AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75c j 4 RISUMMER PUBLICATION Vol IV. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1913. No. 16 1N . SI1 EWLETT SAYS KEY PROF.D ISON NOTE OF FUTURE MEDICINE DEN IS PREVENTION NOT CURE. GIVES LAWS LEAD I~vsi~o~~n otb o- DIES AFTER 41 GIVE LA S LE D !"P'reventive medicine mast be sup- ~portedby the community at large and YEARS' SERVICE dic s ( Close Will in Department must be put in the bands of men who 1 Lrague Upets Staiidiogs of are specialized," said Prof. A. W. Hew- Three Leaders lett in a lecture on "The Conquest of Dr. Angell Brought Him Here From -lh Inefectious Diseases" in the west University of Vermont IEVISED SCHEItILE 111lADE PUBLIC amphitheater of the medical building in 1872. Tuesday night. "The time is coming," Standing of the Departnent Leagne. he said, "when every health officer HAS BEEN ILL NEARLY A MONTH. on Lost yet. shall require special training and the Laws. .. ..............3 2 .600 1office will not be open to private prac- Prof. Charles S. Denison died yes- Medics .......... A .514 l.7titioners. terday morning after 41 years of con- Engineers ... .. , .500 "The advance of medicine during tinuous service for the university. He t~is~s vm lihi lass. 21 years." said the speaker,h Liets .. .... .... 4 had been indisposed since commence- has been effective through prevention ad been.indispod s commence- Theismrdlbsinwcurernmthiseaccountethement week, but, although his condition rather than cure; on this account the . . 2 to I last Tuesday afternoon. The irwas such as to cause his friends con- emost wonderful triumphs have not . game was one of the most exciting n siderable worry, he refused resolutely that has been seen this year, neither a' ppreciated by the average lay- to give up, and had not been confined team scoring until thle' last of filhe a 'to his bed much of the time. After a fourth whe s Leggett's error allowed restless night, he rose early yesterday Rlybahch to draw first. blood for the PLEADS FOR WIDER USE OF morning and dressed. Shortly after- medics. The s' 'ineers" stamed off wards he complained of faintness, and with a rush in the fifth, but were had his attendant help him to a couch. forced to be content with tying the. The attendant left the room to get him score when Essery's single brought Professir lis of Iarvard Talks a glass of water, and returned to find iiens Ir Smith* On the Presentation of him dead. Wiiser aid Grylls eh itched. He was born in Gambier, Ohio, July li irst game isv their respective 12, 1849. His father was the Rev. Geo. teais, both showing decidedly good . Denison, a Yale graduate, and a de- form. The medic twirler was especial-! Emphasizing the need of a larger scendant of Captain George Denison ly effective in deceiving the engineer vocabulary of geographical terms and of Stonington, Connecticut, who came batters, whiffing eight and alloingi the importance of the use of drawings, to America in 1631. Upon the death of only two hits. ressor W. i. Davis, of Harvard, il the father, the family moved to Lock- A decided improvement in fileding lustrated various methods of present- port, U. Y., where the son was fitted was shown by both teams only one er- ini teographical facts, in his lecture for college. In 1867 he entered Nor- ror being chalked up against the imed- O "The Front Range of the Rocky wich University, Vermont, and after ics and three' against th engineers, Mountains," Wednesday afternoon, one year changed to the University of The feature of th gain was an un- i s"When we grow up we enlarge our Vermont, where he received the degree assisted double sissy by Mie, e busienss and professional vocabular- of Bachelor of Science in 1870. The i lrs t s lihas been pulled oft this year. esli esaid, "but in our geography following year he took the degree of Clay, the medic first baseman, also w stiii use the terms of our child- Civil Engineer, and in 1874 that of distinsguished himself by pulling down hood." Professor Davis said that many Master of Sience at the same institu- a hotliner which would have other- epeditions for geographical explora- tion. wise been god for two bases. tions paid more attention to the camp He has been connected with the Uni- A. league meeting was called during outlit and other necessities than to the versity of Michigan since 1872, when he the medic-engineer game last Tuesday,I mental equipment necessary for the came here as instructor in engineering at which it wa s decided that the lit- ikc, austud hence their hearers or read- and drawing. In 1882 he became as- medic' game formerly scheduled fir' ers of such reports fail to get a clear sistant professor of descriptive geom- the opening week, should be forfeited impression of the true geographical etry, stereometry and drawing. Since to the medics inasmuch as the lIts aspects of the country described. 