AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75c SUMMERPUBLbCATION Vol IV. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1913. No. 8 mountains, and will make an attempt iforts, and has missed several meals. 60,000 inhabitants, and about one- museum which compares very favor- EXPEDITION TO to investigate conditions from the sea personally I regret this attitude, for twentieth of them are white. ably iiith ours in Ann Arbor. The level to the summit of the mountains. it lays an additional gastronomic bur- Some distance from the wharf, we most interesting sight was the mark- SOUTH AMERICA ofProfessor Pearse's letter is the first den on my shoulders. Gaige's feelings were met by a number of little urchins et, where long rows of unclean wom- of a series of communications to got the better of him when we passed; in dug-out canoes, who yelled: "Rit en suatted on the ston floor behind The Wolverine which will keep the Cuba, and he refused food for a whole tear, Sair!" (Right here, Sir!), and piles of yams, mangoes, squashes, etc. NEARS PANAMAIVI University of Michigan in touch with day. I fixed up an appetizing cheese dived for coins with great skill. It During our absence, about fifty deck the work of the expedition. sandwich, and took it to his state- took me half a day to discover that passengers had come on board, bound Party Sees Much eof Interest During Professor Pearse's Letter. room, but it was emphatically refused. the Jamaica negroes talk English. for Colon. These darkies and their Its Stay in Kingston and On the Carribbean Sea, Notwithstanding these slight slips, They have a peculiar accent, and run faniies sleep on the deck. They are on Coast Trip. On Board the United Fruit however, the batting average of the their words together in a way that a jolly, dirty lot, and look as if they _Company's S. S. "Metapan." entire team has been pretty fair in would amaze the Oxford Dictionary. could dig considerable canal. S T E L The Editor, The Wolverine. the dining room. we took a couple of carriages, and We expect to reach the canal zone EEAfter a day in New York, we sailed The first land we sighted after leav- drove about the city, which consists early tomorrow morning, and will stay south at noon on June 18. The steam- ing New York, was Watling's Island entirely of one story buildings. All there two days. Panama has already been passed by ers on' this line are excellent boats (where Colombus discovered Amer- ssigns of the earthquake have disap- Very truly yours, the expedition of Michigan scientists with fine large staterooms, and we are ira). We skirted the coast of Cuba, peared, except the ruins of the old Arthur S. Pearse. which was granted permission by the able to do a few setting-up exercises and saw a schooner aground on the postofIice. There are many cocoanut government of Colombia to enter the before breakfast in the privacy of our beach. Yesterday we spent the day in palms, and other strange trees along Attempt at Suicide is Lnsccessfnl. country and carry on investigations own apartments without inconven- Jamaica. the street. We ate dinner in a palm there. The party consists of Prof A. ience. Party Visits Kingston. grove at the Myrtle hotel, which is de- Thomas L. Crosby, who tried to com- G. Ruthven, Prof. A. S. Pearse, for- The passenger list includes a num- Kingston has a magnificent