T H E W O LV E R I N E TRY T R U BE Y'S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 168 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Regular Fall Term Sept. 29-Feb. 7 All Branches of Music For Catalogue or information, call at office' or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary T HE W OLVERINE Edoes not fall in with the ideas he has already formed as to the method or The official newspaper of the sum- result; and the woman with ten years mer session of the University of Mich- experience behind her refuses even igan, published by the students, Tues- i ore flatly to listen to what does not day, Thursday and Saturday after- agree with her notions. pioons. This does not purport to be a bureau 7cr the conversion of backward univer- Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., sity professors, but is a school offer- Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich, ing splendid opportunities to those Office Hours-1:00 to 2:30 p. m., daily, who are wcilling, to permit the-aselves Phone 960. to be taught. Would not a sL ghtiy' geater degree of open-mindedness be Subscription Rates-By carrier, seven- decidedly preferable to a refusal to lis- ty-five cents for the summer; mailed ten to advice, argument or instruction? to any address for one dollar. _ Advertising Rates-Furnished upon application to the business manager., 1,500 students; 22,000 townspeople. Louis P. Haller-lanaging Editor. Phione-1016. Wiiim A. Iart-Business Manager. Phone-357. Gordon Davies-News Editor. NEWS STAFF. Issue Editors. Y. F. Jabin 1:u. Lso N. Burnett. Rpal-rters, Ceorge M. Curtis. Earl Crossman. Sam L. Adelsdorf. J. J. Reighard. John R. Ober. Charles C. Webber. Walter W. Watson. C. E. Jamison. F. J. offtmeister. Reuben Peterson. Cyrus J. Coodrich. C. B. Hu >hes. CALENDAR July 22, 5:00 p. m.--"Shakespeare's England." Illustrated lecture by Dr. H. S. Mallory. West lecture room of the physical laboratory. 8:00 p. m.-"Common Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, in their Relation to General Health." Dr. R. B. Can- field. West amphitheater of the medical building. July 23, 5:00 p.m.-"Reason and Com- mon Sense." Assistant Professor Brumm. West lecture room of the physical laboratory. July 24, 5:00 p. m.--"Chemical Indus- tries of Michigan." Illustrated lec- W. F. BEIYEI, '11i, IN SERIOUS CONDITION FRO1 POISONING Dr. William F. Beyer, '1111, is no in the University Hospital in a critical condition brought about by blood poi- soning due to a disease of th h0 joi.t. Dr. Beyer had just left his position as interne in the hospital, which he had held since graduation, to go '!o his home and engage in practic, when he was taken with this serious ilnass. Gymlf Work and Lecture Interest Many. Much interest is being shown in the gymnasium work by the summer stu- dents and Director George A. May is giving a series of lectures on various subjects of interest connected with physical training. 'hese are given Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, while on other days the regular ap- paratus work is pursued. Anyone wishing a physical examina- tion should see the director at the gymnasium. Prof. Drake Lectures on Contracts, "The modern contract is the most curious of all contracts," said Profes- sor Joseph Drake, in a lecture o1 "Some Curious Contracts," in the west amphitheater of the physics buildins.;, yesterday afternoon. He showed the historical development of the contract, showing the difficulty involved in in- terpreting the "consideration" in the modern contract. Several curious cas- es were used as illustrations. DeFries Art Store PICTURES AND FRAMING 223 SOUTH MAIN STREET 'TE M P LE H E A T RSE M A IN ST REE T Wednesday, JL 2r "Love and War in Mexico" ADMISSION 10 CTS. I .. t _ . . D o ..' L" . tr yP oesr .H ht.W s capital,t$t' o o -' surplus,$50.eo Howard c. Devree. Cuy Wells. tore by Professor A. H. White. West oUaividedcProftS.$20,000.00 M. Mack Ryan Leo J. Wykkel lecture room of the physical labora- THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS DANK S. W. Robin.cn S A. Oipenheimer tory. ANN ARBOR, MICH. 7:30 p. m.-Michigan Union Smoker. Sae ttoiniig and oati leoss 'reatment ofour Hus:le- Siafi. - 3 pel-otrasiourSWinh Dopar e Ht Henry S. Parcens, Asst. Bus. Manager. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD HAS Fred W.. Miarble. Louis Rabe. NEAR WRECK SUNRAY NIGHT. .ubccriptions and ads taken at Wreck Not Reported at Local Office Gents' Furmshm arry's Ush cin's, and South Uni- and Delay Said to ho h leto Varsity Toggery Shop ity PharmRepairofBridge. 