T HE W OLV ER IN E WvvE PRESSBY HANIC C. I. KIDD Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Ai DRY AND STEAM CLEANING THIS WAY youa Summer Students-Come around for a LUNCH that is a LUNCH Ci'N('j F 9 Corner of Monroe B ,.uR ij and Thayer Sts. A fuft tine of Tobacco and Cignarettes. Ifigh Grade Confections and Fruit. SPECIAL SALE ON LETTER PAPER AND TABLETS We carry All Sizes Loose Leat Paper 30 5. STATE ST. IRVING F. SCHLEEDE I UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEL Drugs, Cigars, Candy, and Stationery. Agency Moore's Non-Leakable Pen r s ... ) IDEMA NDiS REFORMLED CITY GOVERNM AENT; V e. (Continued from page 1) t -- h.ead and a hoard of fosr or five corn- miooionero has charge of the various departments. The opeaker cosidered this formc of governmcent as only half chic to solve the difficulty in that it' dovs not necessarily bring ahoust the desired efficiency and administrative -ahility. "Under it," said the speaker, j "al 'cibusiness men are snot attracted hy thce short terms which are provided for' in the charters of msost comnmisoion govertned cities." Under the "City Maccager Form" a geneat manager is chosen hy the Soncil or board of commissioners as r acy be the case. The maccager is given entire charge of the executive deplartmnent of the (city except inc sorb matters acs are reserved by the coucil ancd other city officers as a check. ati is simcilar icnmancy'says to the governc- mntc of Gercccan cities icc which the Magistrcct corresponds to the gesceral mcacnager. Stacuton, the first Assert- eccc city to try thce planc, was previous- ly icc debt, cod in the few years of its soceration great resutts tcavce been, accmpclishecd in civic impsroveccents ancd the payincg of debts. 1'rot . Stoccer shcowed thatncmuch de- cend~s ccpon the elncacwho is chcosen: - somancager and pointed out other deftsciecssacs well. In spite of these, hcowe-ver,tc heteieves thcct it weill grad- ccclly sicreacd. Several states cave re- Icenctly considered bills permitticcg cit- ies to acdccpt goversnccents of this typce. Tlie bcest form sshlach icas yet appeared wacs shcocwn to he the occe at present tcefore ice Wisconsin legislccturc'.tOhio hcas catrecady passed a bill paercmittticcg her cities to inaugccrate systemcs ofj ticsStauscntocc type. New Embalmting' [nstruorl'Arrinis. C. G. Askin, of Iccdianapolis, whco is to give instruciocn in embalmncsg to the stccdects icc that cocrse dcuring the last two weeks of the sccmmer session hcas arrived in ctce city. 'The first part of tics course was incchiarge of D~r. t. 1t. Stokes in ancatomcy acnd Mr. J. F. Morgacn iccbacteriology. Seiore'leesoes toICicsagoasIn estiuctoir. Graduasctincg only last sprincg withc -highc honcors frons the literary depart- mceit, Jay Dunnce has accepted the pos- itions of head ot the accounting depart- mnt of the University of Chicago. Mr. Ducnnce has thce creation of this dcepartmcent in his owns hancds and ex- usse by next April. Wchile icc the ouniversity Ice was elect- ed toc 'JIMfletac Kappa cod inc his seen- or year ws assistanst icc the scacct- incg laboractory. THE ANN ARBOR Swknming FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor Open Every Day Except Sunday 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 725 South Filth Avenue Phone 996-2 rings li "THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS Send you acccatioo the Great Laksc, t55 meat ecoomhat and enoyableoatisgis Where You Can 'Go00 atterstcwhat pmiss you want to go, s .