1901 his title has been professor of had failed to show ip al that time. c mosi satisfactory method oi stereometry, mechanism and drawing. As a result of this decision, the med- esentatis, siccording to the lecturer, When the United States government ics now stand second in the leagne,ws secusred with the aid of drawing organized an expedition in 1873 to es- (Continued on page 3) and the use of geographical terms, tablish the boundaries between the n etus eressing graphically and with- territories of Washington and Idaho, sliout superfluous language the present Prof. Denison was appointed astrono- PROF L TILDEN DISCUSSES stage of development of a region, mer and surveyor for the party. The OROWN-STR AI ON R GES itusi t.unduy einphasizing the his- results of this expedition were embodi- CROWN-TRAIN N BRID E r Iso 1fit changes which have re- ed in a report prepared by him in con- sulted in the present condition, as has junction with Mr. Reeves. He has pub- Interesting results of experiments been the tendency in the past. lished papers on various other topics in a comparatively new field of engi -related to his profession. He was a neering research were shown by Prof. Dr Peterson Will Repeat Lecture, member of the Michigan Engineering C. . Tilden Tuesday afternoon in a I"The fights of the Unborn Child," society, the Detroit Engineering soci- lecture dealing with the effect of nov- the lecture delivered two weeks ago by ety, and the Society for the Promotion ing crowds upon bridges and similar Dr. Reuben Peterson, will be repeated of Engineering Education. structurss. next1 Tusday evening at 8:00 o'clock, Dr. Angell, who, shortly after he While allowance for the forceus ex- in the amphitheatre of the medical came here from the University of Ver- iried by greati nvasses of people has building. At the first lecture 200 peo- nont, sent for Prof. Denison to take always been made by engineers in tle were turned away after the stand- a place on his faculty, of course knew bridges and similar str utusres, no x- ing roominthe amphitheatre had been (Continued on page 3) tU nded experiments have been made filled up. Many requests for the repe- looking toiard the accurate meas- tition of the talk have been received urement of such pressures until re- siuce that time. T WATHEH MAN c Ivtly. As a result of these inves - tigations it appears that the old maxi- Former "Daily" Editor's Father Dies. ssmum of 100 pounds hert siuare foot, Word has been received of the death Forecast for Ann Arbor. which engineers have long used as the I of James M. Pennell of .Cheboygan, fa- Cooler this 'evening. Probable basis of their calculations, is much iher of Frank Pennell, managing edi- thunder showers. Friday fair and less than the actual downward force for of the Michigan Daily last year. cooler. Moderate east to south winds oxerted by a quiet crowd, while the Mr. Pennell was the senior member of becoming variable. force expended by the same crowd ris- the firm of Pennell Brothers, marble Yesterday's Temperatures, ing fronm a sitting position to an up- and granite dealers, and a member of Maximum 87; minimum 71. Wind ight one is nearly twice as griat. the Cheboygan board of supervisors. velocity 18. Precipitation .0. 'ngineers have always, hoever, ad- The funeral was held last Sunday at One year ago: maximum 72; mini- (Continued on page 4) the residence of the deceased. mum 54. Precipitation .03. PROF. ULRICH PHILLIPS DESCRIBES PLANTATIONS IN ANTE-BELLIN SOUT1H. Prof. U. B. Phillips, in his lecture yesterday morning on "Plantation Life in the Ante-Bellum South" de- scribed the topography, people, in- dustries and resources of our far south. He emphasized particularly, the interesting conditions that exist DITCH CAVES AND IMPERIALS LIVES Inopportune Slide of Heating Tunnel Wall Causes Delay and Damage. EXCAVATION NOT REINFORCED. among the inhabitants; their environ- The lives of a dozen men were im- ment and ambitions; the relation be- periled, and considerable damage was tween the plantation owners and their occasioned when one hundred feet of the big ditch north of the medical employees; the evolution and devel- building caved in without warning opment of plantation life, and the im- Wednesday afternoon. provements since the abolition of slav- Bwen ternoon. ery, especially among the negores. HeWHermen temediuildinand waterman Wymnasium gymnasium detailed the cultivation of rice, sugar the noe- tunnel is to rho west some and cotton and the modes of preparing 'hun etndiconce thsthe