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July 19, 1913 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1913-07-19

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Vol IV.


No. 11.

EXPLORES NIAGARA Forecast for Ann Arbor.
Fair today and Sunday. Light north- Engineers Continue Winning Streak,
Illustrated Lecture by Prof. Frank west to west winds, becoming variable. Defeating Lits Seven to ENVINLEhIN
Carney Interests Many With Yesterday's Temperatures. FIne.
Nature's Treasures. Maximum 85; minimum 69. Wind
velocity 15. The engineers defeated the lits, 7-5 Chicago (olt Champ to Enter Michigan
Geologists and geological pleasure yesterday afternoon. Nicholl, who Ralph Scott, who won the amateur
seekers to the number of 30 left last To Make No Immediate Use of Lots. twirled for the engineers kept up his golf championship of Chicago last
night on the Niagara Falls excursion Secretary Shirley W. Smith states winning streak, and also touched up year, will take up civil engineering at
under the direction of Prof. Frank that, although the university has pur- his opponent for a home run. The lits Michigan next fall. He is now acting
Carney. The party arrived at Buffalo chased the two lots just east of the used Nelson, a southpaw, in the box, as assistant to William Baktie, a pro-
this morning and will return to Ann new power house they will not be used but the engineers found no trouble in fessidnal golf player at Fort Wayne,
Arbor Monday morning. until such time as an addition to the solving his delivery. Ind., and will use "the money to pay,
A lecture, preparatory to the trip, present plant becomes necessary. This victory gives the engineers a for his tuition at the University. j
was given by Prof. Carney Thursday, tie for first place with the laws, each -_-_
in the west amphitheater of the phys- DEMANDS INDIVIDUALI Y team having won two games and lost INITIAL UNION SMOKER
ics building. By the aid of stereopti- IND IUAone. Today's game will be between
can the speaker depicted the geolog- IN LANDSCAPE GARDENING the laws and medics and is the secotd ATTRACTS LARGE CROWD
ical features of the falls and the sur- contest between these teams, the first
rounding territory. In speaking of the resulting in a victory for the doctors.
future of the American part of the Prof. Miller Says That Each Nation Monday, the lits will meet the medics, \ext Catliering to be Held Ilursday
falls, Prof. Carney prophesied that the Should Have Style of Its Own and Tuesday, the laws and engineers When U ion Song Book
course of the gorge will eventually In Outdoor Life. will cross bats. 'ill Appear.
changeand that the American falls Score by innings:-
will cease to exist. This prophecy has "The highest ideal a nation can have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 About 150 men gathered at the Union
also been made by Prof. W. H. Hobbs in outdoor life is to have a style of Lits ........:..1 1 0 3 0 0 0-5 last night for the first of a series of
and .other geologists. landscape gardening of its own and Engineers .....L 0 1 4 0 0 0-7 smokers to be given for the summer
In considering the economic aspect not copy that of other nations," said Batteries:-Engineers, Adams and F. school students. An enthusiastic
of the falls and the gorge Prof. Car- Prof. Wilhelm Miller of the University Smith. Lits, Nelson, Smith and Me- crowd toxed cle capacity of the read-
ney pointed out that a horse power of of Illinois in a lecture on "The Amer- Farland.c.o
6,000,000 pounds is developed while ican Style of Landscape Gardening" in trlg rooms and the sext smoker will
only 175,000 pounds are being used. the west amphitheater of the physics be held in the large annex.
The speaker added that the sentiment- building last night. By showing views WENLEY SAYS POR TRAITW L The musical number by "Bill" Wit=
al part should be partially disre- of homes in various parts of the coun- NT H G SO liams and Irving Lattimer was greeted
garded. "To allow nature's treasures try and particularly in Illinois the .TBE H IN UU with mu h applause. "Ed" Kenp
to run to waste thus," he said, "is not speaker showed the possibilities of rendered two solos in his usual pleas-
an index to the highest civilization." landscape horticulture in America. "It is not at all impossible that my ing manner. Dr. R. M. Wenley, pro-
By comparative charts it was shown "Let the style grow out of the funda- portrait by Mr. Ives may go to Scot- fessor of philosophy, was, the speaker
that the Canadian part of the falls has mental needs of the land, the family land some day; but I hope that day of the evening, taking for his subject
worn back more than four feet per and the climate" he said, "the Ameri- is a long way off. They don't hang a "Picnics an d Philosophy."
year since 1890. can bluebell means more to us than man's portrait in the Scottish National Prof. Wenley humorously character-
that of Scotland." By numerous illus- Gallery until he's dead," said Profee- ized the sumimer school student and
NET [(NROLL.NT EXCE £ ctrations of farm and country residen- sor Werley yesterday in denying a ru- things in general. "Summer school
ALL PREVIOUS RE ORDS. ces Prof. Miller showed the contrast mor that the painting was to be sent is like a picnic," he said, because we
of "before and after." "A few trees," to Europe. f don't have a chance to get down to
Summer Session Figures to Show an he said, "make the difference between "Ives has never been satisfied with work." He spoke of the Michigan
Increase of at Least 100 a house and a home, between work and his portrait for the class of '05, and Union as an important factor during
Over Last Year's. life." this one is the result of a long series summer school as well as during the
"The Illinois Way" of which Prof. of studies," he continued. "In all, first regular term.
The prophecy of. Dean E. H. Kraus Miller is one of the principal exponents and last, he has done twenty sketches C. J. Coodrich, '1L, officiated as
that the enrollment of this summer was shown to be ideal in that the style in black and white, two in oils, partly chairman of the meeting.
session would be a record breaker of gardening is admirably adapted to from sketches and partly from sittings, Another smoker will be given Thurs-
has been verified. Already the total the nature of the country. Illinois mostly sketches while I was lecturing. day evenins, the program to be an-
net enrollment exceeds that of last trees and shrubs are employed rather So finally Ives said to me last spring, nounced later. At that time the Mich-
year and with the addition of the es- than imported varieties. "Let's go in for a regular portrait." I igan Union song book will make its
timated increase of 25 or 30 at the A beautiful approach to the house, gave him a great many sittings in initial appcarance. - This pamphlet
beginning of the second semester in a "frame" for the house by an arch- April and May, and there you are. was compiled and edited by Kent C.
the law department, the figures will way of trees and shrubs and an open "Ives considers it the best thing he laven, '13E, and published by the
show a gain over last year of more lawn, were important elements in "the has done, and on the whole I'm inalin- University of Michigan Union. It con-
than 100. This attests to the ever in- keep-close-to-nature" appeal made by ed to agree. At a first glance one tains 48 Michigan songs.
creasing popularity of Michigan's Sum- the speaker. doesn't like it, but it grows on one. I _----..
mer Session. The enrollment follows: Prof. Miller has been editor of think the best view of it I have had
Literary ....................... . 639 "Country Life in America" and "The was from the entrance on coming into O dim t Visits Ann Arbo'
Engineering .................... 296 Garden Magazine." He is now pro-; the building and seeing it through the Art Modine, '08E, of the Perfex Rad-
Medical ......................... 127 fessor of landscape horticulture at the door of the room. At that angle you iator Co., of Racine, Wis., is visiting
Law ............................ 192 University of Illinois. get the full effect." -old friends in the city'.

