T HE WO LV E RI NE LOOK JUST FINE snd feel the saiie will be yoor vericitshe outy os a air of ooc new model shoes. They have 'iall the style, all the modishness -. tat fashion deiaaisds and all the 0 jcotalf old shoes as well. Wear sikion too, and retain their ti r shapeliness to the last. Take a look at them. ty =>'t1 Headquarters for _____________PINGREE MADE SHOES GILMORE SHOE COMPANY 119 South Main Street WHIE T LINE WHIARF FOOT O.TGISWOLD Fora Doightfnt All Day Outing aon te lootifl S.CicaicRie ake t teiaiec"1'asroa" ayiyseeing8:4cSaadcaysccceo. Fae ~.eb w p returningcsace aye ortHolt i.lFatsaor alinoo Pak, e ,,~i '~5'~"' se 'eekaays, 'ae Sindays; fot Toledo and retur, sitoe "Osoa" lcasiDett daily 8:3 a. si.~ eur, atoIDeri 7:15 p. n.fae Snays y eek days's$0. For an Afternoon Rid.oIt laLiratsI-ol, TaslnioePak lort l Hurco ayprstae tkh15"iyof Tldo" at12:3o p. iii tMore Work and better done. Mind bright () n as, a dollar-quick as a flash./ That's how will help you. It is so cheerful, wholesome and satisfying a drink. Good for both body acd brain. Delicious-Re reshing Wheseve THE COCA-COLA CO. yeus eec aa ATLANT, A. of Cca-Cola. i Fine Watch Repairing FEye Glasses and Jewelry Repaired Alarm-Clocks Conklin Fountain Pens Hailer Jewelry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street The Now Catalogue OF THE vest o i IN NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven deparmets: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (afiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course tor those preparing icr the scientitic administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address SHIRLEY We SMITH Secretary- University A NN A R H 0 R E:XPLtAINS '1 44f111'. , ,YS '11:31 otlerioi~t is IftlllllIenint Ovier 041,d }Ift odad is itl Use int Mleyi'aStates, "liii 'i'orcens sy sieitcannot tic oat'- ft coft ilsalesit lopecat e ittiltli li enilly; sitett Iictl 25c Wash Ties, .... 25c Work Gloves.. .. °'9c ..,69c ,9Ca 39C ...25C 89C ...39c loc 47C .19C MACK ANNARB0OS' Manity cht<.iccite iccivet'ricnced'tsc'lhe adopt~tiontofathlii' ctilisit sf iitem n 0("' 15 h,('tE:l' T Iltik t WAY. ti'ited'cMti c'hiefcccttto tcitcc l ieg-- it cntivtctiomtttctiobjectionsi. '"It is Moonlightlil In ake Erie a.1liar hardttly tossible,'"''scidcrf i g.ler, t'o''iSight. fracmec' aisystcci 'mbodtyin-ttheitpciu- etital f'.tlr1cc"f the rccr'occc'ts sstm lust ticigitie yoarselit aboard cc 1wtoutcnicil ihteFdrl tra .t .Mn tae nIitution.' ' Idetewais shtownc Cci', righct inlitt i' tlthlii'o11n0, tit' 'a icotheriobjtion'iab ut11n spitei'igli~fl t ttto te casit; timore it'li of thcce'thiitngsftespceer seidhthe filtio(areally cinjay . D. C. ec 'Torcr'ts nimetis te cc' one 1115'chf' eiav ' e IseoiftotsndlBuffaloeacrly e is fttitticctic'titalciritiItsc'ompacirietonl 'v't'ingtctnd crriv'e'at detin tioneiat tote ott'disystte wsicis15fcitttl'sit'tt tc' itsxitcturing. Rci t icet's ho shly iwcong. itt foeripas'sagc. Send tcvo reitd51 'ref. Aci-c itc'iievc'sthit if iithis forGtht Latt ei5stoicacitid Folder'. mtetitocdofvc'gistc'rintite1111cc dcc' 'Ii- dric viersilly' adoptedt hict itiesiuccesful D. &C. A. IGTl 'ON CO., operaciO c ciciicc'titicnwoldcepndto ct'age' Detrloit ,1~c icix- La'e '' iht- every A1d- ircc icc cc anidccimcost, ccciicfcery