IAT YOUR DOOR THREE NI.I THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75cSoW" VR SUMMER PUBLICATION Vol IV. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY JULY 22, 1913. No. 12. LAWS AND MEDICS WIN HARD GAMES (ollette at Shorut for Barr istes Accept's Nine Chanices With- out Error. ATTORLNEYS STILL ILEAD RACE. UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERVICE t'lO 1111110011) SECONU1DA IS ESTABLISHED BY REGENTS Standing if the'lexinis Won Lost Laws............3 1 Engineers .... 2 1 Pet. .750) .667 Medics...........2 2 .00 Lits............ ..0 3 .o)9 The medico won from the lits, yes- terday afternoon, 7 to 6. Both teams shosved decidedly poor form, ten errors heing chalked up against the lilts, and slue against the medics. The contest was rather listless until tlss last inning, when the life started a rally, hot failed to overcome the lead made hy the medics in the first inning. Medico. AB R Curtis ss ................31 Bake c................731 Smith p .................3 2 Hlarringtoin if ...........2.31 Jackson rf ..............3 1 Carter cf ................2 0 Clay 1bh........... .....2 0 Geahien 29 ...............2 0 Throne 3b...............2 0 EE 0 1 1 0 0 237 Lits. AG B Prico 39, p ..............3 1 Gallagher 29 ............31 Milton 1.9................3 1 Hysses s .........31 Crampton c ..............3 0 Lockwood p, so ..........3 0 Clawson If..............3 1 Peterson ci.............. Smith ci ................2 1 27 6 (Continued on page 4) 1 1 H 1 0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0. Proeventative and Cnrative ileasnres Will be Instituted to Care For Student Health. The University Health Service is the name given hy the regents at their last meeting to the department which they estahlished as a result of the movement for a uiniversity infirmary. There has heen a popular misconcep- tion that the university was to estab- lish. an infirmary or special hosopital which was to care for the health of the student hody. But this mistake has heen corrected hy the creation of a special health service which will cover a hroader field than a student hospital and wiii instituto preventa- tive measures to safe-guard the health of the students as well as administer to their individual needs. The work of the service wiii he in charge of three physicians, Br. H. H. Cummings of the department of med- iinns and surgery, will administer to the needs of the men who prefer silo- pathic treacment; Dr. C. E. Stafford o1 the homeopathic college, will he at the service of those desiring his treat- ment; while Dr. Elsie S. Pratt, a practicing physician of Denver, Col., wiii he in charge of the work for the A fee of two dollars is to he charged each student for which medical atten- tionsil bvi e famnished free to those needing it. A dispensary will he est- taahished on the campus where the physicians will have their offies and prescriptions can he filled. In case a university physician is called to the house, a fee of one dollar is to he charged for a day visit and two dol- lars for cach night call. If a studenet fide it necessary to go to the hospital for treatment lie will he required to pay the regular expenses involved un- less in the judgment of the hoard of directors of the service he is unahle to pay the expenses, xvhich will in such case he charged to the fond created hy the students' fees. Aside from ministering to individual cases the service will institute pre-, ventative