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August 02, 1913 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1913-08-02

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Vol IV.


No. 17

LEAGUE LEA ERS PREPAR REPORT ipeds of the late Prof. Denison O U H E I
filled Sant Andrewos church, yesla-
lltittgei' Holds Engineers to (Pie Hit Will ('omtment ol Various 11041(5 of day imornng, to pay thrn thenr hal Dr. I. Itj' Rantig fays Denla
And Whins Easy Verdict for , lnslroetiou il Iaw tribtte Thetev.c I eiry Iatlototii- 'lrotbles in (Children Are (Cas
Atornteys. School1s. cated at the serviceswhich follow ed of1Detiquecy.
j '-the tuetiomary imprtesie ritual of the
----- Peodet Rumeritus Jame B Angell-
Stantding of the Deartmnett Leagtue. Deao Henry M,. Beofa the 1aw de etit M.I. ooleyIJudge F. D Kinne "The mot prevalentudieae of atl
Wonk Lost Pet. partment hat eats selected by the Bu- Prestdent iHI BlHutehinstIRegent Iiioakind to that of the fteet,"aid Dr
La we......4 2 .667 eau of Education of the Deaclmet anin E.IReat, JudgeVicto BH I sie. Bunting it a lectue on "The
Medics.......4 3 .571 of the Interioc to pcepace the anoal Poesocs C W PatteoK, Wets Dntal lealtit of hilden" to the wedt
Engiteers...... 3 .400 reiort ott the Arericantlaw schoolsle, Aexanderc iwt eDr A.K aephysics lecture oonls taniigt. H
Life ......2 4 .333 The report to e tmade this year outl LiotitLorchcoilndetrs Rohert H shooed fle effect of dental hetlth or
I he different fronm thooe made to pie- HemphinliKFRIFinch, U.EL istcock the general haltsof children. "A
Wiith Lawyer Baingers fast hll. vioss years, ini that itail containtBH. Urswn antd J.F.01wette acted Iclditwo has enough respect to kep
looking like a pea, antd the egineers besides the usual statistics, a corn-Iat hotoary pllbearers. his teeth clean," he said, "lis toe eto h aiu oe fisre h cieplbaeswr e-mc epc ob.uceni n
fielding raggedly behinld their pitcher mtion thoedcartns tesiatentrlw ee sfthe ucaichateisftaeSimasotthreset ohayn.ai tsct
Nichols. itosenthal's Young Black-I plydith Sterfta has1thloaaspattthStus terw.
Ischools. 'The iurpose o1f tis',cutePittfratenty: Dairy Kerr Herbert "Children swhoIava eatsenpreviouslsy
atnet onao esyvrdcsi tela-onsntwithetnpineutasaasyist vDertdictlsucLuunaot alerhnliyttheD.Biuitg,"atw-fi
engineer game Fridtay hy the score o hseahosasi uPat~~ Eut lmpter rsvitsgstnatid rhsalthy aD.ninghool ttcfaipa
of 1-9 to 3. The lawyers might he ac- remedying fthedfects. Smsits.cait of tha diseases shich retard thns
cused of packing the jury in. theic This msove 01 the intterior depit 'tfter fthesacsites at the huch the erar those of the nseatdtho."H
faou sthycnriue hreo etfis due largely tot he advette biyssdvertabti to Kekuk Is.sweeahoswed the rlatiotn of theta diseases
thic ,thebsiurtakr tot the engineers' line- criticim of the leal prolessinstichs it wlt ha buried beide the raves o1 to ltsa care of the teeth. "In many
lietcmigit cuths bean so piesvlant in the past St his lfater std tuothert ases," be said, "90 or 15 pr catt of
wth only six titn. Judge Davis, wos de adhepupoeofitistotrt_ school children need dental atetntin."
puled sit hlls and trikes, wis alaisee tthe tdrpof i tispo fsiynis / /" iesdmuhfrto l.p
QnestoflM'gnaeeRosenthal 's extra nmen. through the tao schoos. EXT NSION RA dun s te id fro'soti p elyf ilpre-
With bench and bar against th tnieth e Laui peidntofth me-ngetuafisocd frditon . pro ert plaper
bifgewaks hdn hne can Lao School Assocatont itt urs, NEEDS BETTERINGb rtim tothacetaffects tecidmn
ItwsBarrngeras first appearance nade a closaastutdy of thlist schools Nfi tlly The nervous system is so close-
