No. 9.
President of Institution Announces
Selection of Working Bodies
For Next Year.
Committees of the Student Council
which will be in charge of the different
campus activities for next year have
been announced by the president of the
council as follows:
Band: J. Lippincott, '14, chair-
man; Paul Blanshard, '14, A. W. Koh-
ler '14.
Flag Rush: A. W. Kohler, '14, chair-
man; H. B. Carpenter, '14, Cyril J.
Quinn, '14.'
Fresh Cas and Customs:: A. C. lfred 0 Willis, '14E,
Fletcher, '14E, chairman; H. G. Gault,
'15, W. . Fellows, '14 WILL OPEN REGULAR PARTY
Cane Spree: eo. Paterson 14E
chairman; H. J. Trum, '14, S.S. Scott, TO MEN ONCE THIS SUMMER
Cheer Leaders: H. J. Trum, '14E,
chairman; A. T. Ricketts, '15E, J. . Woen's Lneag More limo soubles
Books, '15L, H. G. Tait, '15. Menberslip of Irevious
Conference of Professional Frater- Years.
nities: H. S. Hulbert, '14M, chairman;
J. B. Helm, '14L, G. G. Alway, '14H1, F. Men will be admitted to at least one
C. Daniels, '14D, G. C. Grismore, '14L. of the parties to be given by the Wom-
Graduate School: F'. A. Lawrence, en's League during summer session.
'14M, chairman; L. J. Keliher, '14E, The affairs are held in Barbour gym-
J. B. Helm, '14L. nasium at 4:00 o'clock every Friday
Revision and Reinstatement of - afternoon and are usually open only
Hop: H. S. Hulbert, '14M, chairman; to league members and their women
H. B. Carpenter, '14, K. S. Baxter, '15E. friends.
Discipline: T. F. McCoy, '14L, chair- The membership of the league is
man; J. I. Lippincott, '14, H.B. Carpen- more than twice as large as during
ter, '14, J. S. Brooks, '14L, G. C. Gris- any previous sumer session. "We
more, '14L, C. W. Farley, '14D. want every woman on the campus to
The chairmen of these committees become a member," said Irene Bigalke,
will welcome suggestions froi any president of the league today, "we ex-
one in regard to the subject over which ct the organiation to become nearly
they have supervision, or if there are as active as during the regular ses-
any hew suggestiocis of a general na- sion."
ture they will be attended to by T. F. A play is planned to be presented
McCoy, the secretary. by the best talent on the campus. The
cast has not been named and any-
one wishing to try nut for a part
SOLICITORS LOSE IN CLOSE should speak to Irene Bialke, 954-L.:
ARGUMENT WITH DOCTORS The reading room for league
bers is open in Barbour gymnasium
as during the regular termi.
In a close and exciting game last -
Saturday afternoon the medics won WILL DISCUSS COMIISSION
from the laws 3 to 2. The laws were PLAN OF CITY GOVERNMENTI.
handicapped by the absence of Pon-
tius and Corey from their lineup but Prof. Henry C. Adams, chairman of
it is doubtful whether they would have the local committee on the commis-
won had these men played for Smith, sion form of government, has called a
pitching for the medics kept the hits meeting for next Friday at 7:30 p. m
well scattered besides showing fine in the city council rooms. This com-
control throughout mitte is a special committee which
In the first inning, Arnold passed was appointed by the president of the
two men, allowing Blake and Smith Civic Association to cooperate with a
to cross the plate. He steadied after like committee from the city council,
that, however, though the medics man- and to investigate and make recom-
aged to gather another run in the mendations as to the advisability of
fourth which gave them the game. adopting the commission plan of city
Blake, the medic third baseman, government. This committee numbers
was the best with the stick, getting about fifteen, and in making it up the
two hits, one for three bases, out of Civic League has since more availed
the five allowed by Arnold, !while itself of experts from the university.
Miss Johnson and Miss Hagberg Will
Make Farewell Appearance On
School of iusic Program.
The faculty of the University School
of Music will give a complimentary
concert to the summer school students
of the University, and to the general
public in the high school auditorium
tomorrow at 8:00 p. m. This concert
wiil mark the farewell appearance of
Miss Grace Johnson, soprano, and Miss
Maude Hagberg, pianist.
The program will be as follows:
(a) Schon is das FestU.......Sinding
(b) Slandchen .............. Herman
Miss Johnson and Mr. Howland.
