THE W 0 V SlitI NIE TRY T RU BE Y' S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Cranes Candies - 116 S. Main St. Phone 166 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Regular Fall Term Sept. 29-Feb. 7 All Branches of Msic For Caaloue or lnformtion, call at clfice, or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Cpital, $0, Strpls, $50.o0 Uniedt Poafts, $oooo THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK a ANN ARBOR, MIC. SaeoRanking adso reost'retmetnt of our Cstomer is OrticVthoti. 3 per ceel lntres in or Sacing Deparomeet IGents' Furnishings I Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. Uiverty Ave. BOO)KS LAW AND MEDICAL NEW AND) SECONDHAND) Complete Line Text~ooks Text Laboratory ooks Reerence Books Dictionaries Compends, etc. CASH OR EXCHANGE FOR YOUR OLD BOOKS LARGEST STOCK IN MICIAN C. 1. Barthell 326 S. State Sreet Tel. 761 L "'The Arcadia" OPEN During Summer Session eular Prices $3.5-$4.0t0 BRENNAN-MORROW, 612 E. Liberty, Phone 14 The Tobacco Shop & Billiard Hall The Place fr Summer SchoeS Students 118 - 120 E. Liberty Street Io O..WILD C.I 311 5. State St. Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMER STYLES A SPECIALTY Established 1888. All work made in this city. S. He WILD CO. 'THE WOLVERINE!CttEPU''EA.IWLl, PLAY 1 PSI N (I I rlTf$s \l'EI)AY,1S The official newspaper of the sum-- - mer session of the University of Mh-, Picked Rie rolo Smml~er Leaguers igan, published by the students Tes-) Will Try tConcluins lith day, Thursday and Saturday' after- the 'eseler, noses. AddessTheWolerie, res Blg., Campus bait play er pikeufrees AynardsTWoAesrboresMuchg.,te'teams ii lhe'iner-iepartsiet OMayenHarSttAntor,'Mi i'tieguie'will ivde Ysilani Saturday Offie Hurs1:0 to2:30 p. im" daily. aternoon to ty oncusios wils the P'hone 960. Normal school team. The teachers Subscription Hates-I y carrier, seven- hae been after a ame all seasn and ty-five cents for the summer; mailed as thle gerne beiweenii the lais and to any address for see dollar. iedics scheduled for Saturday halsa Advrtisieg Hates-Furnished upon been plofpoed until Monday at the application to the business manager. reuest 01 te doctors, he Ypsi-ites 1,500 students; 22,000 townspeople. will be accmimoated. i _______________________ A retuirns gaiae will be plisted oti the 1Louis. P. Haller-Mlanaging Editor, South Ferry field dimnod sonic tints Phlone-1.016iet wek, Irobably \Wedni'ay, iwhes t Wlltiam A. Hart-Buisintess Manager. caupus fan will be giveis i catnce to Phone-357. see the loaltlesnt iiix it wills out- Gordon DIavies-News Editor, eders. No tdmision is to be catrged for N liws STAFF. the gment ilYsilaniti Sttrday after- Isue Editors. inoonwich ltstill be callei at 3:10. Thle Y. F. Jaiiitis. Leo N. Buriett. players 'aill leave Aen Arbor on the Reporters. . 10 car. Indictions tre ithat a large George M~. Curtis. Farl rossman. crowd 01 rooters will accuipany the Sees L. Adeirdor. J. J. Reihard . teamin John R. tOber. Gharles C. Webber. Contrary to their ears, th' laws Walter W. Watson. C. L. Jamilson. wiill still hsse a sroig team ni the F-. lloffueister. Reuben teterson. rcartfr the last lit weeks o1 tei se- Cyrus J. Goodrich. C. B. Huhlus. Sin. AltsouigtaCory. Colette, ]'n- Hioward VI. Devrei. Guy Wells. tins adi Webbr wiii be missid. Mn- Mt. MaleRtsIyan Leio J. Wytkel tger Iosetlshanot14 mnceout for S. W. ttobinssomi S. A. tOtpenheimer ra.ct irs Weniesay nd uincoered threii'''diis' who, le pre itcillxvi Business staf birniusithi' league. Henry S. 