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July 26, 1913 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1913-07-26

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Prof. White Shows Need of Chemistry Actor Trainer and Manager Gae Firstl
in Common Household Open Air Perfarmances es 2
Operations. z Years Ago.
"It is always the aim of the chemist That Ben Greet could if he would
to convert something which was waste tell tales which would be second in in-
into a valuable product," said Prof. terest to those of no other men is the
A.H. White in a lecture on "The Chem- opinion that prcvalsmong ill who
ical Industries of Michigan" in the are familiar with the chief events of
west- amphitheater of the physics his life. is fame as an actor and ac-
building Thursday afternoon. The tor-trainer is world-wide. He is 53
lecture was illustrated by stereoptican years old, and ,vas born on board al
slides and by a large collection of typ- - Englsh war vessel of which his fath-
ical products from Michigan's chem- -----. er was captaiit. His brother is Admir-
ical industries. The speaker pointed al Thomas Young Greet of the British
out the need of the chemist in nearly M ID I M I ID E O S N ~ A fI llnavy. Foc 2 yesr Mr. Greet has
all industries including agriculture, M USICAL CLUBS PLAN JOURNEY TO SAN FRANCISCO .beenani actor, ad for 27 years a the-
and also in the household. atrical manager. As the pioneer of
"Cooking is a wonderfully compli- f 7 7 open air plys, he made his ficst pub-
cated chemical industry," said the Trip, if M ade, Will Be Third Successive Five Thousand M ile Jaunt tcappeaance 21 years ago, payin at
speaker. "The housewife is perform- of 1VIichigan Organizations the universities of Oxford and Cam-
ing a complicated chemical operation bridge, England, where he has annu-
unconsciously. If the housewife un- ally play'd ever since. During these
derstood chemistry, cooking and other San Francisco will be the goal of the Michigan Musical clubs have In the spring vacation of 1912, a 25 years his company has played at
household activities could be carried the spring jaunt of the Michigan Musi- taken. The first of the long jaunts similar trip was made through the imany of the country seats of the En-
out in a more effective manner." cal clubs in 1914, if the plans of H. was taken in the Christmas vacation northwest. This scheme was carried glish aristocracy, all over the little
Charts were shown illustrating a Beach Carpenter, '14-'16L, manager of of 1911, when the invitation of the out without other financial aid than islands, and all through Shakespeare's
remarkable growth in all of the chem- the clubs, materialize as well as early Santa Fe railroad made it possible for the backing of the alumni in the towns England, before the crowned heads of
ical industries not only in Michigan indications prophesy. Letters are be- Michigan to be the first of the eastern where concerts were given.' The route Europe and the uncrowned heads of
but in all of the states. The produc- ing written to the alumni associations universities to sing ter songs oi the taken ted through Michigan, Illinois, America.
tion of paper, sugar, paints and var- in Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, Salt Pacific coast. The 1911 trip was part Minnesota, Montana, Oregon, and He has been giving high class plays
nishes, gas, cement and other products Lake City and other cities along the in America for the last 11 years and
was described in detail showing how western route, and, while it is still of the scheme of the Santa Fe to make Washington to Seattle, stops being has played at every state college and
a large number of allied industries too early to announce finally whether conditions pleasanter for the men in made at Fargo, N. D., and Madison, university, He has bien offeced chairs
have grown up based upon the use of or not the proposed trip can be made, its employ, and the concerts were free, Wis., on the way back to Ann Arbor. in two of the universities of this coun-
products which a few years ago were replies received thus far indicate that the employees of the road, and alumni Enthusiasm for Michigan has always try, but has steadfastly refused to give
thrown away as waste. As an exam- the western alumni will enthusiasti- of the university being given first characterized the alumni associations up his work.
ple the speaker pointed out that ice cally support any plans which will rights of admittance. Stops were made along the central western route plan- It is claimed that Mr. Greet has
cream gelatin and other household give them a chance to hear the Ann in various towns though Illinois, Kan- ned for next year, and the complete trained more theatrical stars than any
products are produced from bones. Arbor songs once more. sas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and success of the two previous trips, in- other one man. To be a Greet player
The tanning industry was shown to This trip, if made, will be the third California, Los Angeles being the ex- dicates that there is little likelyhood one has to serve a five year appren-
be one in which Michigan excels. "At successive 5,000 mile journey which treme western point reached. that the plans for 1914 will miscarry. ticeship under close supervision and
tanneries in Detroit and Grand Rap- _-. _ -- instruction. Two years ago, 72 com-
