THE WOLVERINE . . .i f .m ..- r a '3 .' a z 6_ ,. ti -. -. 5 t* . r "" { ... , t j ... _ +._. 1)y _ _ We are High Flyers in the shoe line. We handle the very finest and newest of footwear thougb we don't charge high prices. You certainly should see onr display of latest model low cut shoes. Their classiness will be apparent at a glance, their comfort at the first "try on." Headquarters for PINGREE MADE SHOES ("'[I DRACTERIZES BROWNING AND1 POEM AS OPTIMISTIC (Continued from page 1) nglish, French, German or Amerl- can gestures. When one of the col- lege follows informed him that he was 'a fine boob to give directions,' a look of enlightenment overspread his in- nocent face, and he blandly replied: 'Ah,-oui. Oui monsieur!' "When we were in Paris, we went to Bal Bullier, a French dance hall much frequented by students in the. Latin quarter. The dancers wear, dance and drink everything within the GILMORE SHOE COMPANY 119 South Main Street bonds of the most flighty imagination. At that we had quite a coterie of ad- mirers, or at least curious, watching the Michigan version of the tango. GRAD ACCEPTS VANDERBILT ASSISTANT PROFESSORSHIP George I. Curties 10-14M, to Teach Histology at Southern Institution. George M Curtis '10-'14M, has ac- cepted a position as assistant pro- fessor of histology in the medical department of Vanderbilt University. The southern school is getting a large number of new men in an ef- fort to place itself in a higher class under the classification of the Car- negie foundation, and Curtis is to have charge of his own department with opportunity for a large amou-' of research work. Curtis received a Master's degree from the University in 1911, and since then has been taking work in the medical department. During the past year he has been assistant in hist- ology under Dr. Carl G. Huber. MICHIGAN GRADUATE WILL INSPECT LIMESTONE BElS. Richard Smith Has Been Sent to Up- per Peninsula to Study Deposits of Calcium Carbonate. Richard A Smith, '09, of Lansing, has been sent by the state into the upper peninsula to make a study of limestone beds. Smith received the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ADS IN THIS COLUMN MIUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Stolen.-A blue fierce Arrow Bicycle from S. A. I. House, Tuesday itiors- ing. The person is known, bitt if it is returned no questions will be asked. Lost.-Lady's Waltham watch, open- face, monogram, Friday Mooneither on State St. bete't Wash. & llur- on, or on Huron bfitetwOn Sftite & St. James lIotel. teward. Call 201 N. Thayer. It. It. Law. For Rent.-Fine large hourse ieir the campus suitable for club, sorority or fraternity. Wlhitney RealityCo., 210 N. State St. l'hone 11341. Call 15 for baggage checked from house to destination. tf. Fuller & O'Connor Tailors. 619 E. William St. tf. First class shoe repairing. Modern Shoe Repair Shop. fbi I. William St. tf Rubber Sole Oxfords, all styles, at Campus Bootery. 208 S. State St. tf. Call 15 for baggage checked from h nc toAaininf WHofR O4 "" P (IRfI5W'LD WHITE STAR LINE W HA: OOT GiWLD For a Delightful All Day Outing on the eantful St. Clair River takelieistraiter" as io".any niorningsaiSu iavssose. Fare ,iU'.{ , ae I rui nla i .; To 0rt nu o i:.,.l ..a r ti. P, cu 1- " a e toiltr dait iy=t i o . ireinris[to leriit: -pis p. ;o. fare For an Afternoon Ridei C 'iii s IFlatsTaslmo Park or Port uron was ports take i .iyo Toleo at e:lo p.m Iyi 0 s 1< in the class-room as Weil as on the campus are only won bytraining. it yourself -ct tic last ounce titat's in you. r I ar anid i'tl ihe able to do 0et er work. It isfull of lifeail v iod ligfutlilytnif o l e. 1 Delicious--Reeshig - Thirst-Quenching y i l aCn cTHE COCA-COLA CO., Atlanta, a. Fine atch epairing Eye Classes and Jewelry Repaired Alarm Clocks Conklin Fountain Pens Haler Jewelry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street The New Catalogue OF THE Ulliversity ofMichigall IN NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departmets: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Craduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for Ihe scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary Universiy A N N A R B O R "In the middle of the evening quite a flurry of excitement announced the unexpected arrival of Jack Johnson and his wife. The French were more than pleased, but fortunately for us, he left after a brief stay. I met sev- eral Americans there, and