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July 17, 1913 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1913-07-17

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Vol IV.


No. 10

Laws Lead by Narrow Margin While
Lits Hold Cellar

Standing of the Teams.
Won. Lost.
Laws.............2 1
Medics............1 1
Engineers .........1 1
Lits .. . . . 1


The department baseball league is
now in full swing and a total of four
games have been played to date. The
laws had a week's start and have
played more games than any of the
other teams. Tomorrow the lits will
attempt to pull themselves out of the
cellar position at the expense of the
engineers. On Saturday the second
contest between the laws and the med-
ics will be staged on South Ferry
Field at the usual hour.
Engineer-Medic Game.
Yesterday afternoon the engineers
sprung a surprise when they defeated
the medics 8 to 4. One, Nicholl, who.
twirled for the engineers, was tried in
the box for the first time, and proved
to be a find, striking out 10 men and
allowing but one to walk. Smith, who
allowed but three hits in the game
with the laws Saturday, was not in his
usual form, and was touched for seven
hits. R. Smith did the best work with
the stick for the engineers, bringing
in three of the 8 runs while Blake
starred for the medics.
The score:

Chief of Police Kinney i making ar-
rangements to deputize an extra force
of policemen in anticipation of the us-
ual swarm of pickpockets, thugs and
thieves, which are expected to follow
the Hagenbeck-Wallace circus into
town Saturday, July 19.
Chief Kinney has warned the people
of Ann Arbor to take special care
about locking their houses when away,
and against leaving anything of value
lying around loose, in order to remove
temptation from the path of the light-j
fingered gentry, who shadow the big
show from town to town, but are in no,
way connected with it.
Faculty of University School of Music
Provides Delighiful
Members of the faculty of the Uni-
versity School of Music gave an en-
icyable concert complimentary to stu-
dents of the summer school and to the
general public Wednesday night in the
high school auditorium. The artists

All R H
Clay, ss ................. 4 0 1
Smith, if and p ........... 3 1 1
Blake, lb .................3 1 2
Wenner, 3b .............. 3 1 0
Harrington, ef..........3 0 0
Jackson, rf .............. 3 1 1
Cuyler, 2b ............... 3 0 0
Carte, c ................ 3 0 0
Tucker, p............'. 1 0 0
Trum, If . ................. 3 0 0
28 4 5
All R H
R. Smith, ss ............. 4 3 2
Adams, if ................ 4 1 2
Nicholl, p ..............4 1 1
McFie, lb ............... 4 1 2
Naylon, 3b ..............4 0 1
Emmons,o cf............. 4 1 2
.F. Smith, 2b ............. 4 0 1
1. Smith, c .............. 4 0 1
Kerwin, rf ............... 4 0 0
36 7 12
Game by innings:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Medics ........0 0 0 4 0 0 0-
Engineers .... .0 0 3 0 3 1 1-


were Miss Maud Hagberg, pianist, Miss
Grace Johnson, soprano, and William
Howland, baritone. Accompanist,
Miss Frances Hamilton.
All of the numbers were enthusiasti-
cally received by the large audience
whose insistence was graciously met
by the musicians in pleasing encores.
The program was well-balanced and
opened and closed with duets by Miss
Johnson and Mr. Howland. Both of
the singers were in excellent voice
and their numbers were well adapted
to display the capabilities of each
Especially notable were the rendi-
tion of "Ah, Fors e Lui" from Verdi's
La Traviata, by Miss Johnson and Mr.
Howland's singing of a group of songs
by Schubert, Schumann and Herman.
Hilldach's "Abscheid der Voegel" in
which their voices were beautifully
blended formed a fitting close to the
Artistic interpretations were also
offered by Miss Hagberg in her num-
bers, a "Barcarole" and "En Autom-
ne," of Moskowski, and the Straus-
Tausig valse caprice "Nachtfalter."
These selections called for a variety of
technic and feeling which Miss Hag-!
berg possesses in such abundance and
which she lavished on her numbers
Wednesday night.
Much of the charm of the program
was contributed by the sympathetic
and musicianly accompaniments of
Miss Hamilton.
The concert marked the farewell ap-
pearance of Miss Hagberg and of Miss
Johnson, the former going soon to
the Frances Shimer Academy, Mt. Car-
oll, Illinois,where she will have charge
of the piano department, and the latter
to study in Paris.

