THOE NV 0 L V H R I N n C.1.I.OD Phone 15301 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. D.RY AND STEAM CLEANING THIS WAY yo- u unver Students-Come aroundl for a LUNCH that is a LUNCH BA CR ' Corner of Monroe A tall line of Tobacco andal (garettes. 5I gh Gradle Confections and Fruit. lit P1S 1tlAi1 11 CIIYNt11t(PARIAIDOXES FIGTI' IS CLOSE. P1 ISENI1 0 IN LIIC'I'UlE. (Continued from ptane 1) Aitetgfited on a cttke 01 ice, and ii IL ~ water boiled and frozen it ltesamae time were ans thle desao,,strattions The laws ahad e erything their nay Iby Prot. . T 3I. HI tedetsonin iasinlee- tast Tniesday afterno on, trimmaing the tnre on "Somue Stientifeic eaadoxes" in lills 10 to 1. For the fbrst two inens, the west phlics lecture rocin Tues- the literary it c looked dangerous. nat afternoona. hut in ttte titirdthtte tans batted Lock- Ketter antd sleigtit-of-btand were ant- wcd freey ';bringintg iinsixpetuns. dn nPo. Hentderun's presentatin Cranapton teas then p ttt in the box, of scientifie facts which are tontra- h~t ailri o cn~ l~nnoc-l++1-1__dictory to commnon sensoe. tHe sroved '14) ROlOF 01"'IROOMING(1 01SE. Lightiingusltaek the rototalg housee of Mrs. George Pikthatm, 421 E. Uni- versity avtenue, early lattnighat, tittekin- oef thlitchimttey andittteinag z, lage lisle ini the roof , anid blowing out tie arty at huindredifuses, both tele- phoite and lighting, in that sectioni of the city. Although several sendeents tierselin the house no otie was injured. I FOUNTAIN PIEN HOSPITAL WE REPAIR ANY MNAKE WHILE YOU WAIT. We Also Sell All Rest Make eofPe.. 340 S. SFATE ST. ISLVING F. SCI~cEEDE i gettinig three honte rnts intshtae n- niiiin. two iningis. Webber', pitch- tag for thse lates, showed ite conitrol, p i t strikinyg u ixt~i oilt three htis. 'The scote:. l,:t, anai alloingti AU hiiD,11.F I UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEL I i Drugs, Cigars, Candy, and Stationery. Agency Moore's Non-Leakabis Pen P .. t ® , e i Seward, ss.... Wtile, 2b ...... itj'anies, 3.1..... Cramtnt, liititid hi. Sm-ith1, c....... MctFarlanid, ci ... OVotattor, if .... 1~lone, rit...... Kferwni, lb..... Cort, If' . . .. . . . Collette. re. Labailie', 21;: .... Ptajimiant,lb.... hleFee, o e ..... Mtathtews , rf .... tebbous 1)..0.. Lits........2 .2 .2 2 All 4 .4 0 0 4 It, 2 2I II thaut even intevert' tat olttters careful IiDtlltr. itidiaset shuld e eniaioei. Sptecial parry at Graniger's thais Sal- WIsLFATU'IIF? A.N .tssnOtn it'dat 'avening.. .pi) cenis per couple. VIEWS IN 3L (': PAM)PIII,Er,,i - ____Call 15 for taxi. tf. Phiotographsofiiithaceamiplus, the Par- lou daitanutd other sl ots of itaterest around Sitn Arbor, liaiebeeti sub- MA i F~ stfed to tse MihianiiCenttral rail- W - road at its reqttest by the civtic'asso ciatioti. These vieawstrill bn used btyO IH the railroad intiis utdvertising pataih- EdisnTligPcue let enstitled "Poitnts of Intereot sloong sn TakingP1QCU[O lie M. C.' KINEMACOLOR 'FILMS D'ART 'This p amphslet constaining avtens PHOTO PLAYS aletng the railroad tromt NeatToilsCitiy to Chicago nhas beetsnasblishied teatrit MATINEE for a numttber o1 years, but this as the FRI .-SAT. 3 PeM first timie that Attn Arbor scenes htave biei given a place itt it.- _____________________ VAI C.I 'A111' 1 RS'TAR,'IC. H. BROCK snI3I.AE ILE A'I'oJI'f(' )NET ' HACK, BAGGAGE & LIVERY "Chiucik' Webabet', Varsity catcer, Phone 348 1156 N. Fourtha Ave. showedtata he clin sitrini; on the ciii- ToGodSdlr de ahsa eli as shootedown ishit'. base hine to score for Mlihigani, itheit he won lie t00-yard dash in an ath- The Man letic tiet held at Btoits i3.att islantd That Makes roeetilty.'The St. Louis basebtall testislohe of Dtetroit lieldthle meiet anid the trti- The loth THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS Spend your vacation on theOral Lakea, the coal ecooical end enjoyable olting in America + Canou Kj No mattes to what point you