and ranporingthesam tomaret.hundred feet and connected with the and transporting the same to market. old substation. In excavating there a firmer soil was encountered than in MICHIGAN MEN UNITE WITH the previous work, and it was not thought necesnary toput in the brac- EASTERNERS IN SOCIAL WORK ing which had hitherto been used. As {the big steam shovel continued to pile Is Only Wester School Represented 'tons of dirt alongside, a large crack on Nine Civic Service . appeared in the side of the ditch. It Conimittees. began to widen perceptibly, but was not thought to be serious. Unfortu- - nt ll tha dith ha h~r nrlalia Social work for Michigan graduates has become a working ideal in New York and Philadelphia. Nine Civic Service Committees which have been recently organized in New York City, represent nine colleges, Amherst, Co-1 lumbia, Cornell, Harvard, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Princeton, Williams, and Yale, for the purpose of putting college graduates who locate in that city in touch with the opportunity for real social service. The idea is to get the young college man, fresh from school and full of enthusiasm, to become interested in some civic movement. This social work is found in various organiza- tions, the settlement, boy's club work, the big brother movement, the boy scout movement, public school ath- letics, the recreation pier, charity or- ganizations, political parties, the Y. M. C. A., and military work. The committee is put into touch with those who intend to locate in New York and offers each man an oppor- tunity to spend one evening a week in some such useful and agreeable oc- cupation asthose mentioned. In Philadelphia this work is in the hands of one committee representing six colleges: Harvard, Yale, Pennsyl- vania, Princeton, Michigan, and Hav- erford. The committee attempts the same task as those in New York and is known as the Alumni Social Ser- vice Committee. A Michigan man, O W. Perrin, '01, is treasurer. Michigan is theronly western school represented in work of this kind with the larger universities in the east. The headquarters for the work in New York is the Student Club, 554 W. 114th St., and is in charge of Dr. R. S. Cope- land, '89h, chairman. '09 Engineer Takes Important Position Fred Zeder, '09E, was recently ap- pointed to the position of consulting engineer of the Studebaker corpora- tion. Since leaving school he has been employed by a large Milwaukee firm and by the Studebaker company, as consulting engineer of the E. M. F. plant, the auto division, and later as head of the chemical and electrical laboratories. ' Ue y oe ace was nere paraie led by the old tunnel, which was not re- inforced and unable to withstand the added ,burden of the excavated dirt. It suddenly collapsed and precipitated large masses of earth into the exca- vation. At the time there were eight or ten men in the ditch. That they escaped injury speaks volumes for their celer- ity in movement and their ability to scale almost perpendicular walls. All had narrow escapes, though some man- aged to take their tools with them in the dash for safety. Mr. H. E. Hite, the foreman on the excavation part of the work, in speak- ing of the catastrophe said, "The ac- cident occurred at a rather unfortu- nate time, because we were crowded and were pushing the work right along. It will cost at least $2500 to re- pair the damage besides delaying the job at least a week." It is said, how, ever, that the work of repair will be (Continued on page 4) EXCELLENT CAST PRESENTS TRAGEDY OF SHAKESPEARE Work decidedly above that of the average cast of amateurs character- ized the public recital of "Romeo and Juliet" given by the class in Shakes- pearean reading before a capacity audience in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall last night. Edward Moseman, who has taken part in several of the Union operas, and in plays presented by Proscenium, was the star of the cast. His work in the last scene merited all the ap- plause which an enthusiastic audience gave it. Mary A. Bronson, who played Juliet in the tomb scene, contributed no small share toward making it stand out above all others. Probably the first Chinaman to take part in university .dramatics in Amer- ica, is Y. F. Jabin Hsu, whose acting in the scene in Friar ,Lawrence's cell won him a place among the best in the cast. Louis Eich, in the balcony scene was also excellent. The rest of the parts were taken in a creditable manner. At 3:45 P. M. Annual Summer School Engagement Remaining Seats WilR Be Sold at the Door Love's Labour's Lost OF .en Greets Woodland Players . At 8 P. M. General Admission The Tempest Campus Theatre Thursday, July 31 50 Cents