T HE W 0 L V E R I N E C. I. 1(1119 Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Av DRY AND STEAM CLEANING TIS WAY' you Summer Students-Come around or o a LUNCH that is n LUNCH 1y II It Corner of Monroe BANC ROFT'S [ and Thayer Sts. A lull line of Tobncco and Cigarettes. High Grnde Confections and Fruit. SPECIAL SALE ON LETTER PAPER AND TALETS 340 S. STATE ST. IRVING F. SCIILEEIDE IUNIVERSITY AVENUE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEIL Drugt, Cigars, Candy, and Statinery. Agency Mooe's Non-testable Pen IDETROIT *. TOLEDO' SCLEVELAND PORT HURON. BUFFALO GODERICH NIAGARA",-,ALEN ' tI ALLSCHAMS OF __ THE _HARSO OUR SUMMER SEAS Spend your vacation on the GreatLaetie mast econoomocaladejyt l uigi America rti otigt Whr YuCa oNo matte to what point you w to go sD : Daily service betwenDtrotandBuffalo, May 1ttuouNobrIst. City ot Detroit It andCity ofClevadIIIt, twotofthnierestsidetwheelsteatmersin e ot-ld, on this divisoJoune1th to Septembet1th. DilysericebetwenoDttoit and ClnveladAprit15thuto:Debert'tnt. During July ad Atgusatoa tsotot Dettoit adClevel adeverySaturday andSuntdayoight. Four tripsweekly bntween Tolndn, Detroit, MackinaIslad ad wypopats. 'Ten Day Stopovaoedati 5Alpena eithern directtionan to0rist ticknts without additional cant. DailyseraicenbetwenaTaledo, Cleneandand Put-ian-Bay. SpecilaiSteamerClevnd to MckinacIand, totrips nekly, Jun15thto Seatember t0th stopping onlyat Detroit every tripand Goderath, Out., every Monda u-oandandSaturdaydowa-bound. SpecialDay Tripsbetneen Detrit and Clevetand, DuringJuty and Autgut Tuesday,Wednesday, Thtursday adSaturdayoutoDetroit; Monday,Wednesdy, Thatrsday adFtriday ouofCleetand. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLEt-Tieketa reading via any rail tine btwene DtroitoandBBtintlond Detr oandlevealand wiltbelaunaed i ions ortaitin onD. &C.Li n toes ineittherudir'cion. Send 2ceatustap fortIllutnted Pamphlenuad Gnet Lakes1Map Addtnsu: L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Detrnit, tech. Philip H. NMtll a, Pes. A. A. Schat, Viae-Preo.anod Geno'tMgr'. j ~ Detroit t& Cleveland,'~a 1 -.-Navigation Company ' A l :' 4 ISNNANT. {Contined from page 1) - -asgottentouot btyI-arty 4. For self} [ rtl ti c cia ibiiter paioe'. deenied it cxc' t -i obtoae the otubseqtuet - .iliiii laceild u anterthIttc manage- - Ic-?t-' a barillof-retretsfe0ntoate alltyTe tfa i o .fllow s o: Iabe I \sai-iaiii' Editoa.....Les" Ketitoer -fli-iting Etditsor....Tammay"Abranis acuty dior ..... "Hy"Word C~ilati 't-ana'ier ...Teak" Zitoti Offlice Ba y...t-a ... rof. Rosrtie''' nook Itte W ll4 At1tempi'. io itt-prot-'ot thewatersalt-- p'.li-hat-i'ot101slitwit iuaaeta atcces+ S at-ell tot' beeniisunik, and is soot- 2 tacf.bliwat-hit-eeelof the -lake, giftithIle watiir refiies'toIaoppetar. A;1 -ashllof cm tatret' blo-cs ta-abet-n ralt-,at-hic-laaisaaosu'odtoinsink its t i dit i e~atedilfrai ni tder it, ala 'aitioftell fai .tstoto this, axtdtaos 'c-icd evrl tiia.sa ttia'the-oiurse ati -il-ill"lt-e w11. Motl ofsithe 11111 t- llon i t ilewhal ha taen oneotby I e actyi.as theatuden~. 