THE WOL'VERINE (REll PL VAYERS11 LOOK JUST FIN le and feel Liesmeiewill be you verilat when yo try on a pair of one nwn'mo0del shos. The hve aJ ~ ll Ihe s vle, all t1heni disness thfeshioneets nus analthe sieooh too, andt rtain their shapeliness to the last Take a look at them. Heradquartes for PINGREFE MADE SHOS GILMORE SHOE COMPANY 119 South Main Street WHITE STAR LINE WHA F 001 OtnWL -~For a Delightul All Day Outigonaithel cttot t UCar ie restnarr t eaiy:tor ten$r5 los teto asetese kiiaii "i" "ei~"e i'~ . t te~eDetoit dtilts8:in a. di. ee ore', to tetri 7:15. m ; a For an ftroo ieit t l a.,, a ,Tsni ak rP ttiieuon a 'y porttakt ii "Cityao't'oeo"i'at _:3o tie., ,. aVl ll its the class-oonm as wvell a on the campus ae otly ss n bytratning. Fit yourself-get the last ounce th at's it yo.. ani l iet ble tt o di otte otk. It is futii Id oi rifuit -dligthtly wosnea.1 IDelicius -- Refreshing - Tirt-Ctethig ii is l THECOCACLA CO.,Atla~taC1' Eye- Glasses and Jewelry Repaired Alarm Clocks Conklin Fountain Pens Hailer Jewelry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street OF' THE Uliversity i IN NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departmentsa Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the raduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of deapartments of sanitation and public health. For C-py of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address Secretary University A NN AR BO R aoil in thse resnainittg ininsg andi a lealt lorrison, .IneItW, lit. 121t2 S. 'lniver- S(tIltE SCTfCESS, thte esngineers ocored anthier etit - selshile three snore of the laws couttsed. S(Cosntinisedi frotttpaget1) Hlilsier, a former Olivet star, play'- "Love's Labmimut's Liesl" wstptrcesnt- eel short toe the las, later exchiattgintg ci t espt il yfcstecr-places withi Pontis.,f-fe performeeito aiiptnt'ftinte afteestoons InttieBets the cotmpletei stsfaetiont otfteteased, cccef: tuok lthe liart cml Costarm1, and wihlainlutded al least t7 stabstittttes hit grat ~iistieton o bm'aisf-of telass ball fesams tndlRoscetftal's ien ci. ists lttt \iviattatifle pels- lirid btall ehaser. es of Fretii watls fascinating, swhilec Atianoensisting of the bent play' fittl tic Eleat ior Ryatt, 111ayed the role esfromath le differesnt depiartmtett of lie imit'e to Aeitmldo to perfectiotn. sul to Tpoilattti thtis afterntioon to Noc Lisheislii iii~etotak ti tlay teNorttal team.sThe hnt tie- flirt of Bosyet iiaslOsuidlyait' akia sice;tiartasseatleagute gautewiill bi' pihayid tid lastttismi i eorgi' Viviansadtdoi Montdtay attertnots betiweentshle las rea ithelpt ittis Iis place. It was Mr. andmliedies. Gree'es desiri to extilinasto the and- jI (COMIC JOY liittgS. iene Ithecaitseof this necessary tub- 12 It 4 tiutioss bcere teperforsmtnte butt Ungiie era ......... . 2 0 0i15 2 if'hemmer's of thie Englishlacltily saiws .......,,......4 12 2 1-19 aneltwbotutld ttgiver ufcen~tt'O tI _ Three base hits-Labadie, Leggett; stLileion. ie tlfii epat-tiso base bite-Leggett, Barrissufer; ,c r'heWoolan plyer arive athomie ritn-Labadie' struck nut by eAtii Arbor at 11_:42 o'clocklThulersday. Barritnger 10t, by Niceholl 2; btseon t 'l'h pt~ycdii asti ofcriketnihbale-off Barrisnger 2, off Nisholl 6; anoitthierotie of tlii three B~en Greet 'hat by pitcher -Kervin. ,Utmpire- comipanties, i lwh i"' avea perform- Davis. ane it s cilantti. Tihenth ley hail din- _ uer eatittli ecoiuttreyclub. Th eitomiiiny lift: for Indantaapoliso,OFSM le,., fiin tecvi aittitat 11:t0 o'clock, DIETR OFSM E stn it has beeitinctg Shtakeetpear - SCHOOL STUDENTS ''iiin ilays. 