AYOUR DOOR THREE: THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVNNSA WEEK, 75c Jr MER UBLI ATIN Vol IV. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAYL l )AY, AlGUST ;, 19113 No. 20 PARTY 4 IS AFTER BOGARDUSPENNANT Odd Treams are Fighting for Chance To Play in Championship Series. MASSAGE CREAM ' itr'i'' rr:X ;Wi'roisv GEOLOGISTS ElfuI RE MAKES BLACK/HG Corp;of 17.0i 1joo and Asistants~ RAR SPECIMENS& IST SCCE ilotne_ ~ea~al A ERRICKEY Blothi Will (Conte FromiiiSame Fettlealfo E.C.C_____ d1± i, ow'l SaIys Prof. Hubbard In Pure Fond Lecture. . "1BLACK FLY" GETS NEW STAFF. I iHAMBURGERl PASSES MIUSTERII DOehundred d t(1hityshuo nts 1316 sl !hI111( the medical (1e111rtmient 0wlhiih Av41110A o 11iis o11 ''adHimi their 'ommee woework ihthe es'oo- sJo EvroIms, Son<, Opie as iili'ctltwhiich are being 1he11 in thit 'rot. . Case and1(1 ie. 0W.It. IRob- IroJ, W'.'hihoiss'o ileplr (( 11tiiis 0 eeh 0-e11d, 1(11ses-111'01itwo miemblersiofit he d4111111 tlls,- 01011 his hb e eey sucesslli e ii- of geology, havo jostereturneid 1rom1 a 11 r It m ITII 1 Dti I"Crlls.°' l Party 4 has already qualified for the championship round in the Camp Davis baseball pennant rac. After the prlipinary sris tho leage was split in two on tho basis of tandings, and a semi-final series played. In the even numered league, Party 4 had things its own way except once when threatened by Party . The lat- ter party has been accused of unfair tactics. Early in the season, they failed tot show much class. In order to strengthen their team they resort- ed to the expedient of letting their right fielder lose himself in the woods two miles away from the camp, 55 that they could put in a substitute. Later the same man injured his hand so that it had to be tied up and when the team won the right to play in the semi-finals, it was necessary to make the wound more serious, and keep his arm in a sling for another week. Bly this use of strategy, the team worked its way high, ut was finally put out of the running y Party 4. In the odd numbered league Parties 1, 3 and 5 are still fightig for the right to play Party 4. A picked team from the league journeyed to Topinabee for sother game with the resorters, and returned to camp to celebrate a 15 to I vic- tory. Today the same team will go to Indian river where they will play a bunch of campers from Pittsburg. Shake-np in "Black Fly" Staff. The first issue of the "Black Fly' (Continued on page 4) SCHOOL OF MUSIC FACULTY TO GIVE SECOND CONCERT Will Present Ineresting Program of Vocal and Instrnmental Mlei. Tuesday evening, August 12, the second summer faculty concert of the Uiversity School of Music will be givens in the high school auditorium. An interesting program of vocal and Instrumental music by Miss Nora Crane Hunt, contralto, and Harrison Albert Stevens, pianist, with Miss Francis Louis Hamilton, as accom- panist, has been prepared. These musicians are well known to follow- ers of music in Ann Arbor, and the announcement of their appearance promises an entertaining evening. The concert is given complimentary to summer school students and all are invited to attend. The prgram follows: (a) Cazonetta "Gia La Notte" Haydn (h) "Marie"................. Franz (c) "Fruhlingsnacht" ...Schumann Miss Hunt Sonata B fat minor......Chopin Largo-Dopplo Movimento Scherzo Marche funebre Finale Mr. Stevens. Aria-A' Rendimi" ........... Rossi Miss Hunt (a) tude.................. Chopin (b) Ant Flugeln des fesanges.. ............. Mendelssohn-Liszt (ci Isodens Liebestod .... ...........Wagner-Liszt Mtr. Stevens (a) "Yesterday and Today"... Spross (hi "Lullaby" ............ Hanscom (c) "The Plaidie" ............ Ryder (d) "Midsummer reams" dlardelot Miss tHunt Accompn iment by Francis Louise Hamilton. Real masae cream manfatuired from old fasiioned htch cheese was among the illustrations hby which the housewives waere startled in a letre on "Foods, Their Adleratioi anaii Detection," given by Prof. W.f S. Bb- bard, in the west amphitheater of the physics building, yeserday afternoo. "Shoe blacking is nmnuaturedsith the same materials and by almost the same process except that blak is used instead of the dainty pnk of massage cream." There was shon to be a greati- provement in foods siee the passage of the Pure Food and Dfrug At in 1506. "There is a greaer demand for men trained in these pecial lines," hie said, "than the universities of the country are able to supply." It was denonttrated that starch is one of the comomnonet (dulterants, while sugar, especially powdered sugar, is one of the most common adulterated foods. In sample of powdered sugar front 1 differeit Ann Arbor groceries, examined by Prof. Hubbardos class in household cheiii istry last year, 12 were foid to coi- fain from 3 percent to 50 percent of: starch. As ais easy tet for starch in sugar Dr.,:Hubbard shoed that a solution of powdered sugar and wat- er is perfectly clear while a soltion of sugar containing starch is more or less milky. "Oleomargarimie which is produced from the fat of cattle has nearly as much food value as htter," said the speaker, "and is a blessing to poor people. The present rices of oleo- margarine is too high." Every housewife was shown to sse preservatives in the forni of salt and spices, salt being the only preserva- tive which is an essential constitent as food. Suphites commonly used to pre- serve hambsrger steak aid other meats have not been fond in any meats recently prchased in Aisi Ar- bor marketts. The local milk spplily was also given Dr. Huobbard's recoi- mendation as free front hydrogen peroxide, borax, or any of the eci- mon milk preservatives. "That mlii is sweet," he said, "does not irove that it is fit for use. The use of re- servatives will eap it in a state which is apparently pure. Mtilk with- out peservatives fromi the scientifi- 'rally comducted dairies of New orb has been shipped to Germny aid other European countries withot souring." Although he gave practical tes which may easily be employed by the average housewife, Dr. Hbbard does not believe that the ordinary mer- chant is maliciously attempting to cheat the customer, and that pure foods may be obtained if the cstonm- er will demand them. Express ApreciationI of C S. Denisn. Resolutions have been passed by the vestry of Saint Andrew's chrh x- pressive of the appreciation o(if the services of the late Professor Charles S. Denison, who was for years an officer of the parish Will Gie Lectre Monday