THE WOLV ERINE a and Ifact the samie iwill be yoor vetriciien ootry onra pair of I Y oar newomodri shoe. Thirytiave I ' :ill oth te style, allthtte iiodistines b~~o~o ttiat fastiion teianiids and all ttie a- comfort of old 'liars as writ. 'Wear l ike iron, too, and rertain ttheir - shapetiness to the fast. Tae a f - -took 'tatohms. N Headquarters for PINGREE MADE SHOES G!L0 S E OMANY 3 ~119 South MHain Street WHITE STARI LINE WHIARF FOOT IOFISWOLDi FraDelightful All Day Outing ox the beauifuli "t. C'lair Suver r' ake tie.i ste e"i'asio" aiiy m iii iig 8:45-iina'ys :0', a re ireisamreilay: tori t Hurnc$z2;Fla ts.or 'ia'.iork 'ic ! vee-ry., Jcrurndays, Afurar i or .(Toeo iar t rnstae r O aii" lii o wypors aeth " ity''aTold""at2o p, pu. a ndhtter done. Mid bright '~ nt as a dollar-quick as a flash. TWhat's howA wa-illI1)p von. It i>s on lcherfl, wholasomanoo satisina drlitk.l oo00()1!bathiboady 'adlbricn. 'HE OCI 05LA C). Ao see 'a ll"FLA: of ic 1'. 7r LITS lESlIR THIEMSELOVES LAWSN15ER tON' LAST LAP :1:1ID COMIE BACK WITH Ill'SH. OF 'T'HEIR SUIDIER SESSION1 (Conitinued from page5 1) I tunicrun, Seward; (frce basae hit, MrrcFartarid; twoarse hit, Smith; base sit brola, off Smith 2, off P'rice 3; struck out, by Samithi 5, by Price 8; sae- rifice htis, Pirice, Smuith, MaeFarfand, Curtis;rumfifre, D'awsoo. it-LawisGamne. The fits shooed again, yesterday af- terrnoorn, that they tire stiff in tire figiht far tih' ieagure championsip, by de- featinig tirefaxws 4 to 3. Netlson pitch- ed hifs first gamre far the fits, and show- ed toad conrcl throughout, holdirng tire ic's to five scattered hits sod riot talloxwirig a tors to wx ath. Webbe r.tire law twirler, was ini good faor, bitt did riot have sufficierot sop- part to ward off the onslaught of the ltferary' men, twios managed to cross fire plarte three runes tire first ironing. Tire grime was one of the snappiest that hors been so far, both teams show- ing it deicidinmprovemenot in their fielding. Tire nextcanoe will be held thin at- ternoo at 4:1o'clock bettweens the enoginetors arid the medics. Laws AB H R E Kerwsin 3b ...............3 1 0 1 Cofletfe ss ...............2 1 500 Ltrbadic 2bo ..............2 1 t11 B~aumrano lb ..............2 0 0 0 ItaFir' ef .................2 0 1 0 Mattress rf .............2 0 0 0 Woebber p ...............2 0 0 0 20 5 3 2 Riegistrantion Light, Manty Students 'Not Renmaining For Full len Weeks' (nurse. Workc in the courses of the secondr semester of the summer session in the law department, began Muonday. Pro- fessors fisti, Stoner arid Waite of tire regular faculty have reformed to cors- dutt the classes in evidence, common few pleadinog and safes respectiely, xvhile Professor Cockley of the fio State University stywsschool reitl teacih rest property. Comparatively fesv sturdents register- ed for tire second semester's work end ft is prubber that the total attendance irs the department wiii be decreased as many of the men who enrollfed in Jrna wilt trot remraipo for tire second half of the sumemner's xvorkc. White no definite announceruent has been made as to the time when grades ito the first semester is's examination grades 'sift be givers out, it is probable that the resulits may be teamned before