THE WOLV JERINE COMFORT WITH STYLE II is what you get when you buy 11 _qshoes here. Onr is un o un1 aii- A . E'. out tir other. You'll see l "eĀ°alt the most approveut iii)d&; Try on the stioes and you'll lid that I comfort has rcot bren sacrificedt in the effort to produce good tusks. Our shoes are tir kind you'll wear witti both pride aiid satisfactioii. k t Headquarters tor ld r I PINGRtEE MADE SHOES GILM'ORE SHOE C0 PA 1NY 119 South Main Stre~t WHITE STAR LINE WHARFS FOOT OF URISWOLD IFor a Delightful All Day Outing or she beraiiifulitit. Clair siver taetetainiir 'soiii" ay imorning'i:45, Sndaysguso. Dare rr t retuning aei d ay.Pri uni $1.5is; lats or IfasiiisPrk, (is f5 I i .:-.e' e daS, 75c Sundasy; for Toledo andrturn, siernr"O wan a" .''Nt~uas ~ leavescDetrii.i iaiiya8:3o a. mi.,riaurnsa isDeritii:15 p. i.; fare r'For as AtenoonaaRide iii St. Cfas luats, TashimiaParis sr Sari .i re inenc / onf trafk or campus depends on the tp-o-the- minute fitness of proper training Mke aparstiof the sytem, It wilt tlvrait eainig tissal ii andd yugisd tasials. A halhful, dliisbeageaifc-l Iof lileand vsigrs ]elicious - Refreshing Thirst-iun.h1ns51 Fine "atch. Repairing Eye Glasses and Jewelry Repaired Alarm Clocks Conklin Fountain Pens alier Jewelry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street Te e C%'atalogu UllverityofMichigall UnierstyIN NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Comtmercia Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (atfiliated with Ann Arbor Schools ir Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientiic administration of departments of sanitatin and piblic health IFor Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address H ILEYW. SMITH SceayUniversity ANN AR BO R Lilire toLea st lwiniils latati s tPatients awillbhaseaisilstrisi s~i irs thei'etre onis"Cozsii.n Ea, Nis' and Throatiasand The iReal- tlois to (leneral Helthi," to h oivea by' D. I. B-. Cieslintshoi trst sim-j tihitheislr of ise mdisal buildig, Ioa night at 8:00 oclock. DIRECTORY OF SUMMERI j SCHOOL STUDENTS Nantes ini Iis dirctory are talen trons tie rcorda in th ofics of the secretaries of the ariousadpatmenits, and contain the same eror.I us phone numnber has bean placed oi tey enrllment ard, none is asown here, ht that does not preldo there bing a phone in the tose; call thachiet operaor and tell her what touose you wrant. tRobinsoin, Stansdslish s'V., l, 4t3 ib- rty." Granud Raiids. 82-. Robinson, IWilliam sA., i, 7211 S. State. East Lansing,, yih.799-I. Robinson, WillimtR.,law, 71111t'l'urh. Carrolito, Ga. 14-. Rtobson, Antoinette C., Mr. li, 4:2 S. IDivision. ECo anseiang. I741-L. Roackwisod, tRobet S., grad, 22 l~Io- roe. Dandula 1. 9011-. Realay , -oeriIG., li, 624 lPakad. Matstsay, Pa. 78. Roeser,tEdwardl A., rg.14 t.. tuon. Rocheteasr, N' .:D44-J1 Roggy A. Reuibn, lis.:24 02. Juler- on. Prinaeton,il. 15,F . Rohdes, Itulults A., lit, 46i ltamuilonsPI. Sagiinawi,Alith. 8Th8-1. Rtolfe, El+gia' C., lit, 5222 Monro. lBt- tte Crek. 990-J. tRoimig, Lee V.. grsad,ii4 Mariy fCt. Ctaremsore, Oa. Riood, Ilenry' C., ret, 'utstntar sail Hillt. Mskekgon, MihI. 18. Rtosenbslum, alhanfit A., aeg, 422 Thumpoi. Ness'York ity. 02' -I. liesea'itha, lienj. TOda., aw, 5l8 S. Stale. Aiii Arbor. Roseinthl, liransuu' S., la, 18 S. Slats-. ,AnniArbor. touhsheaftae. leiu', lat', '311S. i- vsioni. ,Anni 'srior. 1111., Rotger,,MatrhaiI., lt, 21 . Stte. NitgarawFllstt, N'. Y. 142. lucviu, Aleissndr, mai. Detroit. Rowre, Ciuarles t., li, 22 Monroe. Flushing,IAli. 921-, 1tiiisay, Alice A., lit, S. Diisio. tots Arbor. t13-t. Itailisi ron, A. Arnold, iii'. 21 S. tDi-j a situ. Hacok, ia. 1:24J. i-sail, Anidreiw H. li, 425S. tonglls. Pitibrgt, Pa. 125-I,. Rybli, ,Jaiis aJ., owd1149 I. Cisiar- siiy. Clevelandrl0. Rtyan, Machsla, 817 1. 