T HHEW 0 L V IIN TRY T R UB EY' S ICE CREAM Also Maitha Washington and Crane's Candies 116S. Main St. Phone 166 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Regular Fall Terma Sept. 29-Feb. 7 All Branches of Music Far Caaloigueeer information, call at office, or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Capital, $to,o o.co Surpls, $55uue.co Undivided Profits, $20000 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safe Batkig and Courteams 'rertmntefour Custo~mes isOur Watchwoerd. 3 per canl InterestiIn cur Savings Departmecnt Gents' FurnishingsI IVarsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. Ueiver.tly Ave.j i THE WOLVERINE. The official newspaper us the som- mer session of the University of :Mioh igan, published by the students, Toes- July 24, 5:00 ..nv--"2Cheinical Indus- dsy, Thursdsy end Saturday alter- tries of MIichigan." Illustrated lee- noons. tore by Professor A. H-. White. West lectore room ot the physical labors- Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., torv Mtaynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. July 25, 8:t:1 1 p. m.-"Some Interest- Office Hlours--1:00 to 2:30 p. in., daily. ing Optical P'roperties of Crystals." Phone 960. Illustrated lecture by Processor E. H. Kraus. W~est lecture room of lbe Sobscription Rates-By carrier, 0eve0- physical laboratory. ty-five cents for the summer; mailed~ July 28, 5:00 p. u.-"Common Poison- to any address for one dollar. os Plants." Protessor A. B. Stev- Advertising Rates-Furnished npon ens. West lecture room of she phys- application ts the business mainager. ical laboratory. 1,500 students; 22,000 townspeople. July 31, 3:45 p. m.-"Love's Labour's Lous P laaler31aagig ditr. Lost. The Ben Greet Woodland Loui P.Italer-anaillgEdior. Players. Campus theater. Phone-1016. l~iliin . lar-Bsinss31aagr. 8:00 p. in-The Tempest." The PhoneoA.Ilr-357.eo ange. Bens Greet Compainy. Campus GordonlDirvies-News Editor, theater. NEWS STAF'F. EX-1AOY. OSIIORN HONORED) IN Issue Editors. MAI)A(LXMCAE FORl lIS('OVERY Y. F. Jabin BHsi. Leo N. Burnett.- Reporters. I Firs.%nAericaan to Be Elected to Mem r- G eorge M. Curtis. Erl Crossinan. bercstip ill Academtic Sam L. Adelodori. J. J. Reighard. Nalgatchie. John R. Ober. Charles C. Webber.- Wetter WA?. Watson. C. E. Jamison. The fboding of a fossil Mladagascar 1~'. J. Homineter. Reuben Peterson.hippcpotans', which in time will be Cyrus J. Goodrich. C. B. Hushes.I beaught to the natural history nuoseum Howeard V'. Degree. Coy Wells.I at nAim rIbue,lhes caused Chase S. Mi. Maclk Ryan Lea J. Wykkel Csburn, fuimer governor of Michigan, S. W. Robinson S. A. 0ppenheimerI to be elected as humtscary member to Postuesusthe Academic Ital,,acbe, the Mudagas- Baasaae, Saaf, jcar academy of scienee. heniry S. Parsons, Asst. Bus. Maisager. 1Tbia acade my was founded for the Fred 1Y. 1t'artlc. Louis Babe. (purpose of studying the language and Subcriptions end ads taken at foillre otfIMadagascar. IMi. Osborn is the fleet American (quarry's, Cubhing's, aind Snuth Un-Ie eelcdtom brsiinhss- versity lPharmacy. icetetonebrspinhss- _________________________________ ety Ste i's now n' South Africa tak- is5511. Editor-Leo Biurnett. ing a great interest in the natural his- lucy of that quarter. According to newsapers scum that part of the wsord he is being well received and will probably niot return to America THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1012. until 1914. THE WOMEN'S LE~AGUE. additionalRStudentis Secure Positions,. It is no small pioblem to introduce Since the lest announcement of ap- unity into a body as heterogemneous intoiintmients by the university teachers' its nteest asthesumer esson'appointment conmiittee, the following its~~~~~~~~ pneel stesumrssinIositions for students enrolled with population of the univeraity. ; the committee have beer secured:Miss There is no woch uere thankless Irene Coiriwell, instructor of French and discuura.3in3; than attempting to ,at Tulane University; L. C. Howard, buil up ommo intrest fursuc princip al at Lake Linden, Mtich. ; F. J. buil upcomon iterstsfor ucha:Oenson, principal at Walkerton, Ind.; body. But on the other hand, thee and Niels Nielon, instructor in sri- is nothing that is present in tthe rug- cutePortland, Mtich. ular sessien that is more miucel di lug the summer, than is this feelin'g Ushers are scented for the Ben Greet of unity. shows ois July 31. Students wishing to We are therefore doubly pleased to usher 's- ly to Mr. Houllands in the congratulate the Womemn's L.eague in basemnit ustue general 'library. the success of its weekly psarties. They - ---- - have filled a decided blanik, both in 1N ake 'lb' Wolverine advertising counteracting the too serious turn o5 cluns you, business guide. Every the summer session mind, and in adveelisee apesaring there is deserv- bringing lbs summer students togeth- ink;ulf yourIpatronage aiid can be re- er on conmnmon ground. I lied uilon. l 1 t i i A FIEST SEtmsE'tE COZIES 'I'D C'LOSE3 ON AW DEPaRtMENTI Exam Schedute anounolced; Several New glenl already HEnrolled 'or Second Setmester. Examinations in the law departiieint1 will begin Saturday and continue until Wiednesday. Summer school work in the lawe departnsent is divided into tics senmesters of live wveeks each, 'xaimi- nations being held at the end of each semester. Mansy barristers nsa' at- tending expect to remain for the eec- ond bhlf and a few nesw mess have al- ready been enrolled. The law depart- mient closes for the summer on August 20. The schedule of examinations fol- lows: Corpor'ationis, Saturday, 2:00 o'clock, room 0; elementary law, Saturday, 2:00 o'clock, room C ; constitutional law, Saturday, 2:100 o'clock, room C; bills ansd notes, Saturday, 8:20 p. in., coons 0; suretyship, Moniday, 6:30 p. in., room C; dam'ages, Tuesday, 6:30 p. in., room DJ; contracts, Wednesday, 6:20 p. in., room C. 'IWVO PROMINENT ALUXNI WILL, lE 1MAERIEI) 'loNIwRr. RECREATION lDo you pl.ay Golf or Tennis'? WVe carry full liines of Spal- ciug's amid t'right & Ditsuscs's snake of Athletic Goods in Geniepal. J'very article gular- antleed. WAII R'S University Bookstore MANt Ott STORE 1110R MEETING PLACE BOO K S LAW AND MEDICAL NEW AND SECONO).iAND Complete Line Text Books Text Laboratory Books Reference Books Dicionaries Compendm, etc. CASH 0OR EXCHANGE FOR Gordon W..',Kingsbury, 11, and _________________ Louise Tuthill, '12, will b e married BR S tuight at Bay View, Michigan. Ring s-H S O R S bury, who has been assistant adver- The Finest Biltiard Ream in the State tising mniager for the Regal com- CIGARS end CANDIES. pany of Dletroit, has accepted a posi- tion as advertising manager of the " We Try to Treat You Right " Diamonid Crystal Salt Co. of St. Clair, Michigan, where the couple will- asake their home, COUSINS & HALL Both were prominent on the campus FLORISTS while in school. Mins Tuthill was as- Car. S. University aned Twelfth Streed sociate editor of the Michiganeinsian TelephonecI115 in her senior year, and was a memberJ uf the Eappa Alpha Theta sorority, Mortar Board, end Wyvern. Kings- bury served as business msanager of We Make Old Hats New the 1911 Mtichigansensian, editor and All ksnds Clesued aindiiMockedl. maager of the Student's Direecry, TeBs heSieSo assciate manager of the ichoigan TeBs heS ieS o Musical Clubs, anid presideint of lbs NEXT TO WAGNER'S Y. 3A1. C. A. He w'as a Delta Upsilon, and a member of Michigamua, Drcuids,1 Sphinx, and Toastmasters. f THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK -Capital_................ ......... 3oseussus Ssrplus and UiidediProfuis.mc us is Call 15 for taxi, tffo aesources ............... ueeo~c.o ______________ Trasacts a Generat Banking Businsess 3 perceest initerestpaidi o SavingsiDeposiits. Fuller & O'Connor Tailors. 619 E. YoureiBusinssSoliitied. Chans..IliscoKes ,MichalnJ itzs, casl'r William St. tf. W. mi. liinsass, Vice-Pres., Carl uF. irauum,Assti. Cash,'r,',Win.O' is, As. cus'SaeingsiDept, DeFries Art Store( RED RUBBER SOLES PICTURES AND FRAMING I Puton Any Shae at 223 SOUTH MAIN STREET ( 0, 8. ANDRES, 222 S. State Street LARGEST STOCK IN MICHIGAN C. E. BarthellI 326 S. State Sreet Tel. 76t L "The Arcadia" OPEN During Summer Sessicn Regular Prices $3.5t-$4.00 BRENNAN-MORROW, 612 E. Libetly, Phone 164 The Tobacco Shop & Billiard Hall The Piece for' Summer School Stucetas 118 -120 E. Liberty Street G.H WLDC. 311 S. State St. Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. We eater to those who want the beat. SUMMER STYLES A SPECIALTY Established 1888. Alt work made in this city. S.n.HoWILD GCO1 311 5. State St. I, mammmnwmmwmmwmmmmmrg CALL TAXI 1550 O alDyo iht o- adaggag iey Ann Arbor Taxicab Co., 300 N. Main St. i i The White Swan.Laundtry Corner Detroit and Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER r I s 4i i a i s i "You can tell A Centleman by theI Cleanliness of His Linen"I The City Laundry TS. ROWE, Prop. 404-4060Dtroit Sreet a. The Ga~r oyle -Mfail usTrie.1 Order Lwm tDETROIT MICH. SUS6AR BOWL 109 S. Main Street BEST ICE CREAM SWEETEST CANDY PROMPT SERVICE SUSAR BOWL 109 5. Main Street Phone 967 :AVS 0HLI2ER Printers Dliveries made when promised Phone 432"J 109 E. Washington Street i 4I I fR e a s o n s in e v e ry u mdeut s'o htL a u n r w ks i , nc t fro mu sth ue i.W'b ite SwaisLaundry, ushy youiishould CALL PHONE 165 for su amucgion. GOODS NOtC RH VP EDLBYHCst'. IICA LS--'sWhite, nut yslloiwtot' blae--hut on Isol, s it sect tiatcuns Ots,. Speclil atten- thon usleun mo laclies clathes, OUR PROCtS THE LOWEST. I THE WHITE SWAN LAUNDRYI l L r qi9mm= -