Vol IV.
ANN AfliMIChItGANy I tot X AI.GR 17 7, 191 .
No. 191
Team R Ieersited from Camipus League
:Meets 1Defeat at H~ads of
Visitors 6-5.
(oist-opolitatsstosVAll m
Professor Frook (0101
logical c1(; artmleai, 9'. .
'.14, 000Th 001 000ws edtl(c~
In a cosoe arnd exciting game, tho verin P1re(t P. IFoolk{, '12
all campsa team again met defeat a I ((tAill 1' f Th
at the hoods of the Ypsi normals6o
to 5 yesterday afternoon., The fifth Dlty, W)Aittiat P .Volci
inaning provedt the undoing of the sum- 10ary of the Ace:.A '' to
me school team, tho Vpsi batters tion, George ..B1roct1, '07
driving home four runs before they. ing attorney, Jhbo Ionilla
were finially retired. With the except-; ident of the Corda-Fratre.
(ion of this period the home team out-
aplayed tho visitors, and gtee 0tan ebb xill reptresent
hits off Vieth, but could not seem to the E4ighth Itetrnational
buneh them so as to make them count. Students to bt'hlinIt
Labadie and Seward starred for the from August 30 to S'pien,
home team. The forimer gathered The congrecs is ttettdhi
thiee hits with five chanees at bat, a placeeseignated by th
one of these a home run, another a; and this year it witt be
three bagger. Jefferson and. Barton; the auspies of the (Cori
showed up to best advantage for the of the Corda--Fratrec Ac
visitors in the matter of fielding, while' tosmopolitan clabs. Itv
Lieth proved else most dangerous at different seccions in Ithitet
bat, getting three of the sevena hits ing the first wceck. The'ttiI
made by the normals. front different natinttliti(
Vpillti t tript to Buffalo, N. V.,
A.B. H. R. E. Falls. and go thenctoi
Goodrich, lb .............51.1I where President Wilsont,
Barton, s.................. 001 honorary moember of t17t
Swveeney, lb............ 4 01 0 sill give a reception in lI
Persons, lb......... . ..... 4 0 10 ' visiting delegations.
Jefferson, If4000; The purspose of th en:o
Gildy, of.................. 2 1 foster ttniversal brotherho
Mc~lea c 4 00 0 fate rnrutuatiogo3l will sits
d aeler, rf............... 4 1 2 0, acs a
Lietis, p............ 4 3 1 0P lreaident Harry tI. llutel
or__c with snort' than 40 mn
39 6 3 repute are onithea hoisora
(Coninud onpag 4) ship list. Front tilt indie,
(Cotinedon age4) ittent Hatchins wtllut to I;-
l'udrgos Oeraion oe ppedictisconigrecc; althloughlt haslo,
Vlierges peatin fr Apedictis ascertained whether or '
Hleineich Reye, 't3M, is recovering address the delegation.
rapidly from ant operation foe apipen- I __.
dicitis. Duriing the summer Dr. Reye
has been serving as interns at the int(rt rsmxlte
P,sychopathic -ward, and his place is Leonidats Barringier, '11
being takeni, until he recovers, by Hal tug flits siiinmer as scoon.
Hiulbert, '14M. Vork Americants.
Funtionat f iii ' .es'ittiIii. ni Illi(,1 t f M oitills' ill bliSta. ein - --
Tw - Itin orG mm t :17lBrandt I 1ill Expeitlilon fromitthis
Aitlt7 1..InslibittoonoFtodststManytct'i
Abb L acc c s ,Ile(yskwho:4lhaismsbeeno in3hat be
yo th < O a n t r aiteitwor' ith e ut eric s "hv ' cTe tPtf l t h" b 'etiste.-'1
.l~i lyso wsbdy unda boult tlthefce 0(s1jecis fit' onetctb tl t ito epe I1), Ic 01LS 't I ULL DAttit00 IL'-
an3 rl. hl rig t ih n it n -teytembt n swltet'.tcct,,tnoiii cot t itrn cinclto
rocT, as t Ittl t CtNotlumbtlt utI~ sti thcit u tlothi'ttIX 1115 i in.te'rgionft het Sood toe
1i > ist i .11 i gito tth o ti~ tit it ; l so itt c n i ri r th 1 oocikit s 101 T t ci attoo- l3it a ttoitm i;itt 1.11 ois g t htdb i