1Hurotni. rsusa lay'.,'isl. 48-W. ,av. Iliar F'., lisg, 412 Ha'miiltonsPlI Sa:uiiiSt. tMlaie,Mal. 811-1. taniiI asesra tB., lit, 17 i?.IWil- I atas.Dlls Te lx. l'2'2t-. 17tksatt HatrImansi ts. Caitl rn IP ''iea 0.Coisiie IL., lit, 21 E.Iiirfr on. S uilair t itlati2i9-_ ! ,_tdr, Frau's IG.. Dieda, 1l38 W ssh- tea trus . Wo 1art,'Ta. 811. Sttforid, Russell V~,eti, 21 N. 'Thay- er. Granld Rapids. 18-L-. Sawyer, Cornelius'.t., gasit06 ulFiler. Toledo, . Starill, Wsaldo t.,.eg, 11 12th tiade ots Mih. 104-. Shafftner ai' t'ond ., "ing. 1 I. i- versity. Detroi. 121. st ,_ l I~. it 'ill I ebti 14it Tolisdo, 0 I n'll.. "tallusuit', b its - it.' lt " iiaon Sahltz yl , ttdw i i.ihm s- Schultt [,'MuIs .. i , H S Igal. iuts,.? b'. '1',22-61, 4Schutmanhun, I. touis, tt lull it3taS ltsmn,ts''t in It.. n-, 71 A m acx tt st Flitties inass. it S 3'f S. run ' eiJnie Itlita, 81 . til- li 1 '. ra , 8161, p an I tatil hat ('.use,'a' 1,,iti, i. ' is 11 Sclt Nel . 'n i -. . alt l} t's.. 72 tItois 11 :1 ,. lull 7- 1" Si 'it 'Intl alau I ill I. 2189. usas' < 1%.,ead, (12 S. Stsate'. Stpo- S 'Fott: .. cI i , 782 S.Uliver- fot hirmilMics. 6. , s te 1'.,gadu, 1287 ich- Am ribor'. 207-J1. Isel '., eng~, 804 E. 'Washi- niztill hi,' hulbor. 68-.. i ay , t ll ID.Vs'shiugtous. 2 Ia-, .,J., mul( .328.Wash- Erlii;,; 1.Vsa. 6012. ti~'i rail,52521I;. Cnivrsity. .gradu, 0111 State'. Do- li 1 1., 1t. 132: S. liralion. 1,Iih.1741-L. as ,,il, 408 0. Wsah- 5 5,1 s51 ,Arbor. 11-t. AX..sesrsdBiol. Ste., 1; IIr 1 Hopei, 1usd. I~ ~ ~ ~~~5. S. D 1 .tiviisin. u1 , sue, 114 N. Slate. (i, 5 sst,,lIsh. 13139,-L. S 11, : s ' 'at .A., airs, 18225 'satuusr. Franki ' suslins C., u's, 722 lack- 4'anon 'ls i illt usaL., eng, 7225lPakard. cot ' ., 'us1,408 E. '11ash- 155515 bc ,N. 'Y. 119'-D. 3 =.,s,. lit, 4011 1.i Utive'rsity. ust'Kit, tab. us' lus., 124 Tluiss.oass 6'3-J. 'srhtiss ,.A., hat, 432S. ".s~ s'sm 011.1 1max., lit, 2 S,5.Ina las. at ri uLouis 11., msed, 1218 E. Ilirun. Katausnao. licds. 118-I,. .11 u 'li';, Ililiuss s., ess,4111 5. Di- 5 sioi. IHali'f'sy, ltItca. 819-J. c> s -,iolsrut' ., Iaw', 14413 1'shte- use.t't.Clry, Insut. 1288. ut elcn rdL .,dots, -184 E. Madi- CI.Srirs', Mich. is-2. 1 0rt lbr ., ill, 71.1 N. Cather- russ' Msnnsussithll,1.04>-D. StIite.lohissF. 10.., lass'. Hopkiissille, "'tev sart.,ILeroryVVi., grail,522-Packard. S'esvartiav t h ele., isedl523Packard.' W'urus.uustI. '7212. "Lw srt V 14re ., lass, 1(07 E. 1lb- 0Il t. lud, umn. 231. -'s s 's ills'sam I.,lass, 6(23Moinroe. ass '. star'rs..12301-. , :,~~yClIL., lit, 624 S. tIngalls. Isiew i IOrla, Las. Store, Cbs.15., lit. Lakewood, 0. aswal, IaSid us,, (1 , ~421 ..tUniver- si,.lerit. 1478-L. 'Strachen, 15 \Iilin B.,lair, 246 Pack- ad Clelasd, 0. 274-D. 1.'. irs. 'i'.an*- C.nA. Cal" >r~a> Cldwfle", 1 ii. ti',rt.. tc' .,r:c :. tt}; 1. ;S~n t;. AT, iii. t' shu ligron- } us~rr, o x. i, 1 -, 1, r I, e it, It.1 'uS. Ta yerug u. sit .si'h.l8 0-J.T I t , li.. 1 5 -J S'slrs isul 5;5;1r Jlit, st 1000 uVslltru r.i 10 siss 1ri ou 1ltio-ID. Isoat slsh 'uz) e'Ilst 0 4-:1.5 Ssssit Is soa sd ., enti , 924 T. Ants. Ss hisalis 5 , 'ilsi c. u. of Ilus. 2:L>0i Algoasu 'ilhI. IDIT-hL. ,Vi. i'tasissts i. Sumisth, I'lisi II-,lit, 632C'iurchl. IBathi, 'Ss ruts, I in ii, lit,"2215 Huroni. IDsite ts- . 1226-ID. ce ,' ht./ 5.. ISiutit J~'r.,' 2pled, 1111N. Ilixi- .4 russ Ill''. S Istor ~S.. 'ust, 1()0Iti1I1. I star. Ossnn.'Au'or.u 201 Ann Arbor's H'eadquarsters for Kod- No, Cameras and Photo applies I uauke a Opls aol:}'y s -l C it 1iig, Pu ini i rs Itsa'g p avragiigft r Anvtlul-lay n ots m mtehuds. T'i l 12 eas usmy' ' 1555 dna li 11use years a tulz51 1.ihurea.ios-ovrytday'-only resutls wvildoia l i slsoeit.a'e -you wrt au'tt7thing phloograpisuc 1,,u k fur tteo sign:tsf rte Is olal- that's where fliwrsov'. LVND -'N. 719 North University Kodlaks for Rent, 10c per lay