mary
ed shoelter. . E. Kahler, Helen L. B. Gage, Ethel
H. Gibson, Janet E. Gilchrist, Janet
Prof. Tealdi made a pies for q,
.C. McClellan, and Rachel Newcomb;
garden or at least some flowers in
every American yard. "We have got and Louis Eich, Edward Moseman,
to have our yards enclosed," he said, Durward Grinstead, Martin Briggs,
"and until (hen we will not rank as Samuel Skinner, Claude Swift, Russell
gardeners among the nations. Let Richards, Ivan Nelson, and Jabin Hsu.
us take something from the past and
embody it in our gardening of today." THE OLD PLACE IS LOOTED
Henry Schlatter, 't0 E, Joins Benedicts
Harry Schlatter '05E, formerly em- The second robbery on State street
ployed as chemist by the Michigan within the last few weeks was per-
Portland Cement Co. and at present petrated early Friday morning, when
located at Niagara Falls, and Miss thieves broke into the Old Place bil-
hazel Hummel, of Chelsea, Michigan liard rooms, 312 South State, owned
were married Thursday evening, at by Jeseph Reingers, and stole as
St. Mary's rectory, Chelsea, the Rev. many cigars and cigarettes as they
Father Considine, performing the cer- could carry away. Entrance was
emony. The couple were driven to' gained by breaking the glass in the
Ann Arbor in. an auto and took the rear door and unfastening the spring
Michigan Central for the East. They lock. A bolt at the top of the door
will make their home at Niagara was torn from its socket. The store
Falls. was closed at a. late hour Thursday
__night, and the robbery was discover-
Dr. Parker Returns From Trip East. whed it was opened up at noon, Fri-
I day.
Dr. Dewitt H. Parker of the depart- The matter was at once reported
ment of philosophy, has returned to to the police who have been making
Ann Arbor after a trip to Boston. efforts for some time to get to the
bottom of the recent epidemic of
crime in and around State street. Ten
THE WEATHER MAN young men, a number of whom are
students, are suspected.
This is the sixth time in the last
Forecast for Ann Arbor. ten years that this particular store
Possible showers today and Sunday. has been broken into, 3000 cigars hav-
Cooler Sunday. Moderate variable ing been stolen at one time. Mr.
winds. Reingers is in Detroit at the present
Yesterday's Temperatures. time and the extent of the damage
Maximum 94; minimum 73.. Wind will not be known until an inventory
velocity 20. Precipitation .0. can be taken.

"Jimmie" Craig.
shortly before the practice begins, and
trainer Farrell will be on hand after
a summer spent at his old home in
Rockville, Connecticut. The assistant
coaches have not yet been selected,
but will have been by the end of this
All of the men from last year's
Varsity who are eligible for competi-
tion this year, will of course, be invit-
ed to return. The graduation of ex-
Captain Thompson, Clement Quinn,
Otto Carpell, and H. H. Heubel, and
the dropping out of H. H. Cole and
Charles Barton, will leave a number
of vacancies to fill, and the freshmen
and prominent reserves of last season
will be given an opportunity to make
good in filling the vacant positions.
Although the Freshmen of last season
are almost an unknown quantity, Yost
hopes to develop several Varsity play-
ers dut of the husky 1916 squad.
By long distance today "Jimmie"
Craig announced positively that he
will not reconsider his determination
of last spring not to compete this year.
He has more than the average amount
of work to get off if he is to graduate
next June, and it will be absolutely
impossible for him to carry it if he
goes out for football. This, coupled
with the fact that his bad knee is still
bothering him, have settled him in his
(Continued on page 4)

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