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July 17, 1913 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1913-07-17

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Our Shoes Lead
b because they deserve to. They
have all the style and class and a
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rrtttroingsatmeday: Port tHuron $1.25;FltlsoreaasoPark, 6
eek-days, 7a Sundays; for Toedo and rettrn, steamoer 'ki
leaves Detroit daiy 8:3o a. i., returns to Detroit 7:15 p. i.; fa
Sundays Soc; week days coo.
For an Afternoon Ride to St. Clair Flats, Tashmo Park or Po
Huron way ports take the "City of Toledo" at 2:30 p. m.

Make training time a pleasure by drinking
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Delicious - Refreshing
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tou seet as ATLANTA, GA.
Arrotw think
of Coca-Cola.
Repairing of Eye Glasses a
aller Jewelry Co.
Telephone 534 308 South State Street
The New Catalogue
II iversi y of lVichigall
Complete Information concerning seven departments:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy,
Dentistry and the Graduate Depart-
ment and the Summer Session.
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper
Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial
Education, including Railway Administration
and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation
Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann
Arber Schools for Observation Study), and a
course for those preparing for the scientific
administration of departments of sanitation
and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
Individual information, address
Secretary Universify ANN A R B O R


Names in this directory are taken
from the records in the offices of the
secretaries of the various departments,
and contain the same errors. If no
phone number has been placed on the
enrollment card, none is shown here,
but that does not preclude there being
a phone in the house; call the chief
operator and tell her what house you
Macauley, Edith R., lit, 724 S. Ingalls.
Medina, N. Y. 1200-J.
McCabe, Gordon B., eng, 545 E. Uni-
versity. Detroit. 267-L.
McCain, Allison B., grad, 1214 Wil-
lard. Ann Arbor. 1207-L.
McCallum, Chas. L., lit, 8011 Monroe.
Manchester, Mich.
McCallum, Chas W., grad, 811 Monroe.
Manchester, Mich.
McCarthey, Vere L., law, 1443 Wash-
tenaw. Ann Arbor. 1166.
McCartury, John V., eng, 102 S. In-
galls. Tyerell, O. 1521-L.
McCash, Buell, law. Bloomfield, Ia.
McCay, Win. V., grad, 610 S. Ingalls.
Cameron, Mo. 936-J.
McClenahan, Henry E., med, 102 12th.
Sharon, Pa. 921.
McCloy, Robert J., lit, 514 E. Jeffer-
son. Fairgrove, Mich. 1556-J.
McClure, Dudley S., lit, 604 E. Madi-
son. Ft. Wayne, Ind. 789-L.
McConlogue, Ray B., law, 545 Thomp-
son. Mason City, Ia. 659-J.
McConkey, Geo. M., eng, 1516 Geddes.
Ann Arbor. 488-J.
McCoy, Ira D., med, 1145 Washtenaw.
Emlenton, Pa. 144.
McCune, Chas. N., law. Galliopolis, 0.
McCune, Eleanor R., lit, 223 Ingalls.
S. Galliopolis, 0. 69-J.
McDerritt, Elmer W., law, 126 N. Di-
vision. Duluth, Minn. 184.
McDonald, Alexander, lit, 221 N. In-
galls. River Rouge, Mich. 893-W.
McDonald, lit 331 E. Jefferson. Rush-
ton, Mich.
McElree, John J., grad, 210 S. Ingalls.
New Wilmington, Pa.
McFarland, Edward W., grad, 429 S.
Division. Indianapolis, Ind. 1813-J.
McFarland, Frank T., lit, Biol. Sta.,
Douglas Lake. Lexington, Ky.
McFie, John R., Jr., law, 707 Oxford
Rd. Santa Fe, N. M. 357.
McGee, Arthur B., eng, 514 Thompson.
Ann Arbor. 132.
McGunness, John P., lit, 412 N. Divi-
sion. Ionia, Mich. 1323-J.
McHugh, Anne K., lit, 524 Thompson.
Saginaw, Mich. 663-J.
McHugh, Donald C., eng, 445 E. Uni-
versity. Cadillac, Mich. 1219-L.
McIntyre, Marion E., lit, 509 Thomp-
son. Kinde, Mich. 1324-L.
McKean, Josiah S., Jr. Canal Dover,
McKee, Eda M., lit, 115 Park Terrace.
Indiana, Pa.
McKenny, Chas. A., eng, Ypsilanti,
Mackensen, Paul J., grad, 605 E. Jef-
ferson. Ann Arbor. 1519.
McKillop, Gordon L., lit, 237 S. In-
galls. Wolverine, Mich. 557-L.
McLaughlin, Emery, lit, 228 S. Thayer.
Saginaw, Mich. 436-L.
McLaughlin, Ralph C., law, 733 S.
State. Archbold, O. 387.
McLellan, Janet C., lit, 236 S. Thayer.
Cass City, Mich. 1138-J.
McLouth, Genevieve E., Sch. of Mus.,
900 Oakland. 269-.