morning. Louis H. o'ntoi, professor of architecture, will lecture M10040y miorning at :00 o'clock on "The Gar- den City." This flik will be given in the lecture roonm of the economis building, and wiii bpoeenot - building, and will be open to the lob- lic. Althou'h lt'e5work in the' riools thie lelrtnient 10 esrry01n i'ise'archi, are now being made. LYCEUM CLUB HAS L NND EXTENSIVE LECTURE COURSE Organloaltion Ilas11411en ularged ;andi Mis'embrs IWill 171444014w 1441 1111e itei s heship, (IlLyi c1(1(1I club icahigai, tha1 t willrival lie uiversity exten1sionl('11(101''lis fall a,11peisoil 01(001150 is t1be0 l o"f t1hie'towns-11 and(11villages oflte1 tae( wtha ie wehich v,-ill be II ii uby lb'eldiff'rent stdt(1(mem beis 01f11(1eclubi were r(elected t10tbe orgi'5 ltiloi( '(nd it (5 planneditoih(ve try-outs in the fall vwhih ((ill still further linr(50 the'mebe' rs ip.111 Ie; Afor mee'ting"s ef fth' club '(1'e t, , 11 h le Itres '(n(11relilinl;s 11(01otighis re'- heased before membenllrs will be ii- T his is the firstf lime ltheclub hiasIihae suc l 'rI'l'"'n-le('ieersllip, sothe first tfie that'an'lit 1(10Ill his been 1m1ade to orrritocours(1es n1(1theli((Ifferenltj tolwns0hby10meiis of (itlpersonaill repro- sesI alit I. ITle stork hiisiheretofore1 beeii (o011 ht corr(sonlidf ee,11(1 it is expec(01teftat:lle 011' plicy s'will cet a lgeatr st thtll'or-1 a.,nizatoin anl its seork, i'ere' and (liroitgfiol the sinte "Since its ol-i11nattin.the Iclub lws1 been terys'511ees'l in giin1110 1'- furl's,"slid IPresllidetT.I, I. I111k, '141, "soime of IIhitciilis)'vebetin'is wel' 0eeve 5tstoe oniteo i) r- sityexensioii coarse. TieLlyitum c1 li elubws orgaiedinII lif8tshiroiugihtte('ff01rIs 01f1Priof.IR.D Tf. tillister 1(111 los beeit eitsr the directiont lftthe 010(001r ohdepartmient esver since.Lait yeIarl withi, noiobei shill 01 seve011if .1ve b1teo,othirty- five aidtor 011tinletales thrioughoultill'e 01te it hot11fi1st womani i m'embe'r' was elecede last yell',bliss I leteti Magee, t14(lid there illettw1 o new5001m00nisi('bers in ehe elettionis foi next sear. lbs new memlibers ate :lPaul Blancshard, 14,IL. S. Hulbert, 04,1'.1J. Jonkmlan, 141,, 11. HD. Daid, 141, AV.tW' Sehreoder, 't4, It.tG.lPrler, 'Ia15,tS.bolter, 5 tW' C. Mollenidore, '4, Iliso I' ste Seitz, '14, hiss Eh eleny-fion, 'a5,Hughi t. Allertont'14, S.0Witting0'1H1R. R Fellers, '22.5 Thtere tre fouir of the 0o(1 ieiibers towtill be basck next year. F"4reast for Aim Arbtor. Unisettledi sitli occasional shotters todaiy 11114Soodat'. tCooleir Sundally. highie to itomoeeate vaeriabhle windsh. Yesterday's 'Temp~heraturmes. Mloofitan t) 8; miiiioeio 66. tiiid Onue yeari' ago: mimum iiii78; mnii- miuna 64. Precipitation .60. Ii eery-1115 11(111 tillltald 11w sostelilOtl that to rthe t1 oh tIau 'es'bes' it}.,'fh i' tlcbil i) 5( l L L n-ol'01 le ofs 1111' Ahlsei 1thr.1 111 ') tl l'1' if o ils met e ocli it foss51'il l et te heor helii'11'sl, h t "i'l t t t: ngtr of 1(1511 n t b~e- so"n,'leehis agrd tos tuet tolbb'' (111an-b ee t ii the11111 111,1to1 go oith t ' h' 1 (1 elisel 1 . illishsI itiiiell ''Cfol vied1la'er, duct t11111e 01(111(1 oot be haredn x Oese,0111'111'sc elos 'a ohy lita 1 5l 11 tOeoit of1'1115 1111 1iftlils 0 