T H E W 0 L V E R I N E1 WVVEPR19SS1YHiAND C. 1. KIDD Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. D 1Y AND STEAM CLEANING THIS WAY yc no Fnnn'ner Seudents-Come aroud for a LUNCH that is a LUNCH A fril Olice of Tobacco and (gda-ettes. 11gh Grade Confections andI Fruit. I FOUNTAIN PEN HOSPITAL WE REPAIR ANY MAKE WHILE YOU WAIT. We Ason Sell All Reel Makes ef Pens. 340 S. srATE ST. IRVING FI. SCHILEEDE 1 a d I UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHARMACY if. GOULDING & WIKEL I Drugs, Cigars, Candy, and Stationery. Agency Moore's Non-Leakable Pen El nDTRnOITr TOLED&I CLEVELAND PORT HURON. BUFFALO GODERICH NIAGARA, A THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SAS Spend year vacation on the Great Lakes, the nost economical and enjoyable outing in America N matrtwhtpoint you want Onon, use D. & C. Where You nC attnrtin nrteaesoprtn to all impotant ports. Daily senrvice between Dntroit and Buffalo, May letton November lest. City of Detroit III and City of Cleveland 111, two othn largnstsidn whnnl seamensin theworld, on this division Jane 10th to September 1 0th. Daily service between Detnoit and Cleveland April 15th to Dncnmber Ilet. Daing Jaly and Angast two boate outo Detroit and Clevelandnvery Saturday and Sunday night. Four trips weekly between Toledo, Detroit, Makinac Island and way porte. Ten Day Stopovr allowed at Alpena eiter direction on touriet tickets withut additional cont. Daily service between Toledo, Cleveland and Pt-in-Bay. Specil Steamer Cleveland to MackinacoIland, two tripe weekly, June 0th to September 00th topping only at Detroit every trip and Doderiok,Ot., every Monday up-bound andSaturday downo-bound. Special Day TrisbetweernDetroiteand Cleveland, During July and August Toeeday, Wedneesday, Thurrday and Saturday one of Detroit; Monday, Wedneeday, Thursday and Friday out ofCleveland. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLEt-Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit and Bufifalo and Detroit and Cleveland will be honored fer transportationeonaD. & C. Lime Steamers in either direction. Send2 cent stamptfor llootr-edPamplet and reat LakesMap. Addresse: L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. Philip H. McMillan, Pres. A, A. Schanta, Vice-Pines. and Gent1 Mgr. © Detroit & Cleveland * Navigation Company REGENTS CHMANGE 'NAX.E OF ENGINEERING 1DEPARTMENT (Continued f10101poge 5) The services o1 two members of the faculty who Lad received calls ts oth- or institutions wore retained for Mbich-! igan. Dr. Charles W. Edmunds, pro- fessor of therapeutics, who received a call to Minnesota Univeroity has deci- ed to stay at Mithigan. Instructor Pr- ter 0. Okkelberg, ot the zoology de- partinent who hod a tull to the Univer- sity of Wisconsin wuo aloo retained here at an increase in salary. DegreesGrnted ton Many. Degrees were granted to those who could nto be here at commencemett time and receive thenm in person and also to thooe who were unfortunote enough to have to do additional work or paso another examination hefore being allowed tn graduate. On the literary department, 45 bachelor, and in the law departnment five bachelor degrees were conferred. In the gradu- ate ochool 18 advance degrees, and in the engineering deportment one engi- neering degree was granted. Appoitamentls Made, Several appointnments were mlade by the regento us follows: W. MI. Davis, professor oil geology at Harvard and a manD with a uide reputation as a geologist wan appointed speciol lectur- Jane H. Pendell woo appointed su- perintendenlt of the University Hospit- al Training ochool. Authority wan given to the executive board 10oecurc a temporary suctessor to Prof. Jameo H. Crain, resigned, for the department of Semetics, if such ac- tion should be necessary. Itobert T. Crane was appoinited as- sistant professor of political science. He will be in choarge of the bureau of Municipal Service. Louis T. Anderagg was appoitted itistroctor in general chemiry. Walter W. Tupper was appointed in- structor in botany in the absenice oi Dr. Henry H. Gleason wo0 will study abroad next year. William F. Vernor was appointed as- sistant professor in mnechanical engi- neering. De'. Van Zwaluwenburg was given charge of the department of roentge- nology beginning October 1. In the meanitime Mr. A. A. Hale will have charge of the work. Assistanot Professor John G. Winter's title was changed to assistant profes- oor 01 Greek and Latin Languages. Assiotant Professor A. J. Decker wan Hetween 1.00 an~d 4:00 o'clock Thsurs- For prompt and moot satisfactory day muorning, the Phi Clii fralternoity work bring your filims to Hotpp , phlo- hoouoe waoscetered by a thief who noade tograplher, 619 E. Liberty St. tf assay with clothinlg anid jeovelry be -___________ longing to thle students. Charcoal Grilled Poe terhouse Steaks. All the occupants of the hoolse sleep Bessiner's Grill. 