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July 29, 1913 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1913-07-29

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FOR GREET PLAYS Black clouds of smoke attracted hun- IS IN HOSPITAL Fred Lawton, '11, Detroit, truant UP STATE WORK
dreds of people to the corner of Liber- officer, who was returning home from a
ty and Thompson streets, yesterday night session of the juvenile court, was
Manager Vivian Will Play Ferdinand; morning about 9:45 o'clock to witness Camp Physician Seized With Appen- badly shaken up but not seriously in- Resigns From Engineering Depart-
Ben Greet to Act in Roles of the burning of a wagon load of tar. dicitis; Returns to Ann Arbor jured when a touring car containing snent as Head of Highway
Costard and Propero. Two beautiful maples badly singed and For Operation. three men and a woman crashed into Laboratory.
one residence filled with smoke were a- westbound Forest avenue car on --
ADVANCE SEAT SALE IS LARGE. the most serious results of the fire. FELLOWS SENT AS SUBSTITUTE Twelfth street in Detroit at 12:30 PROF. RIGGS HAS MAN FOR PLACE
The tar was being heated to use on Miss May Ritchie, who was driving
With the noted 'Ben Greet in both Liberty street when it boiled over and Dr. C. B. Stauffer, '13H, doctor of the automobile, failed to see the car Prof. E. D. Rich, head of the high-
"Love's Labour's Lost" and "The caught fire. Two chemical engines re- the engineering summer camp at approaching as she rounded the cr- way laboratory of the engineering de-
sponded to the call. Their work was ner, and had no time to apply the
Tempest, which will be presented, just beginning to be effective when the Douglas Lake, was seized with an at- brakes. Roman Klosawski, one of the partment, has resigned to accept the
Thursday, on the campus opefi-air supply of chemicals gave out and the tack of appendicitis Monday morning, motorists, is suffering from a frac- position of state sanitation engineer,
stage, the casts of characters of the tar continued to overflow and burn while driving to Pellston after a load tured skull. Frank Miller and John under the new law which goes into ef-
plays has been definitely announced furiously, of supplies. He reached Pellston and McLaughlin, who were also in the feet August 14. Fis assistant in this
by Manager George Vivian of the com- Sand was then shoveled into the with some difficulty returned to camp. automobile, received minor injuries, as work for the state health department
pany, blazing wagon, but this failed to help His condition grew steadily worse, and did Miss Ritchie. will be Henry F. Vaughan, '12E, son
Mr. Greet will play the role of matters. Finally the big hose was having diagnosed his case as appen- Lawton was the only passenger on of Dean Vaughan of the medical de-
Costard in the afternoon production brought into play and the stream of dicitis, made preparations, Tuesday the street car, and none of the crew partment.
and that of Prospero in the evening water put out the blaze, evening, to return to Ann Arbor. He were injured. The resignation of Prof. Rich, neces-
performance. George Vivian, the _ _ was operated on at the Homeopathic sitates a search for a man to take his
famous actor-manager, will take the ,hospital, Friday afternoon, and at the place whose training and interests
part of Ferdinand in "The Tempest" LITS BESTIR THEMSELVES present time is doing well, although SHAKESPEAREAN CLASS WILL have been along the line of highway
only, while his sister, Ruth, will ap- AND-CE DRACKWIT RUSH on account of the seriousness of the SAE PUBIC PERFORMANCE work. At their recent meeting, the
pear as the Princess of France andwil ni n. v H U operation he will probably be confined AGE PUBLI regents placed the highway laboratory
Ariel in the respective plays. Laur- for three weeks. I at the disposal of the state highway
ence Eyre and Oscar Pefferle, who Two Games Pat Them in the Race Before leaving summer camp, Dr. Romeo and Juliet Will Ile Staged commissioners, and the department is
have played in Ann Arbor in former For First Division Stauffer, although in a serious condi- Tomorrow Evening by to serve the state in testing paving and
annual engagements will again bid for Standing. tion himself was called out of bed to Students. road materials with no cost to the mu-
the applause of Shakespearean en- dress a bad cut in the right foot of nicipalities beyond freight charges.