totigi tot ot in tt 1 html 105 '5i t) o ilrt b bw ~'it o dvted at ot I' It.''tcti ti of r-
it''" ' 000111 to ii t2se hehsben tkn tc the titicili teeti c La prac e sn'h It rtasthI 017'0 ii ci ild fortt tootsitichisg fitheor
-aint11' oll . ihititlire'iii ititi beotist
to dci's schsial istiiti ot.tat tte-f ht etcattn"hetit Jtc no ~i * h ~atil to iic litittthitceiirt-
n usitccterF. d brs iotecfcs trill toie t rcIttd att' t 'i
frigh1t duectto'thetacctdenittib Csic. ic e ti of'.ic whtt c h tit s iv-th
diIA[ ies F gteps Ya h a P sITIOn butt y h' eugt' ll0 te tc Io tib y tillvrne tg oar
0 G OGR PHC Lths ni fmb t ileb cartdaunuclcbent ts. gely atftitu ttc i Ic i tt
cc stil I W oathnoorotitteost hs beci sho n t to umbia ittit Itontti itsi' 17 stib~i
s C sir _tea cingii nsi lle, 'in' C ht Ohttio',eoslttis andi e1xt gtttiiltt-alg li ttue tc-
petd ortunter nac cing willerfolosti. ly lien0111ere. Th 'g cuatiestgood fvr-
XXliar ~ ashtngtot, t it sily Iht heinui es ill.Ath'og it ttas 1expc ted 0111 11fuiccwhich tinepatyha cytl-trdhesi
tiho is13 to I t rron;Oio amiethee. clmetgloa me, tsch tha tonin oilt 11101,17 10 s i tstaint'ore semliw tte he
cnual inCo engrccs, of heco t oe (Ititted to the afairctino. wat I tr.Itatabatiu of rw
a elgatsden, nd s it he dugher ttot'j ct.''cs at1che' Teo e utit sis iry" iOtan 1 lventihi atnte tivess isrt
Hgeelllcaptn rositalp.iuhhobybco bos ucd na carulyn btetried cakt'e.v ons I 'ttinnbacpue
'_-ad or-.ciott17 ._.. . it i atiisee____ 01(1 ':Iciic uthxbaise, mmo sig the
hid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fe crhces.playittelooftrrowtrnuwo(h lages
is~ o 'thi toc 1 Nleto ittlo itpi- Ith''N ttWflI ' neiitoisfin ci osc imnal.Pof
wilhv ts HOWi IS O Y IS C UEirdylfenon fncin wl .f itt'',pars'cice btudyinitiu'hut's-
a of natiotiaEtAP IA -STIN hldb telage Alo tepate whichlt1r17 Ie mfn1y'iw 7 te itlva-
thu tarchaber-e11 17raeiyrsthteit.
"hGdleats O etiIottsttctnt t nieti i titef n 'etio n i etus 1in I'elyegin, it'rSttu a ltst
estilo tPros-ducore interest hse heown. lui i n . atktstu it(1011 'l tudie ,vain15
17'om ns r antiont anacayegs N ag r P leE iot" 1)() tuf. Dos Se'. tittma dilehog th r.Ahasrsp c
hi1111 oii ite' Xulua out l prviusdumus's-son
laint tn 7 ibct ~ ~ lilct cl ~ ~ ~ 1117 i'ntg tLhtt ~ 1 itsI sphheedisu uitreu; cts.P i osleawho
1111uclCo'nogrecssu t thIlt o leguietephs izesthat ty'n lo e cwil ciuliutia. to itos un nsetherorkh in
honocioutrt i nooni auoloftr tidocfrhete ra utn he a praotut hufort e71011otcultuevr
silhaumi tt'k i tein si mplh orutant eg t'ls oflwt''sue 1 parl nl cutu r l miinfrm ed b f funiug'.ont wit c hut entt ssicsuater
Europeitan'10hitoy a v bestnoi au sedmwit iiitt505 of a tuofostu ere re, uid tuouet{'totrn10-hth heft~n~tt
li ies ivs to- bythe atiuricinfuslo rf lu ehstutcnstta ittsctsouto h urfad-eiiro tutu G.thuturshusotpture
rod, tandtihttd ofeccrasg otwaisiedeshty xmainytee robroc s di ch'tosds cxntemdab
on h i tt shtt cgpuu ,"Ii iiss fctylgutsg i 'nfistued 051 1150he0lage4)
onThilFceite I'Earii. tiotn to Ho NECO IESITTSM N H N E
ia'tdhi cir'lotdts.uc assil tucst itolotcofustots ar c soounb t ic 2 n14 nhsth 'larges
coaofi is E uhop hu t he 01e1' tha uesu- sut ii Iihcr7' luau 117' 55IN otbueI (ai n t ht e i'worti ll ct'uulg
thart' ofl the10 hsics'.grmbtuilditng Tush-f on aui
