THiiE W 0 L V E R I N E ;ea TRY T R U BEY' S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 166 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Special Summer Session June 30-August 22 All Branches at Music Per Catalegue or ifrmation, call at oflice or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Capital, $too,ooo.o Surpies, SMosaic~ THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANI ANN ARBOR, MICH. Sae Batkingeand Corteous Tratlet otfs out Csoaetrsis rWatchwortd. 3 per cent Interest in our Savings Deputmee, Gents' Furnishings Varsity Toggery Shop 11117 S. Universiy Ave. Summer School Books LAW AND MEDICAL New sod Second Haed, For Sate and tor Re Anson's Coats. Williste's CasereCentracts. Blatose'sComeenttaries. GratysCasee leapelty. Beusdicks Terts. . Caes ot s. Bunek's Blts and tNotes.. '< Cases Bills atttl es. Celey's ConstitutalawIsa. McClain's Cases Consutittioaaw ee. Wilges' CaesCorperatieots. Mectean d Gilbet'alt Casas Dataes. Benker' as~esoSuetyshtip. Wahburnt's Reat Property. Tirtlettact Reel Property. Htopis' Real Patipeety. McMaste'starrg. & Reg. Commeaciaritater Nertons Bills aed Notes. DanielasNegotiable anstauenat. Cooley's Cotttitutioeal ILimtitatiotns. M ashallas Corpoataios. StigwickO tDaages. Haule' Dmas. Stetacns' Suaetyshtip. ChildasSuraetyship. PinugreytsSutretyshtip, LAW DICTIONARWSi. Owen's Lawe Quizers. Haight'sQuesatios andttAntswers. Ptneay'asaCsatia . LirestaLine ef Laut and Llel lalttitt itD Michtigtan. 1O1d1 iitititItentisEzeiiaetge. C. E. BARTHELL Law and Medical Publisher and Bookseller Tel. 761 "L 326 5. State Street T H E 'W®LVE EN Bof Wait tig Loo, atnd let Cthenmenjoy _________________________________ theCiichtiiottsey that- you used to like 1 so intIa. Pit ot itr head, or perhaps 'The official nesperlsi of te suts- mer cession of te niviersity ot Mich-. just use eniiiof your nose, in at the ii- teas, iulisiedbythestolests ~ brary door, stud shedder at the mem- igan pulishd b thestuentsTu soies it brinlis Co yoo. Roo over to 0duty, TiTitrodaystndsiStuttrslty titter- ts tsUnion, aid see isows'it lisa growna. 50515* iiSiea down a side street to Joesand- Address-The \Wolverine, tress Bldsgitheorienstisist don't slay too long. Maynard St., Ann tAribor', Micls. Go everyswhiere, see everybody, and Oftice Ilocrs-1 :00 tt 2:30 p. itt., sily. iavthe e best seeckseyer. ithonse 960. STTItW'.NS N AlE I) M)ANA CE Subscription iBtes-Biy carrier, seeni- NET ', Ri'S PLlIWATL'ONSv tfive rents Cur the su-mynuer; mtilted toanuy add 'ss for one dioliar. Mieetinigfor the last time this year Advertiosig its-Furssisesi itponts isheoalid iiicontrol ot studenst isibli- applicattion Co tse busintess manager. cationts nissse 'appointmetnts Co the edi- g 1:0500 siudetnts; 22,010townispeoptie.lstit itanI busintess mtntagerslsips of stcapus pititontsstid satirtioned _ Loris P. Hller--Il ligitig Ediltr. 