thusiasts' Standing of the Department League. J. B. McKean, Jr., '14E, who was With numerous former stars of the A man has been found, according to
The company has been making an brought into camp on the shoulders of Prof. Henry E. Riggs, head of the civil
entensive trip throughout the states, n Won Lust Pc four of his comrades. McKean, while Union Operas, the Oratorical plays, engineering department, who is well
presenting Shakespearean and other working about two miles from camp, and other campus performances, Pro- qualified for the position, having been
old English plays; and has just com- Laws .'' .............3 2 .600 cutting stakes from a pine stump, had fessor Thomas C. Trueblood's class in engaged for some time in highway
pleted a very successful season. Medics ................2 3 .400 allowed his axe to slip cutting through Shakespearean reading will give a work for the state, thus familiarizing
Seat sale of the performance began Lits ..................2 3 400 his shoe and foot and severing an ar- public recital of Romeo and Juliet, himself with local needs and condi-
yesterday afternoon, and although The lits sprung a surprise last Sat- tery. Dr. Stauffer took nine stitches . 'tions.
there are still two more days before urday by defeating the medics 8 to 6. in the wound and later in the after- tomorrow evening, at i:00 o'clock, tn In addition, the department has in
the productions, a large proportion of The literary men showed better form noon was caused out to bind up two Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The pro- view a man for laboratory assistant
the tickets have already been disposed than in any previous game both in bat- other minor injuries. duction will be open to the public free This man has been engaged in the
of. Tickets may be procured at Wahr's ting and fielding. Price was used in Immediately upon reaching Ann Ar- of charge, and all summer school stu- government service in the good roads
book store on State street. the box and -pitched a remarkable bor Dr. Stauffer sent Dr. F. F. Fellows, dents are especially invited. bureau at Washington, and will enter
The entire casts of the plays fol- game, allowing only four hits and '13H, to take his place at the camp. Edward Moseman, '14, who starred the university in the fall for graduate
low: striking out eight mem_. more than once in the Union operas. work. N'eiter 'f thes seletlions hs
"Love's Labour's Lost. The lits gathered eight hits Durward Grinstead, '15, who enjoys Scottec.artnisy, by rhoebsar
Ferdinand, King of Navarre, Leslie off Smith, one of these a regular Tex- HAR VARD GEOLOGIS TALKS the reputation as an amateur who of regents, but Prof. Riggs believes
Austen. as leaguer contributed by Seward who ON THEORY OF CHORAL REEFS plays the most perfect feminine role, that the men would do effective work
Biron, lord attending, Laurence Eyre. proved a second Ty Cobb when it came Louis Ech, graduate, who won great in making the laboratory of service
Longaville, lord attending, Edmund to base running. admiration in the Shakespearean dra- to the state.
Gorst. Carter for the medics fielded in fine Prof. W. M. Davis Upholds Dana's mas last summer, Clyde C. Harbison,
Domain, lord attending, Thomas Kelly. style besides getting two of the four Proof of Darwin's Ideas on '13, who took one of the leading parts TO EXAMINE HEADS OF DOGS
Boyet, attending on the princess, Noel hits allowed by Price. The medics Their Growth, in "The Fan," and Claude D. Swift, FOR INDICATIONS OF RABIES.
Leslie started a rally in the seventh bringing graduate, who will make his 17th ap-
Mercade, attending on the s in three runs, but price steadied and "Dana's Proof of Darwin's Theory of pearance as an amateur on the stage, The heads of two dogs have beet
enry Willis. showed his control by striking out two, Coral Reefs" was the subject of a lec- together with numerous other talent- sent from Battle Creek to the local
Don Adriano de Armado, a fantastical mn succession. ture by Prof. W. M. Davis, of Harvard ed thespians will take part Pasteur institute to be exanited for
Spaniard, George C. Somnes. Lits. University, in the west amphitheater The public recitals of this class have traces of hydrophobit.
