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July 19, 1913 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1913-07-19

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-= Our Shoes Lead
f ~ v becausse they deserve to. They
/have all the style and class and a
grace that adds distinction to the
leet they cover. Travel where
n= yuwl you'll not find finer font-
>- west at any peice and nmighty lit-
/ 'tle as good. Have a look at oar
Ns~v. s' 2 nesv ties. You'll acknowledge
4" they are 'going some" is the way
of classy footwear.
4 Headquarters for
119 South Main Street

G(ROIE HOF Iii PAIIfEN'I' Oberlin, Carl, 'it. 721 S. In ails<. -lls 1". Plit, 545 Thomtptson.
-NECESSIl'lATIES ('HANGES livid, 0. 144-L,. ('t, ol'aii h .. 65).
IN ('lE3IIS'J'ET lll'ILIDlN\l. O'lBrii'n, 0eld . XVi.,lass',127 Iilistl; sii ez, I ri A., iti,'121 0E. Jesffersont.
-t-('Hmlvcht Cross' . 4. 18. 1Itt '11101, 2191-I.
Dispentsinsg rooms are beinig volarg- OConsor, V'ctent J..lit, 4241 Tihomtpson. I 1lI,'_;,lb(,riI"., acoed, 621) Motnroe. Si.
et ott the seconid attd third floors of Ottaswa, I11. 202-L. Ioass. liii 1449l-I..
fhe chemistry tsiildinigidiui'to rte - OllnitiThepis~. C. IL, ioedt, 114S. In- Plaiketli itur1., 'esg, 408 E. '1Vssl-
inarkabte growth of the departmtenst galls. tGrandiRapitsill. 1722-1. into'u I muralsr, Michts 21199-L.
during the last tea' years. Olhn, tohns 1., lass, (44 E. UConimve'rs ttti'r(ity.PumrClyotn E..viseg, 602 Monrot'.
Room 200 will be utilized tnext fall Soledad, Cii. 1081. lowigiss VMiiih. *2799-L.
as an instructors' laboratory for' ce- Okserliunit,Gerdai M., lit, 1121 S. Ingalls. 'olos'ler, Isislor,', lit, It1 . Jefferon.
search ivork. Amntg other cisanges is AnnssArtior. 403-L.. Dtroit. 08

thse construction of a large brick bita litrin, ('liss. 21., vit. of Alits.. 42(6
in the central court ofthue butildittg. 1Staynard.
The newr striture smlt be used for Oldriis Claira I. i-i. Sirs., lit, 426 i2Ito -
refuse, and will take use slave of the iharid. Aitis trtor.
barrels atnd boxes swhichla Itveplin- Olds, N1itliatis t., litt, .524,1a]. Jefferassn.

'' For a Delig.htful All Day Outing on ithe seatttifutl St. Clalc elves
taie. stamaiert raioo'anyimrntinatg 8:45, 5ttttdastqac. tare
week-das 5eSundaays;tfor Toledoaandtreturtn, steaimer'"Oirasa"
tsavr'esettailly8:30 a. in., returan s t etroit 7:15 P. itt.; tore
1 'Suidasrsi; wevek ars $tico.
ssFor as AtersnosnRids to St.('ttsairats, TatlssssParkaortPsi
71~ - ititos wasy parsatake tic "C.itrofToledo" at 2:30 p. M.

A 6 anbetrdn.Mnbrhtas a dollar--quick as a flash. \ -.
TWhat's howe
svill help you. It tb so chacerful, whtolesome and
stisefying a drink. Good for both body and brain.
Dlcou.s-Ref eshing
ihrst- uenching
Deandss ite Gnuie-Refuise Susb'titutes 3
yiiu seezsit AlTlAN IA, C'-
Arro iis tils


