T1H11 E 'W 01,U v r, tOI N E C'OMMEINCEMENT 9:00 a. insProcession starts. WEEK PRIORAM. 10:00 a. m.-Commencement exer cises. Address by George Edgar Vin- (Continued from page 1) cent, LL., President of te Unier- sity of Minnesota. 8:00 p. rn-Reception > y te Uni- 1:15 p. i.-Commenement Dinner versity Senate in Memorial hall to in Waterman gyn. Tickets must be invited guests, graduates, former st- dent andfrieds o theUniversity. proeured at the office of the sereary dens ndfrens f heof the university. Prier 75 crn5s Cards of admission can be obtained eah. from the various secretaries.____ Upon registration in the general HOD A N NU LPRlOiENADE. offices of the Alumni association, Memorial hall, where a reception will Beeath festoons of Japanese ]an- be held during the forenoon, alumni tense strsng along the campus waks, will receive class badges and souvenir cap-and-gowned seniors marched pns, through tie evolutions of the annual 10:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m.-Inspection senior prom. Monday night, while the of the University. The buildings will universtiy band elivened te' usarch be open, and a reception committee with martial music aid thousands of will e appointed for each depart- townspeople and oisisencemdent visi- int. tors looked on and apladeu. 12:00 a. in-Meeting of alumni ad- Seden HDikinson, president of the visory committee at the Union. senior lis, accompanied by Howard 4:00 p. rn-Baseball game betweein Wilson, '1, led the procession. Start- alumni teams, '03 vs. 'O3L. ing froin University Hall lbs line uf Thursday. June 26.nmarhi followed uas almost the sonic 8:15 a. in-Bugle call and ceremony as thar used for hicssong-out parade. of hoisting the flag. After the formal promenad, a short 8:30 a. r.-Commencement proes-I concert wvas rendered by te band in Sion forms. tie temporary stand in front of Uni The graduating classes will form in versity Hall. line at their respective buildings. e-i. gents, invited guests, adomembers of FomrB)'"dPflan Pay s th Brws the Senate will assemble in University Johniny Lavans, the Uiversit o hall. The alumni are reuested to Mihigais star shortstop is playing a meet in Memorial hall. Positions in good fielding gains at short for the the procession, with tickets and seats St. Louis Americans, the tans he join- in Hill auditorium will be reserved ed as oons hn e finished his corse for them. here. The wives and guests of Senate mem- --- - - ers who desire to attend the eae- 'Tangs1Dane, ises will present tickets before 9:30 Tomorrowe iight (Wed.) at Gan- a. in. Secure tickets at the secretaries' ge's, 9-2 p. in. t0c erpcosple. 1, offices in advance. Admission will' be by ticket only. I Call 15 for txi. tfii. FOR THE Newest- Styles 1in Shoes That are Right in Price, for Mien and omen Go to the LIVE Shoeman MY NEW LOGA ION IS 119 EAST LIBERTY STREET To my friends and old customers among visiting Alumni I desire to call attenion to the fact that I have moved from Main St. to 119 E. Liberty St., where I would be pleased to have you call on me. (High GadcS/sec Jepsair i-igsecialy) AI\N NI A. HI i'BkEtg4 hg3PT I () 1811.1. ':('U lI TIlSEENIN(l.e (s'adslr i~ ''. O{) IFxiir' n l r i un P3 f ' e I a tm C a l t a i l^S is o r 's o t f s l l d ( l r r ii ws w i l l 5 5 s- smble in t'arbor anirdi Wste5rissas gyisisisirssstsits e(liien ingfretiretril-! snai sets/osrreein an''" asill;-itli( lst fossmssitgathiering ofustiresnergead- uates. Those sactendisng wrill enterthe Obuil- ins by way of Pacrour gymt. A cc- crtion u-itt br heldistntsthepos. lees. arsd Mrs. H. U.1-Ittcibisswaill br' at thre head of the receiving line, tot- owred by thre deas of thre vairious Ic- partet nt 'csisid byPassmilyra BH toe- ridaniad Mrs. Iteat. Daningi arill stsart its.'Wstermians gyos immriediately after'lie re'epstiron stnd cossinuise sissil thi smaaall houes of the msoriig. 'hesn'wtsaricie sod brie colors asill tre aseni hesdiecorachoirs turd asssssbr'f s etusres rundsfaor' dances a isve brett planned. At 12:0") oocktsa tlucons "ill tic scrvin i ts' basnest o1ftBsrbiouir gyms. Tickets srart hu iig toe $1.00 stntdsisy be purichsedr st tir'dore. 