abe end of the week. Professor fBunk- cc leaves for the East, Wtednesday night, so it is expected that grades in his courses 'sift be available shoot Tihursday. Professor Drske xiii start for Lakeside withrin a few days ansd ciii iheve finished his reports before heaving. Dean Bates xwiil be in toxvn atll 'eek, starting on his vacation next Monoday. At the secretary's office yesterday no definite information couid be had as to the time when the grades in constituo- tionsi lsw would be ready. DIRECTORY OF SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS Names in this directory are taken from the records in the offices of the secretaries of the various departments, and contain the same errors. tf no phone number iras been placed on the enrofiment card, none is shown here, but that does not preciude there -being a phone in the house; catll the chief operator and teii her what house you want, Wiebe, Wiltliam, fit. Wisner, Neb. Wilcox, Mdadge E., grad, 900 Oakland. Ludington, Much, 269-J. Wild, Erwin K., fit, 442 S. 4th. Ann Arbor. 569-t. Wilgus, Horace E., fit, 1547 Washte- i { 1 L 1 1 { 1 SH S- 'I 1,its AID reward ss ........ r'torror 1) . .. .. . .. . igoores 2b ................2 oritir c . . . . . . . . . l iifigr' if . . . . . . . . ,or'kwaood 2b ....... cilson T .. . .. . .. . . Which, BethairM:., fit, 5Sf4 IE. Liberty. Dayton, t0.147t-J. Wiroes iced C., Jr., grai, 435 . tUni- versity. Kalamroaoo. 1283-., Wing, JeffersonroT,', Jr., fit, 238 S. Wintetr Egirrt, groi. Sring iLake, Wisruer, Otto G., ilaw, 6858Pacrkard. Basy ity. l1597-L. Wisner, Haroldr H., fit, 70 Arbor. An Arbor. 1043-, Wlitticr,iRoy, lit, 323 Thorpson. 'Elk- hsart, tn. 805-. "Witel, Mabe iE. fit, 6335S. tIngas Wolovr, Horn S., law; C7331 S. Strife Owtosso, Miin. 387. \Vober, Jos. G., lit, St. TJames H ote. tDetroit. 1972. 'olof, Itobert ., eng. 630 5. 12tir. Hilsaloe, Mihi. 1292-J. Wood, Barrton Di., 0eng, tit Crnrwxeii Pli Mierced, Coo.211. Wood, iBenjamina i., eng, 41 iE,. Uni- versity Wocot, N.'. 478-Ta Wood, Fraink A,.lit, 1020 S. tUniversity Hirbbarrstow'r, Si. 904-I, Wood, laroid F., fit, 602 Moore. Coe- rish, hMichr. 799-fL, Wrood, Wiliamt C., fort. Ameda, Ca. Woodburn, Janet, Sch. of Mus, 211 Geddes. 153-,. WXoodford, Oive i., grad, 917 Monroe, Cleveland, 0. 614-L. Woodiose, Genn A, rug, Camp 13o- gardus. tomstock, Mici. Woodring, iiarry . fit. Crry, Po. Wo'odw'ard, Bleatrce, uit, 402 S. Oh' servatory. fPort iHuron, SMic.. Woral, loases S., grad,513 hop- son. iDelaware, 0. 1204-. Wortih, Clarence B., eng, 220 . Ir- gaffs. tianover, Sun. 1017-. Wrigiht, HEdgar M., lax, 1003 E. tUni- versity. Logan, Utahi. 1359-b, Wright. Frantk A., fas, 910 Conweil Pl. Lewistorn, MStnk39, Wright, Fred 1., law. Mineipois, Mtinn. Wright, IMrray S., eng. Fergus Fals, Mirro. Wykke, bra J., eg, Crimp iBogrdus. Kafamaoo, Sch. Wrigley, Abby L., grad, 21 S. Igalsi. Freonrt, 0. 413-i. Yasmadat, Tartorroo, fit, 1191 N. Tiayer. Sendai, Japan. 71-. Yasoharo, Ichiro, lt, 685tlif. Japar. 1823-, Terns, Peter ., eng, 1020 S. 'Uriver- sity. Mcheter, N. Y. 904-I, Ten, Fang, eng, 110 N. ngstlis. Hu- cbs's, China. 99-. Yerger, :Edwin M., lax, 1008 Cornwel Pt, Memphis, Tnn. 1780. Tu, Wu Wei, lit,1021 Caterie. Hun- an, China. 