'They will leaise' tat city thits emveningtio ifiulill a 5two sick ets- Names its this directory are taketn ra innt in iin'ctinntati, front the records its the offices of the - saeetaries of the variao departmnts, 1,k'IVI I it: llIAI9 and contain the tame errors. If no I X GI'ELt E AI)ItiM phone -number baa benn placed on the Sestrolsucnt card, non is showvn here, (t'iontini'd fromti pane 1t bit that does not preclusde thare being of liifrcegsitr acheot, fosl ipa phsone in floe bouse;t call the cltief iii thi' tbidiiteni ni'trlytillthins ot of operator and tetl her what housa you lii ti'eii thse tsirdininsg aitd thse want. courtt gr'antedl ai short eecestitter whic h ilii'little Irishmtonirittlrneidto SU'l'l'ENE114 l'0 N)SUMM~tER hlp it eenginrs idefendiltbirs'rathse SC'OL t)lttlt&"')l'O hotpimlessmiae. The 'luratwiyerasawere not- - owithtlfantlttis their side of the pro- Lubentgay'er, W~alter C., lit. 212 f-t ce iimges, rutitribstisig 2 siarks to the roti. Ann~ Arbor, 141, ireoe columnt, semi Kereint of lie laws Lawreste, Franik A.,, med. I123i Wash- aitlutwet hifsilf to b'etaghtstirhet, testaic,2141-J. biy the i seneible htidenetbill trick, iihich thti Greeks isorkted ontthe leo- Lcnoos ttlyBes.11 il jails, a, seasmut orso ag. Enoglewvood, N. 2. 146ii. Loeckard, Thomas. 429 S. Divisioss. (Itinse Strs i thlhiinh, lt 1813-J. Statuing itithi a cult the eninseers Iletreery, Verssa f., lit. 1316 Geddes. seoreid tiio rsts iti the opessing httlf Ann Arbor. 1879-L. ot thei first.isiiss. Unduismuay ed by tieditpllay if pciwsise the legali lusts-lMtc tlloughi, Charles L., lit. Thre' tuttles icitie sbackitt their bhalf asid DOais,:Much. ltinagt'd tiolpushi int 4 scores. Bar- M1,te'aggeet, David L. lair, 227 Thontp- etig rthiii'initlaedithIfti'riveteien isthse sons. Ann oArbor. t147-L. mixt mrouettitaistiwitfelttt'llies swieldintg iMarble, Frederick _W'.,,lit. ti07 Gxfordl timi s iltew ndai the engineers playing Rd. Cheyensne, Wyo. 317. hart i f insiocetot byestdi'rs, the Mattrckwatrdt, Past F., esig. 1327 8 S.tlli- relp i-fomatitie sttrted. versity. (Grasd Rapids. 1657-J. ifum-ites o1 barieest'e ritruhed across llarestetler, Fries G., eng. 422 Kingsley. ie h pm like else Allies pisueiog te ShakleGray 2 'furhs Tilt thin'only- ioldiferintg its el- SlmtateGrat.222 l eliewis that of the wobubly etigineer- Aatns aerio 1,es,67Fe ,,P,,,, r11,,,,, ,- ,-_,,. , ect. Tl eeeauiles-Guerero, Hex. cft iy. iAnn rbo. 72--3. lMsieri, ttDumn' IHlass 115 Mossroe. iaw I list, Mich. 168tb1-. Neisamet, IWallace''ft., tmd. 26 N. Stae. Nieiiimult, JfiihtsP., tut. 12Wats- te'tmwwi, Gibseut City- f11. 6t09. Nfilemt, Netst.,,lii t.t2 R.IMaidsont. tChiase, ili. ,195-L. 'ttmi'Cno, WilltiattiJI., lie,.ibtiutot, Padienl hitsell i., time. 51 . Diis- it,.iPariiersburgt,, W.',Vl. 15-L. Pame, oras D., lit. 145 Gddies. An Arbor 1637-J. Parsonse, lohts P., lit tti2 N. 5lls, Ioise, Perr'y , hhtg stit, it. 7ii9 fChurtch.Mio, Aih. 122t-L. lessoti, Heetor I., tau., 212 S. State. S. Psilo, rashl. 