1 otis' nisw periodical. Phone-1549-J. Robert t. Sturtevani, '14, is to be M iliatL a, trt-lIisincess llcaygei'. mattagintg editor and Joun t. Lippin- Phone37 colt, '14, busintess tmanager of the 1914 Go'rdon ativ1ies-Newes Eie itor. A] . sanniso Lester T. Rsn Roen us '14n ggeditor, and Her- Sutbscriistionssslid ds ae ha ertlose, 14, business umanager of Quarry's, Cushsing's, tntuSosuthi'Uii TiiiGargoyie'; Willianm Mart buio- versity' Piharnmacy.nss maager'" f Tue QWol'erinse, in isacs ofl H iiolos McCormtick who re- Issue Editor-C. S ,lohnson. sigined ott 'trounit of il health. M~ax E. Wiliamts -sets sppointed buisittess mnagser ofthue 1914 student directory. Tisa board gave its sansetion to Cbe TUESDAY, JUNE' 24, 1913, toptosed Cosmeopolitan Club mags- ________________________________ zine.C Thispuabication wili ho issued 'Oby te'tMichi"'an CosmopolitnnClub bli) 11111'iiSllil ttotry 11 utiiifolithelii d sislliiihi.devoted to the ittrests of biisitiesasStaff of the 11,aleile call us te foreignistuien~its ofthCie uiversity. filte Press Ilelihin or1 liane lice li- iit a iw iapar asonthly'atnd awili be it ness Manatger. unde4r the editorship of Fred B. Foulk, A .speciial editioinof't Ii a Wo lvercie ______________ wilt be puibtishied 1'I'lii'sila , moIlilll'e, ('It4 D5 'T)O'('01111 ACK" IN 11111will hb. ctcsileinieiaitilI iiI l 111111P11111' I NCE. te KCotiBi(ilCII ettexerises. ____ lT'e gradutes of the cilisses of '08, WI eccii it9,'i0, anti 'iiswiil attetmpt to "conse Thsere arce o ikys isa Ciii'city ol buaciaissatrross inia tree vaudevilie Ants Arbor. Wi'oolste ciy gtess'shioswtohi' giventsin Sarah Caswel off their hingtesi yeassa'ostassIsolid ii iit chli fer the dedicatioca of the them ior serapsirson.As fsr the dotors' CJliiaudistosrint. twch.sonrs hartredIhianity tfnoms Thes programtill iibe sntappy, and the plaris witihin the iouwna trotsd o01.cress ugens f oethe troupe retuse to thoutsatnds of stuidents 'ntalwseiiopl give out use tnes of the iterformers watchedtheissingo upiin lms a.t helotrisearthCtat the crowvds attracted celebrattots ofte first capsiht.tYoit esosld ntsbe itaetscasre of. are waelconme everywahirejots old Thurbitlilet feature Michigan's own grtids, just its yen aliasy',stiers. lsirry' Lauder, the Alumnio Glee Club, It ybu care to go ot a atlk, ton seAs Breaths ofIJaan, te alsking Piano, remtember those attracte b aioulevardis, the Whitstlitng Gtrl, and the Alumni sithb Ciscbetnches conve'nientlyi' arean-fi:Lasiaolta Club. edi at dtscrete ttnterasls SO thatyost -- rcanstit and watch the stasrs itidisttttb Acill nlli Retilrnl for Col'cccneccenecULt ed : curtly you hate not forgottent Cstat! Or, it yeuasritnot so abisutrdly Amoguse alumtsni sack for com- rics antiprsertoasts hit sitsite' be- tiettettiett ace Carl Freedmasn, '91, coime Coo tiortly soil dignified toer'a islt ownter slid Isiseditorial writer of csanoe, sac ommenitd tseriser. We te Iteffulo Expiress; Otilen IHarman, regrestCo sty that the bosomtsof1thei '85L, of Pittssburg; Johti Van Arsdale, tmightty H-uront is it prsent jest a vie '911'Buf'o;D. Frederick T. Wrtght trifle enaitedibutC se are prayti'g ; of Dolass, Artz., 'fi6, 'fi0M, asnd Arthutr that it stay rsaiin the sortht so thal Abbott, '09,'il., of Los Angeles, Cal. go ateisy isase a chanscesto tregaitny our slit dexterity switisht'e paddle. Suits Pressetd, 2ie, Patnts ific. Fuller 'l ake tetatmiysap to the:tatradise , & OConnor,tilt E. 