othloamonanthlak i-of this country for years aud s one ly related to the teeth that often a
ginian ogs touched for only one hit ftebs ulfe e nti cu- Ii1 U RTCZS i1NR eae ot a aeadrc f
alshoushon ihe ffenpasie so frksof Hisfry to srte on this subject lit ao IN IIIC . AR LTY )TEN fat upon the braini std tmenal caac-
asdeogetin 1hitooutnofv3 work ofup.stitendsat in terua abook ott cunsstuti PIIESEN'T iDEAS0 , ties f the child. Also filth ii the
sietetni i oto ie p ouat laut uss satt ucrtutu as to PEOPLE tmouhs of the child is infecti. Tise
Nichols pitched a good ganse for thewhnhwilbabetbeiitPr-oxnfmdbya ecigtoh
engineera, allowing but six it, atho vious to writintfhs boots haesilt it' Edio'itTeWosrtt- tasas into the body ither by ttta-
aviating to the extent of hitting two Idtro 'e olrn:
ba e edpssn ohr FtIvisa lodge Coolyt Princitles ot Cots- sA recentpes ril ut ht losvin or titers the blood dircty
strtuionallaw.through the gums."
aloo got the only bingle registered Isittottt~plais are udr waty for flit Univacsiy B trotcntesekrsoe
against his opponent Barringer. Pos " -Byarepionteoeluraoe
10(IAL0I1 PARTYIVINSP1E("'S' extensions lecture saston of 1913-14 that many conmuniies have realized
tius received the offerings of Barring- l'1hlIAtre ele agt lo POPSE O I) HO,.'flIALSI I and thief efforts ae being sude to pe- the importance of dental health of
game for the engineers in the absence se"n'ccttus tidean usg of tpeaukrs than children.InBso ii$,f00ap
('ottiion St.'eems Well Plesed W it in the last tswo years. That there ts propriations esbeen made to provide__Am rbsBi.frew aplndoprtiyfrthsxe-frtefeeramntfcide.
Institutiotn.sos work, no one cats deny. The sue- xamples were quoted of many
FUTURE ATHLETIC FIELD ___s of this featutre of unirsity work schools which require the cleaning of
PRODUCES SUMMER IN COME G oyIt N. Ferris, and MesliR.T is goinig to depend upon wllteliec he the teeth as pat of th school cri
sixottan Murray comprised th sofi anaguement proits fsth misakles cusi. Its some choos ech child is
ch party whsichs arrived its ten Arborswhiatt have beets tat its the past twoo suppid with a tooths brush and the
In the little house on State streetPeitty muorsinsg to intuect te sits yes.It his beeni psibe foe me caos Iota though the tooth clening
the officials of the Athefic associaton proposed forefucnasw epiletaifchoe s- tts. usueo h etrsen xrie ncnet neeycs
are in the best of hunmor over the factpia a Jdg Bulbrtand A ot- I ticse also harS a sareanumube of the rquirmnt has improved flit
thet there are more ways than one to dos,of Howell, other msensers oh the ctussassuns offecsd insptases uwhee the childen mentally as well as physical-
kseep money ina the coffees of the cor- coninision, stre uable to be here at Uniersty speakes hare appeared. ly, nd aa fended especially o raise
poratiosn. A balance in his favor of the tinse. The ulk o h e criticsnsaesy be re- their otlf respect.
$95.61 from the sale of eye, has cot- A conunittee of Anti Arbor pasplt, solsahdits theca simple statements. "If every dentist its Neta Yoks City
vinced our astute frienud the Director headed by P'rof. Fiibert Roth and con-titus o1 hut leturieraso unot dress cor- should top hsr~sa 'e onr
of. Outdoor Atleitics that if the bus- oilting of Dr. fleets T. Myersa Thoms r, ecty Thehmaoity read dreseoney oo," said Dr. Bunting." and begin to
sss of getting out record-breaking Loswery, It, . PrettymnsSacretfary insstead of talking aetetainingly. Too cart for the teeth of children whose
crowds to the big games ever becomeosIW. I. IWelcih, of the Civic assoctaion; manty of thaatpeaker do nt take itshaenfs cannot affordl eguar treat-
