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July 14, 1913 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1913-07-14

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Our Shoes Lead
S because they deserve to. They
^a / have alt the stye and cas and a
groe that addstsdistinction to tte
.3 7; feet ttey cover. Travet wtere
7 7 7$' you witt yo'tt not find fner foo-
15 weai at any price andt inigtty it-
te as good Have a ook at one
'5-F I ~. new ties Yoult actnowedge
they ar goig sonic is tte wy
f cassv footwear
119 South Main Street
Fra Delightul All Day Otig os ihe beatifltrit 5. lair Rier
tak i t sic iiiri i sh " ay NOI'll tog 45,5rsay ooo. Farie
t rig same say Pir $r s5;Nairarta sisiro ark, ira
c ekdays,750 Sasndays; o, Teidoiarn itrseaier 'irnass
es Dtritan ily 8:ou a. i.,rertotSrois it 715p. I.; fare
Su or si5c; wet tys ii or.
___Fr anAftroo Rde o . li lts, soPrPrtP
Huon swa pnts akrth ("Ciys aold'a :0P.
Pre- minence
on track or campus depends on the uptothe
minute fitness of proper training(UM)ke
a pars of tir system. It witt tlpreir nctrainig trial nst ro yoru orid
besides. A heatitfus, deliiosbr cag-full of lio asdigor
Delicious -~ Refreshing
Whesnevr 1THE COCA- COLA Co.
you sec as
Arero shI~uns
of Coca-Cola.' .
Repairing of Eye Glasses a
Hailer Jewelry Co.
Telephone 534 308 South State Street
The Ne Catalogue
Ulliversity of Michigall
Complete Information concerning seven departmets:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy,
Dentistry and the Graduate Depart-
ment and the Summer Session.
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper
Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial

Education, including Railway Administration
and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation
Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann
Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a
course for those preparing for the scientific
administration of departments of sanitation
and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
Individual Information, address

(tContinusedl froms taer21
Ha~rdiniig, trowvi, erug, l30lThmurpson.
Burffalo, N. Y. 129-.
tHardtin;;, Jusinlss\V., an, 67 E. Li-
erty. Franiklin, I.
Eirdrrinrghurdr, Clarendroni, 1.ir31tIGd
sds. Toledo, . 2112-.
Haorner, Doyce H., ltrUsiv. Y.M. C A.
Jerry Ciy, . 182.
Hanrrig<skisF., eg, 82t F.Uiver-
sity. Detroit. 166-L.
Harper, ecery1D., eng, it8 E.
i',sisiscoir Rochester. N. Y. 119-L.
larsrinigton, Jrrs I., li, 36 12th. tIs-
peingur, Nlil. 1292-I..
Iliar i,IR.I., rug, 616 E. Hiroi. D-
troit. 762-L.
Iart, Henry, sir, 4216 N. tIgall. Ad-
liai, Mi.16.
Hart, Win. A., lit, 707 Oxordt Rd. Fre-
uoiasr, N. Y. :357.
Itrei, H'lrlM., lit.t, 621 S. tngals
('ticaso,Il. 40-L
llsster, JoarephineoE., li, 121 . tu-
gslls. thiiago, Il. 40-t.
Harri, Merwin, lit612<More, Ot-
tuinwras, tsa. 799-L.
Hasvern, Samssuel C., ta, 102 Msoore.
Olttuiswas, ta. 79-L.
Haysc, Tour D., re. 41 E. Cniversity.
tlsbu'srg, Miht. 147-t.
Hiaynres, Malsry R., lit, 49 . Diision.
AnnssArbor. 852-I.
Hazesolrigg, <cse T., lit, 611 Cturct.
Csrlisle, Ky. 1711-.
Hlealy, His. A., lit, 717 E. Ituron. De-
troit. 01-J.
Hlecirir. CEdmirud W., ren, 16 Stae.
Cetulry, Fla. 18.
tlettris, Chass. H., usd, 40 Cos. Me-
tassrora, 6.
Heinzce, A. P., esg, tCamsslBogardus.
tlelsisiu, IJhns F., sir, 64 S. Ttsyer.
Coisie ar,6.
Ilelmseitne, Carl A., grad, 211 S. In-
oils. GrsnisRaptidlls, Mih. 46-.
I elrselne. <M. Grtrudie, li, 725 S. 12th.
G randi pd siti. 402L.
lielmssortir, A. IL., li, 44 S. Division.
Ni gssr rsMtch. 1324-,.
tHendersonr, Cias. I., lit, 1620 Cam-
bridgs . rtAnniAror. 11.
Ilerdr, tFrnick, grsad, Cieseloa, Mi.
Iisnl, tElmira ..li, 66 S. Tasy er.
Milwsaukee, Wis. 682-J.
Deninrsssg, Julisa IL., lit, 39 . 5th. Ann
Arbor. 101.
Iiniiiigioi, rocier C., meidi, 157 S.
Stsate. Spokne, Wash. 120.
Henry, Risky.., lit, 604 RL Jefferson.
lirise, Oswvald E,, li, 710 Anin. Sag-
inasw,. <i. 7-t.
Ilerlrt, Jules J., lit. Detrit.
Herba, Johlns C., li, t13 N. hIgalls.
Aiii Arbor. 17.
Iherring, Jliss A., ised, I1511E. Huron.
Gleorgetownu, IKy. 27.
HIerismsnsir.George ., lit, 3222EI. e-
fersosn. Fort Wayne, Isnd. 169-.
Hiezig, Csrl S., risg, 207 S. 1lt. To-
ledo. O0
Itereline, Mtyrtle S.. lit, 251 N. Stae.
tranrd Ripids. 141.
ueas,Geosgee grad, 60 . Ingals.
Anso Arbor. 746-,.
Heydeni, Olier F., eig, 506 . 5th.
Detroit. 244-J.
Ilickcis, Eluer M., lit, 20 Thompson.
Glraind Raplids. 86.
Hlicks,IHarold A., ro, 616 Church.
Ansi Arior. 128-.
turks, Wsalter S., li, 2101 E. IHuroi.
Kansas City, Mo. 1028.
Hilasid, Wasymanr I., me,.Morgantowvn,
W,. 'a.