measures. Conditions of san- itation will he watched, the drinking water will he periodically examsined and conditions in hoarding houses wiii he supervised. BIBhLEt STUDENTS CLE ANt I ON'IRE ASSOIRTED I)REKS, By a score of 12 to 1 the Y. H. C. A. proved its superiority in hasehall over the employees of Hagenbeck and Wat_- New Song Book for Cliorns Work Will Make Its Officiail Debut. Urged hy the success of the iiial NEW PROFESSOR IS MAN OF TW ENTY-FIVE SEE WIDE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE; IGR AL Dn r('aale 1h1 Iffead Mautcil I See's iere m ,au li-,enef' 'Lis .Fridas hs Mail and hRetun i l D:llporaaailc Field, Hos ata ( CrosingILike -_, -lErie. at the Michigan Unions lastxveeik, the Th xiuontetc Dr xoh Treat, Crane, ax assisitant irofesseocri S=it 16, IODt L -t)IA1'O comsmittee has taken steps to hold a oiis sis('hig olse__ similar function, Thursday evening.poica ezcbngtohsd-- No set programs has yet heen arranged. I articeni aeman beeked byveeveral Piofrssor Franik Carney, withs 21enm- hut it will ccnsist of an address by brearsgcoltgistsiietirieditc dnnsArsos one of the mnembhers of the faculty, im- livid. Er. Cronliacd i. asscdteeaina-~ ol xe etre oAi rc personations acid recitals, and iiusic. toi o h oiee evc'isio crdaty ixornixux, from an interesting At that time the nexx' MichigaisUxnion and wsa sximediatei api'sonted assist-iiid iisstruiiv xe visit to Niagaira Falls. sog okswilmae hirfis a-antsaid deliuty coissl-' nir t. Mn- hel ary lftDetro it at 1:,00 o'clock songhoos xiiimakether frstap-trei. Ilie seroe 1 ss consusi at Gusive Puo x us uiiga ufl pearanee and xiii he used for choruserdy feno, riiga ufl wxork hy those present. All suismexrloupe:in thelFix ithe'nextotoIndies f session studenis are inivted. 1909 to lilt, eaid wsesorsul H i 0Oatio xtu xetmonn- sario, drc eitix., rise cthree' yearsxfol speciali car at the station took these 6E ' lossing. direcciiy to xNiagar. ANDREW WILD, '1BE LOSES Dr. Crane's undergraduiate. swisk The after'xoin was~ spent in a trip irrWHE CPSIES sedone a heuivereity of t3xecohie, -iloin" ise gurec route. A stop was LIF W EN OA CPSIES raie', uaixe Jois Dopiniesissiesr site, Dultimorve, ewhere ise 5 r idiate ismade ,at the Susepeission hridge xvhere I rce o Ssiiu . JlesforIteli withs honoe in 19;12. IIe receved ise ipirtystuidied the various rock for- lre oSIm Not3lBeniSeen s 'lead ihD, frees Isis ala, ateixin x i iationx', scsithe difcerent widths of Su aasid the xidcofvi L.., fiosixi:xrv the -"or . Focmthere they proceededi laud Unis r-ity iI thesamrxe e. to the whxxiilpeel at wehich Professor dWord wats receixed in. Am nArhocr eie. h siiiiDi r~x t,Carey lotedoexithriesvalley of a pre- islte iiisee ixvn§tie. Ctaea'saidIexifI I yesterday, of the death hy druwirng JseS e 'io h pltclscec -i' it risv'riaid expliined its effect Moniday umorning of Andrewe Wiid, '161+_,siepatrtixcist. "Iilee lxxxiidx' trilixant il iiitue st 5 inure of the ipresent of Bay City, wvhen a eatl host, cuntain- !,xademeic x xixd verysiunusualxx- xxi ' ing Wild, 10, his hrothxer Fred, '1ttxxxd j prixisce in iii. ser(l. '. xlt ,sdo xxt Footer Fiats, fol- Sam Asecesou, t9, capizted, thsree xcii-: Dr. Craeic psot'blhtyave, charse lox' cd by a<'tort visit to Brook's ipioii- es off Diinia Beach naceir r ixii t ris te mlxxxi xal sexrsirs'hurexixihseh is i x ire's19thetpofxxhich the direr- of the Saginaw iRiver. it Hlptxh in. thtsxOrx'txislirii xix Ittoe -x'" sicixfcx1tx \agari escarpmrent