sleek, he can always fall beck on President9F. N. Schmid, of fist con- conssidrations that they are address'inent, it to estimated that if would take
farming, mon council, R. H. Hemuphill, Alder- lng a getueral audiaee snd ot a uni- at least theta yess to bring''about a
Most of the 39 acres recently ac- manitiWilinm Schultz, H. J. Abbott, L. vrsity cas,. normal condition in all ctses."
quiretS south of Ferry field is serving . Cart, end TreasusrtilR. .tmp- The fiet cifictsm may ses silty, An appeal was made particularly to
temporarily as a ferm unfit the finan- bel, uotfiteunirsity, nmeffle party in pehas it is, stilt one oight reson- teachers that they assist in the can-
ces of the association perumit laying,! automobiles and took them to the ably expect rpetuatsaives of the pe- paign, the importance of uwhich is
it out in tennis courts, baseball end rousr frmnesateh city on the Whit- unstby mot cultured class in the going rapidly.
footbell ground'. Rye was planted on more Lake road. The party wentf over steate to know' that vening dres is - - -
13 acres, and yielded 151 bushels at a the entire sit and tracts on fle other peafty oath tandardized, and that FORATERI MICHIGAN STARS
total cost for sowing, harvestig side of the river, aggregaing in all black isanS turndown collars ae ITO DWORK '0 S1'DEBiXK 'iS
threshing and baling of $52.63. Of 100 acres, the amousnt required for not its order with a des stit. The IN LOCAL GAE, SUNDiAY
this yield the association kept 0I the proposed institutions audienceether must assue that the -
bushels for its osvn use and sold the Nothing definite wa's' givens out but wereocs oftnosr better or that Ta's former Michigan baseball stars
rest for,$65.98, in addition to this, the cosmmission statrodueSlsatleuasead ha believes the audience does not with be attn agin in action in Ann
19,130 pounds of hay at $8.50 a ton auth auwth Alin Arbo's bid foe the iastif- tnow' beter. Ayway, a business suit Arbor whaen the Studebaker team, ofI
bring in $8.26 more, alt of shch'tonswith sutaba furnishings looks euch Detroit, with so al-star ine-up wilt
figured out on the adding machntI .- ___-_______ btarouthfle platform thans incorrect cos bts with Shnkland tnepen-
which reckons up Michigans shae of fb(ErYT MEN' AND S'I'iENTS' evesning dress. ats of this city, at We'st Park, Sun-
the Penusy 'game receipts, leaves the SI bYI IN GOLF TlOURIINAMEN T, Th second citicisns is most serious. dy afternoon, at 2:30 ocock.
balance before menioned in fastr of If is the unusual lecturer wo can Duncanson and Haddn artfhe two
the new concrete stands.I With five out of the saran entries reatd a paper ausS hold the attention Michigan man, tnd among their ear-I
Seven more acres were planted in stilt in the field for the varous rsph- of an audience foe an hour and a half. mtes ailit be attn "Do" Owen, form-j
sets, end harvested 19 bushels per e setfacultly atndestudnts of the unir- i (Constiuad on page 4) acy with the White. Sox; Eddie Ki-
acre, which though not en unusually city are makinug a good shosving at the l - -- ien, t former Tir; Crigg, . A. C.,j
lerge yield, is the bet with one e-saegltoryhld Sgia Gaowitz, of the Pttsburg A. . This,
caption whichs the threshers had iound fhisswoth., team deends its tite as the fastestl
this year. The sts are to he kept foe Henry L. Grinnell, '15, the only oust THE WEATHER MAN 'ti-rfesooatefam in the state.
use in the saubes f the Athletic aso- to tqualily its the chanmpionship flight.
teflion. Duerimig a crop failure, the and Citian N. Maci, '6, we'rae lfin-1 t :eesst fer Attt Arbor. ill iMarr atnd le Misionaries.