'T'herco-sia- siitt a re'que asso csrriaigs anssd sic flowes.'ficts asdmsittisig to the garl- lery o sn ssro sangr i tisy be sine- chased tot 50cecn/s. re-d ScuffissichlerPres.nlesi- ByiGrdlmalsl'a Sesior ft n slssginererasiheldithese cilas s ssy seser-ls's uisersTs's''l'isir oakis sandlinsthe1.' i'sc'ris'seia-couiriss isht- irsl t~this msornsisng. 'The liit'srogram ac s enedsby sai saidrestry Iresideil l )ichisns. =g- rico P. Psarkss-resadtire clsasiristory, Take te Co~h e MiIc m CopeeStc tCdkc usan olg Opr4onj Id~ o LIM.OT Pres ldg, cros roms alclmMayar Siee t lowasi vrerlI imss, liii' poemsr ansdAity I .% TH-----_'-..--!ljE 0C t v-Ld-ca® ..- i Psietismn, the uli. s I erlshe y.T- ep'eC4 sc senstsationsofthi las-sls issierit a, us reaesd'csk -r otthlii'5neas1111Hi isti- _____ trnr, wascmitssits ia tsrlSehoefi'et. s Presidesnlt,,Li'sr ofithuseioir enu- THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER S EAS j ginrecra s-tsr-stthse boiltermakees'po Sedyour vacation o he reaneLutes, he ;Hsamecc'scdacl and eojoyablc outing me 'hiss' T etnlas,sailm as 55erstdlby WhererouaCan o teriowattposes ysu vasttnogon, uer &C IHaj'otdil Gir-sins s'd ts-he rohtecy DisyheserobeCnero neSt emerssperating to altlisportant poets. Dail sericebetwen Dtrot nd Bsfa, MaycIstito tNovemble stc City sf by Edsardset 11cr'el1. lentnl .Gibbs di'- DceriIIandCity ofCleveland III, twoof the ltigerssidescheeert eames inothelorld, unts livdision tonelth so Septembler lat.GeaiysevcebweSnorereoinod hivre oe isnsoat iltsn nd, followsing this- Cerelasid April hasht Gesnmer set. Guring Jul'y and Aust tiouboats net oi Detroiand Clevelnd eerySturday and Sl'idae night grs-sn titinof sis classsmemssoral, a Sortrmessweekbetweenooleda, DGtroat, Mtat'iac tIand and way seats. Tee sesniorcehisl, Dei'sa'sCcoley gavne this' DayStopoveennalled at Alpenaiter directio astouris tnckets withoni additional cost. Duisrsice betwerns Toledo. Clevel-nid ad Ot-se-Oar. farewn-elhiaddresas. Spaecial StrameClereladtno Maciac Islard. twro isips weekly, Juer15th in lepemobee Oh stoapint only at Getsoitevery t'ip and Gaderiab, Get., every Moeday After thii'e er toe hasin enior lila un-bonaddatrdaydown-bound. anlatei ' Iso inesain in1 tn' s huker Spestal Dayripsbetnwenneroitnd Cleelad, DsringJuly and August tid~ournd l theislml fr ab,, ket Torsday, Wednsday, Thrady and Satanday oatiof51eGrit; Monduy, Wednesrday, piicnitewho'rt(n e5bi dispesid'i nwibh e-- Thureday sod Friday oatcr Cnevelnd RAILROAD TICKEUTS AVIALrT reaeding via any caill treasssss'ss, bamsinsan-dsi sthletiecatsn- line betwreenDetroit oand 5Buffalo sad FU.irosta.I t;'hee},3ewihl be honoed tess. otraensporurtion on D. & C. Lintia 'sosnas s in ber e csiun. Senta.2acedtostam or nn ttsd Pc-bit nudGrea-tb nil -Map Adddness:L. G. Leawis,G. 11h, .Dee noi Mx-. P ot all clus"annum icturs alln lPilA.A. Mllan, V e-. si .s I 1- A.A.Scant, rie-res. and Gent Mgr, Camuitiis Flotern'. 208 S. Sitte tdi . m ~ Call 1 one ba-tggececkednfrmmiii Mrs.E. A. HulrIut G c' n House no desinastions. tn YI Soasnd toilet pregaratnsaat thin' 8065South Univesity snr IOi1IiI c S.i' / no iit - -. Qusarry Dcuc Co. A s em pasal '-L. ,Pt. 53i Sunits cleaned aund ipressedl, 7te. Fiul- her& O'Cnnasor. 1.Ol W ''illiamss On. to. TherMa 'Issursto Ilsinrie. That Makes _j eM.t Jmht Tomiorrowninight O(Wed.)nt Least- Th Clte T eCoh s grsar, 9-12 p. in. 50c per coulel. 1'That Make 1 The ManI fDTSFRSHN I isn uia focettr BlsRCases- FLORITS M A LAC O LR-a5s, Tabiles and Chairs j Telephase in1 The Quality Tailor 11232 E Lberty St. TINKER & CO. FURNISHERS and HATTERS to University Men 342 S. Stale St. Universal Dry and Steami Clean- ing Works --- Artistic Cleaners T. E. WAHL, Mgr. Phone 877 1 119 Packard St. TUTTLE LUNCH ROOM Lunches and Sodas 338 Snails State Street Good Board $3.00 Two Bleckns fsom ElsnecertingBldg. 5 39 Forest Avenute MEET ME AT A nice walk from any part:-any evening for some of our Soda Specials.. Fs v1 D E'Eu L TH E .7 TA College Supplies1 Tlet tikesat Moert Pics_ BxCandy N. E. KONOLD, Prop. Cor. Packard and Slate Sts. "WATCHOUAD