1lt-irctoo3 laat-t fan Var I ootine auth 1ii',if- at teli e'itt' g11it-tat' bit-i fo vriaion, fom he eguar.out- t a.'ro'tl at T1 avshv "(,it"littaa 1 cadiita lttlte "xtr'a whlt-ichh i''tta'd ttroutghhis tranttsit.E It tutrned11 toutto tbeaonlyi a ii ile of "tF ~ tat se abet-a fortubitdenato goatoIalside'.atunitil tie reituces his wiitl I Cliii liti tithte toe w'ent he r brk lta'tii'elning. tAlti' i-Ntt in 'I-l'R'GE 3I isL.'r' Pr'if. V.'CIl'tioahtasobeetn catted in-- ataot'osli titinby the city tathorities aol Alt tria eatoive to themdesignisag at a-onpeti n cii i-''u ntaitt'hlltsiae sewter- -ii' 'ystem.a 'Tt-tagrotithofatthe city tn1an lit-eivieiill.it; progra ne- '.1 siti tethe reconistructionanod ea-, teion'. oftits lewert-V-sy'stetm, t--hich thiough adequlliate-lot-prsar-ent sneeds, is liotao ta'.ndardt-i construiso and t a-c-it-at t'eity'-s tiresettrate of pt-tat-i ili jSuoits iPressed, 25c, Itant' 10c. Fatter -O'0Caonor, 619 E. tWiiamn St. tf. Ruibber Sale Oxfor-ds, all styles, at C- Catopa Poot 'ry. "0t S. State St. t. THE ANN ARBOR- FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor Open Every DyEcp Sunday 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 72 5 South Fifth Avenue Phone 996-2 rings T ery's Victory Cael ebra tion ° (A f;t1n3 at Put-te'I .YULE DAILY I"-'f Daly Puot-ito-BayExcursions. Round trip waekaysn60a 5o toa 715c tlt-aillerP Pt-ino-Bay" ( ew, 40001ttpt--senge-rcapacity a' i . t-t- c-- 1r eect, ontie Lbes, Caattotttuo~ia aot, Oct-an saltde-I chiairsI'i t , Caaealoaodious dinlingand tunch roomsii. 5tai teel tar11'111 D tbediysric no inoeaint lt-i-lyadCL:1 aaoto hbatthiag beaches,hitoric ecae td iat otoii hoitls.L ) Jf 'a tall a. oit., va t lt-tn-bay, f$it25 eta-ca'.y. $eluet 101 1 t-tt Dtrit daity at ta3l A. M. Steaot-a "h : : r 0 p11 -cy .$a a LI -t- - - daps at 550 p. no. Daylight Trips t Cleveland $1.25 ("ne~) Write or Folder ASHLTE'Y & DUS"N Ii\ STEAM"ER '0INE [So -Dasrnit -= Rubber Soled Foot- wear for Men an Women--an RIGHT IN PRICE will be found at MY NEW LOCATION-119 E. (LIBERTY STREET Ihave been headquarters for the past seven years tar this class of footwear. (Jfttjl GrIadae ttit- I i Jti 1111 1 xlliattt~) . TErIfKR & CO.OTT TLELNH ROOM FURNISHERS and HATTERS to University Men Lunc-hes and Sodas 342 s. State St. 338 Sn11ito State Street FR ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS Groceries and Meats wtt~i Ceur all 407. Everyting First-Classod Frost. A, LMBLE Sr rop 530 Forest Aveose Phone 628 204 E. Washington St. A c EB E. AnnAprbor, Moch. S'Subtscribe n1ow anti become a moember thereby of t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 81 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION TiJ nt ALUMaNUcS is tise largest college monthly in the eossntry. li It contains- ise latest news sbont the Utniversity, and editorial comment on important events. Q1'.It So e contains personal itenms coslcerlilg snenmbers of your class every montih. Q A volumne Facts of T-mazAI.u-TN-S containts tite lis tory of tine University for thte year. Qil It publishes. a tserves of well choten pittres every month. $1.50 A YEAR. e - Starts Serv ing Lunches September ist STAE NDk CKARD STREETS