twelve acres in swhich corns has bean leafed in fluefiust rosund of muatch play. Fairts onight and Sutnday. Cooler, ( Satsrday night the marriage of Dr.
planted, are expected to yield more Prof. A. F Cutanea Dr. iltisam F'. oih tight to muosetewsatswinds. 'I Judsn King, of Marshfield Fills,
then enough to feed the association's Lfauhart,*amid flu H. A.Kanyons 01 thu'e etray's I ipetutre~a to 5310' Coca Wolf, of this city, swil
live horses during, thewinter., aenginering Si'p'rtmesatlProf. C. S. Itaxium 92o5.'nimunum, 64.4. Pee- j false place. Dr. tiug walltgraduate
Scientific methods ailit be employed i Berry and HiarlowBurley, '131, hiss ciptafuoss.0. I Icons the honmtopaflutc college in June,j
in the future, end fist crops ailit be! asui survived flit first rosunds o1finatehs;Cuss year ago:esaxiusun 71; msini- and next fall he and his bride stilt go
stated intshis moat approerd sway. plhusy foerflue othse irophieas. nin56.IPraecipitation .0. to Africa as missionaries.

I NalmUtur 1(in), Iteseittiottof lon~e
1 IWlile5.Ntue safgedastusiny tempetst
sut oh Soorthe Ben lusGret woodasnd
epesprsen'utet hasukseare's cor-
s "y TheTemessta" onu thecboarda of
Uivesity' halsh iursdtay unight. Cos-
esudrsug 'ttendanc, interest, and ap-
shausu s a'tdax the payero corad
.typical hiattGeet succes.
Mis Harry Calvr as Caaan, a sa-
ageantmd Sdormead save, played the
mosf Sifficultf rotetadmiraby. In tone
stud gestura hutsas a succesfu iper-
sonuifieationsof aluthafsut is horeibe.
Although slightly less impeussie at
this' cose ha gate the play us ditict
temnpest atnosphre throughout. In
'conunsctont sith Mur. Noel Leslie ad
J.I'uiflus op Keley svho played fle
ipcrts of Osrsito amd Stepshano re-
'pectivey i fores lthe cntr of
asusoiltiom which lightened the ac-
flue muusical acompanments wrt
Souse especially awciiby IRuth Vivian s
Ariel, thel w'oodlusnd nympih At alt
timssshut kespt thsaight and lary ear-
ittg 01fsthecrseilum rluhichsie rere-
Mie Bets Greet who played the nsm-
inalteauding coltturesrvedfthemajejs-
tic bearing o01 1 osturs asd played
with lisaustaistroensgfth amdease.
Actcstsomed to opesn ile acoustics
the players s'eecmed someateconind
tonflue auditforisums of Uirscity Hal.
The proper freedomswaes nsf allowed
for a pay supaticualy adapted is
open atera"'The Tempet."
(Continued out page 3)
Nlie 3.BiDraper, superntenden of
flu university hospfta, and Mu.
tharles L. Loos. the university 'prch-
ating againt, have jutst returned from
the quaterly meeting of the State
Aesocititons of Hoptal Stawards at-
'fistastsociation wsaaformatS tst
fail and Mr. Deper, who has been very
active in ffectinugits oganizaetion wse
elected searetary. If surpose is to
forns a selecting and buyng, cntefor
the supplies needed by the various
state institutions, eighteen of which
are included in the membeship lisL.
At the meetings samples of goods
and product see on demonstration to
the reresenautatives of the etbih
nsabih-ats, wo select the one needed with
regard to quality and price without
the preenace of any salesmen fromi the
respective firms. iRecords oi the
supplies.purchased are kept on file
by the secretary and thus intelligent
busying is niade eaier.
Purchasees are made of Michigan
firma if posaie, but there is open
The pan is working in a most sti-
factory ay at present. and is pro-
intg of great raue in the co-operationt
Iof flue state institfutions.
Coodhoe Rogers, ichgans star
backstop, hus eft the college diamond
foe a bueth in fastr company, haing

signed swith Comnitehieck of the Phila-
delphia Aricans. Rogers left his
home at Pisatc Ilednesday, and cviii
.retort in Philaephiau at once. His
anukle which wsabroosen this spring
while playing srithlisa university is
now its good shape.

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