THE WOLVERINE TRY TR UBREY'S ICE GREAG Also Martha Washington and Cranes Candies 1 16 S. Main St. Phone 164 6 *'1 THE W 0 L V E R I N E the subjxect xxhich they have ehosen, ____________________________________but whether or not they ran preent The official newspaper of the sorn- their ideas io a cat which xxii lapeal me session of the University of Mich- to tlh( elass otfipeople wits attend threse igan, published by the students, Totes-I lectures. day, Thursday and Saturday aftcr-. -~--- noons. I;N~NIEJllNH (CI ][FPAPER Adrs-The Wolverine, Press Bldg.,- Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mbich. iose o taseb~all bSeason IPraws Office Hours-1:00 in 2:30 p. in., daily. Alteltion ts Series For Phone 960. ('hanepiolisip. Subscription Rates-By carrier, seven-- ty-five cents for the summer; msailed Containting much lively camxp news to any address. for one dollar. Aind poxssxingsthue axddexd teatuire of Advertising Rates-Furnished upon, a real for surx-einouighixctiuxre of thse apxplicationx to the businessoxaxnager. campx-exmexberxscte"CamxpixDavestllack 1,500 students; 22,000 townospeople. Fly"timade its aixexraxice at the office this week. Ax thxe chief evenits of list Louis P. 1iatler-NLauagittg Editor weepi it tells ofitie visit of Pint..stud Phone-1016. tMre. J. B. Daxis axid DensE. H. Kraxus Wiltiane A. hlart-Business Manager. of thxe osimmer sesosion, to the camxp. !Phone-357. IProt. Davis wxas the originator anid for STAFF. m~ixanxtycars almtost the suixporter of tecmtdn toe aysom Gordont Pavies-News Editor. pertoxds wxhen but for lhis uintiriixg el- Y. . I, binm su-.sst. iNewsIttor. torts itxxwoxildhave breix abanxconed. Leo Barnett-Ltetures. anid ice prexest high state ot eiiceese Issuie Editors. in entirely due in him. Ceorge M. Curtis. Rarl Crosexoan. The baseball xeasn is drawtixg to it Guy Wells. rloe nd xuxeixinterest isxeng takex Reporters. ini the laxst textgaeasxowxhitchxareinotde- JohenR. Dber., Charles C. Webber. ride whlichx ceamxs will be eligibte to Walter W. Watoni. J. J. Reighard. itilat in tch lamixxlxsi series wiceh li.2. Ilofieister. iReubenx Peterson. begins ini it week or so. Last Saxturdxat I-. it. Husghes. Howardt V. Hexvree. a ie eam lnu joxirixeyed to Topxinabxee M1. Maek Ryan Leto J. Wykkeellandclcrossed bats xwxixh hltocal xx tgre- "ItliRoad lark" i5 in Wr ung, -An "Rxxt l oad Ja~ c"xxas itt poticecourt: ini Dtroitt, ]Fi-d-aly, chaxrgedl xxixt xxxit- xattngg"Steptemxber itornx."Ietotxldthlx tixirt greatmenthxeixlxxeetrictiestx andxl offered lxx tive thlatxte ot Jutie steiu's tirtle. Thxecoxurt disctharged himtinxthliaixwaring cto keep the(]ttt. CALENDARt August 4, 5x:00 lp. n1.--"lixettrexxest AmerticanxxIxanix of 0Lettero." irof't soc T.I.+]. Raninl. Westlecture roomixoflthe phyxsicial lborttxry. Auguist 5, 5:00 Fae ot thxe Ixirt iniiithe H istortyitt Europe." Illuistraxted leecture by Profexssor E.. W. Dcxx. Wtet lectuire roxtox oflix phyitecaxilnboratory. 8001)p. xx.----"ThetRighxts iotthe lxx UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR Regular Fall Term Sept. 29 Feb. 7 All Branches at Msic Fr Catalogue or inforation, al at otice, r address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Cpia, tixo t xx no Saurpiu, q$t.oor : Utndivied Pft sIO ottt- ~ THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR MICH. Custrs' i xr sxi aekorx. 3 per cantntterst iour Sevings Depamnltno IGents' Furnishings I I Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. Univerely Ave. BOOS LAW AND MEDICAL NEW AND SECONDHIAND Complete Line Text Books Text Laboratory Books Reerence Books Dictionaries Compends, etc. CASH OR E XCH-ANGORCl YOUR OLD BOOKS LARGEST STOK IN MICHIGAN C. E. arthll 326 S. Sae Sreei Tel. 761 L "iThe Arcadia" OPEN During Summer Session Regular Prices $3.0-$4.00 BRENNAN-MORROW, 612 E. Librty, Phon 14 The Tobacco Shop & Billiard all The Place oe Summer School Students 118- 120 E. Liberty Street 311 . State St. Carry the Largest Line ot Wool- ens in the City. Satisaction guaranteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMER STYLES A SPECALTY Established 1 888. All work made in this city. 311 . State;,St. i I 4 S.1W. IRobinisont. (gationx of thaxt plaxce withx very xtlsxs- __________________________________treits resuilts, bitt they axix not discoxir- Business staffO. agedI snd are planinxg sweec revenige Hetnry S. Parsoxis, Asst. Bee. Matnager. whexxltey ineet themn agaixnxxx.lxx 2ndx. Fred W. Barbie. Lnuis Rabe. Dxxflits day they will go as thex guests Subscriptiosix and ads taken at o t.2.C irhM Quarrys , Cusitge, and South Unt-- versity lPharmaey. 14 ,44S[IASH El. 111, IS IN ANAN Isslue Editor--tieorgt 11 (aCtrtis. U.S Lse,'1oftedprmn "of pxubltic ntrutxttioni at Lanxsinig, is its - -AtnniArtior its coxnnectionxxithi work SATUiRDAY, AUGUST 2, 1912. whirls he ts doingonxpilaxis for ax tmodel eschool roxim. Thx result of his workc IS A CHANGE NEEDED? will be.fetred here tin telaittie Dx. Reutbtin Petersotn. fet