T HE WO L VE RI NE WEVT1 RE ESYE C. I. KIDID4 Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Av DRY AND STEAM CLEANING THIS WAY yuSumeiner Students-Come around for a LUNCH flint Is a LUNCH B ANC OFT'S Corner 01 Monroe B" AN C uR 0F IF and Thtayer Sts. A fu line of Tobacco and Cigarettes. Hi1gh Grade Conections and Fruit. I r. 1 SPECIAL SALE ON LETTER PAPER AND TABLETS We carry Alt Sioes Loose Leaf Paper 340 S. STATE ST. IRVING F. SCHLEEDE z I UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHARMACY GOULDING. & WIKEL Drags, Cigars, Candy, and Stationery. Agenoy Moore's Non-Leakable Pen M - CLEVELAND PORT HURON.I BUFFALOGODERICH THHE CHHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS1 Spend your. vacation on the Great Lakes, ttemost economical and enjoyable oting in No matter tnonwhat point yon want lo go, use D. & C. W eeY uCan o Line Steoaiers operating no all important ports. Dily servce hetmeen Detroit and Bufffaio, May lost to November lot. City of Detroit III and City ofClevceland III, tmwofthe largest sidencwheel steamersinothe wold, on this division lone I Oth to September 10th. Daily service betweeo Dttroit and Clecoland April 15th to December lost. Doting July and Augusttwbehots oat of Detroit andl Cleveland evrny Saturday and Sunday night. Poor trips meekly hetweren Toledo, Detroit, Mackinac Island and way ports. Ten Day Stopover allowed at Alpera either direction on tourist tioketo without additional cot. Daily service betmeen Toledo, Cleveland and Pt-in-Bay. Special Steamer Cleeland to Macinac Iland, two trips meekly, June 15th to September 10th stoppirg only at Detroit coerny tripand Goderich,Ot., every Monday up-hound and Saurday down-hound. SpeciaDay Trips bentweenDetroit and Cleveland, DuringlJulyoand August Tuesday, Wednsday, Thturrday and Saturday out of Detroit Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Priday outr of Clevtland. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLEn-Tickets reading via any roil lineme ktween Detroit anod Bufflain d Detroitoand Cievrland'will be honored for transportation on D. & C. Line Steamers in either direction. Send2ocent stamplforIlilutratedyPamphlet and Great Lahes Map. Addres: L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. Philip H. McMillan, Pb'ea. A. A. chant, Vice-Pra.. and Gent Mgn. f ~ Detroit &Cleveland, * Navigation Company hN NOIsES ('h.tl' FOR (GRE'!'ILAtYS. (Continued from page 1) -Antconio, lils brother, theusurpinag dunie, Osrar Pefirle. Ferinatntd, non to tue Kinig of Naples, George Vivilun. Gonrzilo, honcst old council lot, Doug- lan Ross. Adrian, lord, Edmntd Gorst. F rantcisco, lod, Luger Soith. "" aliban, a savage antd deformeadsltuve, Ilarry Clver. flTrincrulo, a jestce-, Notl Lesliei. Stephaino, adriunketnkttler, ..Will- J irada, datotgaer lo lruuiaeru.Orlo i Ariel, ai spirit, Rth Viviuaa. Iris, ipersuonin a masqutlle, Isitel PMer- Ceres, nersootinftcanasque, Elizaubethi Miersoti. Jttno, ipersotn it , a stqtlluel, Margttrite - litcelll Nymphsa, reapelrsnd tita h uler sirits attendling ott Prociurro. Scente: Oii a dasrt islanid. To the right is Praspero's cavu'; iie sea-shtore ison011 left. Sonar iott'e uticyin by Sir Arthur Sulivan. (t'ntinund fromr page 1) give Danc's argumnts thrir propier i placeinathet' worldl of ociencei. Payof.Davis in recognized atin o urld athtlority in genlogy' and1 is wcll kniowna lay scicetist s rtrhie valttabtl' investi- gations inwlicha le hastadauae. Ie will teliver aniother lecture' at 5:010 o'c'locka tomcorrowo'in the' wofstaphitlirater of fla phplysics btildting. Tile stubject will ho 'Thc Front Otanigi'of ite Rocky Mouttains, Colorado." Although the subkjects are scieniictrit nature thaey lire prenentedl in a popular mnuter. Intthtte lecttre loot 'night thae speaka- or tirged teachers to tise more graphic illttstrattious. "Also," he osaid, "more shonld kie lefit, liio the llpupittdtuce fur hitmself havinig beta givecrertaini fuindtaental faicts aith whichtic ke- gita," PR(OF.SIREVEINS I)ES('lIBtES POISON IVY AN) S('HU'MA('bi. THE ANN AR BOR FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor Open Every Day Except Sunday. 