T HE WO LV ER IN E TRY TRUBEY'S ICE CREAU Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 164 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSH( MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Regular Fall Term Sept. 29--Feb. 7 All Brachs of Music For Catalogue or informaion, call af office or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Capital, Iis',oo~o Srls-pie,, fooesa IUdividPrfits, $oo.oo THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANI ANN ARBOR, MICH. SfeB flakig snd Cutos Teatmt ofon, Custmes is Or Wiathwornd. 3 pr cet Intrst in our Saines Dparlmei Gents' Furnishings IVarsity Toggery Shop I107 S. Universiy Ave. LAW AND MEDICAL NEW AND) SECOND-HIAND Complete Lne Text Books Text Laboratory Books Reference Books Dictionaries Compends, etc. CASH 0OR EXCIANGE FOR YOUR OLD BOOKS LARGEST STOCK IN MICIGAN . E. Barthell 326 S. State Street Tel. 761 L "The Arcadia" OPEN During Summer Session Reguflar Prices $3.0-$4.00 BRENNAN-MORROW, 612 E. Liberty, Phone 164 The Tobacco Shop & Billiard Hall The Pac for Summer School Sudens 118 - 120 E. Liberty Street S.H. WILD CO. I' I 311 S. State St. Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ena in ihe city. Satisfaction guaranteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMER STYLES A SPECIALTY Established 1888. All work made in this city. S. H WILD CO 311 S. State.St. T H E W 0 L V E R I N E: brary, of the mtan imhself, beyond the statistics w1hich tell in such a skeleton' The official newspaper of the sum- (ftsition lt'eihistory of the last eight mer session of the University of Mich-3 years. There is nothing in the bare igan, published by the students, Tueo-figures to tell o1fte tireless personal day, Thusrsday asnd Saturday after- dlevstion, the ptatienee, te skillfal' noos.tirec tiont of affairs frotm witiis which tave 11051hltoyal sutpport of the staff Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., luder him till te lhnle conmplicateti Mtaynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. tmachliste tievrelopedl ithight efficiency. Office Clones-1:00 to 2:30 p. in., daily. Too mucsth credit ran scarcely be Phone960. ctgsive fr te mtanster in wviich be bas met ndIsdolveti te complex problems Subscription Rates-By carrier, sven- of Che tstst eight yealrs. 'The whole * ty-fisve cents for the summer; mailed state as we llasth le Unsiversity is to be Ce any address far one dollar. cottgratutlated oen the possession in Advertising Rates--Furnished npon Mr. Kochtelof oe of the feremiost li- application to the busisnessnmanager. sraries in the counstry, and te assur- 61,500 students; 22,0CC townspeople. asuce while its ressaints at his presesst L Iouis P. ltaller-3ltanaging Editor. test that rt'e affaitrs of the library trill Phlone -1016. be emanagedl hr capable hanids. CWilliam A. Htart-Business Manager. _- _________ JPhos~e-357. 1')P 11ltOi'i:SSOleC WILTL 1NAitl'lSFtN'I' MW1IIiG.X' AT NEWS ST APF. (I EOGI1(11 (ON PP IONC1E., Gordon lDayies-News Editor. Y. F..labi ls-Asst. News Editor. Ntiritigast till have four official rep- Leo Bu~rn~ett-1Aeltre.;. resenittives tthie International Gee- s-tie Editors. logicsal consference which will take George M. Curtis. Farl Crossesan. Islaee in Toronto form August 7 to 14. Guy Wells. IProfessors E. 1H1.Kraus aod W. H. Reporters. iHoiba shave'already left, andI irof. E. John R. tOber. Charles C. WebberC. C'tate, who lisa jest returnsed from o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a eatrX.Wto. C .Riias.tl xpedtition to Texas will leave later J. loitaetaer itulen etrsos.its the trick. Prol'. Franik Leverett, >o C. B. Hughes. H-owvard V. Dlevree. lec turer on glacial geology, who is at 22. ackityn ies . Wlekl present its Washington, D. C., trill S.K.loitn leave for te congress from iliaC city, S.______ .____obinson._______ iroessors iLeverett and 1Hobbs will r Businless Staff, ceail calers at the conivention. This itHentry S. 'arsons, Asst. liss. Msassager. is the re'gulasr triennsial meeting of the Fred WV. Marble. :Louis Rtabe. consferense', which is attended by dele- ''tes roCrst'll steer thss'worldi. The Subscriptiontssod ads taken at, lastismeetinigetas heldl st Siockholm QuarrysCushing's, aid Souths Uni- in 19101. Issue Pilitor-Y, F. lailitlHsu. RARiE GEC(KO LIZARISl~.