11111Catin'aut' otidesexttmis- tote 5 tra sfi,'iiiie it 0 h p inois11(1rr e l t's o f rcin ih Rcei , o n dh 1110 tr15(ip iii a'010 il ls t yea(1 y1 'o.l hi T ian1x11 b e"r1io s"cotine sels iitIgh (OlaIlhmal '115 thoehi 1(1 tt' , l)lii'1'llhlito Gog oxi1111for11111ptrposeiof i'ss(elil aelisons. '' 15 i d be1ds. Ottttll 'tfll'''omb''ipilIw Ilisl.. ille l l w01 s i'el e'fll s tA le~ 1(1 105 it ftcl1't'10al", 0(1111t fit 0 h i itoscitod e'ot 's r h ptol~ r tio s 01 thtiIIts s t o f le e'ty Ihe li' e 'nted te clib 10n hilt siten o capoe toun eu ow i e it of ad ichd nte t~ll mns ll ere rou ht b rk. his arsiy lottiio eel 00 ring t e sea) tt'tnh hoh'rut r sI'iplas madeso astill, I _____ ___h___________teen ic foitsit nle eotor t hofie ss Iit Ilso silellpt ieies Impiinsh el t (it h /SEAEDIPSL-LN Irett ("sI'n 1 cxt sn o Gerg 01ied ssiittoi stHiall l Ie , Chicago54141, alsifrom 011 i (110inroAl10011 ofOtbe aoii ti b11114(1t(fSntr Ill' Il0II~l'Oi ol 1101 frst londtsplatei I i h e cltio nsioitte r d e 115r111 teas"o id'1 ot ' Cilatoiidy'toeinuuisasns 01tiL'rOhad(g,, 111s toull I Itsolt Iie Ifl lO tt niii sde gni "eot~tush oimese ii oroto 1 s (1111 ivit tois Toroels neogiaenr "0oai fte11o f the'Uni eiof's o ii 11 11 1ltlet, td s htomg oi (((lit 01 sti Ill;te ipuer elsefsthervniam cofuJ will tob e eiots hr a s'o e re as t hls (C1sote o ntt ad( tof goo ds 110asis etfhisdotors5t11(1sill Illt efitI toil tle eouss ii the it liineu(ftlso (0. otu ;s 't~~i tertonsi "e o f. s' hee, tnente gin o rtn i , I Rlttlo stagtehsosal laT Of (E1Mb . blhlLI S IVI 11) GET' Avut Rraeiieiii hornier holder of the seorldh's reeored in the igh hior- (Il's and tobo was trinet ofthe Psi- t ersity of'thuet""n 'tthtletesoprtor to te 'rival'shof Sfesve I'asretll 1aytralin Ite Gleermianathletes sshos will hoeOtt- 'ofdi tenetOltmioclegames. A repooifrmt Berlin states that a beeatohslettat eity for Amser- lea to endeaivor to serlire his sorvie'eo. Seuceessl in ouit..e 11 iteiltt '0t'1 itt, speadlt1boi(1lilgtarlt' 110v1' Ito tltbuilngsStwithbaeksmstokeO, thte cit tar t'aeonblaed'upfor0te500- 0o11 11101 1101itertys'streeltt'ete'eday afterenooin, It2:30 o'eloeto 'The ees'y itot mtetrial ec'raekedt atbout eight feel of cue billg. Chemi- ctals quickoly extinguished the blase. a aaiyof" 10 "'tllns per day. Hberee''xpol'ty)etlt s ,iro to be cronducted ith altiew1 to Jeeriniing the adapti- bilibty of thI' vaiustiiethods of sets- .0,,- disposal5,i totMiehitan conditions, anit to the sworkingt out of nenmeth- ods. Inithe ight 01 0 reeent tMich- igadeieslinthabti rties hate 110 right Ill 11sf tll ' 'their sewl'ruage'into rnv- 115, andthetilt'lothtbthbus plan~t 15s1 sineer izii fie field, floe impilortaince o111 itfune1t(011s'iandlthe extent of its cont r'ibutlin totetelfaire of the 011lelofthoe state inay(1rendily he '1It th ie esiablishment of thsis plant Ottithi ntoatiess its plate, with a half 11111en1othler utits istutes and a fesw of tile l'ar er eities,.1s a piloneer 110 the -,ceogntoo00the liportanlce of fhe ;ill l!! IzI 01511 disposa10 l. Thme sfa- an heab e ioteso)r Hood ho conduct tlttl't' lbotesuig o t.us inia fieldin m setite11lt beeeAyodis an authority'. It 1(100 tileiael fur0terlIdIevlopment fit till s-'mie of the unimiers'ity' to the state.