ously been used for tse putrpiose.
S. R. 'Taoas lDesigs sKerotsene Enisgine
A manifold whlich will permit the
burning of kerosenea in ats ordintary
gasoline engine has beeti designed by
Mt. S. R. 'Thomias, teachittg issisitat
in the msechanical etngineering detpart-
ment. The tests were carried ont with
an ordittary Krit autonmobile en-itte.
and results slhosv that the etnginseeats
be made to develop msore power swith
just half the expenditure snub kero-
sene than with gasoline,-ite old 'say.
The design is being patented and if
successfutl as it protuises to be, it silli
be a great factor itt solving the prob-
lem of power expettse for all gasoline
Students ('omplete -Nes t iy Mttp.
Jantes1R. Hutrley, '15, sisilJouisI.
Ptarsons, have almost comspls'eedIthe
blue pritnt of a new city msap. Acvord-
ing to the city engiueer, it is eletirer
and usure complete' than atty otte yet
pulblished. The malp also gives the
location of somet larger travis 01fittnd
sittside the city limits, together iitli
the names of the owners. -

ElRib apiiids, :Mii. 2190-f.
Oliert'laudti J., lit, 11121 Oalansdi.
Amibosy,iAlinni. 1906.
Otmaits, Lee 12.. lit,208 S. 'Thasyer.
Cedair Sprlins, Mliih. 1138-3'.
Oppettnhie,,Seyttoutr A.. eng, 822
Otaklatti. Gratis) Ittpids. 612-1.
Orr, F.ratnksB., lit. Nestnasi, Pa.
Otratides', Jessie 10..graditiol. 0St.,
Douglas Lakes. hKaamaztoo.
Otto, Chatrles 0'., vii, 210 S.'Thtayet.
Plifield1, N. J. 1816-..
Outyaing,'Tsut Shoss,lit, 9131 1-. 1Hurons.
AstVbnh,itbKiattgsl. ('iinatt.11501-f.
Pacvker, Ilar 'arettst, grad. Riot. Sta..
tDoitglsLake. Newton, l'a.
Paltner, Mary7, grad, 90491E. Waoshing-
tott. Detroit. 12251-J.
Pats, -'il att, 'it.1.1200 S. U'nisvsr
oily.OSaai, Cintt. llt2-L2.
Ptang, IDaliss n°, is-,011.2.].7Washting -
ton. Ksrtigtists. tCtist, 931-1.
Ptardotn, Elst' P., lit:, 11)3412. 1Huron.
AtnniAsbot. 1065-J.
P'arker, XWilr.71., lit, 221 S. Dliisi.
Gladtiri', Milcs. 1324-1.
Parkhsill, George12., lit, 448 Thoomp-
sotn. Mr. Pie:lss'nt, Miich. 079-2.
Parsotns, 1Harry S., en-t, 006 H141 -11-
usirti, N. Y. 274.
tPatont, 'Wiiamsn A., lit, Ypiolatnti. 241-
2 -Ypt si.
Paz. A-1asrt'elsit .t o.. ('i CttinissAntss.


vine atch Repairing
Eye (Glasses and Jewelry Repaired
Alarm Clocks Conklin Fountain Pens
tiler Jewelry Co.
Telephone 534 308 South State Street
..Te ewCatalogue
U11I ersiLty of Michigall
Complete Information concerning seven departmep'ts
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
(Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy,
Dentistry and the Graduate Depart-
ment and the Summer Session.
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper
Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial
Education, including Railway Administration
and Insurance, Archiecture, Conservation
Engineering, Pedagogy (fafhliated with Ann
Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a
course for those preparing for the scientific
administration of departments of sanitation
and public health.
IFor Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
Individual Information, address
Snoreary niverityN ERO


