THE WOLVERINE - dI TRY T R UB EY' S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 166 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Special Sommer Session June 30-August 22 All Branches of Music Fsr Catalogue or Informcation, call at offce, or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Captal, $10 ,o sea splus, $.000 co Unadiviled Prois, $20,000.00 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safe Iiotskiiig and Couros Tratmnstof ou Cusoes i3ur',oWahord. 3 per cantIoterost inour Savings Departm~ent I i 1 i THE H Fve 0 L V E R I N E 'glassful, telephone the. Boat club offi- cers and let them know that you will The official newspaper of the sum-'help carry out the arrangements. If mer session of the University of 'Michs- you are an absolute incompeteint, call icon, published by the students, Tues- them sup anyway, and let them know day, Thursday and Saturday after-t that you w-ill walkz up Is the dams to noons.j see the show. Let's leave a regatta. Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg.,. WILL NOT SHOW "M-3OVIES' OF Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Much. C0113LN('{ E tN7T EXERCISES Office Hours-1:00 to 2:30 p. sn., daily. ___ thone 960. U~ndergraduates who expect to see Subscription Rates-By carrier, seven- the neoviis sctsr tknotcm ly-tice cents for the summer; iiailed msencement exercises will be disap- to any address for one dollar. pointed, as Manager Lane of the Ma- Advertising Rates-Furnished upon j estic theater stales that they wrill inot application to the business iniager. h e shown. 1,500 students; 22,000 towinspeople. Early next fall, a photo-play of col- lege life will he depicted in Ain Arbor. Louis I1. Haller-Mllagilg Editor. The "principals" will be professioinal Phlonte-1016. actors, white the others wrill be otis- 'Willinnia A. Harut-Business Manager. dents. Campus buildisngs and fraterni- Phone-357. ties will focrs the stage setting. Goridonl Dairies-News Editor. Pictuires ot important outdoor events jwill be taken during the next school NEWS STAFF. year. Miichigan football games, base- 1,0110 Editors, ball gooses, and track meets will be r- Y. F. Jabin Hlan. Leo N. Burnett. produiced on the screen withiin five Repocrters. days of their occurrence. Ceorge M. Cuirtis. Farl Crossman. Sons L. Adelsdorf. J. J. Reinhard. John R. Ober. Charles C. Webber. Walter V. Watson. C. E. Janmison. F'. J. Roffimeister. Reuben Peterton. Cyrus J. Coodrichs. C. 13. Hughies. Howvard V. Cerrec. Coy Wells. MI. Mtack Ryan Leo J. Wy kkeli S. W. Robinsoin S. A. 01- sesheimer r f IGents' Furnishi ngsI Varsity Toggery Shop 110 StT.Univea'siilyAve. B BOO K SI LAW AND MEDICAL NEW AND SE2COND-HIAND) it ts'net s Stt:;4, Henury S. P'arrcns, Asst. Bits. Manager. Fred W. Marble. Louis Robe. Subseriptions and ads taken at Quarry's, Cushine's, and Souths Ui- versity l'harnsacy. bosut' Editor-1. E, Cro 5011an. THURESDAY, JULY 27, 1913. LET'S RAVE A RECATTA. Enisigit Coxtsi' recortsa amarked los ii of ititerest iii the proposed regat- to. We fetl certain tihat there are a large nunmber of mensinu school who ore desirous of having a water carni- val cf soul sosrf. There is a decided need for something of the sort, and we wish to urge those who wantl to take part iiitse regatta to get into touch withi the commilittee. If you ever paddled arotind on a raft in a muod puddle, try your luck in thle tiltiitg coisfests. It you ever tried to kseep right side up in a crony canoe, enter the cainoe races. If you ever learined to swiim "dog fashion" well enough to keep abovoetwater a third of the time enter the tswimmning races. If ycu ever had anythings to do with wa'er it larger quantities than a CALENDAR July 17, 5:10 p. in-"The Geology of Niagara Falls." Illustrated lecture by Professor Carney. West lecture conic of the physical laboratory. 7:30 p. m.-Michigan Colon Smokcer. July 10, 5:00 p. m.-Excursion to Ni- agara Falls, under lbs directiois of Professor F'. Carney, vla. Mtichigan Central Railroad to Dletroit, and steamer to Buffalo. 5 :00 p. ms.-"Thse Copper Mininsg In- duistry of Michigssn." Iltistrated lec- ture by Dr. L. L. Huebbard. West lecture coonm of ftse physical labo- ratory. 