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August 14, 1913 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1913-08-14

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of (ioverinieit ini lioderii
"Gooid (itii'eishili is tihe price which
wei musf piay for living~ in. a republic,
ifd is fliesre anvonse of us so selfish
is fo fhinkl it too high?" saifd Prof.
i. G. Stonser ini a hierfire on "Rteceot
lDesvelopmeots is Ct iy Adisftratfon
P'roii as Iegil Stainidpoit" is the pihy-
sirs fiiildiirg yesterda ivfitiern00n. lRe-
girdless of the system emipioyed by a
city if svas shoswn thast a duty rests
isitli the sities. Ile particularly re-
ruisinsneniri i the iew "City Massager
Form wis shirh is no0w in opieratfon fn
Sftiiiitoii Va
Priof. Storner showsieid lbhif the ordfin-
iiry rity as comparid ifthll the prfvate
crpiloration, does nsf hive systeim or
eiinry. 'The rite, he sasid, "does
isot recogniie fha 1 shud apply
busifesss prfinfiples to ffs governi-
ins sif It seas denoustrafed that the
cify governmsenit consfusses legfslatfve
In admisistratfve soswers so thiit cc-
spsonsibility for aimistake caininot be
fifd iiii is shasred joinitly by the
mayorii asid the councifl. It wais ailso
poitsei out thiat the average cfty' hais
iso iiesais, sisses fis pireseiit systems,
of placing ass expieit is chiag of isal-
less which reqfiie sleieralizasfion.
As a remeidsy for tlhese cosdftfoss
,wischl are prevalentf is cifies all oves'
they Uitedlc SItstes the cossmsissoforso
of gusserissoesil sias dscssedi. Under
this systems thes soayos is a nsominasl
(Positined on page 4)

