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August 12, 1913 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1913-08-12

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Vol IV.


No. 21

LawsNeed Only1119One Vito Uto (et
Sununer epaeirtmoent Leagite
(' hanionaslilp.
Standing- of the1Departmnent League.
.Won Lost Pt
Laws 5 2 .714
Medics 4 5 .444
Enugineers 3 4 .429
Lits 3 4 .429
With neither team presenting a
full line-np, the lils defeated the en-
gineers last Saturday afternoon 10-f.
In spite of the fact that both teams
laced the required number of moo;
thse gamoe was snappy throughout.
Nelson pitched good halt foe the
fits, and though a bit wobbly in the
sixth allowsed the boiler makers only
seven hits besides striking out ive
men. Nieholl looked good in the early
port of the going, but the lila got to
him in the fourth and fifth innings.
and managed to bring hsome nine runs
during these periods. Loekard played
a fine game for the lits, getting three
hits besides fielding well at short.
The lila and eisgineers wilt meet
again to-morrow afternoon. The
medies have already completed their
schedule, the last game going to the
engineers by forfeit. This leaves two
games for each of floe remaining
teams of the department league. The
las require only one msore vietory
to assure them of first plaee, while
the best either the Tits or-eiigineers
can hope for in any ease is; a tie for
the top position.

Rleellsof ITolie Placed Iii Sx.
Illis c it3,,

The nsa bronze bas-reliet o1 Prest-
dtent Tappin will tie here very soon,
said will be placed o the sollttf02
imeimoriol halt where a full sized ptioto-
grapic retodiucstion o1 the work has
hung fur some tiimes. This tablet wilt
ho the third of 4 imipre.ssv eeiess
iy famous sculptors whoch are t1o
be placedti univeirsity buildings. a
tt is the worke of Karl itter and
sheis lie first presidenton l one of
his aecustomsed walks. tnonoie hand
be carries a caiie, the other resta
upon the bead of hts dog. Karl hitter
is also the artist who msolded the re-
list tablet of President Emeritus
Augelt, which was placed in Menioriol
halt some timie a--o.
The meiiorialI taltt to lhe lots
Arthur. ilt, regent aiai frieind if the
uitersity, isiinlilacs' in ttic:-till
Auditorium to the left of the muaiii
-iitraiice. This wasstde gift of Mrs.
Arthur Hilt and is the asork of Adolphl
aWe'iniman, of Ness Tork City, as-Io is
famous for his work in bronize. The
tablet has been iii place sinice the
dedication of the hiiildiiig, but hsas
escapsed the niotice of many who liars
passed through the niatn entrancit.
Adolpsh Weimni is non- working
on another tablet, a menisrial to the
university msen whs took part iii the
Civil soar. whieh is to be placed ti
Stleiarhal halt. This fourth tablet is
expeoctesd iiiAim Arbor during the
early part of O~ctober.
Hyidr ophmobiauIsFolund ToInlie Cerm
lDiseaise, And Is Not lDne
'Io Heafi.