woik h ii" yc-)litlmscc 0 toticie. pho- togcc ice, 619d1"". Lite'tic Sc. ft Anytt' s'c tift ls if Tio 'clc cite t'ilc an bch'tich ite P'r'esscc biding- c lty tiackiscopies 10 'iicpte their samde by calling t liliig ficy 01c'hours. caxteltinthihcntd'grity'a'ncttcability' of ___________________________ 11cc' c'gisccctI CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I MIA) I N Itt;I'il A1 tIt E Ity, .1S)SIN'JTHS COLL'MN M~USTL' lIE P bIll FORI N ADVANCE. Mcii ills' D. iicoolcs '06died-lit-cl'a "Iltha eat. in lresiourscc'neca fld cay at Sc. Mcary'sihositliScliadc , dtccmpuscitacbcleeorclcib, soriocity ciheri' ic' luas bec~ encninedIsinice'list icc frateity. o iticcy leaulity Co.t - Sundtcyccy ilt inilacttcack of 1111Ie11115i'- 211 N. Statc' Si. ihotte'1134J5. Ic' catie291y'aris01old nMontday.Ilie dhcice 'The Wal'oyrit ' dc crtlillOg graiduattefc' om1011t1c'Saghinawid highttticcciycrivsite ili.h~ r schoa~icitifromth ue law depi Iardtmt ci clsirytri i ers' ise.i1i sery' at liiiiersihy'. Itt 91(1{icchtcctr- i--avrie friccthdiscs i ic-Itl lticc s t cevwas led yourtao. ai arngeadteei andsb r e chira iciccofatheii ci'iercomm'iescsionlie uon eivic movementsi'ditii cSaghicawad thi Salts Pressed, 'ate,fPats 10e. Fuliler ctate. & OConnoar, fit E. William SI.tft. (ittil Steturnts fter Extetisi-e 't'ip Call St far baggage chuceked froma housa ta dsstinatio. f. 5F. B.O'aicr '"a1, whoictsld 1asccteach- _____________ ing ssisant:in Grmanin 111- 'are-. tRbber Sale Oxfords, all styles, at tnicc 'st'Mc r.«a otic a h'cr at-Ctampus Booatery. S0t S. State St. tft llut p i-tci _'lt_-Ii i'S-cit is r'- cr idtlothe11c'yea'cdin Germdl-lany situdy- log ati11't'icUivt'rsity of luclins. Fullir & OConnor Tailors. 6tt9St. Wil_ liamiSii t. ft. Old 1Loss Graduaite Itere itt IBusitnes: Frst class shetisrepairling.'Mhaderit P'aci P. IPctrc'ic, '121., is ill Annt Shcc Repair Shoic. Oil E. IWilliam St. Arboroit buIiecs~s for 11cc SoutherI-ltft :acifir c ilradi, of wich-thIe is as- -____________- eiticnlattoitein 'liPortlatitt, Oregaic. Robber Sale Oxfords, all stylea, at 'cliche ini ihe untivc'rsity,Pcirc'ic s toCatmpus Bootery. S0t S. State St. t. iii heller cit II'u laiitch, tidciBacrrist- c - -__ ccc,sindieionte estffof ftse MichiglantjCall 1t tar bagsgage checked tram' iia~ i v iewa. couse to destinatian. tft. Szztcl itened cndipresedclt. Fsil- ler &. O'Connoro, 61it. i. Ilhlliam SCt.tf (Charecoal tGrilledi tuerhcotioeScais. iessicttr'c (till. 113 W. HuonaisSt., upirsclct. Oppc. Inierarban Station. tt. Ccii 15totaCxi. tf. - TONIGHT PhO0-0 PLAYS Travelogue Motioin Pictures ALL SEATS 10 CENTS 0ctiveret luzic lb o tt e Across 'rom Majestie Suite of 6 or 8, all outside jrooms in the Malcolm flock, many people say they are the best in the oily. Especially titled for Doctors or Dentists. i, Krl Mal. IW colm"1 60 .4 . LIERTY Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies 1Iiinake a specially of Developing, Printiicg and JI nlrgiitg for Aiiatciiiu,-by m'oilerii tmethiods. This hiss been my bIusiness for nine years and it has increased every sday-oly recols wvill do this and so whenever you want aniything photographic lock for the sign of tihe kedal- that's wherethIbings move. L YIN DO"N 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, HOc per day_