Old North Wig Will be Known as
Mason Hall in Honor of
lirst Governor.
Will Furnish Land and Operation of
Contagions Disease
Changes in the faculty, granting de-
grees to those who were unable to re-
ceive them at commencement time, and
the passing of several resolutions-
made up the bulk of the work done by
the board of regents at their meeting
Among the resolutions passed was
one which provided for a change in the
title and organization of the engineer-
ing, department. Hereafter this depart-
ment will be known as the department
of engineering and architecture. Dean
M. E. Cooley will still -be dean of the
department but the separate faculty
of architecture will- have full control
over that side of the work, making
their own requirements for admission
and graduation.
V"ree Tesling of Paving iaterial.
Another resolution which makes the
university of practical benefit to the
state was one which provides for the
free testing of paving materials for
the cities of the state. Publicity is to
be given to the results obtained by this
department by means of publication
and the information distributed in this
way will be of material aid to- the
people of the state.
North Wing Changes Its Name.
The north wing of University Hall
is hereafter to be known as Mason
hall in honoro1 Michigan's.rst gov-
ernor. The regents took this action
at the request of thecloal D. A. R.
who found that hall hadbeevso nam-
ed by the regents in 1843 but this had
never been carried into effect; and a
motion to receive the same was tabled -
in- 1848. "Possibly," said President
Eneritus James B. Angell, "the rising
tide of anti-slavery feeling among
faculty and students operated against
perpetuating the fame of a southerner
in this way. Governor Mason was a
Provision was also made for the
completion of the new Hill auditorium
by an appropriation of $6,700. This
building has cost approximately $282,-
000 of which the regents have conrib-
uted $66,700. Weather strips are to be
put on the chemical building and also
on the Alumni Memoral hall.
The purchase of Michigan municipal
bonds was also authorized as ani'int
vestment for university funds. A res-
olution was also passed to the effect.
that hereafter instructors in the engi-
neering department are to be' engaged
for but one year at a time.
Cooperate With City,'.
The regents also agreed with the
proposition submitted by'tft city for a
contagious disease hopital. The un-
versity is to furnish th-'land and pro-
vide for the operation of the institu-
tion and the city is to provide a $25,000
building. The hospital will be buil
northeast of the present hospitals near
Observatory street.
Location of New Science Building.