MacMillen, David G., lit, 1004 Oakland. Minor, John R., lit, 403 Church. Ann
Grand Rapids, Mich. 1789-J. Arbor. 1869-L.
'icMullan, Henry E., grad. Belleville, Misenea, Walter L., med, 315 N. State.
Mich. Richmond, Ind.
McNeil, John A., law, 508 E. Liberty. Mitchell, Ethel, lit, 520 Thompson.
Ann Arbor. 283-J. Harrisville, Mich. 856-L.
McPhail, Donald E., med, 607 Ann. Mitobe, Mono, grad, 1217 Willard.
Wilmington, 0. 1175-J. Tokyo, Japan. 1343-J.
McRarely, Archie W., law, 805 E. Itur- Mohr, Edmond C., med, 300 N. Ingalls.
on. Collins, Mich. 991-J. Bay City, Mich. 394.
McRoy, Bernice E., lit, 202 S. Thayer. Mok, Paak San, lit, 602 Monroe. Can-
Almont, Mich. 988-L. ton, China. 799-L.
McVaggart, David L., law, 912 Mary. Monfort, George J., eng, 429 Hamil-
Ann Arbor. ton P. Ithaca, N. Y. 1389-J.
Mack, Christian N., lit, 730 S. 12th. MSotroe, Anna L., lit, 427 Hamilton Pl.
Ann Arbor. 1196. Detroit. 1024-L.
Main, Vernor W., law. 506 S. 5th. Niles, Monroe, Robert E., grad, 615 Church.
Mich. 767-J. Lexington, Ky. 1711-.
Mains, Edwin B., grad sp, 1326 Pros' Montgomery, John C., med, 102 12th.
pect. Cildwater, Mich. 257-L. Coldwater, Mich. 921.
Mandeville, Clifford B., lit, 523 Pack- Montgomery, Rosetta S., lit. Muncy,
ard. Bartlesville, Okla. 1213. Pa.
Mann, John W., law, 1437 Washtenaw. Moon, Myra D., Sch. of Mus., 710 For-
Stockertown, Pa. 319. est. 1595-L.
Man waring, Fannie A. lit, 1666 Broad- Moone, Melvin L., eng. Medina, N. Y.
way. Ann Arbor. 1186-L. Morell, LeGrand, grad, 410 . Liberty.
Mapes, Glenn A. T., eng, 1082 Ferdon Alpena,' Mich. 723-L.
Rd. Beulah, Mich. Mori, Tokisuke, lit. Wailuku, Mani,
Margantin, Clarisse E., lit, 1110 Wil- Hawaii.
lard. Grand Rapids. Morin, Pomala O. lit. Whitehall,
Marks, Thomas M., lit, 1015 E. Huron. Mich.
Lexington, Ky. 397. Morrill, Oscar D., law, 322 S. State.
Marsh, Bertha B., lit, 715 S. 12th. Man- Ann Arbor. 582-J.
istee, Mich. 954-L. Morris, A. P., grad, 805 E. Huron.
Marshall, Ellis T., eng, 500 Thompson. Oberlin, O.
Kalamazoo, Mich. 1246-L. Morris, Leland A., law, 644 E. Univer-
Marsteller, 'Vm. F., law, Hotel Wh- sity. Champaign, Ill. 189.
ney. Richmond, Ky. Morrow, Arthur A., law, 210 N. Thayer.
Martin, Christine L., lit, 202 S. Thayer. West Alexander, Pa. 1589-J.
Battle Creek, Mich. 988-L. Morrison, Estelle R., grad sp, 725 12th.
Martin, Elta J., lit, 517 Hill. Ann Ar- Lincoln, Neb. 402-L.
bor. Morse, Floyd C., eng, Camp Bogardus.
Matran, Verna A., lit, 202 S. Thayer. Ann Arbor.
Watervliet, Mich. 988-L. Morse, Fred L., med, N. State. Lake
Matson, Jennie C., lit, 726 Packard. Odessa, Mich.
Northville, Mich. Morse, Marie P., lit, 1109 Prospect.