'arsons, Ast. Bus. Mtnager.- Fred Wi. Marble. LoieIabe. OLIO V INI lttllNt wl 'I) Subscriptions and ads taken at '1.TLKS lXi('ANV '110'LtltE Quarry's. Gushing's, aiid South Cii- - versity tPharmiacy. O. G. Miik, '9i, whio omas eemi cn- Issu liito Ho mlet . esre. gaed its ost ricioinwork nitrtDur- Issue___Ed__tor--Howard___________________ iig0,at lthe sricnctetr of thie Mex- iciitirvoltion, voices thei opinioni tha~t tie Wilsoitadiiiistrtiona is sittk- -Lieya tmistk' iiin riorconiingi thie THITtISDAY, JCLY 31, 193. I1-iirta goveriimeit so ttt Mexic miy obtits ii irgi' loimifroiii ter- t'ROFESS~tC DNISON. many xiti whichso piii owisutuhe c- P'rofcssiir Charle S. eison is dead. belion. The t'nivrsity moursthIe loss of is Canitosits dgierilatiarerrsrikinsg frienid. In saniost every country in; terrrty their ravigs, sd i illii the world, there wiii be sonicaliimous reqirili'nstetnormois forci' to pitiseoti of the tuniversity who xxijoin with dowri. T'1'it'ltera gusveritmet is just the faculty asttudents here itspiy-! as wtorhy of reconitiotis ices the ing tribute to thias quet, courtcous lit- itlo tdintisiitration, titd a lotte tit' tma, ivho in hissforty-one years of! cantot Creulbtaittdotiess h.' rconi- faithiftul service at fie univerity wons tion 01 tie n ited Sates is sered, te friendship of all iho caine into is Ace's argtiii'i. cotat wtittlihim. ( tiurinig ils atay titsMeic, MIlhalsa In an unasuming way, Profeasor suffered mniy ardshiaps fron thtierov- Denisont lan mtide himself felt by put-l olutlitnists titd bttntits. Oce sit his flog some 01 that which ics good its horses andit supties iwert stlet rot his life, into ihe lies of those helampnt. At titotertimfue le twas hit fttught, and ftroutghtethm lehit iflececoverlie hiid ixit iflanitd lct for ti become xtord-xwide.Mtichigatn may eed, but litr xx as irescitd by oiie o itcl be Ittottdlof the olttr genettationti his meet x'io ctrset ihimto fta hsital of meint who have ade me' whlar she ithactteitttx foittd ttithlithaiti itfraca- i.tiscd skull andtiti hiokcitariti Atr zy's Victory Celebrat-ion (Airat Put- I - GUBLE DAILY STj7 P ' V I D'ily F 1-nBay Excursints Round trip week dasiys t6e'a ', S S eact' "Pt-in-Bxy" (New), 4000 iastset ee cpcity 1-5 . Tl'"' dec e tti ft"ases, Cotinsisoe usenc, tOeaseaechreairPiaepos Commnodiotue diig and lunchrcensusFlactIsteel ster"Irn:r'Kib. Doublte dilycseiceesiw is opeatin to Put-it-Beg nd edarPoit-Gel famussbathintg eartes, isoric csees andt eammost hteis. ailyts Clieel'sd :10 a. ni ,via Psut-ii-ay, 1.21elshw'ay. Steimers iPt-iina xi lavesc Detrotlldaily at It:0 A. M Steamer Fank E. Kirby" levsetreoit a e day st 5;00 Dalight Trips to Cleveland $1.25 (wa.Y) 'itis recovery. ott his joistnsy ihomei' he tand his laity' xevii'force'ito10 55 si inie tiays across tse coutiriy, sit spite oma risegroundman soilshistings sis xhati- cxci' they could obtitnsfrui thlisa- tics's.iOne ilhlt thieysiept oniaitfrtail cur out its the sile 01fa cliff .11100 fet i tihove the valley ; to keesl)itieselvIras trnrounilling over ite 'tit-ointshtut sleep, they tiedlthistmselses to lress Melik expets to riltirisft.'texictt very sooms snsdlre'ism' lilawirnsthere'. 