D.C. . PrIym11ade assstant Pro. hkpprovedi Roonming House Lit And I Indian ftonds Present Manny IFeatures
fessor by Neighboring Numierouns Social Affairs Tro of Interest to Students of ( Camp lDavis to t~ppe r in lies!; Dres
JInstituition.lieFeatured. Archeology. 5 on Day or Days for Host
oh Visitors.
Cal .Pahsr esignedfh1s p osf- Since her appointment to the recent- "All Indian Mounds and other rec-
tions fur theudepartm sentrutfipoliticailly creased offies of dean of worsen at ords of the early frnhabft itat should U) NO)UNCE IIIll 4)1" ~ OFsirs~
economiy 'anI soisology ansI sill1 this the University School of Music, frs. be preserved both for scierntific pur--__
cominagyaicgup to Oiao State tUniver- Ityc F. lBacher, has been working to posesarid as monunments to the build-I "You Wont notss h le Old Campi onu
sity as assistanst prfuiessor of political systematize the affairs of her depart- era," said Dean Wi. B. Hinsdale is a 1 the 16ths" is thme titls of thes'cartioons
economy.nmeet. Residents of the city who wish lecture on "The Primitive Man in0Iheuatmshlt)ug
Dr. fuss 5 shinsatin from the lifer- to secure School of Music roormers Michigan" in the west amphitheater of apeaof o the e rst nes laist}'15piagI
ary ulelartsmeuss. of tm thUiversty of have bees asked to fill out blanaks stat- the physics building Tuesday after- ig"Cuss" Torrelpatc'hing his fpansaiu
Mihfeieanin mu905.' Ifs returned to ing what acconsmodations they can noon. honor of tfhe occasioss "Venu s Vliteu
takes' hamaster'asudegee isP1t07,asndo0fer, and a complete list of approved "The age of the mound has not been in the latest cut of bathinsit,civ- i
is :190f receivedhfle udegree' of Ph. I).roosmiug houses will be ready when passed" said Dean Hlinsdale, "for the hug for the delectatonm of the muli
Is 1t907 hue sas appointesdasistant is the sftudents return irs September. ordinary graves of today are little tude, and :Prof. Johnsonpitsu hs
initcleommiy, and since then has Dean Hacher does not intend to in- different from those which the Amei- finishiug touces on his scarelous
held various pinsitionss so the depsarf- stitute any strict supervision aver the can Indian built above the bodies of waterless well. For Pasmp Dlavis mm
scent. asomnsunsder her charge, but will deceased warriors. Some states have mkn xesv r''rmss usI
Duingse s'suimmear of 191: he wass leave Itsemnto govern their own affairs preserved the mounds, but Michigan mfit assa siv preparatoio forutsul
to Eniglanidinwhere Ire umade a liesrsosnal '10 a largem extent, and will simply try has not, with the exceptiona of a feweorst menuatOptenlts ssus a 5
finvestigation 01 time dosci strike and I to bseconme a companion asad advisor such as the one at Bronson Park, Kal- esteemedh constemparf uy the Blacki'hrly,
vriniouss soscitlinsttmtiosspfeuliar to is, thems. aniazos." Irs speaking of a mound miii be field SatuirdinyAugusst 1t. A
Englanrd.hls returniedin u September, four miles east of Asia Arbor he said, social committee hsas bieesm oim lhe jobs
asd hmassIenld thin posifionm of istsructor "From the standpoinat of the relic with 5 venmgeaunsesumu a s osmmfrt emss-
is politmical esconomy andsmu ociology hastes, this mound contains some siefiorm asbes'sn es m
dnurfinge pmialimst yinarveiny interesting material, It has been lthe pd rm eihais bcemcu rangedtors
As sin masembe of tl aitscmulty, Dr. under the plow for about 60 years, but the severail Imusnds rIdexpec'mtedsvistosrs
Parnry tools in greamtmitermest is studesat ~ it should be explored by the univer- from nearby tosws ns adshaummcer mmmt-
activitiesfubesnusaimemaber of Qusad- saly" tages glaud tef cae
rnisgle, Toastammatesthme Sociology . ,"The Indian" said the speaker, "has The usrn snailbetkspwt
clumb, tih'I'cosnosmics clubh, amd the g iven us a t least two things, the corn variouss costsests usnuandlosuf of them
hleutscimmr 1Vmrsiim VWmth F. M.IBacons crib and the process of obtaining map- water, mash af tern a buiffet 1u'chsf1 1:00 5
02l, thenis nstruistorin suhfistoriy, he in- h e sugar." By stereoptican it was o 'chock, the slain ittrac tmon us thu
stitute ein Iideuma of socisal afternions shows to what extent the manufac- shp fm u aaefn s'ithn
us ltme UnionashisshI Isasvs sinmemdun- / tore of baskets and pottery is copied
camrp chasmps and sumalsitalr trupfe
velopfedh mit the Susnsday afternmoonm Deain Byri 9'. Bamcher. from the Indian. Dne remarkable In- of stick artists echosenusfromlie alo-
imeetinmgs. an basket is said to have contained rpwl esae.Tealcm
An atemp wi 1 b mad toorgaize36,000 stitches,.nnwl esaeh 'ieaIcu~
An ttept illbemad toorgniz "team carefully chases by thi sposrtinig
(111'II1)I t EtlithIle social life of the School of Music "Tecmsn ia, sidDn editor of thmelacsk Fly i ' tackt uf
I N 111)11(11SlOLstudnts by the institution of a bodyHidae"sththeIinswr as followva: "ChisskI Williaams, c;
_ -- corresponding to the Womens League always fighting, but they must have "Cove" Coveseyp; "Swede" Mueller.
1,oais I ll 1 °Proinen il Colegebeen much at peace, must have had
lani -u l ''umnnntiiCi in the university. Committees of the as; "Tail" Lalonidelb; "Wuooduy"
Dra'smamtics mnl Oratoury Ge'ts older girls will return to Ann Arbor reasonably fixed abodes and commer- W~oodhousse, 2b; Ito sum Rosenbumii,
G~aol Psiton.cial relations of aids extent," ThisI
euulustun.,anly in the fall, a nd wil be on hand wspoe ysvrlseepia (Contiudo oo3
to assist the new students in securing wspoe ysvrlseepia iudo ae1
i~sssRcm !2,ailtuesm o om o or. Tusrsasca illustrations of Indian products which ( IQSRK
eLoi il '2wiltksoeoroms adba.NueosoclTHE EED UR S'telasses in the 1fhagiism depmartmrenmt functions waill help to get the womencolnthaebnprdedxet11
tha duin pece Th cmmeceof he ENDS IN COMPLETE FIASCO
of the Anni Arbor higha school, arhichbetraqindwthacohr Indian was illustrated by the fact that
cer trsmfutduingth lat earbythey have been in the past, and to
wer taghtdurng he astyea byestablish a spirit o unity in the school. tndian utensils made from Michigan
fin'ial . t intflen.155. Aien, DeauntBacher is a graduatea of the copper have been found in sf1 parts Discharige muf Miss Elii a mCauss nr