113 W. Huron St., intedormoitory on the third Bloor. uptisDpp. Interurban Sain f Someone wao heard movinog about in ___________ the rooms below during the nilght, but Call 15 for taxi. tf. it was thought to be 0110 of the stu -_________________ dento, and it wan not until morning that it was discovered that someone lv E STi had rifled two of the rooms of the A E I first 11001'. The loss was not great, consisting of TONIGHT somte fraternity jewelry and a few arti- ces of clothling. A smnall amoulnt of EtsnTakg itue money was taken, while a considerable KINEMCOU FILMS DART amuount was overlooked in a coat pock.-PHT PLY et in one of the rooims ransacked. ______ TO____PLA_____S _ The police have not been able to fioid MAIE the thief as yeL.TIE FRI..-SAT. 3. M . CLAS)SIFIED ADVERTISING ___________ ADS IN THIS COLUMN MUST HE C.H R K PAID) FOR IN ADVANCE. HACK. BAGGAGE &lseLIVERY Two Gooy Saddlers Dacig.Phone 3485 ao6 N. Fourths Ave. Special party at Granger's this Sat- E ________________ orday evening. 50 cents per couptle. Siscleaned ands pressed, 75c. Ful-} Th Ma ler & O'Connor, 619 E. William St. tf.' That Makes First class 21100 repairing. Modern, T eClte Shoe Repair Shop. 615 K. William St. That Make If. The Man Call 15 for baggage choecked from liA IC ' house to destina tion. tf. - The Quality 'Tailor Call 15 for taxi. tfo promoted to junior professor of engi- neering mechanics. Instructor F. N. Mellefee sos raised to ansistant professor 01 engitieering 1mechanics. Instrucetor A. L. Ladd was tr'ails- ferred froni the departmnolt of lillthe- I matics to the depa~rtmnoit of elogineer- 1000 nichlanics. Chas. WV. French was appointed to a Iuniversity fellowship of $300. WV.XX. Mc~ay was granted thie Duel Classical fellowship of $300. Evelin Reilly weas granted $500 out of the Huel high ochool fellowship lund. 'I'RO8WLElf INVADEsS ioeslrt OF p MEDICAL t'ln':ltNl'Uy, Early Mfoinilg 'Ihief Nakes Awa~y Witls Clothes, Jewtelry a~lnd Money. j 11Tango Special. lalicing lilrly this Satourday evenling lit Granger's. Fischler's oroclestra.. 50 cents, per couple. Rtubber Sole Oxfords, all styles, at Campus Dootery. 200 5. State St. If. Suits Pressed, 25c, Pants 10c. Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E. William St. tf. Call 15 for baggage checked froml house to destination. tf. *Cameras to rent, 10 cento per day, at Hoppe's, 619 E. Liberty St. Any subscribers oishing hacko copies of Thie Xolverlle to compllete thseir files can obtsin the samne by calling at the Press building Gring offict houro. Call 15 for baggage checked from house to destination. If. i ®' I -= tu 3 nRuber Soled Foot- ear for Men and Women-- " " t ..Ihat is SATISFACTORY and RIGHT IN PRICE Will belfound at MVY NEW LOCATION-119 E. LIBERTY STREET 1 have benlr headquarters fte le past seven years fnr thins c las oaogar. 1Hiyh f/iat~cde S/lue 1 a1 if 5ciuili { SALE 2M LEN'S FURNISHINGS ,, - We hoave omarked our Summer Garmnots fur quick clear- "" ; . -:" anc in this Special Week Lanod Sale. rThe prices 1meri1 your f~t 'carefool con sideration. $1I and $1.00 Union Suits . . 79c and $1.19 f 1'15cLinen lHemstitched IHanderchiefs 10ct~ r t35c Onyx Silk Hlooe, now only . . . 25c $1 Negligee Shirts, new style . 79cW Jc z< ,' rAll 25cand50c Ties . . l9e and 39c S }...75c Bathing Suts, special 47c 25c lPad Gartrers, only. . . . 19C ..... ..: $t.50a janmas, all colors.... ....... $1.19 sfNight i2obes, nellig at............57c M)ACK & C 0I N AI TE TINKER & O TUITLE LUNCH ROOM FURNISHERS and HATTERS to University Men L uncelle and SodasI34S.Saet.38cuhttetrt FR ItUniversal Dry and Steam Clean- 1 Groceries and Meats ing Works °' Artistic Cleaners, CaIf407. Eerthing Fis-Claso n Feh T" E. WiAHL, Mg r. - A. LEMOLE, Sr., Prop. 530 Forest Avenue Phone 877 11 19 Packard St. ine rk r, Mic. wF =5 ' Zbc c~tu-ft-Always something at our foun= tain. A nice walk any evening. Corner of State and Packard You won't be disappointed. N. E. KONOLD, Propritor