want to go, use D. &C. her Qu all ®LisninStamers sporating to oil impotant pors. Daili session betwen Detsoit and Bttffalo, May lost to Noembet~r tst. Cite of Detroit IIt and Ctyof lteeland IlIt, twosofitheilagsttsidnowbnel steamsnthie world, on this dielsion June lath to Septembehr 15Oth. Dully service bntween Detroit and Clevelard April Silo to Deeme5r 1ttt. Durting July ond Auguot Iwo boats out of Detroit nd Clneelanvey Saturday andnSunday night. Four trips webkly bntwcen Toiedo, Detroit, Mackinao Istand and way ponts.Tenn Oar Stopoens alloweed at Aensaeitler direction on tourist tisbets without additional cst. Dily seroibe Stween Toledo, Cieelniod ond Put-is-Soy. Spcal Sieamer Cleeland to Mackhinoc iliand, twu trips wnnhly, Jose 15th to Septembnr la0th stopping inle at Detroit nanny tip and Godnrich, On., nanny Monday up-bondand Saturday dto-bond. Sperial DayTrips betweernDetritndl Ceveand, During Julyand August Tuesday, Wedntesday, Titsday and Saturday ot ofDntroit; Monday, Wednsday, lie etee DetrdBlo a&dCevelitand evlndwllbehnoe fo rnprai n a ) &C in t ea Cm pas n ye ircin 311 10 6 2 ?3h 4x1 (0 6 2 2-10 0 0 1 t--.4 ty catcher with a teammate also won 1 na4 a Ke Ilottie ruos, tort, follette, Labadiie; threelbase' sit, Alhite; two bast'hail, Paumntiu stucktill'out, 1bytWebtber6; bast'on baths, ohfhLockweood 2, oif l'raieoton 2. toUtpirtes ,st ylon, Emi- "Bill" dunisllo4Con'chtWastlington.. "Piy,14i11" Edomundso, a ftrmoer Mich- igon tootball star, has beeoc-hoiseit - o succeed Francis Cayor as football coach at Wtasbington tUniversity nust year. Last yeas, Edunds coached the Utiversity of Virgittia team. Whsice at Mihigan he u-as picked by Waltee Camup toredIon the2008 ahl-acesteout tleenc. I: that ttiroe-li'ggi'Irace,thoeugh the lidg- es re'fused tot reeogniae them as wan- Wojatelts League Pakrty PelatioeL ThdSle Qusality Tailor 'hts re gulatr Womn's Lteague ptarty _____________ schatduled for tomnorrotw afternoon at___________________ hLarbour get itilchinot be held sout ac- tut of te absenice of some of httosec Martin Ha ini char c. The text party ciii be 1 c glees. Fridat', Jult 21. -----The Most Complete Dea Ba1 ltes IsoSpl tk to StateLlawyesURIHN Dean II. Al. tBates of the 1l'w de- STUDENTS' FRIHN lartotent left last evetoingt foe Lan- sing awhere lie spoke today before the Establishment for Book Caser, state bar associatiota. Ills classes in'1 Desks. Tebtes anod Chairs coinasiuional lat will nit mect todaiy bitt trill mueet tonioas at nitte and! 112-122 E. Liberty St. three.___________________ - % e eaa IQt Rubber Soled Foot- i ear for Men and that is SATISFACTORY and -' RIGHT IN PRICE Wilt be found at MY NEW LOCATION-11 E. LIBERTY STREET I have bees headquarters for ftse past seven years tor this chass of fooftear,. (Iligb et(le c5/itt I1fs lttdl'lit/ a csCt /tti ______________________ ___ E .. 'FURNISHINGS TINKER & ooTUITTL~i 'j UNCH ROGM'1 FURNISHERS and HATTERS In University Men Lunches and Sodas 342 S. State St. 338 Sen S State Stee FOR Universal Dry and Stearn Clean- Groceries and Meats ing Woks ---Art~stircCleaners calI4I.Ev yhFrto Cas I Feh T. E. WAtIL, W:~t~ A. LEM~BLE, Sr., Prop. 530nFrnest Avenue 0hn 7.7 1 1 1 q Packard St. I AnBhr i / y. MfACI( {) W e have muarked out Summersarentts for quick clear' anace in this Special Week EInd Sale. The prioes merit your carefualconsaideration. $1 and $1.50 Union Suits . . .79c and $1.19 15c "Linen 'I emstibcloed Handkerchiefs 10 te 35c Onyx Silk Hose, now only . . .25c $1 Negligee Shirts, new syles . . 79c All 25cand50c Ties . .19c and 39c 75c Bating Sasts, special , . . 47c 25c Pad Garters, onoly .. . .19c $1.50 Pajanaalli colors..........$1.19 NightRushes, selling at............57c FANV =MAIN 5TR""EET Still Time to Subscribe for THlE OFFICIAL SUMMER SCHOOL PAPER Only Way to Get the Address and Send 75 cents to Press Builing, Phone Number of Every Student. Maynard Sreete At Once.