(a) Barcarole...........Mosknwski
(b) En Automne ....Moskowski
Miss Hagberg.
Aria "Ah, fors e lot" (La Traviata)
Miss Johnson.
(a) Der Wanderer .......... Schubert
(b) Fruhlingsnacht ........ Schumann
(c) Three Comrades ........Herman
Mr. Howland.
Nachtfalter (Valse Caprice) ........
.................... Strauss-Tausig
Miss Hagberg.
(a) Pastorale (from Opera Rosa-
linde) .................. Veracini
(b) The Blackbird ...........Parker
(c) The sweet o' the year ...... Salter
Miss Johnson.
Abschied der Vogel ....B...Hildach
Miss Johnson and Mr. Howland.
Miss Frances Hamilton, accompanist.
10.1.1. 'B). U IVE 1A) ER '
Edward C. Kemp, '12-'14L.
E vening Address will be DIelhered by
Bates Professor of
"Some Scientific Paradoxes" is the
subject of a lecture by Prof. W. D.
Henderson in the wst physics lecture
room this afternoon. Prof. Henderson
is director of the University Extension
Dr. R. Peterson, Bates professor of
the medic department, will speak on
"The Rights of the Unborn Child" in
the amphitheater of the medical build-
ing at 8:00 o'clock tonight. He will
deal with illegitimacy and other im-
portant social problems.
IUion Will Open lig Affair to Summer
Students Without Any
Informality will feature the big sum-
mer session smoker to be given at the
Michigan Union next Thursday even-
ing at 7:30 o'clock. The affair will be
open to all Michigan men, whether
members of the Union or not, and will
be free to all.
An effort will be made to arrange
the smoker so that it will take the
form of a big "get together," and the
committee wishes it understood that
introductions will not be needed, and
everybody is to feel free to speak to
everybody else.
Smokes and lemonade will help to
make the evening an attractive one. A
short program will be given, which
has not as yet been completely arrang-
ed. There will be a speech from some
prominent member of the faculty. Ed
Kemp will sing several solos, and Bill
Williams and Jack Lippincott are to
present a feature skit.
The comimttee in charge of the affair
is composed of Mack Ryan, chairman,
Jack Lippincott, C. J. Goodrich, Carl B.
Smith, and Fred Hoffmeister.
It is rumored that the price of board
may go up at the first of next year.
Never before, say the boarding house
keepers, has the cost of living been
so high. The student waiters have
combined to secure better terms for
Miss I. Graybill, '15, Sinks in Quik- l'ROMINENT GRADUATE BADLY themselves, and unless the crops are
sand Near Barton Dam; Fisher- INJURED IN RAILWAY WRECK. unusually good this fall, a slight raise
man Makes Rescue. in the price of board will be a neces-
Thomas Martin Sattler, '01, Com- sity.
Only the prompt assistance of a missioner of Schools at Jackson, Mich.,
fisherman saved Miss Ruth Graybill, was badly injured about the lets and ALL MAY JO EXCURSION
'15, from serious danger Saturday af- chest shortly before noon Sunday, OIN
ternuon when she unsuspectingly when the Grand Rapids train 105, PARTY TO NIAGARA FALLS
walked into a quicksand just above the northbound, crashed into and teles-
icehouse on the Huron river, coped the Saginaw train 68, south-
A party of women from one of the bound, near the Michigan Air Line Those intending to go on the excur-
Women's League 'residence houses crossing. sion to Niagara Falls should notify
Gal. 2-WOLV..... .... .... .. Spr This was the second wreck which Prof. Frank Carney by tonight. Al-
were picnicing up the river, and Miss occurred on the Michigan Central on ready a large number of names have
Graybill had left the party to get some the same day, the first one taking been handed in and Prof. Carney feels
water. The Barton dam, which was place at 5:30 o'clock in the morn- 'that the excursion will be the most
shut off during the afternoon, had left ing, a few miles east of Jackson, the successful ever conducted. The party
exposed a large flat of land which is engine and two cars on the east will leave Ann Arbor Friday afternoon
ordinarily under water. Not suspecting bound blind baggage train No. 16 be- and will return Monday morning. Par-
that there was any danger, Miss Gray- ing derailed and overturned. ( ticulars may be obeaintd at Prof. Cor-
bill started to walk over this and al- The two wrecks resulted in three ney's office in the museum.