''I ntonlcly aternfiloo teli t)ofonui. behTi Iost'sectali i Ol.1 hc rtytuotu s ultiglaiuthy 01 ata-ur
41 t li' iuS euv'ueini1s i t rfc i u' t stu e nf sos e 1 yle tri 'ucalt i l t i of iti ll i uc i nar S an' ta M ar' tanc ,
ir1 ii tluc tutuo ciah u astake nan i e nti0re-l 'ouse try u he ogt 7ctc 7'c fi' tuu'c~ut ft h' tbtr
at'oucu i s hiu'Pr1es-rnt' b e erhxing uds he 1111 c tiii onhi' os.EsufatctdIitt mu fltt u vlu abict o cich-
- 37n ci i ed satidt ht' Pr17of. Dotacid' hsf le ilruiuu Ihuuoo X. K ii oot ueuololIs h
cs~ta h lcuit" siiar ettu hu tsii ototl- nlct uttoc re ,ee.ti uulo '. uihbr''am I I cc o foml tlthi i 140u01l'w-ooftheca
o 'y cut, be hiniieguthe0 hiuoti. uttay e irst tOkin('lies ~sof flthei plnttio uoner tuMCituhi lisa wso-
notorli 'itu tuu ottuc on i e'itofe Ttigt o d e ue csytflhec tstudbtl it 1'ahoila withuo calutsi
studhy h t i i huc sutt an y ituoc orte bouttafii iiypooiss nh to
bal Sou ok to dt7ofin'hioyic dt altginrap hyHrof'dPea'lthndh rat, tandtsilas 17' 1nd hre urtotheirqa rthefrst
an i essisalr e suewitis h meas fc a but t oe tteranglif b7fu ii ou tccl001 'clc dgto uteroo cet
ites xto B'I Et'ul. it(oastl amndGa s
With atlt lt'euaestcetods 01ftina-
huohug coatl and1tgastexte'sitv17lisret-
ct, a hook enttld "Tec'huicalhGas
'itohFuucl .81107s010"'writiotnby tro-
hoscone.II. XX'iittstuc dcptcmenoh
01 of sninhti nut, is stoicout the phress.
'Tile bokis istftdeudcufIncusoeis
univerus ciii's till 117tractiotal esugi-
necr:;. Ititvill bhut' ted fohas us text-
IiForeast fiur AmniiArbor'
Shiotccstouiglb. tooter Fridtay.
Ye'ter'ida ys'I'entpheatres.
Mhaxiumuu841 mnsimsumut69(.
Hits y'ar ago: maxsumni741;1mini1-
frodtcibostof mode'rnu 'mhroi 'uestas taucrcut a titloung system100.tBooks is
library methods. GOno of tho first of te cu tacisenceat ticetuccirculhatin
tics ccats fle inustallationuii 1904-5 I1OdesIt disp'ay1rccnt potular aso ucr-
oh of hiefrecet'library'7out 1,0011 volumenuaiiis lit'erar'y'works, ndsoul11v10 acircus-
toltio' wtot caotassogoued iiiduplicateo' thou oastdefo'mlooulst' ittheubildu-
tod p lacedi 00 duct .(s flu sthe iomain. otf0o11.11) iiaumunuthb. A raek
readinug roomu. This pcovided free sc- for newcobotc.s asolocatcd bus the
csortoefruerenuco books for whlich readin g rooit. P'brunichulibraries
the students iwere fornerly compesll- htive b'un esfoclihted itt theo heupast-
ett tocallt tfhse dolicvory' dock. 1Duc- msuito f 01 'luoollnt80101. otgisneer-
isg blue ncxtyear calls fnr boost inIto hin tii' 'liiid dtitary, diusring
tte dock felt off neaurly80,000. toe bust ifuwc y'tis.
In ft'e 'ear 30615thore we're' 13,551 Iftcots imo01e0to putaibhonk into
cotue ton sthei"library.lIn 11104 flubs aI ' irgo thur.ry 1)1111inufoausmaull ono,
snutber hod increasedh to 007,010. h' ms uoretutunduhihr gradoeIsubor
Sinucothens, the hatter numuober btas ic cqii ic'ufin ud Nittcherorstout thu
bceen usachy doubted. This incroasebhons i lready intIhtolibrary or or-
has hocus uue partly to ube tact fthaticerci I lothe lcibsrr'.It costs mor'
1706 idiv'idualthletters icere sent to to a bo17 t onk in a barge librry
turions Amtericant antEuropcans tnu- thin in a sall one: 'amore tints and
versitico anud leaurned socities,. att-kill tic 'eusined flu correctly placc
1110 justf cihich of their publictions tths anwbokt busa collections chsero
cceroehlacking, and askinug to ho favone there are' 011117 books ini fle came field
ed with the niosing stems. Durtig (Continuod on 1500 4)