___________ 'i
Prouposedi'Tnx uun Buuouss rouses .Ac.-

fise Oupuositiuunn uf Faculty
mnd Studments.

i ,


mvilimliieins mmsmhead 01 thse English
Time mctive c'ovperation of summsrin 1paruset, bust wril teauch osnly two
schosol studnsts is urgently rins ted lasses.
by flue unsiversity sauthoritiea it bumring hfa, esatimmirn im-us
yinr as ins sstanmt irdebatinig and ora-
sil' imlucice in fnumi Of Psiinss tory Raimnx collenge islCalesbursig,
prevetthfle propliosed tamx 0i1 thuescm- Ilinisma mmd helpned to turnm out a
portationms of foreignr booka isnto this nmuumberofsuicmemsiful teaims.
coutry. hPetitionsiasre snowrsu irsthe Whileii is te iuniversity, Rids tools
hassuofisin sstrucors saimdistuden sts sa naciprindeba5555'g,.~oratory 5and5
at the sucummer session office whischa univmersity sdramantcs. lie was a maem-
will be illed stfsurnaes as rapidly her of time Alpuha ±insuldebamting society,
as possible andsftorareud to Michi- mud time Lyceum cubusnder time aus-
gman's repriesenmtatives rut Washnton. paesrflwichs Ie udelivered as oramtions
Studments are reqiuested to sign thu oii ttischelieu"i"lf s everal of the
letitionm andu to smite to tiheir omen cosn-sneghboring towrsns daring the regular
mgressmses usnman effort to chansge this sessin of 11912.
provisiom ins the tariff bill nssr before im 1912 lire aronmlie usiversity ara-
Puingress. Thse petition is as fllows: tosseal contest wahich gave him the
"Whereas the sear revesnue bill sow right to represent Michigan is the
beforemtonigress, (H .1R. 3321) prp-"osrthesrn Oratorical league conrtes't at
es under article No. 2.37 a tax of 15 lEvaston, bust was awmard ed only fifth
ser cenitumia asmloremans books of plnacee ir the fisnal encouinter.
mll kinids iimorted isnto the Uitd He a takren part in a nusmber of
States, mae, the undersignedl teacherm oratorical association fplays, and also
ausd studemns of thue Sussmmer Sessions sir soicm of the tUnionr operas.
set tire Univ'ersity of Itich ignsircs
isa personm to file our solemn protest 31II lll,1 tII.DUI'J( IDIES
agasimst this tanx wicdsaould sssdoubt- I EI lRIAfNt ' I IIiESS
edily 'injure eduscainalfprogrnessinrm-
this counotry." Aftirsuftferinme for morse thanm mmyesar
IHeieofore thre shfas bensa5tmmx ounitli suenim Curl'L.iBarchmus, '1:L,
boobis ism lfnglisinismposrterd info this s iren at the home of :Franmk Warrini
cosuntry bus t fr'he aswprovidedf thaut In Salmc'Tuesdlay. Ilarchurs,awhmo limes
thmey' could entlernfree os thme swnorn 1 in uDetiroit, seumstosSalm sifive aweeks
055515 that lacy awere to be ussedi only aso, thiningmsthaniit time countsiry sir
fsor eduncsationasl purposes. wsuldshbin'good tsr hmim.
It Iaisnowc prossedlto iplace biookslie hams brent unablse to sininctice lawv
us mm foreigsn laniguage mussthe suc seIrnsaccorumt otfiris pioor healths, anrd
bassis sis Iiglism bookis. This mmill nmotffursmse tune hras bhen u engagesd as
affeet tire libraries ais times'yimor t mis- travelsing salsmn'sfor thin' l.IM. ]Ferry
slur the edurcationali proviafsin i th ecompnypsmof fDetroit.
lum',but it meanus m asminsdshipso au Brcu v hrswam 5 years old,
shuts sndmin ivestigsator'swarkingsi"atis ileavemss'naswidows mushtswo childrn. tHe
buoks lins mmforeignianmiguasgme uwio re imalIso sumsvired fbyIrmaismiotheruinwsho
cosmpelledm'm mm spurchanse'theirso01some iverus'int Fosrlurvmlhin' 11ms remasisshiaven
localh bookseller. buseinmsin to 10l~oeruilfe for busrial.