tiaded a dance with Jimmie Watkins, who happened to be spending a couple of weeks in Paris during the summer vacation at Oxford. "Our Michigan Union pins have been very useful,-serving as intro- ductions to some dozen or so Michi- gan men, and when I cashed my mon- ey order, I used my membership tick- et as a means of identification. "Professor Pillsbury and his wife were visiting the Louvre gallery while we were there. "If one becomes homesick, he has only to drop in at the American ex- press company and .look up the names in the register. There are al- ways some familiar names on the book, and the company has newspap- ers from every important city. I looked for The Wolverine, but they did not have the last issue. It would be a good stunt to send it there.' ONE UNCONSCIOUS; THREE HURT IN TWO A CIDENTS Four workmen were taken to the lhomeopathic hospital as a result of too accidents at the University pow- er-house, yesterday. The most ser- ions injury occurred at 7:00 o'clock in the morning when a workman fell from a 30-foot scaffolding to a ce- ment pavement, receiving concussion of the brain and a fractured arm. le had not recovered consciousness last evening. The other three men were injured about 1:45 o'clock by a falling beam. Two of them were badly shaken up, while the third received a scalp wound. CAM' PHYSICIAN UNDERGOES NE'ESSARY SECON)OPERLATION While just recovering from an operation for appendicitis Dr. Clyde B. Stauffer '13H, who has been acting as physician at Camp Bogardus, was operated ution the second time Fri- day evening. A puss-pouch was formed after the first operation and its contents had to be removed. Thtough considerably weakened Dr Stauffer is recovering as well as mighit be expected. Call 15 for baggage checked from1 house to destination. tf. degree of A.M. from the university in nsetsaeitiatium. U. 1910 after completing his course in the literary department here, and was Make The Wolverine advertising recently appointed asistant state geol- columns your business guide. Every ogist. advertiser apeparing there is deserv- The calcareous deposits in School- ing of your patronage and can be re- craft county and the tip of the south- lied upon. ern peninsula are said to be among the best in the country. For prompt and most satisfaclory Smith will devote several weeks to work bring your films to Hoppe, phe- mapping out the character and extent tographer, 619 E. Liberty St. tf of the upper peninsula limestone for- mations. Michigan's limestone has be- Any subscribers wishing back copies come increasingly valuable in the pastof The Wolverine to complete their few years, because of the great boundsI files can obtain the same by calling at made in the chemical and refining in- the Press building during office hours. dustries of the state, and it is on this account that the state geologists are iSuits cleaned and pressed, 75c. Ful- to conduct the investigation. ler & O'Connor, 619 E. William St. tf. THE GREAT WHITE WAY. Charcoal Grilled Poi terhouserSteaks. ______ essimer's Grill. 11t W. Huron St., Moonlight Ott Lake Erie a Glorioo upstairs. Opp. Interurban Station. tf. Monih O aeig Gorou Sight. }Call 15 for taxi. tf. Just imagine yourself aboard a lux- urious D. & C. Line steamer on Lake Erie, right in line with the moon. De-7 SU M M E R SA LE lightful to think about; more delight- ful to really enjoy. D. & C. steamers T leave Detroit and Buffalo early every M UsIC evening and arrive at destination early the next morning. Rail tickets honor- ed for passage. Send two cent stamp for Great Lakes Map and Folder. Ad- 'nitve rief f u i C dresslh te D.&C. NAVIGATION CO., Across From Majestic Detroit, Mich. MAJESTIC For Rent Suite of 6 or 8, all outside TONIGHT rooms in the Malcolm Block, KINEMACOLOR many people say they are the best in the ciy. FILMS D'ART Especially fitted for Doctors PHOTO PLAYS or Dentists. Travelogue Motion Pictures i. Karl Malcolm ALL SEATS 10 CENTS 604 E. LIBERTY LYNDON, PHOTO G RAPH ER Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I make a specialty of Developing, Printing and Enlarging for Amateurs-by modein methods. This has been my business for nine years and it has increased every day-only results will do this and so whenever you want anything photographic look for the sign of the kodak- that's where things move. L Y N D ON 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, lOc per day _______________________________________________________ I