LoclHotel Seene of Important Pro- F U B R HL
ceedings in Drainage Dean H. M. Bates and Professor E.
Canal Case. R. Sunderland of the law department
---_ will address the American Law School Dr. Peerson Says State Must Care
.For Illegitimate Chuild and
It is isn't every day that a court association when that body meets m F ot hi n
comes to the witnesses whose Montreal on September 1. Dean Bates h
testimony it desires, but that is what who has been president of the associa-
happened in this city yesterday. The tion during 1912-13 will make the ASKS FOR GREATERt PUBLICITY.
referee appointed by the United States opening address, while Prof. Sunder-
court in Chicago it the case of the land will talk on some phase of prac- "It is the duty of the state through
United States vs. the Chicago Sanitary tice court work. its University hospital to care for the
Commission held an all-day session in The organization is a branch of the illegitimate mother and the unborn
the Allenel and Prof. H. C. Sadler, American Bar association which meets child," said Dr. Reuben Peterson in a
head of the marine engineering depart- at the same time and place. Prominent lecture on "The Rights of the Unborn
ment, gave testimony during the whole among the speakers are Ex-President Child" in the west amphitheater of the
period of the court's session. W. . Taft now professor of law at medical building Tuesday night.
The federal government is attempt- Yale; Dean Thayer of the Harvard law "I have not lost faith in the virtue
ing to secure an injunction to prevent school; and Lord Haldane of the En- of American women," he said, "but
the comnmission from diverting any glish bench. with more than 1000 illegitimate births
more water from Lake Michigan into in Michigan in 1910 it is evident that
the drainage canal. Both Prof. Sad- nnRO iirir S WLL K there must be a remedy." The speaker
ler and former Professor Gardner S. rnU VEfL L.I SPEAK considered principally the rights of the
'Williams have been called upon for AT SMOKER illegitimate child to live. "He is here,"
expert testimony in the case, and Mr. UNION TONIGHT he said, "and it is our duty to protect
Williams left last night for New York him until he shall be able to protect
swhere he will give his testimony at Informal Gathering Will Furnish Op- himself."
an adjourned session of the court on porlnity for Students to Dr. Peterson spoke against the pro-
Monday next. Get Acquainted. fessional practitioners and the
many baby farms and poorly conduct-
Professors Evaluate State Gas Works. An informal smoker will be given at ed maternity hospitals in the state. In
Prof. Riggs and Prof. Anderson are the Michigan Union clubhouse tonight, proposing a remedy for these evils and
engaged in making valuations of vari- to afford suminer school students an others he said, "Let public opinion be
ous gas works in Michigan for the opportunity of getting acquainted with so educated through the press and
State Railway Commission. Prof. each other, of meeting various mem- otherwise that the malpractitioner
Riggs was in his ofice yesterday but hers of the faculty and incidentally of shall be afraid to apply his evil trade."
leaves today for Chicago. Re will learning the purpose and ideals of the He spoke of the Catholic Church as
spend the greater part of the summer Union. Informality will feature the having done more than any other edu-
in the Upper Peninsula in his work for whole affair and everybody will be ex- cational factor in mitigating the evil.
the Commission. peted to speak to everybody else. The speaker said that a woman
Following a musical skit by Alfred might be known to be immoral and
FACLTY | Eg S 0. Wt illiams, '14E, and Irving E. Lat- lose very little social standing, but
FACUULTY GUILLOTINE FALLS timer, former leader of the musical he added, "Let the results of her im-
ON MANY LUCKLESS STUDENTS tclubs, Profes' R. M. Wenley will morality appear in the shape of a
address the ,gathering. Edward G. child and the finger of scorn is for
Kemp will offer a vocal solo, and later ever pointed at her." He believed the
Sixty-Nin Iembers of Engineering every one will join in singing differ- University hospital of the state to be
And Literary Departments Must cut Michigan songs led by Charles W. the only institution able to give the
Leave University. French. Smckes and lemonade will "unfortunate woman" a new start by
----__ be furnished to all, and admission will ]Keeping her secret and caring for the
Full reports of the fatalities result- be free to everybody whether a mem- child.
ing from the spring examinations have her of the Union or not. Festivities
not become available although it is will begin at 7:30 o'clock. EN6LISH EDUCATIONAL
over a month since thse axe fell. Not --SYSTElM DEVELOPED HAP-
that the victims who had their univer- LAW PROFESSOR FINISHES HAZARD, SAYS WENLEY.
sity lives snuffed out at that time have NE W BOOK ON AGE NCY LAW
had to wait in suspense thus long. "The Englishman has blundered
Far from that! They have been noti- Case Book For Use of Students Now along until he has the whole country
fied ere this and by this time they in C'ure of Pub- dotted with excellent universities,"said
have doubtless recovered their sang i'tion, Prof. R. At. Wenley in a lecture on
froid, as we may say in the Cercle "University Education in England" in
Francas. But an expectant world has Secretary E. C. Goddard of the law the west physics lecture room yester-
just now learned that 63 of our erst- department has completed his case day afternoon.
while campus comrades of the lits and A He characterized the development of
iboonot Agency and it is nsw in the Rehactrzdhedvlp nto
engineers were requested not to return satds of the printers. St is probabis the English educational system as hap-
to our fair city in the fall on account .ha otheprite ioplen hazard. "All English philosophy," he
lot this wovrk wil be copleed in
of poor work. Ime to be toed by the classes in Agen- said, "is like English whiskey, it is
Engineers have long boasted that cy next yea.. Professor Goddard is mostly Scotch or Irish."
their department offered the stiffest the author of "Principal and Agent"
courses in the University curriculum. hich was first pblished as a part of SEVERAL FRATERNITIES
Still there were but 30 boilermakers the Cyclopsdit of Law ad Procedure, WILL FIND NEW HOMES,
among the unfortunate 69 while 39 also of Goddard's cases and outlines on
easy-going lits made up the remainder Lacciers. The new Ann Arbor will be beautified next
of the missing. book will be published by a St. Paul year by the addition of another fine
And but two of them were c-eds oncern as one of the American casefraternity house to the large number
This momentous fact is put last. Fain book series. already constructed. Changes in the
would we men pass over hastily the Professor Goddard leaves today for homes of some of the other fraternities
fact that we furnished 67-69ths of the Lakeside, Michigan, where he will will also be made at that time.
involuntary hold-outs, or to-be-held- spend the summer. Ground has been broken for the
outs, but in the interests of a pure construction of the new $35,000
press, we are forced to print the whole Acacia fraternity house on the
truth. GRADUATE AND FRESHMAN site of their old one which was burned
These summer school students who ARE MARRIED ON SAME DAY a number of years ago on South
are here for the heated term have State street. The construction
only the sincere envy of the regular 'Austin Llod Lathers 'L, of Dul- I will bs of rd brick and ifs arhite-