ids," said the elcturer, "finer calf skin panis left Nese York with Greet play-
is produced than anywhere else in the TO PRESENT SELDOM HEARD FACULTY MEN TO PUBLISH NEW INSTRUMENT REVEALS ers assuing princiial role. Among
United States.kSpanish skins which EARLY PLAY OF 'SHAKESPEARE NEW BOOKS AND ARTICLES CHEMISTRY OF CRYSTALS oherennotedacutrada ctresse, who
contained wrinkles and other imper- I O IRN lfIBOS ATCLS UlII.Il ~~) L)hav bentiod by Mr. G reeta are
fections due to ignorance of tanning_ ___ H. B. and Lawrence Irving, sons of
processes are now imitated by highly All Star Cast Announced by Ben Professor R. M. Weney has just fin- Dean Kraus emonstrates Use of the Henry Irving, Robert Lorraine, Gran-
complicated processes," VlePreEihWneMthsn
"Michigan is also among the lead- Gee For Evening ished a contribution to the life of Pro- EEpidiascope FoyTech- vile PartrRdith Wynne Matthison,
ing states in the manufacture of beet e cfessor Flint, the eminent Scottish the- il Stdy. George Vivian the actor-manager of
sugar," said Prof. White, "being pass- ologian and teacher of philosophy, a the Greet players is 31 years old and
ed only by California and Colorado. "Love's Labour's Lost," which has By means of the epidiascope and ha led
requestadsareivhatofvaried0career. He
The industry has had many fluctua- never before been given in Ann Arbor requested article of 15.000 words, and stereoptican Prof. E. H. Kraus, dean bean a soe he as eighters
tions and its future depends on what by the Woodland Players, is the play he is at present engaged on a volume of the summer session illustrated the
the present Congress does with the selected for the afternoon performance to be called "The Life and Works of facts concerning crystals in a lecture he 'was 17. For 12 years he was the
tariff schedule." by Ben Greet. It is one of the number Morris." Prof. Morris was at one time on "Some Interesting Optical Proper- youngest actor-manager in the world.
"Industries," he said, "which form- of the Shakespeare plays which are head of the philosophy department in ties of Crystals" in the west amphithe-
crly ignored chemical processes are seldom given stage production, being the university,,and holds an important ater of the physics building last night.pse has etn 3 fer nt
one o eariest f th parts and bhas been in every forni of
now expending large amounts for their one of the earliest of the great dram- place in American thought. Prof. Wen- "Optical properties of crystals are
installation," As an example he de- atist's independent works. Much of its ley has collected a mass of hitherto practically unknown to the average pearean tragedies. t e has been with
scribed the lumber industry which interest is due to its display of Euphu- unpublished material, and it is expect- student of science," he said, "but a Ben Greet for 15 years. Moreover he
chemical methods is reaping large re- ism, the fashionable jargon of Queen ed that the forthcoming study will be knowledge of these properties bccomes
chemcal ethds i reainglarg rehas served in both the English and
turns from the manufacture of tur- Elizabeth's court. a real contribution to the history of essential in the classification of vari- American armies, and during two
pentine, charcoal, wood alcohol and In the evening play, "The Tempest," American culture. ous mineral substances."
other products. Ben Greet will take the part of Pros- A volume, "The Anarchists' Ideals By means of the epidiascope sections tary Academy. Be still carries with
The automobile industry which had pero, Ferdinand will be played by and Other Essays," also by Prof. Wen- of various crystals were thrown on the
a more rapid growth than almost any George Vivian, Miranda by Orlo Lea, ley is to appear in October and Dr. screen producing some wonderful himchhe wofirst whiletena t's uniform
other depends upon chemical process- Caliban by Harry Calver, and Ariel by C. B. Vibbert's study of Bergson and4 combinations of color. The results States armryh
es for the production of nearly all of Ruth Vivian. The announcement of the French anti-rationalists will be were greatly different when shown in
the parts of which it is assembled. (Continued on page 4) ready for the press at an early date. (Continued on page 4)
Will Describe Plantation Life. THE WEATHER MAN
Professor U. B. Phillips will deliver P e b t r a h r h s n a ,x~ o a m
a lecture which will be of interest to Forecast for Ann Arbor.
both northerners and southerners, Address by LEONARD A. BARRETT Thunder showers tonight and prob-
next Tuesday morning at 11:00 o'clock, Last Address in the Series on:-Symbols Through Which the Ancients ably Sunday. Warmer today. Moder-
in the large lecture room of Tappan ate winds.
hall. The subject is "Plantation Life Expressed Their Ideas of God. Yesterday's Temperatures.

in the Ante-bellum South," and the Students in attendance at the Summer Session of the University are cordially invited. Maximum 71; minimum 56. Wind
lecture is to be open to the public. velocity 14. Precipitation .0.
At 3:45 P. M. Annual Summer School Engagement Seat Sale at Wahr's State
Street Book Store, Monday,
Love's Labour's Lost of July 28, 4 p. m.
Bcu Gree's Woodland Playas Reserved Seats, 75 Cents.
At 8 1. M. Mail Orders may be sent to
W. R. Humphreys, 1012 lich-
The Tempest Campus Theatre Thursday, July 31 igan Avenue.

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