&C tiltysesvisceseweeDtroit andhsuftloMyto Novemer t. Ciy ot Doit s anad Ctcyaoftl ed 11, twocsfthelasgetssidewheelisteamersithetorlcsd, ochis diisJsne thtosSept er1th. DOityservisebwe n Deotit anud Clseland Aprsil15thcso DsemnbereIst. Dsring-July'anclAugus ttwo hoas out of Deot ad Cleeasd esveSturdayand cSdaysniht. Pourtrip vswkytween sToledo,Detroits,Maskinac IlanS d dapots. Teo Day Stspoerallod at Alpena eithe direcion as tourist tics t hoot additional sost. Dilyseieobetweenolcedo, CetoladandPut-in-Bay. Spscal teamerCeelntosMakinacslasd, totripoweely, Jucne15tho Septembe 155th spingonty atDetroiteerystp andfGoch , Ont., eeryMoncday' up-bsundand Satusdaydon-bound. SpecialDy Trosbetwsen.Detroitand ClevelandDuring July and August TouesdyWednesdy, Thrsdyand Study otof Dotecit; Monday, Wednstdy, Thusdy andFidayssosutofead. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE-Tickets reading via soy rail lits becween Dtrsoitand Buffalo and Detroit and Cleveland willbe honored ior transspsrtation on D. & C.Line Steaners in rither direction. Seod 2scntstampceftreIlustrsted5Pampleitand Great Lakes Map. Addrssa: L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. Phi H. McMillas, Ps AA. Sce'tz liis-Tres nd Gen'lMgr. S Detroit & Cleveland ~ ' Navigation Company Perry's Victory Celebration (A913sowrat Put- Inn °Y ° DO~UBLE DAILY STAW Pi - '/'m V DETROIT- PUT-IN-BAY-SANDUSKY---CiI\r 550 Dully Put-in-Ray ]Excursions. Round trip wer dayse0,i Steamecr "Pest-in-Bay" (New), 40ttt passcsceer capcitor, _T.i elects on thcsLakes, Csoninsce usi ci, tOceans steamcer chirs, -lax Commcccodlioss dincing and lunchi roos. Fskct steel steaccie 'I'cs D~ouble dailyscrvice 0now ittoeration no 5Pct-in-Bay ccxciiCeder t . id famccosbathcincgbeachbes, historic eacessc ssscan c iit tls.I; di 8c3t a. ic., via Putn-isn-bay, $1.25 ech aseay. Stearnser "Ex oitcc Detroit daily at 8:30 A. M. Steamer "Frank E.tKirby"' leases D ,s cvi- k days at 5:t0 p. mc. Daylight Trips to Cleveland $1.25 (0 a)} Writeofor Folder AH'N IY STE AM -L ]NE 1 . =- Rubber Soled Foot- :.: wear for Men and ~~ Women--- an -~ '" RIGHT IN PRICE wilt be found at MY NEW LOCATION-119 E. LIBERTY STREET I have beee headquarters for the past seven years for this class of tootw'sear. (High fxe cc l i i ny t ,c c l 1itt) Call 15 for taxi. tfo. TINKER & CO. TUTTLE LUNCH ROOM FURNISHERS and HATTERS to University Men. Lunches and Sodas 342 S. State St. 338 South State Street ANN ARBOR D~YE WORKS Groceries and Meats Calf 407. Everything Frst-Class and Foist. Erftietic c1alclCb G1IVS A TRIAL. A. LEMBLE, Sr., Prsp. 630 Forest Aeense Phone 628 204 E. Washington St. Ann Arbor, Mich. The Michigan Alum-~-nus Subscribe now and become a inember thereby of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHICAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Q TmHE ALUMNUS is thse largest college monthly in the nocutry. (I, It contains tice Ilatest newa about tbe Unsiversity, and editorial comment on important evenats. Q1 It some contains personal items conscerninag macmisers of your cass every smonsthc. (L A voltume Factsj of Tun ALUvMNsUS conctaincs thce historytif tbe Uciversity for lice year. y y y It publishes La serves of well chosen pictures every moot-. $1.50 A YEAR NOTICE 'C Ik ella Starts Serving Lunches September ist STATE AND PACKARD STREETS