lT-ii InPu, l'mmliiy cuuaintis131
VSISuheals Bills ' ll nmiirk RNh

i.hrysuetsuisider itt(, tirectioin
Mrdli stiesi nsistdeantinstus'ctivetrip
to Put-in-Btay last Ssituiiisi The
paiiy lef1 AisnsArbuor0ati6:10 o'clock
ini thiss onisn-,sissk the boast in Do-
troitasoilarrivedaotesiillif aimioiisre-
sort sit iiisn. Aniinispecltiosiwas
msassdesof the thresess55, Iso cliffs,
s h chesslsandsiii tsh-glacial gross's
othe riclasid. 'Tiseuimbryo gs'ologists
isese b-isst~audsying; thie'difts's-
ent pliusses ansitseey imomienii
is usailized. 'T'he lierto etfor Aini
,rbosisit -4:1()isnithe'afternon.
'rot. tarnsey pssited- out this glac-
itlgroosves onis e lanetsssrock sue-
(-(1SMPO~l'l.XN (lll Olll~llS.fsses etos'ed iii the grouiinss iii front
of .hotel \'ictssry. 'The idirectiois ut
t'cntrouulola t( loit is A r-atngimug Flve Majestic 'In (lose At Enid (Of Week. tisegrosivinig is N 70 degrees east,
Iiaty .I1 inet to li(iuigan i After ia sicceosiil sumimersea ssad lie groossssre pasralel to oiis
Cities. the Matjeatic theatre wiltl close at ste sioiier ldii to the fsatt that the g-lic-
ensi' of Ibis week, until the tattie partialst 'rie oInbe sueusaste its wasy iii
'I'll DL liD3Xl IS 'I(' COOPEliAT'E of September. At that time it wni the sames' sirctionis s the' marks~,
reopeii with its usual hune of vauide- pliuckings snit abradiing this rook on-
Fors-testusiseists ust thes' niversity ville. Th1e555 rticllifontesref
of Michigan ilit te give'ii ivfle days' Next a-ear the Idajesticandsthflu'Whit- the irentswsit che01neshofatreso
tells~~~~~~~~ iaasnu asato usth oxii9theatres willbtbudrthiol i iiiili-e icsiis-r-li'isIfstss
esi-c-ofthlbs coimiiercial clubs till crne sanags-iieisl, W. -S. Busttiefieldforsd ofis-l slsimeo y. in'tiky es'
siiie of lbshiimoe- isipsirista cities "being lbs lessee and Arthui- taiin ose -lsttis'ssis i hc es
of M~ichsigans. 'Tis'obje-ct of lis jour- liii'naliger. 'Clii- attiractiisofsrein-it -rocsiars-i-st by tlava esses
soy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~wl beillit ss~sistautnt rn 5hh-of thsamiil sset asin thlii'piast of fissusres, lbs vsriel joints ansd
ohrcsnrsawtAsieiasnds-years. liii' horsisuntal beddinig hplanes. Along
trial. miethosts. -- -lthe vertli ospsisings aufilts are
MIHGNMEN HAVE REUNION lsrsntstcaesscd by aers-ceat displace-
\'sillissisi \V'escli. scrotairy of thiseMCIGNmini. t Tsecliffsa sre causeid by liii
civic hs-age-of Ain Arbor, asdsid c-0brea-iking wae5s upson lii'hard rock
as~ryo the Itecollegiate c'oamo- AT DANCE IN LATIN QUART ER chore. The waves anslernsinoan
usolilsis organ~ization of whiech bs the__ notch fbi' roots as the basso, and the
fissioislissu cit hee s aheincRadlh W. Snyder,14Lt Imus iilng in ovecrisangiingrook falls by its owns
hac unidertakeis the srrangements for
the trips. Ltter scitten to the see- iFarspe Sees fla ny Famiiar iweigt in larsige blue-ha.
rtrsoftcborsocomreFaces. Rock fresnsts aworn from this
RaptdstLansitntheJhoardsnof-commec liffsasre saeped by being continually
o1 ttrssid tsd.LasnaJakoi- -

Milton, lb ... .....5 ]
O'Connor, Sb----------.-ยง3
Smith, ec--------t1
McFarland, Sb---------- 5 0
h'eterson, i------------.5 2