coxilid Thi' hoys ho.] houghtstclxhe osa' c. prreet. Tis bixexas xxil ixve ' '_- t beplaiinyse.T eat stop was at had miade arrxxngexmentisto saii t.tivice to i.xxxiciattixx es "txs; x al r th3eirpolfo dontca'Ct rix xxx~dva' hartere orcr licite- inxtheir otld c t, x. xier canc side, shire the party Monxday scorning. The iminiS iin ' andtiill iii in xthe' draftingoforinx- ited theaixoofcithe svater as it left who teybouhtth ao-r w scitoanes. the sisirlpol passing underneath the hxave goixe with thecm, hut ti xxx-i 'x.___ ixo xrcret I -- ---____ - ni-r c re t ed sot to weait, axedsailed 'sithiot i r.'IP"9111I'I 6h1,13'IIt~yEIPEN'TS - Eaxiuday imorning rtegeologists viesv- When the heat wenxt oren ihl wx-, IlhlEith"iBO' .'i1'A. It'S i dthitsfa-ittfroi the (leekes of the ie help in sight and tx.x : Vil N .'I'.a"aio h Ms. fe hc r- le+kixs a abhom startedi to for rN9 AStA 69NS!1P I xciteMst le wihPo S- xclet Carney obtaixied a permuit al- shor. Nthig ha heux ~ 'u a uit Foxur iilxxi reecente are no tunic h fxslow-ing the party to msane a thorough since. uade xx Watermn- yicnsstums, c.in- " xuiationi of the Canadian powver Tsevo hours later Asersi~ox itrxid istixng of a mx sw horse- praetice vault- (piano. In timeafternooni a study was for shore with a gaSf. He u-us licked in' pole, Ierxitlcxiii tuu heavy m'axde of the structure of the rock up hy a lauch half w n-a~, xxin'a x hcitching5xiarstund) Goat Islond, this party leaving ixausted caxidition. The lauxxchxthlxii This vaultiig horee is of the lateet Nixagara in timee to get the 6:030 o'clockt wxent out and picked upxix cii - x e designi cxxixstrxx of the n~ckv and hid- ; heat at Buffalo. Wild hoy, who seas unahle to csxxim. lets uecixo', x 'Theaperistalit isvdi- - - - - - Wild seas the suit of Auxtroxxx Ilild mu oxx bamslxertrFML ,.foremast at thse Inducts d1 dxci ix tihese wtakI-itttleii.exercis'. DRASW RTI AN Pay City. While at the uivrstirxiii 'atrctexxaetire Ie' re SAIL SAI URDAY FOR EUROPE lived weits C. C.. Setil 't 10 Easternx'xecii cxetns Chuvever Court. Ho -asscat swiritiypole an ciei h 60it:"-' i ci-asswlxchii's elicibed rather thaxi carried. i Dr. A. S. W'arthuc, Professor of Path- hyeing cixairmans 01 t' cosuxzutt eIt-'Camefxadvantage is inm the ptractice ;clogy in the nmedical department, leav- w5hich arranuged the classx ccxx rexvt' 1of thusose-e unxself tract the pole andces Ann Arbor, Thursday. to go abroad, the river. Iliea-as axs eaceltent relic-ever this coss-polo. The elixeiin" sehere he weill attend the eonvenionms menaxu eterd n te .exxauix -r~ - xes cii P 1r,)topre parr for the of Iwe imtenational medical societies, E=+s at the recest spring regatta. t t-l- .ocn' of wehiech he is president. Together -- - - ---- - awith his fancily he weill sail from Moc- Iteai Vsixgumm ill. 11 J)xLe iitl' s ExI. 0ctxl,; i-iAlhts II. 'I 'liDS treal fox' England, Saturday, and re- ir. Victor C. Vtra xa des" of lixhe VI''l'H 1,O lit IAIf;'l.A9VI i.I.'iSht uiatuxthere until fall. At the second f edilep sartmele f yesvterdaye cc - -Triensnial International meeting of the 651 10 PROF.,W, M, DAVIS OF HARVARD WILL DELIVER TWO LECTURES Through the efforts of Summer De..c Kraus and hy virtue of' provisixon., made at the last meetinug of the hoard of regents, Pro.ix.V.1. Davis, of I-ixar- vard, has heen secured to deliver tx a- lectures durinug the summer session. Pryof. Davis is sims of the worlds fore- mxost geologists. For a, nunsher ofl years he was professor of