8:00 p. in-"An Anierican Style of Landscape Gardeninig." Illustrated lecture by Professor Wilhelm Mil1- ler of the Uiversity of Illinois. Wiest lecture moist of the pthysical labor- atory. SUMMER SALE music PIANOS lb o u 6 e Across Froem Majestic DeFries Art Store PICTURES AND FRAMINC 223 SOUTH MAIN STREET [, 9 t i 1 t f i t. F i t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ADS IN THIS COLUMN 1I0.4BidE PtAID) 1011IN ADVANCE. IN': h) O('LtASS. At Grangs Is tamorow (Friday) iiight 7:30osclonsck-tceoiity lsemi to be givenis l smertc--Fee'$1. 'Via wcorthlthte 11pris tesowts'hastellu'sc°' righit eventhou-h tyotu lance scsi. Potsitively sac visitos .- Ssilts cleanled anld pressed, 75c. Put- oer & OConitor, 619 E. Willitmt 5.tft. First class elos repairiing. Moldern OSoe Repair Shop. 611 E. William St. if. Fuller & O'Contaor Tailors. 61910.tI William St. tft. Rubber Sole Oxfords, all styles, at Canmpus Bootery. 208 5. State St. tft. Call 15 for baggage checked frot-i house to destination. tft. I-- Call 15 for taxi. tff0 Call 15 for baggage souse to destination. Rubber Sole Oxfordo, all styles, at Camspus Bootery. 200 5. Stats St. If. Ais ubscribera wishinagbrck copica of The Wolverine ts comptlete fhirI ilescanoi obtain the sautelay calling tat lie Press building dutriing office hous. Suits Pressed, 25c, Paints 10c. Fuller &O'Coninor, 619 E. Williamo St. If. checked tramIn RC RE ATION lo you play Golf eor s '' carry sill liiies of pa1- (lingls 5 vd ittWrigit &I)ilsoii'a iiia:kssof athltic Goods ini (icilcal. lNversyarticle gisar- 'univer.sity Bookstore MIKE OUR 11111 11U1 MEEINGIPLACI The Finest Billard Roonm in the State. CIGARS acnd CANDIES. " We Try to Treat You Right" COUSINS &HLL Car. S. Uciversityacud Twtelfth Street Telephone 1 111 We Make Old Hats New As kids laedas' Elcee, The Best S-;hoe Shine Shop NETTO ',W1AGNERr'S Cameras to ccitt, 10 censaper day, at Iloppe's, 619 E. Liberty St. We 'shave very desirable' platsafosr sale or reist ussr canpslii. Whiiisg II Retilty Co., 210 N. State St., IPhotte 113-J.If° Call 15 for baggage checlsed trai hotise to destination. ft. Complete Line Text Books Text Laboratory Books Reference Books D~ictonaries Compends, etc. CASHI OR E2XCHANGE FOR S'OU'R OLD NOOKS LARGEST STOCK IN MICHIGAN Co F. Barthel 326 S. Slate S reel Tel. Z61 L "The Arcadia OPEN During Summer Session Regular Prices $3.59-$4.00 BRENNAN-MORROW, 612 E. Liberty, Phone 164 The Tobacco Shop & Billiard Hall The Place tar Scunuaner School Students 118 -120 E. Liberty Street 311 5. State St. Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in ihe city. Satisfaction guaranteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMER STYLES A SPECIALTY Established 1888. All work made in this city. 311 S. State St. i t i For praoapt asid moist saatisaClry j't!lE ANN ARBO 2 R SAVINGS BANK iworkbrinc yousr tilts sto IHoip.pho- tsurIs at (Ui,sin c,,ljlots. 0 5 vases togralies, 61 E. Lbert St. f raosees a Geneerai Backing Business 3percentiziteast idonsSavl 55ins Detiposits. vstrsin' 'is.' iiee' Charcoal Grilled Poi terhouse Steas. ihas.s". 7jici,csvi',a',,t, icl5l.Esit, Casti'r Bessiuser's Grill. 112 . IV. MmmiiSt., W. D.sHarras,ice- Asal tarl sF5. B''so , ss. upstairs. Opp. Interurhass Station.t 'ITligs Spsei, RED RUBH R SOLES Diancinigptity this Saiturday eveninsg Peat on Any Shoes at at Gransger's. Fisrcr' sorchsestra.. 50 0.S6,ANDRES, 222 5. State Street ce nts perc cuess. CALLTAXI1550 On Call Day or N'ight --Auto and Baggage Livery Ann Arbor Taxicab Co., 300 N. Min t. i s a THE ANN ARBOR FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor 1 Q Y -. $, t7rxiti.: ;i.i' 5.3~, YSi" f ..z -Y. Sr _: w :..P+.,kCe"a B7 ' x2s - _.. 1G '.' t"You can tell A Gentleman by the Cleanliness of His Lin en" sl0sse, go ix 109 . am Street BEST ICE CREAM SWEETEST CANDY Open Every Day Except Sunday 11'' 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen 'Tuesday and Friday Forenoons tor Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water i s i i s The Caity Laundry PROP T SERVICE THOSl.lOSE, Plip. 414-411 lureit htreet_____ 109aS. am Stree E-RNG RS 10 1PhoneSt r 67 T '[he Gar oyle -- ALL COLLEGE ' r t N lalusTria1 Order JOURNAL BUmS[IpG LeVi' v - made when pre mised D n TROlT. MICH phone 432J 109B17.Washington Street 125 South Fifth Avenue Phone 9962 rings 1