most immediately began to sink, deaths, the injury of a dozen persons, One of the features of the excursion
Thinking that it was only a muddy and the shaking up of half a hundred will be the special trip conducted by
spot, she tried to go on across, when more. That the casualties were not Prof. Carney along a route seldom vis-
a man who was fishing nearby called larger is considered almost miracul- ited by travelers. Although part of
to her attention that it was quicksand. ous. The wreck was due to a misunder- the time will be given up to a geolog-
She tried to turn back, but had already standing of orders, according to Gen- ical study of the various formations,
sunk in above her knees. The fisher-' eral Manager S. W. Brown of the the point of view of the ordinary sight-
man caught up one of his poles, ran Michigan Central. seer will not be overlooked.
over to the edge of the quicksand, and Prof. Carney has conducted many
with some difficulty pulled her back LITS WILL MAKE INITIAL excursions of a similar nature and is
to solid ground. FIGHT AGAINST LAWS TODAY well acquainted with all aspects of
the celebrated cataract.
Starts Work on Demolishing Old Stack The lits will make their first appear-
Building of scaffolding preparatory ance this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in FORMER GOVERNOR OBTAINS
to the taking down of the stack on the the department league in a game with RARE FOSSIL FOR MUSEUM.
old power house east of University the laws. This game is of especial
Hall has been started. The structure Gal 3.-WOLYV.... .... .... .. ..Spr Ex-Governor Chase S. Osborn, writ-
is one of the oldest on the campus and interest as it will serve to show the ing from Tamatave, Madagascar, has
is at present used as a storehouse. relative strength of the different de- informed President Harry B. Hutchins,
The west end of the building forms the partments as they are now organized. that during a trip into the interior, he
base of the stack and will also be de- The its recently elected C. C. Lock- discovered the entire fossil skeleton of
molished. wood field captain and W. R. Melton an extinct Madagascar hippopotamnus,
manager, and although as yet they which will be forwarded in time to
have had no opportunity of playing Ann Arbor.
THE WEATHER MAN j together they expect in spite of their Governor Osborn is also on the look-
inexperience to put up a good fight. out for the fossil of an aepyornis egg,
Owing to the postponement of some which is very rare. The largest one
Forecast for Ann arbor. of the earlier games, the original yet exhumed was recently secured by
Thunder showers. Moderate vari- schedule has been changed somewhat. the university at Vienna for 8000
able winds. The remaining games to be played this francs or $1,600.
Yesterday's Temperatures. week are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Osborn, at the time the
Maximum, 75; minimum, 60. Wednesday, engineers vs. medics. letter was written, had just returned
One year ago, maximum, 87; mini- Friday, engineers vs. lits. to Tamatave after five weeks in the
mum, 70. Saturday, laws vs. medics. interior.
Labadie again headed the laws at bat,
gathering a double and a single out of
three chances.
Game by innings:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Medics ........2 0 0 1 0 0 0-3
Laws ......1 1 0 0 0 1 0 4-2
Three base hit, Blake; two base hits,
Labadie, Smith; base on balls, off
Smith, 1; struck out by Arnold, 1; by
Smith, 3. Umpire, R. Smith.
Will Attempt to Improve Turbine.
Six new water turbines have been
designed by Prof. S. J. Zowski, of the
mechanical engineering department,
with the object in view of improving
on the last model which last fall broke
all records for efficiency with a per-
centage of 90.1,-the present high rec-
ord. Three of the turbines are to be
used for research, the purpose being
to discover what can be done with giv-
en proportions by changing the curved
vanes of the turbine runner.
"Discipline and accuracy, brainwork
and 'pep.' You must have these to be-
come good gymnasts." Leading off
with this advice, and following it with
snappy commands, Dr. May led 40
summer students through a stiff set-
tins-up drill followed by work on the
parallel bars and in fencing, at Water-
man gymnasium, yesterday. The cool
wave has put mettle into the exercises,
and the daily work-out is becoming a
popuar feature of the summer session.
At 4:00 o'clock on Mondays, Wed-
nesdays and Fridays, the calisthenic
squad holds forth, while on Tuesdays
and Thursdays lectures are given on
the scientific side of gymnasia. This
course furnishes an excellent opportu-
nity for relaxation and scientific phys-
ical training. It is open to all summer
session students.