hueoesAss.sa Arg. 16111-..
DIRECTORY OF SUMMERI Peabodyo, 1"cci C., sited, 11101 E. lHuron.
SCHOOL STUDEINTS S iiuliisunulili. 7531.
_____________________________________Peaske, 0'.', , t,226 12th. l'ortlsandu,
ich. 702-1.
Names in this directory are taken l'eliett, Ray C., gradi, 513 Olsislots,
front the. records in the offies of the Hutsitngton, 1usd.
secretaries of ths various departmetnts, 'etuavil, Emtil E., isi', 425 S. Dhisisout.
and contain the saome errors. 16 00 Jatcssoss Ito. 1565-I.
phone number has been placed on thyei'ercy7, 7. ,1., "laiw, 215 N. Divisiosn.
enrollment cardl, none is shownt here, Stottdais. Pa. 653-J'. 0
but that does not preeludo therm besng Ps'rkins,.. A. delis. 0'., Omit. o01 Msus., 1301
a phone in the house; call the chief G~eddes. 1002-.
operator and tell her swhat house you Perkinus, Pt 'sci'tie 1.., lit, 113 5. Its-
want. I sails. Anst Arbour. 699-,I.
Newman, Etta L., lit, 520i Thomspsons. 'errisne,JaisiaG., grsid, 10s5 Packarth.
Grand Rapids. 856-L2. AnnusAsrbar. 109s4-L.
Neswton, Chat. W.5, lit, 604 S. Statle. testy. Lyell, en'., 5(18 5. Divisions. Ants
Detroit. 771. Arbe.'. 1517-i..
Newiton, Placa S.. lit, 5117 'T'omplson. lverry, Masrgue'cive, lit, 701)Chsurch. 5110,
Ray City, Mliih. 1464-I..MSichi. 1223-112.
Nicuaolasts, Johns 1., 1i1, 432 Maynasrd. Pe qutera, Maiano 1., sued, 812 E.
Schenectady N'. T. 163-I.. W-asltisttcst. Satn Jusiu..lPorto ttico.
Nicolson, Clyde WV., vito, 705 5. 'Thay7er. 913-1.
Detroit. 1073-J. i"eesott, Resuben,. Jr., lit, 1416 I-ill.
Nieh, Miriam 1L., lit, 1311 5.Uier- Assns Arbor. 205.
eity. Kiutkiast7 Kiangsi, Chsina. P'esslEvl'ynM.t lit, 106 12th. Grandl
1498-L.Rpidss.I 1 2.
Nixon. George H., laws, 517 517 L7. Asnn. IPfalhuEdsnP.,slss, 733 5. Slate.
Springfield, iet. 294-1'7. N-mgara 1 0aals, N. T. 287.
Norman, Eari S., vito, 032 SMssy. AmissPteifer, PCarlB12 en,,,5000 W7ashington.
Arbor. Ltira, N. Y.894-J.
Northrup, Zae, grad, 228 5. Tbayer'. Phelps, James A. las', 420 5. tDivision.
Eaat Lansing, Mbicht. 1310-h. Golconda, 111 852-L.
Norton, Katberinse H., Scb. ofSMus., 923 PhilipsHolest, lit, 212 5. 'Thayes'
Greenwood. Vican, Mtuds 1884-J.
Norton, Mlarguserite Ei., lit, 022 Green- I insney, hFloyd 10., lass, Kalikasa.,
swood. Attn Arbor. icuh. 1221--L2
Notley, Blenn, Sch. of Mtus., 1222 Wash- ('uiatt, Lottie S. Mrs., lit, 610 S. Ingalls.
Vicksburb, Slick. 885-12. Hanusubal, Mo.023-J.