'I', )ATN TO ' NEX'r S l llT)' t U - N 1 1 Y N X r o . t'm r n e yv W il l t' n d n t T'le d to Lmakeblie lslmn lllatm iDetroit, eaxitig AmnmsActior at 0:00o'clock , Satutnrdasyinorintg, hr. Frankls 'ttiie will coinrutta55geologiesl expet'dititto1 Pust-in-tBay, Ohio. 't'sirim io ttirstit xviii hieniaieevli td isciian Ctetrli, atnd theisce to the Bay, by boat. 'The iPut-itn-Baty regioms is anrtc iiid for the geoltigiral student. Amnigthit geologictil plienomtnaus atic'foundis grooves resulting front the Wisconint ice floe, and the probtible g;ftaiil iarki- usgs of the Katnsons epoch. 'The bhti granels indicaite thse higher satie of ihake Erie, wshile the ciiierss ere5 tevelolped sihen the ilet waslo'aei thtan it is at prisent. 'The imtire cost of the tripiitirlitiitg insitiw iill bbeh'tten$3.50 asuit$4.50. Ito von play Golf or Tennis ? Zs\ o crry fun itrmesof 'S-pat chutg xsit Vs 'right t Ilitomma miake of Athuletic Goods imn minereral I xvsty article gear' anteed. University Bookstore MElOSORElYOUR13EETING ~l~PLACE IIUSTON BROS. The Fines tlard Room ian0the State CIGARS and CANDIES. IttA~liN~~l We Tray to Treat You sRight" CUSINS+& HALL. tulhy 31,i345 p. mis-"Lotixi'5 saoursFLORISTS Lot. 1Theslen tGreeIt~odlantush Ccr.S. University aed Twolfth Street 3:00 p. m.-"The lemps tThs lBcna G(eet tConmpany. tamuts theatem'. _______________________ Aumgust 1, 5:00 it mt--"Conse'rvtion it We Mrake Old Hats New Stall Fertility." Professor 2. It. 1hot- hitch. "st lectutri'roomof thi' lbs5- Altose ts t huks ictil lasborstory.- The Best Shoe Shine Shop 8:00 p. im.-"The DelerslIealtis of NEXT TO WAGNER'S Children." lluostrsted lecture tby Dr. Cf. V.Btiteing. West lecture rioon. of the physical ltiboratory. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Autgust 2.- Excursios to Put-inu-BLy Captital ....... ..... ........... $30,00000 CSsisists andtUdiidedlIProfits...iso,sttsuo under the dirctos of Professor F. it usis . ............. $,0,000~s.00 Ctariney, xis Alicligse Central hail- Trnsacts a General BankingBMusiness ,,percent itstipatid niSavinasuseposits. rotid (leaiviug 'smtsArbor 0:11 a. tsnn s.) YoursBuiness Solicited. Ca.R iiscise, IPrs, Miscart 3. ritz, Caslt's to Dletroit said tetimer toPtin-m W. x. rii sstso, vse-me s.,fail '.Bus i t.' Bay. Students smithotlhers des'irinig lesl' ien.i'fatzA sst. C s 'SavingsiDeph. to go o isuhis excursion tire reqoested to conisuult.,tin erly as hpossibleixwifth RED RUBBER SOLES Professor Casrney, MtuseumsButild- leg. Put on Any Shoes at Call_5_fotaxi t Io 0. G ANDRES, 222 5Sl Sate Street CALLTAXI1550 On CalDay or Night CALLTAX 155 .. Auoan Baggage Livery Ann Arbor Taxicab Co., 300 N.AMain St. "tYou can tell A Gentleman by the Cleanliness of His Linen" if ynuowant thenbsta tis donegu ts The City Laundry rTS. ROE , Prmp. 404-416 Detroit Street l The f(Gar oyle ALL COLLEGE N flil us Thad 1Order JOUIRNAL BUILDING DETROITICH. SUSAR BOWL 109 S. Main Street BEST -ICE CREAM SWEETEST CANDY PROMPT SERVICE SuG 4'AR BOW L 109 5. Main Street Phone397 DAVIS &OLINGER Printers Deliveries made when promised Phone 432-J 1 09 E. Washington Street Write ocFodec 'ASHLEY & DUINf STEAMEPLINE qS 'utG 1 1 m,