ildebrssdt, u, gh It., mled, 1025 Psack- Hluos, Loutis W., rug, 5211 Church. Airs
ard. Waoshiisgton Court tHouse, O. Arbor.
1938-1. HItuer, FurnkIP., iieit, 607 Ic. Anin.
HIidser, Egmoont G., ensg, 1026 Green- Williaspnlort, turd. 115-J.
wvood Ave. Anni Arbor. 1451. Hunrley, Masrlowv, lsatr, 426 N. Ingalls.
Hill1, Eleanor N., lit, 1010 E. Fluroin. Waisiinito, D. C. 16.
Carthsage, <to. 1854-J. Hlurst, Erviii R., lit, 615 tChurch. Do-
Hlill, Frank, Mres., lit, 1020 Ic. Huro. iwagisac, Mirch. 1711-J.
Carthiage, ill. 1854-J. Huichiions Waler S., lit, 922 WV. Hur-
Hill, Rsaymiond A., rug. Phsoenix, Aria. oin. Scott, 1).
Hilliard, Irvin A., eng, 964 Daklanud. Hluttoun, Thnomass C., grant, 114, N. In-
Cost Jordans,Diets. 622-L.gsalls. Itoansoke, Va. 1466-1L.
Hiallier, Hsarry E., Isswe Moorhead, tHswsng, Tzon F., lass, 154 N. Thayer.
Minno. Nsnin;is, Clhinas. 1248-tL.
.Hiundmnu, Won. P., lit. Granud ttapids, Hyanmesr, AloniiL., grad, 812 M~ary.
Mics. Ain Arbor. 1247-2.
tHunds, Mlabel 1D., lit, 725 5. 12thfOr- IHyde, Archie -l.inphar, 802 5. Stsste.
leans, Iod. 402-I..lMalosney N. V. 12314.
Hinuton, O. F'., lass, 520 Churchr. Paris, Ide, Sobei, lit, 207 N. Staute. Jalpan.
Ky. 1331-C. 639-2.
Ilerb, Frederick K., eng, 551 Church. Ideson, Rtobert S., used, 2451Ic. Jeffer-
Toledo, O. 11531-2. sour. Avons, N. V. 467-J.
Hier, Collier A., law', 319 Thompson. Irvin, Arthuur C., rung, 727 S. Thsayer.
La Platta, Mo. 1168-2. <It., Morris, 111. 1119-J.
Husk, George H., lit, 55 Cheeveet. Iobell, Wsalter M., lit, 602 Mlonrer.
Niogaras Falls, N. Y. 1629-IL. Plymouths, tirci. 799-C.
Ifocker, Carl D., grad, 625 Forest. Jockson, Fletcher It., nmed, 12189 5.
Newvmarket, Id. 1216-C. Uiversity. Auni Arbor. 416.
Hogue. Roy C., lit, 632 E.Uiversity. Jackson, Stnuart D)., lit, 621 Forest.
Benton Harbor, Mlichi. 1846-C. Cisncinnuati, 0. 1216-IL.
Hilliusyer, Alms, grad, Hiol. Sta. Doug- Jagodziunski, Frank E., rug, 714 Moo-
las Lsake. Versailles, O. roe. Mlilwauklee, Wis. 1073-ta.
Htollingsworthn, Win. W., grad, 512 S. Jamso, Won. S., lit, 217 N. Division.
D~ivison. Clinmax, Os. 339-2. Caps Towns, S. Atrica. 294-2.
Hlolmuan, Pearl B., lit, 321 E. Jefferoon. Jamuisons, Clareusce I., lao, 644 F1.LUni-
Atlantic Mine, Mlich. 2196-a. versity. Pontisne, 111. 189.
Hlolms, toy It., grad, 324 Jeffersoin. Jansney, Juliu H., lit, 206 S. Thayer.
Hillsdale, Rich. 1055-J. IBrookuville, Md1. 988-2.
hiood, 1 ouner T, eng, 417 E. Liberty. Jarvis, Berthsa C., lit, 215 5. State.
Launsiny. Port Hurons, Mih. 760-L~.
IFood, Lucy Ia., liII, 289 S. hIsgallo. Jay, John 1l., lass,.1437 Washtenasw.
\'heelinig, IW. Va. 849-J. Sheuinsndoahl, ha. 319.
:looper, Arthur L., lass, 104 S. Ingalls. Jeary. Clark, laws, 901 E. Washington.
Cantlon, 0. 1722-J. Cincolin, Neb. 4914-L.
H1ottnnister, Feed 2., law, 644 E. Uni- Jeunson, Wa~nlter Pi., law, 328 S. 4th.
versity. St. Laouis, Ho. 189. Pochnta~isn, 55.
Htopkns, Walter G., lit, 545 FE. Univer- Jeromne, sarold, rug, 7117tOxford Rd.
sit. Toukass, Okla. 267-C. DetroniL.257.
Hlouck, Maurice E., lit, 323 Willias, Johnrooni. tCarl V., rug, 18025 Vaughn.
Neseopeck, Pas. 333. Vsnodalia, Mich. 828-2.
House, M~abel Ec., lit, 485 E. Univer- 1, Johsn,tDavid C., lasw, 1437 Wash-
sity'. Ann Arbor. 1838. tenissw. Ann Arbor. 319.
Hloward, L. C., lit, 916 Mlonrroe. Ann Jobnsoun, 2. A. W., lit. 755 E. Univer-
Arbuor.11034-IL. sity. Osastansa, ha. 1332-L.