'otius, Sillier Ii., lair, 556 5. State.
C'irclville, ). 18.
hattsI Phillip C', lit, 116 N. State. M1111-
s ille, I's. 102-I,.
'cult, Cilist's'e77'., lit. 427 Masytnard,
Ih'rice, Nteil, lit, 2111 N. Thatye'. Al-
nsint, Silcs.
P'rice, Rlph lsA., stir', 1100 1. 77'shsitg-
oi.l. Pi Cty0, Slitci. 894-f.
Priddyl~, V i'.sLI., Mrs ., gradi, 629 Foc-
(si As'. AdiansistBirls. 1452-J.
P'rimsesu'',iaJohn I., ilaws, 8O akt~~latnd.
IndiantatpoisIndhu. 186(1-J.
l'tuslss, blandt A., hiss,26 5. 'hasyi't.
VOlitOiy, Sto. 1130-3.
ltt<cs. ivy, lsrstl 12.,se, 4331.Ili fbi-
vsrsits . Asarshlul, 511mb.1478-h,.
lttind15i ClydeIt I., Lasss,1427 7'astle-
sussi. Gr'estl et', lush. 318.
i.susin s. Il. Bhlstv, lit, IlotliWthitney.
ilittt, Michs 7.
Itanskin, IBoer S., emi;, 111 S. I.Tniver-
Rasy, Wa rsi 1., ilmid sp, 211 5. hIngalls.
1Aledoa, lii. 436-..
i'i tudNesosnaI., emng, Catmpi Bo-
t'.mrds. Slssshuslt Mimci.
Ret e R'~ ichasrd 01I., lit, 3114l'0Thompson.
Iast L t'msint., Stivhm. 21390-J.
mJohn. JJ., 'lit, 3502 Cammbridhge
lid. 1323-J1.
ii u'", rRoss'M.,1lill,416 laauihton P1.
Si'iitsuitSlitc0. 578-J.
Re is'm>i , FlorenctiM''S., grsai, 407 N. In-
'.lsui. Nilei, imimli. 627.
Ron'nie, lat 'is L., lit, 407 N. hngalls.
Ni's,Slichs. 537.
Reyntders, Os)esA., eng, 508 '+1. Jeffer-
so. Grand R Iapids, icih. 284.
Poe.R lh(G., 55tg, 2)07 5.hIngalls.
Its tatosa,10Mb. 775-L2.
flu.e,'At'lrl, 319Cthemvrinse.Duty-
lois 0. 1412-h.
itis Claren"m"e1), enig, 431 10 tltniver-
sIvuFort Wayne, 1usd. 8438-12.
Ii ic. I rsnesiM1., grsad, 214 S.
bTh7yer. Clyde, 0. 1138-.
slumhIss'.Russel'l A., lit, 514 N. State.
7mAvlineM ich11. 1281-I.
I ith' soil Ne'lilt,1., lit, 1223 Volhatnd.
I aistleid IlMich. 13114-J.
1;iitumi ' 'arses . L., eng, 1520 5. Ctni-
verst. tGrandmiRaplids. 884-J.
Ci<is1, Gordon It., lit. Rftseht'er, N. YC.
utisseriem', Arithur C., eng, 1003 ,..E
Hu ron,. Bittl, Sont. 888.
1i. shtre ', My'rtle I.. lit, 406 5. Obser-
vatory. Rtooevelt, N. YC. 1002-3.
tobl, Lea. AV'.. oi'i, 1144 Catberine.
Flusebiogtichlsl. 1385-J.
Rtiberts, John P., etng, 813 H..IHuron.
Erie, Miih. 1273-1..
Rosberts, S. Trsacy, lit, 3223E. Wil-
liaams. Clarks Grven, :Pa. 233.
Rtobinsson, Etheilyni, lit, 526 :Packard.
IDetroit. 12011-i..
osbsisons, JobnmIs., lair, Kalamazoo,
Fuller & O'Consnor Tailors. 619 E.
William 5t. (1.
DeFries Art Store

Ann Arbor's Headquarters fmr kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies
I siitke a sitaho' of Tis vi lt5 Pris lit ; rd Iinla' g's g fcc Asraems -by n nO 5i
snethods. Thsiss born ssiy stuis; c cfirY- isle years a'ist lhay uincreaseti ei'ery visy-ottly recoils
wvill rdo thtis ills I so wlscmtci'er yous snat3t.Ihitug ph otograiphic Ita k fosr tl e sign ofThe I cdt k-
that'sowhsere Iliugo mono.

719 North University

Kodaks for Rent, I Oc per day

Secretary University



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