T HEStWO0L VE111 THEN TRY T RU B EY' S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 16 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR Special Summner Session June 30- August 22 All Branches at Music Fr Catalogue or Information, call at ofice, oaddress CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Cpital, w o'o ss Sapis, 5.oo.vs Udi'-idedPofits, Otto a ti THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safe Banking ad Cv urts -rttait of or Cstmers i, -iOr Wthordss. 3 er cetIterst inour Savings Dpartmeent Genms' Furnishings Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. Univerity Ae. BOOKS LAW AND MEDICAL NEW ANtD SECOND-HIANLD Complete Line Text Books Text Laoratory Books Reference Books Dictionaries Compends, etc. CASH OR EXCHANGE PRt YOUR OLD BOOKS LARES STOCK IN MICIGAN C. E. Barthell 326 S. State Sreet Tel. Z61 L OPEN During Summer Session Reutr Prces 53.50-$4.00 BRENNAN-MORROW, 12 E. Liberty, Phone 164 The Tobacco Shop & Billiard Hall The Piace tor Summer Shol Sudents 118 -120 E. Liberty Street 311 S. State St. Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in ihe, city. Satisfaction guaranteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMN ERSTYLES 1 A SPECIALTY Established 1 888. All work mvade in this city. 311 S. State St. T H E W L V E R I N E jithemselves capable of tarrying it o ____________________________________ i an ellivient manner. Theofolicial newspaper of tho sum- t:is soimewhat of ao innnoovation to mer oesoion of the Unoiveroity of Mich- otmak e o niversity a center of pirac- igan, publishied .by the todents, Tueo- tical activity at well as an initellectual day, Tthursday -and Saturday after- tonter intthle vottiittly, and no uni- noonseverity ectn afford to joiiipi wildly of t'v ticnev faid vi ieb arisvs. Bet the Adstress-The Wolverioe, Preos Bldg., tuiversity of Michilgan is far from Mlaynard St., Aon Arbor, Mich. licogressive in ito exteosions policy, and Office Hlooro-1:00 to 2:30 p. in., doily. a fetv ste takein towtarti making the Phtooe 96e. ttiiversty of mooe direct asoistance to the pltel of tite state wotuld it Subseription Sates-By carrier, Oteveni semtits to to, be iiite right direetioii. ty-five rents for the sumtmer;stalled It takes iiiatitv and energy to ef- to ainy atddress for otto dollar. levitaatrealizationi of lie most advaniced Aidvertising Rtates-Fornishied 1up00 theories inl any aspect of life, an01 owhat appticatiotn to the business msatiager. onstituition cotulil better fuettishe this in-. 1,500 studensts; 22,000 townspeople. flout e votiti lie univeroity where Louit s P. SHaler-Motto inig Eitotr. thise theories tire promulgited? Phone-1016. William A. UatrBulsitess M~anager. Phoneo-357. ('LE NI)AII (,'ecdett Daoses-etos 0Eitor. lNEWS' STAF. Jully151, 5:1111)p. -"Sotme Scietitific IssuteEditors. Pirt iio-fv." Illustrciteidlectitrieby Y. F. Jbib lHeu. Leo N.Buirnett. iProfessocr W. D. Beoderson. West BReorters. Ileccretoot.Oef the phyic ial labiora- Leorge 5M. Curtis. Lotr1 Crossmsatn. tocy. Sam L. Adelsdocf. J. J. Ifeighard. 80:11t+0p - he'liigtils of thetUn- Johns l. 0bcr. Charies G. Webber. born Cthtild." Br.lReitbeonlPetersotn. Waler W,5. Watsott. C. Et. iatmisotn West amtphlithevatec of the Mledical F. 3'. Boffineister. IReuibent Petersoni. litiit, CyrocJ. flodrilt. CB. sittlio.Jhly 16, 5: p. si. -"Utivcersity Edoca- I-oward A,. Buerse. Guy lwells. tits in tglatid. lProfe'ssor St. M. Mauls Ryant. Ott uley. Ncsi lectulire cootmtof the Silhysical laboiratory. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ADS iIN' Ig StO3 g.S Il P.AI1)FOR tN AD 'ANVl. 'lango and Oneii'Stiel. Class lesson ti iGBantgec's Fidayt ntight 7:30 o'clocks. Teotnly rchatnce this stumer So le'tattnteiwa15theisei' danttes shtoutl be (latnceti, ntilas thtey are daticedtsoottetimtes. $1. Meutbiecs of the class otnly aditted. Suits cleaoed atid pressed, 75c.Futl- lcr & OContior, 6109SE. William t. tf. First claso shoe repairittg. Modern Sltoe Stepair Shop. 611 St. Williamn Si. ty, Fuller & OConntor Tailors. 