Hoswe, Rooe A., grad. Kalamazoo.
IHowell, Jauneo C., lit, 114 5. Thayer.
Itowell, Janres H., mod, 718 Church.
Ann Arbor. 2330-L.
Howes, Mary F,., grad, 137 Thompson.
Peoria, Ill, 1415-2.
buoick, Harery, lit, 708 Church. Cel-
ins, 0. 1145-2.
Heyt, Benjamin R., msed, 264 F. In-
galls. 1399-J.
Hoyt, Clarence 2., law. Youngstown,
Hsnu, P~ao H., it, 311 Thompson. Kin-
kiangy, China. 1198-2.
Htau, V. F. Jabenr, hut, 53E. Univeroity.
Shanghasi, Chiua. 267-2.
Hungr, A. V., eng, 683 Monroe. Can-
tour, Kwsangtung, China. 799-C.
'Huaung, Sib I ug, eng, 1289 5. Uni-
versity. Shanghai. China. 1552-C.
Hubbard, Albert 1M., phar, 536 Cindeur.
Asn Acbor.
Hubbard, Kate C., grad, 521 Church.
,Monroe, <itch. 1481.
Ihubbel, Fredericks A., eng,A Camp Do-
gardus. Detroit.
Hoffman, Edna C. Mlea., it, 628 Mon-
roe. Davisonu,Rich. 1449-L.
Huffuman, Roy B., lit, 638 Monroe.
Davison, Mlich. 1449-L.
Hlughos, Chair B., lasw, 136 N. Division.
Toledo, 0. 184.
5Hull, Oscar. C., law, 624 Packuard. El-
dorado, Kas. 783.

Johnson, W~ilbuir H., grad. Delaware,
Johnuston, W~m. D., enug, 607 5. State.
Detroit. 131.
Johnsston, Win. W., lit. East Lanning,
Julley, Coren F., ltC Ypsilanti, Rich.
Jonminy, Walter E., eng, 5185 E. Uni-
vesity. Ann Arbor.
Jones, Claude A., lit. Coldwater, Mieh.
Jones, Francis A., med. Potterville,
Jones, John R., it, 337 E. Williams.
Scranton, 5na.1220-J.
Jonas, Miargaret 0., lit, 957 Greenwood.
Aunn Arbor. 1512-L~.
Jones, Orville R., law, 314, N. Ingalls.
Seaton, Ill. 716.
Jonrkman, Jeannette H., lit, 13320 F.
Washington. Zoeland, Rich. 1535.
Jordan, Oscare 2., eng, 1889 Cathrerine.
Chicago; Ill. 1412-C.
Judkinrs, Julius C., law, 1348 Volland.
Jrumper, Millard D., lit., 615 Chureh.
Lexington, Ky. 1711-2.
Justice, Zaeb, law', 445 5. 4th. Cat-
tleburg, Icy. 1169-2.
Kadushin, Mtthewe, enig, 1387 tPack-
ard. DetroiL.
Kohler, IMary E., grad, 289 5. Ingalls,
Athens, 0.
Kaminski, Zeno C., mod, 921 5. Stats.

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