'Williamt-St.t. f k F i 1 1 1 V r 1 7 j 1 } 1 1 i t i I i e r r t TEMPLE "THEATRE Wednesday, June 25 Feature Films Through Many Trials "I IAdnmissionlO0Centsj DAVIS &OH LINGER Prompt Printers Deieismade when promised Phone 432"J 19E. Washington Street IANY CLASSES W'ILL 11011) REUN'IO-N IIERS AT UNION. Numerous classes returning to Atn Arbor toe reunions during cotmmentce- ment week, will take advantage of the oppertunities offered by the Mich- igatn Union for holding class luncheons ssnd other get-togethers. he TUniota has already arranged to entertain members of former classes as fol- lows: June 24, '00, '09, 'i10, '11, class smsok- eec; Jatne 25, 'filL, breakfast; '08E2, breakfst; '09, luncheon, Alumsni Ad- visory hoard luncheon; '08, lutncheoni; '09k', luncheont; 'OiL, luncheon; '10:10, luttcheots; '72, dinner; '78, dinnuer; 'i10 and 'ii, dinner. J'altgehDance. Tomorrown night (Wed.) at Grsts- gee's, 9-12 p. m. 50c per couple. 1 Pictures and pot cards of all cam- pus buildings can he he found at Hoppe's, ti61.9 .Liberty. i-3. Call 15 for baggage checked trout house to destination. f. Gilbert's Chocolates always fresh at Quarry Drug Co. SUMMER SESSION STIIDENTS- Bring Around a List of Your Wants It doesnt ttuatter what yost jwanst itt Second - Hland Text - Bookse we htave themu for any departmnent of the Ulniversity', atid at te rightl prices. The best stork of Engineering S up- plies saud Loose Leaf Note Books. The best Fouttlain Pens foer$t3.00 cact, All kinids of second -hIanud books botuglht, sold and ex- changed, at W AIIR S University Bookstore MIKE OUR 11O1E YOll METING PLCE 2The Palai'sRoa 304 S. Main St. Has just received a ship. ment of rarest Italian Ware, also a large line of oddities in Japanese China, and German Ware These novelties are for inspection by the Summer Students. COME AND SEE US The Palais Royial 304 S. Main St. I *1 CALL AXI 1o andlBaggage'Livery Ann Arbor Taxicab Co., 300 N. Main St. I' . i i ca Th Arca ia "THE ANN ARBOR SA VINGSANK Capitl.. .. .. . .. ... s. ss.rc .0 School StudentsPrtfito....sea talus.. OPEN Summer Scoo, tuens!.s During Summer SessionW aeAl orWns Tresacs u GneaI Haning Mucness Regular Prices $3.0-$4-00 Yot, Buisuss Soicistd.5 BRENNAN-MORROW, 612 E. Liberty, Phne 14 TEN COLLEGE MEN who would like to earn Note Books,-r, n,>itciuaeusFfts. Ceeut from $100 to $200 per month during the Stationery ~~~~~~~~Castue, a an.4'caucli, I eCst,',Sasitailnngst.eTbcoSo iladHl ume ots rt niersSple Th oac hp&BlirHal Smemots Wie ETC., ETC.I RED RUBBER SOLES The Place lor Summer Shol THE S. WEBSTER STONE CO., STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE Put oni Any Shoes at Studentso Murray Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. l tIIi SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE. 0o._6.ANDRES, 222 S. State Street 118 -120 E. Liberty Street _____________________ _________ The Michigan Alumnus Subscribe nsow anud become ttmembeir tereby' of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION QI.THE ALxUl S is thte largest college monthly in the country. QL It contailts the latest news about the Unliversity', and editorial commenit on important events. QL It Some contains personal items conicerningE lmembers of your cuass every mtonthb. QI A volume Facts of TuiEi ALUMt'S contains the history of the Untiversity for the year. Q111It publushes a series of well chosen pictureas every' month. $1.50 A YEAR. i B H. WILD CO 311 5. State St. Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in ihe city. Satisfaction guaranteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMER STYLES A SPECIALTY Established 1888. All work made in this city. SO H. WILD CO. 311 5. State St. SUSAR BOWL 109 5. Main Street BEST ICE CREAM SWEETEST CANDY PROMPT. SERVICE S USAR BOWL 109 5. Main Street Phone 967