T H Ed W 0 L V E SR I N E TRY TRUIBEY'S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Cranes Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 166 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR Regular Fall Term Sept. 29 Feb. 7 AlBranchs oMusic For Catalogue or Inormaion, call at ofice, or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Capita, $.too.oa Stt11s,Sytt.st~o Undiided Pofit, $onooo THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Sfe BakingandfCortoat i ittof or Custtt ' inst W tho rd. 3 per ceel lnterslin or Svings Depareot IGens' Furnishings1 Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S Utveraly Ave. J BOO KS LAW AND MEDICAL NEW AND) SECONDHUAND Complete Line Text Books Text Laboratory ooks Reerence Books Dictionaries Compends, etc. CASH OR EXCHANE FOR YOUR OLD BOOKS LARGESTr STOCK IN MICHIGAN C. E. Bartliell 326 S. State S'reel Tel. 761 L "The Arcadia" OPEN During Summer Session Regular Prices $350-5400 BRENNAN-MORROW, 612 E. Libry, Phon 14 The Tobacco Shop & Billiard Hall The Place o Summer School Students 118- 120 E. Liberty Street IG.H. WILD CO.I 311 5. State St. Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in ihe city. Satisfaction guaranteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMER STYLES A SPECIALTY Established 1888. All work made in this city. sO ii: wiio co 311 5. StateSt. T H E W OL VE R IN Ecote these'ideals to thte sen he work- . ith.tAndtictihigan is to Ine furth- The official newspaper of the sume- erct~nl.t ttattetl oIhavinge secureti in mrer session of thte University of Mich- (Csrl titdren. a sac cessor wits prom- igan, publisihed by the students, Tutes- ices to be able ts earry on tihe worb day, Thurotday andtiSaturdasy after-. tihicctkheey too started itn the oame non.sp~ait itin wthichItit wast begun. Address-'rho Wolverine, Preso Bldg.,_________________ Miaynardl St., Attt Arbor, Mich. OfficelIlours-1 :010 to 2:30 p. nt., daily. C'ALEiNDAR Subscription Rates-Bly carrier, seven- 'sttignst I1_,800)a.to.---Thte Garden ty-five cets for thte snuntier: intailed City .'" Prttfessor L. H. B~oyntos. to atty address for ont dollar. Ecifoonies leetitre room. Advertising ttates --Furnishted aeon 5:0)0 p. tt.--"trowoise's Rabbi Ben applicationa to the busittess mtattager. 1+e' a." Ili. Si .tGintgericht. West 1,500 stodentts; 22,000 townspleople. lect tire roottitf lte physical latbor- s itory Lours P. Statler---31anaging Editor. Au\ttgt 12, 5:0011 i. tt.-"P'rimitive Man Photne-10t6. fitt Micigiatt." teatt \V. B. Hinsdale. I WilliamlltA. han tisiaess 1)tolsage. 'West lectutre rottta tf the phsysical 8:001 p. ta.-Cotcert. By te Factulty NEWS SJTAFF. of ttte itaiversity School of Mtusic. C3ollon Da ves- ews Editor. IHiight Sctitol atuditorittm. V.Y. tKhtitttin Hr I-st ti Nt'Etitor. \ttt tst 13, 5:010 p. to.--"Reenst Devel- Iteo tirlrhmeiltI'rtttt'ies. ttpint'tts its City Atdtinistratioti, Sn ortaeEditors. "rotti,tegal Sttitdpoit.t" 'cofes Gorge M C.ts. Earl t'rosstoant. 1 orNeN".G. Stotier,. West lectire Guiy OWelts. rotttt of the pahysilab tioratory. Rep1orter's. .ttAuit 14, 5:00 )p. nt.-''Sonic English JohnaItit.Oblet. Charles tC. Webber. I tGardlens." Illutstratedi lectture by 'Waler W. Ratsont. 'J. J. Reigttartd. 't'itfessor Autbrey 'Teatli. West ler- F'. J. l-ofttaeisier. Ret'ibtn 'eetesot. tttt'e roott of the phiysical laboratory.' t'. It.IHughes. Iiots'trtlX, De.'rtee. 'Attttst 15, 8: 201 I. it. itereltiota at Mt. MattcksRyan lest .1. AWy'iiksl'i iboti'itttgytmtnasti. Sttusentts awi S. Ns. itobinont. itpres enttteir treasttrt'r's receipttttat. _tts' toor. ihssrtt tickets tot' tteia- tlttinetss Sltff. titrs ot their tftatiitesmttty'be tin- t tonry S. l'arsons.,tot lst.Bs. lManiager. tctrtd at the'offite ittftte tumnter' Fred W0. Mlarble. Lottiesiabie. atOe ttitt lo Uiversity'hl. Subecripionts tnd ails taiketn atl tQtarry's, Cushittg's, atttiStttutth Ui-. 