harbor, lightfully situated on the shore of the Isit suicide Thursday afternoon by merly of the University of Michigan, her of diverse types. We have the second to none in the West Indies, ex- ocean. taking an overdose of morphine, is now of the University of Wisconsin, honor to be associated with the Ger- cept that in Santiago Bay. After wait- M. Gaige and I drank some ginger and Frederick Gaige, an assistant in man Consul for some Peruvian port, ing three hours for the doctor to come ale. Dr. Ruthven drank Bass' s ale, nwetirely out of danger. Soon - zoology, and is financed by Brandt the leading gambler of Panama, and on board (he was English, of course), supposing, of course, that it was a ter taking the drug he was taken to Walker of Detroit. other dignitaries. we steamed up to the wharf, and land- non-alcoholic beverage. We finally the university hospital by Dr. J. A. The party is prepared to spend sev- Dr. Ruthven apparently misses his ed among the greatest collection of got him into a carriage, and drove Wessinger, where the hospital staff eral months in the study of animals home cooking a good deal. He does ragged, dirty, ugy "niggers" that I around until the middle of the after- rapidly brought him out from under in the region of the Santa Marta not seem to appreciate our chef's ef- had ever seen. The city has about noon. We then visited the Kingston the effects of the poison. DIRECTORY OF SU' MER SCHOOL STUDENTS Names in this directory are taken DeGreene, Albert L., grad, 509 Thomp-. Dunbar, Iva t., Sch of Mus., 1208 S. Fairchild, Raymond V., lit, 228 S. from the records in the offices of the son. Deckerville, Mich. 1464-L. University. 1893. Thayer. Moline, Ill. 463-L. secretaries of the various departments, DeGreene, Caroline E., grad, 509 Duncan, David C., grad, 516 Cheever Fast, Lucius W., lit, 1006 Forest. Ot- Thompson. Philadelphia, Pa. 1464-L. Ct. Churchville, N. Y. 839-J. sego, Mich. and contain the same errors. If no DeKruif, Paul H., 111 S. Ingalls. Zee- Dunn, Ralph C., med, 525 S. Division. bauntleroy, Eugene G., eng, 702 S. phone number has been placed on the d, .'iffi, U. 139-L University. Geneva, I11. 63. enohsetcrnn ssonhr, land, Mich. 1466-L. TifnG.39L enrollment card, none is shown here, DeLong, Florence M., lit, 621 S. State. Dye, Willard B., lit, 214 S. Ingalls. Fead, Tsoong Fang, eng, 1316 Geddes. but that does not preclude there being St Charles, Mich. 979-J. Winona, Minn. Soochow, China. 1879-L. a phone in the house; call the chief Dempster, James H., med, 1144 E. Earley, Albert, lit, 315 Thompson. N. Fellows, Josephine A., grad, 426 operator and tell her what house you Catherine. Detroit. 1385-J. 'Plainfield, N. J. 1376-I. Thompson. Ann Arbor. 1333-J. want. Deneen, Ezra A., lit, 522 Monroe. Im- Iaton, Roy D., lit, 418 Thonpson. Wa- Ferguson, George M., lit, 215 N. Divi- Crockett, Wendell F., law, 730 S. 12th. lay, City, Mich. 990-J. komis, Okla. 879-J. sion. Scottdale, Pa. 653-J. Wailuku, Mani, Hawaii. 1196. DePree, Edward J., eng, 111 S. Ingalls. Pekert, Alfred, eng, 707 Oxford Rd. Ferguson, Lynn A., lit, 526 Church. Cross, Arthur C., lit, 412 Division. Kal- Zeeland, Mich. 1466-L. Saginaw, Mich. 357. Sparta, Mich. 1064-J. amazoo, Mich. 1323-J. DeVoist, Ray G., med, 802 Monroe. Eckler, Chas. R., lit, 1331 Washtenaw. Ferrick, Arthur J., eng, 620 E. 'Uni-. Crossioan, Leland E., lit, 638 E. Uni- Ann Arbor. 