Matthaei, Frederick C., lit, 522 Mt- Detroit. 1472-J.
roe. Detroit. 990-J. Morton, Edith A., Sch. of Mus., 611
Matthews, Karl B., law, Washtenaw Church. 1703.
and Hill. Dubuque, Ia. 188. Moseman, Edward N., lit, 1024 Hill.
Mattsson, Carl L., eng, 1118 S. Uni- Ann Arbor. 689-L.
versity. Detroit. 1070-J. Moser, Jesse R., eng, 115 N. Thayer,
Mau, Raymond H., eng, Camp Bogar- I Highland Park, Mich. 868-L.
dus. Highland Park, Mich. Moses, Grace, lit, 1308 Geddes. Seattle,
Maw, Vung Tsoong, eng, 1209 S. Uti- Wash. 1545-L.
versity. Soochow, China. 1553-L. Mote, Clarence A., eng, 707 Church.
Mayne, Frederick C., med, 621 Forest. Lake Odessa, Mich.
Charlevoix, Mich. 1216-L. Mott, James B., lit, 414 Maynard.
Mead, Harry H., law, 901 Washtenaw. Osseo, Mich.
Valparaiso, Ind. 494-L. Moursund, Walter H., med. Dallas,
Mears, Chidley D., eng, 429 S. Division. Tex.
Kalamsczoo, Mich. 1813-J. IMovzo, Luis R., lit, 307 N. State. San
Meine, Frank F., lit. Warrenton, Mo. Juan, Porto Rico. 639-J.
Meiner, Carl C., law, 733 S. State. Mueller, Clara H., lit, 1222 Washte-
Owatonna, Minn. 387. naw. Saginaw, Mich. 885-L.
Mensch, Bertha A., lit, 209 S. Ingalls. Muller, John H., lit, 1328 Washtenaw.
Allegheny, Pa. 849-J. Grand Rapids, Mich. 609.
Mercer, Edwin J., law, 707 Oxford Rd. Mumford, Edgar H. E., lit, 735 5. 12th.
Detroit. 357. Highland Park, Mich. 630-L.
Metcali, Edwin G., eng, 322 Packard. Munger, Alfred C., law, 1023 Oakland.
Willougby, O. 1832-J. Lincoln, Neb. 906.
Metcalf, Lacy W., lit, 551 Church. West Murphy, Francis M., law, 425 S. Divi-
Palm Beach, Fla. 1153-J. sion. Versailles, O. 1565-J.
Metzger, Carl S., lit, 712 Kingsley. Murphy, Frank W., law, 702 S. State.
Ionia. Mich. 1533-J. Harbor Beach, Mich. 236.
Meyer, High R., lit, 210 Glen. Fowler, Murphy, Grace I., grad, 724 S. Ingalls.
Mich. 1563-L. Ann Arbor. 1200-2.
Middlebush, Fred A., lit, 412 N. Divi- Muyskens, John H., grad, 332 Maynard.
sicn. Alomo, Mich. 1323-J. Grand Rapids, Mich. 1167-L.
Milham, Wayne W., eng, 318 N. In- Myers, Walker J., lit, 702 S. Univer-
galls. Kalamazoo, Mich. 1110-L. sity. Toledo, O. 63.
Miller, Harry W., eng, 909 E. Huron. Naylon, John T., eng, 604 S. State. De-
Northampton, Mass. 1273-J. troit. 371.
Miller, Howard S., med, 263 S. Thayer. Nelson, Ivan J., lit, 911 E. Washing-
Freedom, Pa. 1138-J. ton. Alma. Mich. 923-J.
Miller, Thos. J., lit, 1437 Washtenaw. Newcomb, Rachel, lit, 713 Church.
Cincinnati, O. 318. Carsonville, Mich.
Milton, Clare L., lit, 802 Monroe. La- Newbirt, Kathryn H., lit, 725 S. 12th.
peer. Mich. 1114-J. Toledo, 0. 402-L.


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