vocal department of the School of
Miusic, and is thus familiar with the
problems aith which she will have to RIECENT HOOK01F 3IICui'GAN
sheaf next year. In addition to the GiRADlUATE PROVES POPUTLAR.
dutiies which she will have as dean
of awoimen, she avill als act as in One of the mast popular recent
stinuctor in voice, hooks is "Zone Policeman No. 88" by
_______H____ Iarry Alverson Franack, '03, Franck,
ti~t0NI FACLTYHE('P'IION whos is a sort of super-tramp, has
SEU)Ni) .XC'L'U MEEP'IION written a number of books dealing
TO IE IVE I~tl1AY IGHI',with his own experience' in rough-
ing it around the world.
rill Counventiouns 'luie Observed Arid ' Some years ago he took a long
Strict IlsmniPint Oni Freaik Itramp through the western part of
Danmncing. America, and published the story of
his adventures is book form. So well
r'bhe secosnd reception of the faculty was this book received, that later
to summrer school students will be held when he stowed himself away in a
in Harbour gymnasium, Friday at trans-Atlantic steamer, and started
out on a jaunt which carried him all
8:30 P. M. through Europe, he again made his
The usual dancing will be provided pleasure trip the basis of a book.
for, anrd regardless of the temperature His latest work tells the story of the
strict foricality will be observed. This I canal zone as seen through the eyes
mean tht th getleen wll eepof a zone policeman. Franck served
nreas tat he entenrn wll eepin thisa capacity from March, 1912, to
sum their coats anid that conservativeJue1.2,adtnobiedhsi-
dalncing only will be indulged in. cJune.1912,band teaindi ds
These rececharge.reHishbookvedealsmparticularly
Tiiesereeptonsar a oldovr fomwith the government and social life
time timse awhen the summer sessions at the Isthmus, and is intensely in-
wvere 'srall and university authorities teresting.
thrates tat he usasoavil met he When not off on one of his trips in
samre fate as the J-Hop if the prevail- search of pleasure and sociological
ing popular style of dancing continues.' data, Franck serves as a teacher of
English in the Springfield, Massa-
chusetts, high school,
THE EATHR MA 1Loucate Of)ice for New Health Service
II Offices for the University's new dis-
u'recist for Anmn Arbor., pensary will be, on North tngalls
Fair tmday and Friday. Light var- street in the first house direcfly be-
sable sinids. hind Mill Auditorium. It will be
Yesterdany's Trentlueraftures. ksnown as the University Health Ser-
Mlaximum 51; minimum 66. Wind vice department and will be presided
velocity 13. lPrecipitation .0. over by three physicians, an allo-
Orne yearm sigs: rnaximuum 79; mini- pathic, a homeopathic, and a -lady,
nusn If, Irecipitatiosn .0. physician.

ouf Prostest hintIHarnmony
TIheoretical diffeences reulstedh in
what threatened to be singeneral
strike of the nurses at the Unsiver'sity
hospital yesterday morning.
The trouble arose when Dr.i, htubess
Peterson, who acted mas the theory
that a nurse should learn to mcake
herself useful whein she enters a pir-
vafe home, decided to have a flighit
of steps swept by a nurse wvho enter-
tained the theory that such 'mrk was
entirely within the province of a smaid,
and' who refused flatly tma do it.
hs Eilolai, the nurse, was dis-
charged. When the other norses
learned. of this, they held an indignma-
tion meeting and strike talk was rife.
A spokesman avas appointed awhom
brought the grievances of the nurses
to the attention of Dr. Petersonn, ansd
demanded the reinstatement of Miss
For awhile there was grase dangern
that the patients at the University hoa-
pital awould be left aithout tramiined ati-
tendants, but Dr. Peterson called the
nurses togethter, and the matter avas
conmpromised by an agreement tma re-
instate Miss Eilola provided she would
apologize for refusing to obey orders.
This 'he refused to do, and Ieft tshe
hospital yesterday afternoon.
All the other nurses are at wrk,
and Dr. Peterson, whno offered to
saveep the steps himself if so mne else
would do it, fomud thesm clamed whn
he came to the hospital this mmrninmg.
School mint Imsic Teacher (Convalmescinrg.
Mris. Jessie Dicken Rteed of fthne
School of Mfuisic faculty hsas beein infiite
ill since the cloasiing of schooasl hut mit
last reports her conduitionsswais mruchi

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