2. PitfAikin esmwllI IP., lit. I1ti0tiColuge. liedmondiui, Siltiy 1D., tloss 22 lculle. Jatcksonttiss. tomsvi, , Kyiri 3 tt.1,1.til Rime-e t Ea ' si ed. 131hiIasftesa, fObelis, 0 36 itt itit, tClarc'e FI, eigiRomeio, Mi. Rohle' hF, ei i It 601E. Huttron.,lBuy Cty, Mich. 145-I Room, lie 13,ltiitt t'E.effron. IoweligIiateni O. 1693. Koihntit, Arthur 6',i'tm VYpslantti ic. Rlmls, Nnts0hi lit14 NInallsteCtr- (bomidaue, Pai. 166-. (Lopet, ,famesmu x., eig.tCastpi Bogaruds. W'sshisgtos, 1). C. Itotti, Abrt, eng. 54 I. Jeffesot. howet, 'Iih. 156-J. howsltut, II timeek, tilt Oxfor'd.,C- iuimibuts, O.357 Suanduers, Carinse i., litNsville, ShawuMi ltonu, mid. 66iR ftHultsot. So- ric, Sich.721,-., Shmirick, Johlt t., ie. 219 . Thatyi. Btowena, 1l. 1816-,. Shies, Tsut Watyeng. 122 II'tsltesasv Shanguti, Chitnua 1074-, Sloas, John.t P., it. 199EI. Caherite 141.I.-hL, Smith, Leilat P., li. 42 Thompssot. Sihooheruifi, Mich 879-,. Sotlie,Jtlat A. lit. 422. Division. G ruantd Iiumiei, SMichs,1741-. Steuibere, bF .,hI medsc. lWhitmoire Lake. Lhots, t. Tlefichner, SMiriamus, li. 724 .tIngalls. Dectroit. 120-. Teemple, fGracec ., li. 19 5. Jeffersos. Phsiladelpihiula. 1316-Lu. ha akef..h Y elows Spings, . It ii, Clarenc et'N.,ted 112alasd GrandeltHaiens Stu. 1269, Wardem, Clavtont 21, eng. 619 i. Ustiver- sity. Olttiwa Lute, Iiclt Wtt, itibertcP., etg-43tIHassiflotsP. Baurre, Vt. 8911J. W~etbb, Williamxh.,isig. TYpsilantui. 94-3 Vieirbtiehi '5., MIltttstb, grail, 27 Thiomson. Copersburg, Pa. 1147-. W~iliamts, Alfred f., eng. 148 Was- , ecstas. Ants Arbor. 42, Wlilson, Jautmes h., licw.fDicksoss City' P~a. \I'itzm', ibit I, ti. 6:115S. Ingalls. osniaMihn. 127-b, IWoacet, tart S., hus. 73 . State, BO-osso, Iich. 387. IWood, tBartn 1R, esg. 919 Conwell. aMercei.l. uh.(1 Ilorudseli, Albrt 11, 6923SMadisos. Ann Arbos'. 81-I.. iegler, Chhuiles M., Brg Casnp o- guardust. Suginaw.s Ittu of remioumd'maiiilofty tsublinig aind ballt dutg ling, but Odii am Chatdwick, the "Fte ''~mficofgBaue'ba,"''wiotuulhavef bee an .m excep'ieosnlty wise parent if lii' humd t'ociufacut ishis owen child any- tilt c'absout thu 1st.IWiundedi by their 1lMuariationssacosumu time sackte l ws finalty stoppted to give the scorer a 1498-J". Merceer, f-lther, it. 1122 Waobleiiueai Saranac, Sih. 1947-b. Mtitehell, Franris R., lit. 724 S. hIngulls. Mhount Carmel, 111i. 1299-i'. Mitcellh, Wiliamn C., clog. 103 Liberhy. AstsAtbor. Mhoele, Eric IV., lit. 1216 Geddes. Wok- chuanuce tcath up, asud it was55dis- i nue, aaany. - ren1 coveredi that ini the confsontwtelve Aloficynhl, Leosared, dug. 624 Iaugahis. birietfemuakers had bosunced across the Rhisbarank, Russia. 2924-2. cubbler.'Ilnelter, f-outer L.., eng. Catsp Bogar- diss. Cleveland, B. I'lay O(nly Four tItnings. Moresto, IMariana, eng. 297 5. Ingalls. Thur gamei did not gut the toll byve (Curruzzi-Cuatia, Corrientes, Aegen- ituiisgs, enct sile having luau enogh emsa. 775-J. LYNDON, PHOTOG RAPH ER Ann Arbores Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I sna~ke a specially oh Developing. Printing and E~nlargintg for Antateur-by mssthods. This hiss been my business for nine years astd it has isceasesd every day-only results u-ill do this and so whenever you want ansything photographic lock for the sign of thie kcdk- thsat's wchece thinogs move. LYNO'N 719 North University Kodaks for ]Rent, lOc per day