geology SlIxx ut present s profx essore emeritseisnthat lace. Thse figures do nmot, however, ar- suhject at Harvard. merits of the teans, or the closiees an automoite Iripst10.Phladelpitia. tHe He is a memnher cf the Amsericansee3- of the contest. For five innings hoth a-as acconmpaniled hy lies. Yaughan cuid e-raphical Society, and holds an v-,x-- teams played good hail. In the sixth soundWarren, They will he roseabahet change professorship at the universi- the circus proclivities of the visitors three weeks. ties of Berlin and Paris. asserted themselves and their tease -- As yet the dates of the lectures can- "seent on in the aix," eight Y. M. C. A. not he announced, hut it is prohahle imen scoring. TEW:TE L that they weill comce during the latter; The university was represented ox'TnEWATI}I A i-art of this month. The lectures will the home team in the persons of Web- ha illustrated and should prove espe- her, Fornman and Barringer-. FornmanFuorecxast for Anni Arhc)r. ciaily interesting and instructive. I pitching, hlsd the acrohats to three Pair and wearmser today; esowers Is-' - -hits, and hinseelf contrihuted tx-c xc orrowx or tomxorrowv night.; hiist to ii', .latory on Shiakeseasre's Enugland,. douhles. Wehber, of varsity Issue xc oderate south winds. Br. H. S. Mlallory weilspeak on c aught, and likewise secured a double., Yester'day's Tonipemihtusx xShakespeare's England," this after- For the visitors Sport, the colored Maxinmuns11; minicmum 62: wnd noon at 5:00 o'clock inm the west am- pitcher, was the stem', fanniig eleven velocity 33. Ihitheatex' of the phyehicshxilding.Ster- ien and only allowing seven hits dct- Due year ago, mxainmucm 73x mini-5 eoptican illustrations wsillhe used. spite the ascension of his teams. Ium 63. 'eon-a --eits crc teixxg --atx by Ixnternationsal Association of Medical th si~esiy ielesttxtuxx lereMuseumis, held at rise Museum of the 1. Y La'ttimteassistant, 'a ccarry ocnxx Royal College of Surgeocs, at Lin- secries. oh e xci sney rests i'ii tile saa reins Inn Fields, Loxndon, he xiii deify- lion cifItae University of Noerix "Daksta, y r the- presidential address on "Theo slocoedat Urand Forks. I-. 0. Shcp- tdeats snd Functions of the Interna- ard, Univsityoperator, anid Gesige ' isovat x'ssociation of 'Medical Muse- H. Norcis, 13Exxi conicoct, froxwn Dc- 'uses." Tis cieeting is held in conjunc- troietxxx shouxt ten days to carry out ths Cion wills the nmuseumms section of the tests, which w itl lsstthrlcegh' slie- Sevecteotith Internamtioual Congress of ii t.The app'axatus so be x ,ted is a Me~diex'at the Imperial College of. In 1 's tt.'r cx greeltxpoc ccciade tsiaxukexc, Sauth Scensingtons, London. the' University laboraxtories. Tim xxmasum Dr. C. Carl Hober, Professor of His- et fix o othercad ef tle, lice iwill hue rology in the nmedical department, whir Prof. Taylor, of the University of .non.b has alceaidy sailed to attend these IDakota. seho has donis a great deal of mxeetixgs, xiii give a paper before this -search . ork in wsireless oer'i'ie, io ciety, "On a Mhethod of Maceratiox and is axi athority on rho subjet Preparatory to Teasinig." At 3:45 P. M. Annual Summer School Enga gernent Seat Sale at Wahr's State OF Street Book Store, Monday, Love's Labour's Lost o July 28, 4 p. m -n lln rat's IA! dI*i I Yc rS.eserved Seats, 75 Cents. At 8 P. M. t1 J~Wk T U Mail Orders may be sent to W. R. Humphreys, 1012 1lich-~ The Tempest Campus Theatre Thursday, July 31 igan Avenue. A