The location of the new science
building to be constructed this fall was
finally determined upon. It will be
built on the site of the present psy-
chology laboratory between the chem-
istry and law buildings. This will
probably, necessitate the location of
the animal houses and the green hous-
es north of the campus.
(Continued on page 4)

Pharmacy ............... ...... 15
Graduate ....................... 170
Less double enrollments ........ 40
Regent L. L. Hubbard, of Houghton,
was taken ill at Chicago while on his
way to Ann Arbor to attend yester-
day's meeting of the regents and to
deliver a lecture on "The Copper Min-
ing Industry of Michigan." He is con-
fined in a Chicago hospital.
Earl Moore, '12, recently appointed
head of the organ department in the
University School of Music, has just
been selected as organist of the
American church in Paris, where he
has.- been studying. By coincidence
this same position was at one time
held by L. L. Renwick, the predecessor
of Moore in the School of Music. The
selection of Moore is regarded by his
friends here as a signal honor. He
expects to return to Ann Arbor in

"I guess them college fellers is pret- the classic tone wore off. Colle-ices and ventured that the poor little beast
ty smart," said the fat man to the liv- and ruralites followed the "peerade" was homesick as the band commenced
ing skeleton as the former turned over to the big tent where lemonated water "Down in Jungle Town."
in his berth in the yellow circus car flowed freely. It was hard for - the poor circus
about ten miles out of Ann Arbor this Scholar and farmer marvelled as people in spite of themselves. Some
morning. The living skeleton rubbed the greatest dare devil of the twentieth of them could not but feel that the at-
his eyes and mumbled something in century dangled by his teeth on a niosphere was classic.
circus vernacular about assuming a clothes line suspended from the apex 1 ". wonder what knowledge means,"
scholastic calm. of the giant canvas. secme ragged little circus youngster
The classic atmosphere was upon Summer school co-eds clutched their ray think as he crawls into his dirty
them. The elephant flapped his ears peanut sacks feverishly as the long- unk after the performance at the Fair
sagely, the lion roared in Homerian heralded Japanese artist did the tango grounds tonight. The gasoline torch
Greek, the barker couched his phrases on the slack wire and as the trained will sputter and the glimmering little
in circus Shakesperean, and the mon- seals introduced the one-step in tis: thought of knowledge will be dashed
key did his best to prove the theory most elite variations. away by the lullaby of the noisy
expounded by a certain Mr. Darwin. "I wonder if monkeys think," said trucks, the cursing of the hunkies, and
"But it 'aint no no use," said the liv- the rural maid. Her consort pressed the roar of the freights as they thunder
ing skeleton later in the day." And her hand tighter, passed the peanuts, by in the night.


Presbyterian Chxurch Sday, 10:a.30 n
Sxibject: Fire-a symbol throxigh which the arcierts
expressed their idea of God
Students in attendance at the Summer Session of the University are cordially invited

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