964-J. Tokorn, Merie C., grad, 114 5, Ingis. Dletroit. 1.722-. Turk, ba, lit. .Dtroit. Tourng, Pilara, litu224 .Thayr. ron- ton, 0 463-J. Toung, George F., 'tg, 721 . tIngals Mic~iniey, Tae of :Purs, Wst It- dies. 1444-I. Young, Qua-finog, eng, 1209 5S. tUniver- ity. Sbanrghai, Chin. 1552-., Tounngs, bynno J., grad, 1211 Prospef. Ann Arbor. Totems, Messef ., grad sp, 432 S. Di- vision. Bolflarid, Mich. 1809-. Zewadski, Guy TB., laxw, 915 Okand, Ocaa, Fs. 55. Zieger, Charles M., eng, Camp ogar- dos. Saginaw Mich. Zion, Frederick, W, eng, tamp o- gardus. Galiesburg, Micr, Zur Mashfon, Enmma F., lit, t06 1th Grand Rapids. 1225-TL. B 0 0 1 0 R 1 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Eye Mlasses and Jewelry Repaired Alarm Clocks Conklin Fountain Pens ti-ler Jeweiry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street OF' THE 1111 rsty £ i f chigal IN NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course toe those preparing for fhe scientific administration of departments of sanitation anti rublic health. IFor C-p~y of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address /Secretary University ANN AR B OR ]w 17 4 4 3 Game log innings. 123 has.............2 1 0 0 0-3 kits ........,........3 01 00-4 Twco boise hilt, Pontius; doutble play, Bhaumarnn to Labadie; struck out by nelsono 4, by Webber 2; sacrifice hit, Htyoanes; umpnire Dimuisky. JOHN)11MA ILRE Iti CAP'SIZEiS IN 4,111,130 T ON WTIITMOfRE. nate. Ann Arbor. 651. Wifgus, Waiter, law, 1547 Washtenaw. tCaughrt ins a sundden squali, John 651. Mlbeitrt sanod two companions, alf Wiiliams, Aden F., lit, 702 5S.CUniver- of Ann Arbor, capsized as they were sity. bittle Rock, Ark. 63. attempnuting to cross Whitmrnoe bake Wiliiams, Alfred 0., eng, 1408 Wash- inn a smnalh sailboat, Sunday afternoon. tenaxw. Ann Arbor. 343, The waves were running high where Wifliams, Charles F.,5586 5. State. they port off front shore, but they ex- Owosso, Mich. 18. prected ho eans the hotel dock before Wiliiams, Chare M., eng, 710 S. 12th. the storm broke, Aul clung to the Williamston, Mich. 1569-b. bnoat innS sere taken from the water Wiilfiams, Edgar ME., lit, 1437 Washte- a few minrutes satem by John Dieterle, nawv. Akron, 0. 319. '14, whro hurried to their assistance Wiliaims, George H., eng, 604 N. Jet- inn or large haunch. ferson. Detroit. 349-b. Williams, George b., eng, 517 E. Aun. Gail 15 for baggage checked from Buffafo, N. T. 294-b. house to destination. tf. Wilson, lames B., grad, 444 5. State. ______________- Pittsburg, Pa. 937. U'hrs are canted for the Men Greet Wilson, lames P., law. Dickson City, shoe's our July 31. Students xwishring to Pa. traier apply to Mr. Hollands in the j Wilner, George D., lit, 116 N. Stafe. baseenrt of the general library., I Plymouth, Pa. 183-L. LYNDON, PHOTOG RAPH ER Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I inake a specially of Developing, Printing and Enlarging for Amateaurs-by Modelin mnethmods. This has been. my business for nine years and it has increased every day-only results will do ti and so whenever yon want anything photographic look for the sign of lime kcdak- that's where things move, L YN DO0N 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, 10c per 'day e