6109St. William St. tf. Bobber Sole Oxfords, all styles, at Canspos Bootery. 200 5. Stale St. tf. RECREATION D~o ynn ploy Golf or Tenn is? We carry fnl tines; of Spat- tittig's atid Wright (LItitsoni's nmake of altletic Goods in Geonerat.,IEvery article guise- anteed. tlils line ta hff, hiesnry S. Ptarson,, test. tPtus. 'Matitger. Fr'ed Vt. Marblel. Loisi Rabe. Subtsceripttiotns atti ads taketi at Quarry's, Cusbg'o, atid SouthitUCo- versity Phatrmtacy. ''LUESDAY, JULY 15, 1911. OURt EXTEINSIO)N SYSTEMT. 8:011 p.mi.-C oncet cby te faculty of te Schoottl if Mutsic. High.t Stchool aut iior-ium. Juittl 175:00 tp.i.-"Thei'Geelogy of Nitatisit Falls." Illusitatedt leture (( byPofessoritCartney-.'West lecitre roomttihelstphiysictal laboratory. Ftor tromtlanid tmost satisfatcory wiorkc bring yasir filtms to Hlopp~e, pits- togrtaphler, 619 iF. Liberty St. tft SUMMER SALE Call 15 for baggago checked front hoose So deotiniation. tf. W 1 R ' Call 1t for taxi, tfo, Ruibber Sole OfrsalsteatUniversity Bookstore CaomtpuiBootery. 200 5. Slate Si. tf. MAKE tUt SlTE YtUR MEETING PLACE Atty sobscribers wsishing back copies fies ctantobttintesamtte by etllitigatt RcesInthe Slatte. the Press butilditig dutritig tffice hours. C igBilAR and RCANDIES. Call 15 for btiggage checked frcoin We Try to Treat You Right" htonse to destinatio. to. Cainer-is to rntiL 10 cenits per lay, COUSINS & HALL it Boppe 's, 619 E. Liberty St. FLORISTS IICur. S. University and Twoelfth Street We have very desirable places for I Telephone t111 sale or rent netir catnpus. WhitinIti Rtealty Co., 210 N. State St., Phione 114-J. tf ___________________ Call 15 for baggage checked from We Make Old Hats New hase to destination. tf. I Aulkidit.ivasCleasnediaxed etucke. - __- The Best Shoe Shine Shop Suits Pressed, 25c, Patits 10c. Foller NEXT TO WACNER'S & O'Connor, 6109St. William SL, Sf. Charcoal Orililed Pox terhouse Steaks.I THE ANIN ARBOR SAVINGS BANE Bessmer's Oct11. 113 W. Horon St., 1capital.................--',,vivuns.i upstairs. Opp. Interurban Station. tf. Res tt~ttourcest.... u......... .. . i$30c10s.s 'transacts e Generet Bunking busiaess Call 15 for taxi.. 3p ouittr sinesits iSoitted.,5515 C a.- l orn ,rs , i c hael, J.ii rit zCah' st-nitHarrima, sVc-s, CtritFsit-aunt lutrit t TuIttgo. Casti', W55it.Wlf, Asst. Ca i r -t-a vi et By- reotiest a litmsited class is besnt formed to take a lvesosnio Tattoo and RED RUBBER SOLES Ooe Step. Fee $1. P'ositively no visit- ors admsitted. Fristy 7:10 p. i.Osrass- Piton Any Shoes at gor's Academy on Mayssard Stteetlteg- 0, 6. ANDRES, 222 S. State Street 1sfter before ime for lesson. 5OOn CalliDay or Night C ALL TAII uoand Baggage Livery AnnArbr Txicab Co., 300 N. Mains St. Yetars ago wt-ess wc took sociologtyAlu sIC 2,we wire thtltlhitia 5vtry Iproft- atble asid proper usc for te school PIANOS hotsis 10s0a5social center. AWe notic- ed piehapis that school housses xwcreo T e ivcrJit 11 tzc soot beinsg very oxtesively pust so suich 'lb o i S sse asndthsoughst little msorc about it. At the Umniversity of Wsconini, Acros nMaies thinigos'hid isot ntop thsere. The ussi-- ____________________ vcrsity organized a Bureeau of Social -_________________ Centeur Deveiopmtient usmdetr its xteitn- slots ilsion. hThis h:sireau traisostu- e r sA tSor sesnis ho carry ontthe wiiork its soctuiDisAr tr PICTURES AND FRAMINC ceitters asid sees to slacing osuls of 223 S OOUT H MAIN STREET those interested iii the wvork as esowcI C v m 8TI THEATRE BE;AUTIFUL] All This Week Matinee 3 p. m. Nights 7 tol10 p. m. Complete Change Program Daily SENSATION O ~E ETUR ep MILLIONS AR APLAUD GRAET A CH I E VE M E N T AMERICAN TAKING PICTURE CO. 1564 BROADWAY 5OLE DISTRIBUTORS NEW YORKS CITY "iYou can tell A Gentleman by the Cleanliness of His (Linen" lossgo to The City Laundry THOS. ROWE, Prop. 404-4tt DetroitSthroet L 1&iI us'rio Orde JOUNALST IDIN 109S. Main Street BEST ICE CREAM SWEETEST CANDY PROMiiPT SERVICE 109 5. Main Street Phone 967 DAVIS &OH LINGER Deliveries made when promised (Phone 432-J 109 E. Washington Shreet