~tSI ________________________ irouight to this city with a consign- ment AG of bananas from Central Asner- Ti-iGSGAYAUGUS 7, Cil. ea, a geelso lizard has beets sent to Theiodori' W. Koch. j the neological diepartmenst for classi- Cfiction asnd is ntow' being kept In the Ins snottier cestssinsappes'srs a brie'f smuseumtsfor isublic invstsigation. reviewe of the de'lop'msent of site 'lie asimsal is aboat our isnches U niversity library. Warinig siside'thse ,blog and is of a yellow-gray color with changes then'resetionsed, hew isirgely bisth stripes. The tees are much flat- the sisccess of recesnt yeasrs has been tested anti exanded at the tips, the due to Mr. Koch is an untimate fact of tiunder sides oi which form adhesive tisat institutiont's history. Essiering disks to aid the creature in runnisig upon his duties under cosiditions fasr; over smooth surfaces Tile eyes are from auspicious, lie sas in tise short e ixtremtely large writha uprieght ellipti- titnse01fisis librariasipi,nmsde lbhetsal puisils. Its tail is short asid stus- institutiosn under his charge one of iy n'sd it was at lirst iihought that the te oremtost in the country. is sasimalsi hads two headss. Tise shape of prosnsence as ai cosnslisng librarisas, tse itail is isrobsably the result of ass his active isart its promotis ing te insjury. aesthetic isterests 01fCbs' comuinity, --- - ____ and isszealsius labossto ike the Frtniy1og'wlstetrda library fisnctionsfitly isnisniversity life FrtniyLdewlmetrda sight forwirshiss first degree. All need no commesst beyonsd their meso sosiwideinae setd evidence. But there is still another side to the -- ________ matter. There is nothisig said, very Call 15 for baggage checked from little knowrn perhaps, osutside the li- heisse to destissation. tf. VXLI'ABLlE BOORS lDON Ai~TEDTO Wishsing to leave si smemsorial triest they gradussted, lt'e islisd studesis' leavisgign1tJunielstse tnt to Iniails, psrocutredi,anti sosnsted so liii'ivier- sity library severail voluines prisstesi int thseir ntivelasngusage. 'The bookos cover a vasriety of ssub- jects, running front a eerik ott sed- iecine to osnei vol uits'of shsisorts'is; from songs.,swith nmusic, to a treatits' 055 shipping; from psersossal essays ansd a treatmesnt of art assdl sytisology Ce a pratctical stusdy of electricasless- gineerisig. Tue volumses sire exceesd- ingly rare and valuable. Prof.lFlorer Aditresse's Co lsentiolis. Prof. W. W. Florer spoke Tue'sday before the delegates at the thirtiethI annuai conventioss of the Deutscher" Order of Hiarugari wvhichs is being isels in L~ansing this seek. Prof. Florer's address wao on tise work of the Ger- man Societies isstisis country, thesir patriotiom, and the part they hare taken in the making of Americass his-.i tory., RECREATION lo you play Golf or Tennis? We carry loll lises of Spal- dinsg's and XWright & litsoss's sakaie of Atisletic Goods in Genieral. 1-'sery article guar- anteed. WAII R'S University Bookstore CAILNIS j ~ MeKEOUitSsuTOiS OURMETING PLACE Ausgust 7, 5:00 p. sn-"The develop- II1 E 1 R S mseat of te Fresich Theatre." Illus- tratd lctue b Den T R.Effissger, The Finestfillfard Room in the Statc tratd letise bylycn 1.it.CIGARS and CANDIES. West lcsrrom of the pihysical laborattory. "We Try to Treat You RighS" August 8, 5'00 p. mn-"Foods, 'Theis Adulteratiosn ansd Detection."I lists- rated lecture by tic. W. S. Husbbard. COUSINS & HALL 'West lcctsure rooss of the pihysicail FLORISTS leaueroso tepyia sbora-oy.Cur. . Univorsify and TwotftSt roof 8:00 p. m -"Saint Peter and SsaintiT lphon 115 Pa l ome." Illustrated iectusre by Prefessor F. W. Kelsey. West tory. W a eOdH t e August 9, 6:00 a. m.-Excursion to W aeOdH t e Put-its-Bay, consducted by Ptrofessor ,All kleds Clmen eandBlocesd. Fransk Carstey. 1leaves at the Rich- The Best Shoe Shine Shop igans Central Station. NEXT TO WACNER'S Call 15 for tfttI. tfo ___________________ rTE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS RANK fCapital... .. $3so,000.00s Sssrplus anddlliided Prosits.... ,sis 00 De~ries Art Store tesurcises . ..........C.000,00-0 De~ie At tre Trasacits aGesral pidni gBsns 3 prcnatsi nter aldB akings ess. 223C UR SOUH AN SREET M aI tNtGiVostict.MinssSiJite fit PICSTURES AN SRMTNChas E aHs s.Michael Jiitz, C ' We. .narrima,,ieo-Pres., testl5F.ttsraun,Asst. _________________________Win.__ Vet, Asst. Casts'rSaveingslisps. C. H. BROCK RED RUBBER- SOLES HACK, BAGGAGE & LIVERYpuonAySesa Two Good Saddlers Pt nnAn Soea Phone 348 a1a N. Fourth Ave. I 0, . 0.ANIIRES, 222 5. State Street CALL TAXI 1550"Ao n llDaygorNight o an BagageLivery Ann Arbor Taxicab 00.1 300 N. Main St. i The White Swan Laundry [Corner Detroit and Catherine Sta. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER "You can tell A Gentleman by the Cleanliness of His Linen" If you ant thecbestthsat is clie, geto The City Laundry TH0S. HOWE, Prop. 404-406 DeiroitiSreei LSPRUNKS, INGRAVERS 2 The *Gar oyle PRESS 41tI ALL COLLEGE JOURNAL BUILDING L DETROIT MICH. SUGAR BOWL 109 5. Main Street BEST ICE CREAM SWEETEST CANDY PROMPT SERVICE SUGJ'AR BOWL 109 5. Main Street Phone 967 DAVIS & OH LINGER Prompt Printers Deliveries made when promised Phone 432.J 109 E. Washington Street Reasons is eercyyhandle of Lasundry work sent fromn the White Cwa' Lasndry, why yousould CALL PHONE 1J65 for our usages. GOODS NOT POTITED BY 'iC\IC.N1CALS- White, not yoilowno uss e--button holes intact buttons dlito. Special atres- tioo given Co ladies clothes. OUR PRICES THE LOWEST. THE WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY