THE15NVW 0LVVE51I NE5 UN 1IVE SITY V ENUE IAR ACY ^ .U1'NG .WIKE lires, Cgar, Cady, fldStatsotr Agory oores Nn mmekabl19 e Mack's Tea Room . F ;: - ' , t - " , __ - , , a ., PillS.YI~tlYl'S 111 El III IA ISj (Cootiooredfromopaoe 1 IL" 1") O tiC so t,- -- r the conlimoooooo 0 has s: imAlo to he mothe1. 'Ihis os the nme- tot11 00 o r bo r Sh e o w any trroliiO orr ere o f the or r o (( - centric the- ory wh~ichr hasroso intensee ly'stimurlarerd Armoercaor ambition, activ-irty reor <0j hio'oxeror'oo. l e rmrstr slowlry~oo ct this cs exren r naror o' aro 0000- csolhy ~ lic shllrioinreaing ta- T eStore of Quality-High Grade Goods "va.The srailirarets rsof s e 'ianoe orh o alishiroffoerseoth eiizets o- 19 South Main Street Mack's Tea Room Opet rom, 8 A. WPto ia P. PM. DINNERS SERVED FROM 11 A. M. TO 2. P. M. Servi, a la Carte. Ladies' Rest Rome i Cnnecion M AC C . (Tea Room Second Floor) ( and 1cer brigit as -r dollar-quick as o a -11 TWhat's how' Whnor T--E CO i ~ 0 SE L,WATCH FOBS, STEINS, Etc., Etc. Also Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Telephon 534 308 South State Street OF THE U yvrsty oiIIN NOW READY Complete Inormaion concerning seven departmets: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forstr, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, "architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (atfiliated with Ann Arbor Scheols tr Otservation Study, and a course tor those preparing tr The scieniic administration ci departments o sanitation and public health. For Coapy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Itform atbon, address Socretary University A N N A RS 0 R to0 10nentomopasositog 00hole. To tmtost of ts,, oweoover, this teory of Oloe's00001 Ms detostrctiveofo b theoinepo todo-ot ooooolreslrsibtotot' otoeto areesoentialI_______________________________ t( X0th ost00000'OtOlt'typet 50' ot persotnao- CLASSIFIED D ETSN 00)' an00d0 to me'oro~0ditn~, oaovancointoosot- D ETSN 1Nat o'"crsel of State." 01)S IN IlTIH IS UN '01t ITS 1BE I'flherd0is anew 0 so'seof theo'staeosto'000 'AIt 11F1R IN bAIVA NCE~. a, 001st 000g100)' of loutloosettl Socity)'ittl 00lic indto ivooiouals t fiol 001 -devetlo- 05Ml bI'' to e1tr otoo solo- o'siooiosi. Ploicte too oy ' 00oedsotooe iglht tlutiot oooi- h ltl, ppulr reuctiosn, taoxaooootion oi' sch'ool. 'ligo, (tto'Sop, 'los 00000-000000ooopubloicotol itiesc~to t "eSealdwloottzO5 1-00 . 0 io-10t' 0o x:00o''tot o att to ito'd om't itlomtre than e001:0pm neowophaseof0comto nityoife10': tealitl i0 stlono oo' 00PalIioo o0(.;wildIlootoso' 0000lafoot 0stve''tnos. 150:1 11. 1-ooooSoummoeo 0'tto'. o- 100Isol lo eistg' r lt't tOit ots urots. 1-2 t booltohloot ho' slotteis flors' thonotoo lots- ineos 0-tot-Itison. It is ito othical al('o15 Itfoo tatoxi. (0 force.--' ''Iror'ott'otitti to o'toolol ilorol Fit-st. clas.s shio 0ott-p irig. Ilooleto whc it-idoos ototaorouts' osei otoolndXwtit Shtooo'RepairootShoo, 11(i.I. WiVlooam Sit, ('11 totr0000' 1001riotism~, totaisesoftIheo H. stoato' which0 shaoll sweeonr00intto 00 nobtloe oisiont, 00 chaostentted natoiontaol- pide aot o ~till totf otutre' tro'otlio'os o Fto1r k-dO 'C'oors'baoiloorsr. 6ol9E. submtoosbontottooout 'ont rol, it olottoottol Wli 0000005t. IL foot tochricaool efficiencoy, a doo'olo'eoo rcelir) oof coradestoohoo~ip, 00 oyoiliyto ('ootr'oaol lGtrilleol CortIerhioseStooals' eo !loooooo tosos, 00l0 endrlsitno tmoral oor- Beossitmer's ut-ill.11I . aatX'II o tS., to andt o tolto'iilos ototsn idioolna- uttaoitrs.(1101. 1Itoerootho f. 0 ioool otai. llooy theo tgraedsotes of lot- dayo ca:tchIoao glimste ofot(lis vs ioo."' 0r1 suit-il'l'oo-o sOudetls to do r ool'orhoi -ito,,titoetroiot. GO'lootre ftrtbig i TON111IGHT!t Kinemacolor, FILMS D'ART DELHI DURBAR COMING FRIDAY Ao International Conspiracy IN THREE ACTS All Seats - 10 Cents 1-X( IISiIIN bkRUNDITOWttlN, money.-) $2.50 pbr day anod 0 orfooro- 'oio o 5-I, forsinstoer-; Vi000. a-a Noearly tltirty oattomobolileownsoters Nb aiite(i--Mrtstoorotliito Soaginaow' for polacedo'ltheir soor'litoo's a00 the' dispoosal sotoitoor. Salaory $0151per month. ofl romme emen tso wee k sisitorso yes- Adrerss, P0 ().lox 56t. a-a. too watos given'an otto 00rtnty for WXill buyt orrsent ito LUnderoodrlor, ;itylhtseerinti. 1. C. Smoiths Typeowriter for summoter. Thorot-sal boulevardoregulaotolions 160010+1. Libertysir pone 35 19-L. 1-3, 000 O' -000s1spendedofor th'e ocsiont, intd tho halof-houor rirde'incrluddIa (ript Ilotl-ti ASentioor boawtosmakle $600 througth glen ot. (Gutords twrre otoa- for th' summioer. IPhoneo351, fb ot' tosoedl at itrvails loog the 'roatoo00 )rtio ooe-r. 1-3- o-arto drive rsandsorler n ttcidioents. ________ ______ Stoorotong iltlthecosrser of Sousth 'sod- Iliot-osoplirol aotol ol I Lahotoory ve rsify otood Stool , tho' porty wenrt ownossostre hr~t ' to to iolotoAt-h 0 tooloiro Sssoo atsoi Quoar-ry's lDusg Ssttore'. doonotPaockoordl to 5Fifthl, alotnFifth (Coall Itfoor loit(:,gago'erlheckledolironysI too IH.Proto, 001 etHuronito 'Powelftho, alotnglooetoolsisois.O atooufse t to1ooseltoao - 050 .oshio toot oto Ox(fordrol adoo, oroustoolOxfordo RubbehrorSolo- Oxfordls, ill otyleso,t roadolto Ceddes, 00u1,OGeodes to teCaprsBoer.20 .Stt'S.t loocet ,m],Ialoso (teo' leovar'l oolOotorandoorr.1185 tot'S.O Iooroooodoothe -Isloand, comitgot it Ca 'til i5 tort'aoxi.tfo, l'rcaoolo 0', it oadoilortoto Aloain, 0010 Alain to Libterty, alongo Liberty to Stas, F ilots Odevelloed O1ls ber roll, an~y anthenceroto Sooth Unoiversity. lsntyrlo, 00'size. lopio & Co., Plio-m graphoier, 60190 I. Liherty. - loF-ot 'llss Igrouplpitulores0-all 000 Hope lrho-Photorapholer, 60 19 . Libertry. '5111 511110 PAbRTIES, 1-3. -{,oery jrerorlsosloy roghrt odurinog sumt- IUSTON, BROS. The Finest Bilardt Room In the Stale. CIGARS and CANDIES. " We Try to Treat You Right " COUSINS & HALL rLORISTS Cer. S. University aad Twelfth Street1 Telephone 1 15 "You can tell A Centleman by the Cleanliness of His Linen" 5if'ooottoat theoes'ttoratis clotnoto The City Laundry TttS. HOW51 Prop. 4t4-406 Detroit Street C. H. BROCK .BACK, BAGGAGE & LIVERY Two Goad Saddlers LPhone 348 1161 N. Fourth Ave. We Make Old Hats New All kinds Cleaneost andt Blockedl. ioor-r scorol. Tanointo Stepr, 'Ilo The Best Shoe Shine Shopf Larg~e IMichigano tossels foor lootls or Sotp-o on oooatzt,.it ft riaeros.1:00 to NEXT TO WAGNER'S Sso -to Qua ~trrry IDrubg Io. 01:001)1 . . -0cIpr -oupilte. lThuor-Sato ow ook f 25V Iews OF ANN ARBOR AND THE CAMPUS - TheBste yr Hurd Colored, $1.00 Sepia, 85 Cents Hand Colored, $1.00 Sepia, 85 Cents