Sir ,Nathaniel, a curate, Douglas Russ. AB H R E of the physics building, last nighLt. By been most popular in past years; and C. H. McAllister, as employe of tse
Holofernes, ' a school-master, Oscar Seward ss ................4 1 1 0 blackboard illustrations, the speaker with the selection of the ever-interest- Grand Trunk railroad, and Arthur
Pefferle. 4 5 5 0 pointed out the various theories ac- ng Romeo and Juliet, and the excel- Pett, the owners of the dogs, were
Dull, a constable, Harry Calver. Price p...................4 1 1 0 counting for the formation of coral lent material with which Prof. True- swimming in Cognac le yesterday,
Custard, a peasant, Hen GreeL. Smith rf ................. 4 1 2 0 reefs, showing that Darwin's theory blood has been working, the perform- and the dogs took advantage of the
rRyan Cramptn lb..............0 1 0 supported by Dana's proof must be ac- ance will be most entertaining to
A Forester, Roger Smith. Milton lfd...............1..1.'.cepted. Shakespearean McAllister swam to shore and attempt-
The Princess of France, Ruth Vivian.McFarland ............4 1 1 Darwin's theory assumes that the those interested in dramatic reading. ed to separate the animals, but was
ThesPiness ofd raeg Ruth Vian. Fairchild 2b............2. 1 0 1 various kinds of coral reefs are formed The play is to be given as a plat- attacked by both, and his arms and
Rsanes, Isady attendinon. thepr Clawson cf ............. ..3 1 0 0 by a gradual sinking of the volcanic fuorm rather than a stage presentation.
cess, :Isabel Mersun. ' hands were badly torn before he was
Maria, lady attending on the princess, islands about which} the reefs are built The class has been working hard on its rescued by Pett, who'was also bitten.
Elizabeth Mersun. Medics. u34 8 8 5 p. "This gradual subsidance is not rehearsals for some time. The cast is McAllister was She more seriously it-
Katherine, lady attending on the prin- AB H R E only applicable to coral reefs but to changed for each scene to give all jured of the two men, the dogs having
cess, Orbo Lea. Smith p...............4 0 0 2 many irregular coast lines where long members of the class an opportunity inflicted fifteen wounds on his bare
Jaquenetta, a country wench, Lucy Thrum 3b ................4 0 0 1 promontories and narrow bays are to take part in the important roles.
Hemans. Carter cf .................4 2 2 0 formed by what were previously rav- The class will give another compli-
The scenes are laid in a park be- Blake c..................4 0 2 0 ines." mentary recital of Shakespeare's com-
longing to the King of Navarre. The Herrington 2b ............4 0 0 0 "The remarkable thing about the edy, Much Ado About Nothing, August
King's tent is on the left of the stage. Gracy rf.................3 0 0 1 theory of Darwin," said Prof. Davis, 19, in the same place and at the same THE WEATHER MAN
The masque of the cuckoo and the Curtis ss...............3 1 0 2 "is the fact that it was expounded be- hour.
owl is given at the end of the play. More cf .... . .............3 0 0 0 fore the famous scientist ever saw a __ ___ __
Clay lb-_.................3 1 2 0 coral reef." Dana's proof which more Former M ager Visits Wolverinetfor Ann Arbor.
The Tempest." - - - - than anything else makes the theory Cloudy today and Wednesday. Mod-
Alonso, King of Naples, George C. 32 4 6 6 supportable has never been recognized. John H. Payne, business manager erate east to southeast winds.
Somnes. Game by innings. Darwin himself never spoke of it and of The Wolverine in the summers of Yesterday's Temperatures.
Sebastian, his brother, Leslie Austen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 scientists since have not considered it 1911 and 1912, was in Ann Arbor yes- Maximum 86; minimum 69. Precipi-
Prospero, the right Duke of Milan, Ben Lits .......,..0 1 2 1 0 1 3-8 seriously. Prof. Davis, however, said terday, on business for the Crawford tation .45. Wind velocity 16.

Greet. V Medics .......0 1 0 0 2 0 3-6 that he is doing all in his power to Publishing company of Chicago, of One year ago: maximum 77; mini-
(Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 4) which he is advertising manager. mum 64. Precipitation .10.
At 3:45 P. M. Annual Summer School Engagement Seat Sale at Wahr's State
Street Book Store, Tuesday
Love's Labour's Lost OF and Wednesday, from 5 to 6
Ben Gret's Woodland Players Reserved Seats, 75 Cents.
At 8 P.. __ Mail Orders may be sent to
W. R.lHumphreys, 1012 lich-
The Tempest Campus Theatre Thursday, July 31 igan Avenue.

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