'ltOFl' Il.SttY JLECT"RED ON 'arsity Pharmiacy. lii 512IN StIU1,l 111 Al'1)1 It I sct. titlitor-txaay wells 'taall lttsttrOti ted l'itortraits of Peter , stllfatlfrom tttto 3° F ('att acolltha. SA'TURDASY, 'tUGUSIT9, 19132 "Stt.. Peter aSt t. PilttitRontte" w n~atlit' subjec~ ttfittiillusotrates lei's- Tf- 1iIASEiIt L.C'tACH'5. ttire ty' lest. F. Ws. Kelstey itttteawest tttivtersityatle tti's,sotit's otatisddetdlast tt taltt . lay repirotdtitios of0paIintt- infilutettte ottthe pIt, th itnttttthos- itte: ot St. l'atulmiatiSt. Peter by ir- eni aisttactes itt any litte. As atilt- tists of tlltaeriodsanditi by'qtaotations ics hate becomett e antt td toie promt- t trott literature rteiatinag to the saitats itnsnt, thseyitsave' alsttbecoeteiatier: itrot'. elsey itre setett't twot'sapos- thte idieail ofamoatter spttrtsmtatnsip ti's in tt tWtatntetr t'hicht definitely hats be'ettstuppltantinitg thot old idleaotftinaraterizedth ieiti for the avterage iniing by'ptrotessionial miethtotds. tt.'rsttt. Biasttall seetis to has' bt's't lt " 'I icert' 'ts oitth1t'list ten yeaire o1 the shorts to yieil to titaintuentce. ht~ateitrttught ttt lighit,'' he saitd,''ott' It is tot so very' man~y'i'itrs ago Ithat terotts paintinigs ittnttte catacomtbs the tyitical bttsetballcochnas a totuit thichtdsottutchato itiforna tht.itoderni looking' specimnt titht a large litie of tworld of thte chtarttcter and phtysical cuss tworsandtt a fewte rics of01doitbt- apttttarane of ta" great mtartyrs." fil chlaratetrilt) his sleevt'. Ittnspseaksittg ofthte bttrning ofIRonte- lit iigati is s obt' tttteratttateti ottlit thtei'reig~n of Ners,[Prot. Kelsey avnttehtad itt Brttthricktriey atttntpitettd outthat etviide'nce rerenstly ob-I wits, itt tidiltio to ItB11eing.irsclass tiitie Iintdicates thatt. st'egreat Romasn c'oahtats thtorotighly imibttedlwithonfttlatgrtiona i s startecii teithter iay deatie of totnest ansI cletsanasatetur Ne'to tsr by' the thristiatns wto asere sp ortsmasholip, andtcotiltd cottanotil- as sttted of it bttt rather by accident as htas beentahit'etaste inlitost of thtt great miodern fires. It tast shottt't thtthle pliac' formtetr- ly supposetd to itave btt''ntocctupitti iyI St. Pteter it his ttto yteirs residetice ill tomae rantnot be troted to htatveliar- bourthi ie sait, twhilet'httt spot toilt- 'td outtto toturis il~tas'aiingbtsentta- cutaietdhy St. Peter aire arobabtly thte exact places. Call 15 for baggage chocked from house to destination. tf. IUNITARIAN CHURCH State cor. Huron R. S. LORING, Minister SUBJECT AUGUST 10, AT 1 0:30 I THE PLACE OF JESUS WITHIN I EVOLUTION RECREATION D~o you play Golf or Tenn is? We carry full lines of Spal- sliig's atl I Wrighst & Ditsoio's maake of Athlletic Goods ins Genoeral. V,,,ery article guoar- anteed. how pole we becomt isoweroad all 'w AIIR saptrnatural. Why not claim religions University Bookstore hamanity at ito host can do PttttOOtP~ ~TR LC wIIUSTON BROS. MCI M PPThe Fnst Billard Room In the State IVI u~ LCEGFRue and CANDIES. T H E A T R E " We Try to Treat You Right " MAIN STREET [ COUSINS & HALL WedUesdayhAUG.ed TaFLO IeSTree Wednsda, AG.3 Cr TelepoReIS LUBIN FEATURE I I "THE WEAKER MIND" ADMISSION 10 CTS.? We Make Old Hats New All kindst Clea'nediiasit Blockod. - The Best Shoe Shine Shop NEXT TO WACNER'S THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Caitta., i$300,000nll .00. DeFries Art Store TRasociadGniie r ftzoooo Trasacs Geerl BanigBusiness PICTURES AND FRAMING 3 prntttitst paidioScvings Depoiis. 223 SOUTH MAIN STREET C~t.Your Busiines oliiited. Chs .Itisao7, Ptes, Michart J. Fritz, Cccii'r ___________________W. OttHaritmantic'-Pres.,CarsIt. BraunAsst. Cat 'rWi.WalA sst.iahSavinstept, C. He BROCK RED RUBBER SOLES Two Goad SaddlersPuonAySest Phone 348 a1e N. Fourth Ave. 1 0. 6, ANORES, 222 S. State Street I G AR I 5 On Call Day or Night ..Auto and Baggage Livery Ann Arbor Taxicab Co., 300 N. Main St. I P . The White Swan Laundry Corner -'Detroit and Catherine Sis. and 4th Ave.1 Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER W HITE S5WAN to at cvry 1iattslie ohLatundrit itotksent irotm Ihe White Reasons Strn atitnttdtyttwtytaaoushould CALL PHONE 1J65 for ottr asgapo. hotSOT ROTlt'tTEiI h IT EMI[CALS --White, not yellow str bltie--bttton bois intact bttosdiittot. Spiatl atten- tion givent to ladies 'lothes. OUR PRICES THlE LOWEST. "6You can tell A entleman by the Cleanliness of His Linen" dilo ttne,tt~a The City Laundry THOS. tOWE, Prop. 404-406 DetrottiSlimet a/ The Gar oyle ALL COLLEGE Nail usTraei Order JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT ,MPICH . SUSAR BOWL 109 5. Main Street BEST ICE CREAM SWEETEST CANDY PROMPT SERVICE SIJSAR BOWL 109 5. Main Street Phone 967 DAVIS &OH LINGER Prompt, Printers Deliveries mrade when promised Phone 432-J 1 09 E. Washington Street I THE WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY ill, s