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 725 South Fifth Avenue Phone 996-2 rings -1 Mteteiigltt Oni Lke Elio 'a Iftiritotl Sight. Justl imagine yotirself abioarid aitin- ariotis D. & C. Line steamaer inn Lake Erie, righat ita lite with thiemnt. lDe- lighatful to thinlkaot; inre teilt deih-ful to really enajoy. D. & C. steamaers leaive Dletroit tand Bufftalo eairly every eenitng anid arrive iitidestinations t'urly thic nextf morning. Staillticketsronsor- ed for passage. Send twosoetnttitp for Great Lakes Map anid Folder. Ad- drt'ss D. & C. NAVIGATION tCO., Detroit, Mich. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ADS IN TIS COLUMN MUST BE jPAIN) FOR IN ADVANCE. Lot-Waterman Foutain Pen, green ink. Betweeti S. Univ. Pharmiacy and Economics Bldg. Reward. Phone 343, Dean. Feir Rent-Cottage for reni, "W5idlet- mann Grove," East Side, Whitmnore Lake. Phone 212-J, 312 5. Div. St., Anin Arbor. T, Th. S. Ie'iard-One dollar rewcard for the rotuin of the Modern Rtepalir Shop signi. 61N. William St. S & T Thc, tiutual Wetdnesday asst'tbly is- morrow' night at Gratnger's. 1 Says'Ihat;i llit lm of Numereos'ilnes f _, Rubber Soled FOOt- o v osnnFwPol wear for Men and "Teer to- - Thee ar said 1o be 3,000 cases of wom n--fiv pisoinginCaliforuia every idoy," IVUIIIUIIsaid Professor A. B. Stuvens iii Ois Sthat is SATISFACTORY and E lecture on "Conamon Paoisonous -RIGHIT IN PRICE will be found at Pltats," yestt'rday afternoon. "Poison MY NEW LOCATION-119 E. LIBERTY STREET ivy is fotund in every section of Amer- ica, in the city as weii as ini the country, growntg unader conditionts 11 whticha it caries froma a plant sim in- ches higha, to oue which reaches the tolls of the tallest trees. Here in Ann Arbor it hoas been founad growinag on I hove been headquarters for the past seven years for the camtpus, on Ferry Soeld, all along this class of footwear. Sf111 street, aund in mauny othuer plates (IfiijfoGriudi Altoe,plfi I ucu/ u it I) trounid thae towvn. Atuilyet the average mon has absoluiely tic idea wehat the TU~m E LU CH R OM Irofessor Stevens deucribed the dif- TINK R" C161dferent varieties of schaumachuanad ivy, FURNISHERS and HATTERS Io Univerhity Men Lunches and sodas of which hae shaowvd aniatber of Ian- 242 S. Statit.~ 338 South Staee Street terot alides, anud itadicated some of the reniedies for plant poisaning. F0Oa Fulley & O'Connor Tailors. 619 E. Universal Dry and Steam Clean- Groceries and Meats _______ St. _tf in1 Wok rk laes Call 407.CEveryting First-Glass old Feh in ok '-Atsi0cenr 101OSOA TRIAL For promupt and nosut satisfactory T. E. WAHL, Mgr. A worka bring your films ho Hoppe, pho- phone 877 1 119 Packard St. (A' LEMBLE, Sr,, Prop. 530 Foreot Avenue tographer, fitS N. Liberty St. tf StlbSCt11111111 ill er. 'hT eeronue siubscribitig beforo Au- gumot 1st at I ile reucueid raiu' of 45 rcit, \oo naill give atfile of thet'bacla nmtbrs woith the ence'ptionu of isuii No. 8 whiuch hatsbinsenhiatusteud. t'all ittheiPress m'i'slluig uot'plone X1t tnaw. Call 15 for taxi. tf. Rulbber Sole Onfords, all styles, at Canutia ootery. 208.5. Statu' St. If. SUMMER SALE MUSIC PIANOS ' allivev ~itp fi rC l1)0U oc Across From Majestic C . H. BROC]K HC.BAGGAGE & LIVERY Two Good Saddlers L hn 40 116 N. Fourth Ave. For Rent Suite of 6 or 8, all outside rooms in the Malcolm Block, many people say they are the best in the city. Especially fitted for Doctors or Dentists. i. Karl Malcolm"1 604 E. LIBERTY MAJESTC TONIGHT KINEACLOR FILMS DART PHOTO PLAYS Travelogue Motioni Pictures ALL SEATS 10 CENTS tern her ist Call 1S for taxi. tfo Rubber Sole Oxfords, all styles, at Campus Bootery. 208 5. State St. tf. Any uubscribers wishing back coluies of The Wolverine to complete theit Sules can obtain the saume by calling at the Press building durliag office hours. 'Suits cleaned and pressed, 75c. Fal- her & O'Connor, 619b E. Williamo St. tf. Charccoal Grilled Poi terhose Steaks. Bessimer's Grill. 113 W. H-uron St.. upstairo. Opp. Interurban Station. hf. Call 15 for baggage checkled f rum hoose to deutination. if. ~be cIta Starts Serving, Lunches Sep' STATE AND PACKARD STREETS