It E
0 2
1 1
1 0
0 1
2 1

Nilso, ci- --...'.......ed iii theyea 10 as oetsissloCreles adother ctis have Afteras sumnmser ii Iurohe, ttaphh susssnsgunsua uogor is
Nelson, p- - - - -~~~ of the earliest to e established isa this brought eithsiastc replies andof-IM. Snyder 14, is returnsig to Amner- soe this' asan asd beomie leticuar
Locard ss..........4 33 lic onthewhte-Sta lne teaerformiesd pibles. 'h alier dousits
____west the tPateur Institute, occupyo- tos to aisanfinascing he shesse. icaaOhtthechitegStairallneforcaithc
37 12 10 4 tog rooms in the medical bustiig.bitsusFifty or styu foreigns studensf who ('ymiric. In a ltte to finds isa Amis
are meber oftheComoplitn Aborhe els o soe o hi exer- hore crrosnt Isirthee mrom thus shoe
(Continued on pogo 4) growls from 26 piatients durinsg theoSi aeshn f heCosssiaiAbrlstls tsns isepn- (Coutinudson0laie 4)
first year and a mieager equiphme't:ftoclub il be getven a oppotuniy Is eaes oni tho Contfinent s follows:
as oel equipped laboratory tetuil. ,gikelashfltrfit. 'h'iey ttw i' ehown WeXi'obtainmed boarn uroh oumusfon
M( ICHiIGAN EDITOR WEATHERS sdurig the yearnwhich 'sdedi isuethreugh all ttheistmpotanesst nusufass- thatssaeprices'palii AnusArbor. CHARACTERIZES BROWNING
BRAFOD OLTIAL R 196caesofhyrohoiatinmg stathliatsuaoufs inthe cies btofoueothse ooking wsinu
BRAFOD OLIICL TOR th-sofhe ydappro aofthis "uog o sewhih heyu>oanud aellh hav thi solme instncuessquie difforent. Is AND POEM AS OPTIMISTIC
dy"adth catinal heatmrc iere-ntidustrat nist thfodsaemploy- orser to getaong ressonably aone
callhou yeuset t thimu otnusd idxlaie to mithemsy a l e sster- ouast igthsoeesreneh of usi sgip-lProfaS.uF.lie euml aysul i'u en
suuoiuu luuayor in('noducinog Eca dogs and carefullhy asold all fiskah dtoo oti hywl betr nhvn h srie fa nls
Stuue oecasims vhiu idho aer us-taisssd by ltmo commecial cubs and spe-aktig aero. IMoist houses afford i. e othalCartr
___StushawatVo'fte-ilchi-inevss iwhihch doi-dannoterhwear, bit heuse-agofiatoren fle Psef
zle. hData gathered fromt the paients or at wllbcity. On sayaill he ninpetllerlic bu~tutheaveraewie orawe n ahliic heudrtetmn tteinttt u-ora ahctyen a il e el1ou5a hyhaennpe
Fora wek nd haf inc ths uuuir reanoil t fueinsitue edsc- out eus csa iy visited ecipf sumuabl so that he may wasit uon .a spirif oh opimuismi is thi spirit
Bradford Era demanded that Mayor tug the pIsacetn. years how' that this es ttahth.aloi aohy vl yultsstaa e h i n vmo helbspoem5as a whtoe,' said Prof.
Spencer 1. DeGoiler retract his ideas is asholly awihout foundation, as h'fk9 oIn.oteso t usse beg. W loih upo en ~ 5Gums"ends isa a lctue on
charge that the strasw vote sworn to fle greatest unumbeof patients ifiacoisstn uto ssinlothr isetitedustiesf. bfaurngtieoystetmturnePsxsan sttih onNes"i h
over the signature of that city editorany one month wee treated during Inadsduitiona to giilg tese inaafa ki suptil We fest conpecec to coest phsicss lecture roomn yesterday
. M. Church, '14, aould not be hon- Janary, 1910, as-en 36 aere admitted afuamtthdoisouutyobens- eveusaaoossrtuatpo atecrnooo. t was shown that Brown-
esaly conducted, the chief executive to the institute, nmosty rons epidess- aconituesl sith American method, hiieor. inumugtssslandfle scharater repre-
of the Peunsylvania towvn has not laifs itfle Lpper Peninsula and But- -ete aietd elotms
sae omk hus lrips sill Iase te tdvsumuusugi'oh "the coitinesuta police contrst -ieo uusise elotms
drdtnakapoiiaapoainIoCol.acqiuintuting theiotispective buyers quite brilliantly awith fle English pbiadhsee unrlcat Reetytosinit aesonopsal t it wasutheunosteasotedav