1107 S.ivyTge iy Ae.lsuEitrGu els 11575. Uaiver i'y A-re. lsst Editor-Coy Welts I Returning from Toledo Sunday ev- i_ _ening two summer session students L B E ,-- -w ere in a near serious w reck not far from Dundee. The young men, Clar- TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1913. ence Brewe, '14E, and Walter Myers, '14L, were on the gasoline car which OPEN-MINDEDNESS. was struck by a locomotive while on L11WANDMEDI[CAL Judging f run results, we should say a siding. that at times there may be advantages Both train and car had their head- NEW AND SECONO-HAND in being ignorant. The students who lights darkened and were moving slow- -_come here during the re ular session; ly. Everyone on the car was badly! take their due share of cons and shaken but no one was injured. The Complete Line d plucks and are far below the category Ann Arbor passengers were transfer- of intellectuality, may not be the red to an excursion train, and arrived Text Books csoicst sort 01 material tc work with, considerably behind schedule time. Text Laboratory Books but they coimo here with an attitude of Inquiries at local offices of the Annj Reference Books abject submssisn, and they are willing Arbor in this city, brought out the in- Dlet ionaries opens ec. to be taught. formation that there was no wreck re- We do not wish to appear to be op- ported here. The delay was said to 1 oscd to indeco.edent tbiakics, it it have been brought about on account of A OUR OXD BOOKS seems to us that the average summer changing over from the old bridge at school student whc- comes here profes- Dundee to the new one, just completed, seily for the purpose of learning some- and all knowledge of the wreck was LACGIST STO1K IN MICHIGAN thing is too prone to take an attitude denied. which almost precludes any possibility --------- 01 this. The man who comes here af- Ushers are wanted for the Ben Greet C. . Barthell ter having taught English for a year shows on July 31. Students wishing to 326 S. State Sreet Tel. 7l L in Podunk High School, refuses to lis- usher apply to Mr. Hollands in the :, a to anything that is told him which basement of the general library. RECREATION Do you play Golf or I* Tennis ? We carry full li1es of Spal- dilIg's a11d Wright c Ditso's make of Atlletic Goods its ,GellEral. EVery article guar- aniteed. WAIIR'S University Bookstore MAKE OUR STORE YOUR MEETING PLACE HUSTON BROS. The Finest Biliard Room Ithe State. CIGARS ad CANDItES. "We Try to Treat You Right" COUSINS & HALL FLORISTS Cor. S. University and Twelfth Street Telephone I115 We Make Old Hats New Alt kcnds SCned andcocld The Best Shoe Shine Shop NEXT TO WAGNER'S THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Catld............. $3ce,wo.eo Supl s cic, cccd ivide Poits. eiw o Resources.... . .:. $3,oco,oce.tu Transacts a General Banking Business 3 per cent inteest pail si oSaviogiscDpssil. Ccitt. Ui. liseoeo, PrCichailel J.Ftz, Casi'r W. Ut. H ia n, iccvce-Pr'es., Carl F. itau,,-Xssi. Casli'r, Wii,. cualz, Asst. Cash'r Savings Dept. R uED RUBBER SOLES RPut on Any Shoes at 0. G. ANDRES, 222 S. State Street CALL TAXI 1550. On Call Day or Night Auto and Raggage Livery Ann Arbor Taxicab Co., 300 N. Main St. "The Arcadia" OPEN During Summer Session Regular Prices $3.50-$4.00 BRENNAN-MORROW, 612 E. Liberty, Phone 164 The Tobacco Shop & Billiard Hall The Place for Summer School Students 118- 120 E. Liberty Street 62HO WIL'U g'. 311 S. State St. Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in ihe city. Satisfaction guaranteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMER STYLES A SPECiALTY Established 1888. All work made in this city. 311 S. State St. The White Swan Laundry Corner Detroit and Catherine SIs. ar.d 4th Ave., Ann Arlbcr USES SOFT WATER SWhITE SWAN - Reasons ii every l.ui:dle of Lausdr -work sent from the White Swan Laundry, why you should CALL PHONE 165 for our waig. GOODS NO ' fLTED BY C tiM WCALS-White, not yellow nor blue--button hol s istact butons ditto. Special atten- tion given to lad iesc elothes. OUR PRICES TH E LOWEST. THE WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY "You can tell A Gentleman by the Cleanliness of His Linen" The City Laundry THOS. ROWE, Prop. 404-406 De'roit Stiret LSPRUNKS ENGRAVERS The Gar oyle EN-ARBOR PRESS a ALL COLLEGE WORK I fail usTrial Order JOURNAL BUILDING DETROIT. MICH SUGAR BOWL 109 S. Main Street BEST ICE CREAM SWEETEST CANDY PROMPT SERVICE SUGAR BOWL 109 S. Main Street Phone 967 DAVIS &OHLI NGER Del veriesmade when promised Phone 432 J 1049 E. Washington 5' reet