Three base hits, R. Smith, McFie;
two base hits, Adams, Smith; home
run, McFie; struck out, by Tucker 1,
by Smith, 6, by Nicholl 10; base on
balls, off Tucker 2, off Smith 4, off
Nicholl 1; hit by pitcher, Kerwin, Nay-
lon, F. Smith. Umpires, Murphy, Pet-
(Continued on page 4)
Besides the Turkish student who
it was recently learned is on his way
to enter the university in the fall, an-
other Far Easterner in the person of
Shaker Yusif, of Assuit, Egypt, will
add to the cosmopolitan aspect of next
year's student body. Yusif will enter
the literary department where he will
prepare himself for work in the med-
ical department. He soill be the first
Egyptian student to enter the uni-

t'niversity Publications are Popular, t

The first edition of"Michigan Trees," denizens of the campus. So fan as nth, Mion., amid Miss Effs Godfrey '01, Itlue will add matsrially to the bsamity
published by the university, proved to danger of their being "canned out" is were married at the home of the of the large group of handsome struc-
be popular. All copies of the first edi- concerned, say the regulars, they bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles tures. It wil he ready for occupancy
tion are sold, making it necessary to should worry! 'E. Godfrey, 420 North Fourth Avenue, by next February.
order a second edition to satisfy the Tuesday night. The Sigma Chi house which is now
demand. This book contains illustra- After a wedding trip on the lakes, nearing completion near the Michigan
tions of all the trees of Michigan, giv- Mr. and Mrs. Lathers will return to Union will be ready for occupancy by
ing also particular information about ETDuluth where Mr. Lathers is practic- the opening of the college year this
the fruit, bark, and foliage of each. ing law. fall.
Among the other publications of the Forecast for Ann Arbor. Another recent wedding was that of Sinfonia fraternity will move into
University to be given to the public Probable showers today, fair tomor- Gladys Tyler, daughter of Mrs. Mary the Chas K. McGee residence at 514
within the next few weeks are "The row. Mcderate variable winds. Hewett Tyler, of Ypsilanti, to Charles Thompson St.
Medical Announcement" of the medi- Yesterday's 'Iemperatures T. Newton, '16, also of Ypsilanti, Gamma Eta Gamma which has been
cal department, and "Proceedings of Maximum 79; minimum 60. Wind which took place Tuesday. Mr. and at 1008 Cornwell Place will find its
the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club," by velocity 15. Mrs. Newton left immediately after home at 807 South State street next
faculty members, who are also mesn- One year ago, maximum 72; mini- the ceremony for an eastern trip. They year in the house made vacant by the
bers of the organization. mum 52.. will live in Ypsilanti. Delta Sigma Delta fraternity.

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