1 wbicandha the benAelctntricnaynoo fintrtmhae whincshii ttheyu-nosssBoisbs-ie,"tey'Bbbi' cuc totho fvohofchcfppsvors iaothegtahet
to appear at his accustomed haunts that rabies is a genus disease andWeca nvrfid a rmtc
may rely on. atter. At Ghent, the seat of 'thcmsnvrfid ademsi
around the city ball. consequently independent of season Asc arh-an of this scheme the Cos- World's Exposition,iso became ost poiass bs awoks,' said Prof. Gin-
The Er is acomphibtuag sonc o femheratuso. luoplithianmsclub i hulannuinmg astrip to Iin the spacious gounsds, ad inquied gmuh bs nu oohws v
ltaanas m'pecft d by its straw svote A large number of the patiens hou P e i sksuastu henx lesaaoto oneofthacrd ha e ah' to reveal the eat chanacte
and has succeeded in gettinig out ia "treated have been childrens, this is not (t i~a m ~t nlfu uryyilsieo i ugsfcutaryo o of Brownig in Rabbi Ben Eza, and
largr vte hanin ny f te oher beaus thy ae mre uscptile utonme of his other works. Rabbi Ben
siner otetha inanyoftheothr bcaue tey ir snre uscptile utispcit the goierash umotor iwoks cocattous lhe tailed to compriehend
neighboring Pennsylvania towns rather from fle fact that they ae iiilPr oufdteesnt iha- (otne s ae2 zra is 0550 of thai greatest and maost
which are conducting similar votes. Iooe accustonmed to play aith dogsj so vsit the inssne assunam_________n__uobse of hfoanig's characters and
The faction of awicbhMayor DeGoil-I and un greater chansces of being bit- Aa oegssuuousah iilh at the same tisse it gives us some of
en is at the bead, is rapidly osing iften, able is talus'oeigthiss fpsueltsodeiesreIsopsutnotGo-nugbsel"
ground, and a new ticket bids fair tPeope also used to casefully avoid infomiationt about i, an'etiged to tel- 3 THlE WEATHERI MAN Die of the greatest lessons in the
to be elected under fle commnission the dog wvich did not drnmk during etiphoneo hrilisa Welsh, 1779-I, 0o' poem waas sad to be that nasn is niot
torus of government recently isstiuf- the hotasumme dai, yet ascouiIcorsdingh 15-, iefdstohteutinmaes-lifudged by the products of
ed to Dr. JameslO Cumming, in change of F'cutofum ht si ~sId ouecaust forsnAuuurbsr. his life uh by has motives and thus
Church is not fle only Michigan mthe institute, there is no cause foe auoyuaclesuoeduuov shls Usettld; occasionuasshowses to sprtn ilohe ptroromed -his wnork.
man wiorking on the Era, as the treas-! tear ons this sore s 71 pen cent of r or muss fle trip asill ho made. day amd Xedsesday. Sloswly rising Dma thus-ahoe the speaker character-
urer of flhea tiubliashing companys the dogs affeted asill drink. ____ tempilerature. Moderate iat to suth- tzed te poem as 'one of the greatest
is Morris Mtilligani '14, night editor At present then- are 17 pstints esst winds, short poemss its literature amd one of
of The Mihchigan Daily Adna John-unuder treatment at the instiute con- C EmgImuCeIteesis rc rom OplerationI eterday's Temperatures thunmost mnobe expesion and re-
son '10, Sasiness manager of The luig from sidely distributed areas. "'Turk"' Bourke '10, hs just eld I lMaximnumu 76;minismunum 5f. XX'ind flections of aim old man approaching
MhichigsuaDaily hssaslso been on- }There asino epidemics isa the stasise liheositafu iter us iiio-suehc con sutocics 24. Pecipiitations. eliail.Themem0iwass also praisedt
nectedl withs the aper during thi lstadnowt as dt'h eeentonesins-- ts-roit is lfuusuutuasiac's iult sit ums uopraioina insi'year mo: maximnumas74: miu-fon icsuty ass ittas ondrfushmust-
month. -undie control isis-erina mum 6s3I. P'reclpitationu .07. castuetone.

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