1114-J. Indianapolis, Ind. 366. versity. Clinton, Mich. 1582-J. versity, Ann Arbor. Dewey, Barbara A., grad, 500 Packard. Eddy, Celestia E., lit. Ypsilanti, Mich. Ficken, lilbert -T., grad, 604 Madison. Culp, Vernon, lit, Oshtemo, Mich. Charlotte, Mich. 776-L. Edmundson, Jerome J., lit, 914 E. Hur- Beres, Ohio. 789-L. Cummins, Harold, lit, 606 Mary Ct. Dibble, Ralph B., eng, 1724 S. Univer- on. ilirmingham, Ala. 494-J. Ficken, Richard 0., grad, 604 Madison. Ann Arbor. Isity. Ann Arbor. 1315-L. Edward, Ford O., enrg, 907 N. Univer- Moores Hill, Ind. 789-L. Cunningham, Paul H., law, 1335 S. Dicke, Allen A., eng, 708 Church. New sity. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 1808-L. Finch, Paul F., med, 102 S. 12th. Cleve-' State. Indiana, Pa. 1328. Bremen, 0. 1145-J. Ehle, Carleton F., lit, 331 Packard. land, 0. 921. Curry, Robert J., law, 427 Maynard. Dickie, Mary Louis. Minneapolis, Kalamazoo, Mich. Finfrock, Chancey L., law, 311 Thomp- Danville, N. Y. 1370-J. Minn. IEihlers, George 11., grad, 407 E. Liber- son. Urbana, 111. 1189-J. Curtis, Emma L., lit, 1333 Volland. Dieffner, Mary L., lit, 214 Packard. ty. Baltimore, Md. 860. Firestone, Chas. E., eng, 318 E. Jeffer- Saginaw, Mich. 1336-L. Ann Arbor. Eliters, John 1., grad, 1513 S. Univer- son. Canton, 0. 1058-J. Curtis, Harry K, law, 806 Hill St. Diehl, Harvey L., law, 228 S. Thayer. sity. Ann Arbor. 619-L. Fisher, Arthur W., med, 338 E. Cath- Topeka, Kas. 396. Ipave, Ill. 463-L. Eich, Louis, grad, 921 Mary. Cincin- erine. Pultneyville, N. Y. 234. Cutler, James L., lit, 307 E. Huron. Dietz, Ada K., grad, Biol. Sta., Douglas nati, 0. 1477-J. Fisher, Howard P., lit, 1023 Oakland. Ann Arbor. 360-L. Lake. Detroit. Einfalt, Minnie C., lit, 509 Cheever Ct. Detroit. 906. Cuyler, Robert H., med, 332 S. Divi- Dignan, Edward J., eng, 513 Thomp- Saginaw, Mich. 349-J. Fisher, Mary, med, 520 E. Ann. Greens- sion. Newark, N. Y. 498-J. son. Youngstown, 0. 1204-L. Eirich, Constance G., grad, 507 E. Lib- burg, Pa. 497. Dailey, James L., eng, 615 Church. Doan, Leland I., lit, 712 S. Thayer. ' erty. Van Wert, . 1649-J.. Fiske, Walton C., eng, 1408 Washte- Manistee, Mich. 1711-J. Ann Arbor. 943-L. Elleson, Helen B., lit, Biol. Sta., Doug- naw. Syracuse, N. Y. 343. Dalton, Homer L., lit, 1217 Willard. Dockery, Floyd C., grad, 714 S. State. has Lake. Onekama, Mich. Fitch, Marjorie, lit, 510 E. Williams. Frankfort, Kas. 1343-J. Lawrence, Kas. 1257-L. IEllsworth, Adelaide, M.D. grad sp, 719 Stockbridge, Mich. 870-L. Dandna, Jaku F., med, 1136 E. Cather- Dobson, Russell T., law, 218 N. Divi- S. Ingalls. Rome, Ga. 1309. Fitzgerald, James E., lit, 417 S. Divi- ine. Lake City,, Mcih. 1924. sion. Ann Arbor. 1413. ' Flnendorf, Armin, eng, 411 E. Uni- sion. Valley City, N. D. 1128-L. Danhof, Ida 0., grad sp, 432 Thomp- Dohany, Emmet E., lit, 920 E. Wash- versity. San Antonio, Tex. 820-J. Fleck, Erwin H., lit, 101 S. Thayer. son. Grand Rapids, Mich. 879-L. ington. Detroit. 1170-L. Emerson, Mary L., lit, 114 N. Ingalls. Detroit. 1398-J. Daniels, Frank, eng, 910 Cornwell Pl. Doherty, Dayton H., med. Selma, Ala. Chickasha, Okla. 1466-J. Fletcher, Harris F., lit. Ypsilanti, Seattle, Wash. 396. Dolph, Norman L., eng, 631 S. Ingalls. Emmons Walter, eng, 804 Monroe. Mich. 569-L-Ypsi. Darling, Donald B., lit, 722 Forest. Cadillac, Mich. 1644-L. Ann Arbor. 1072-J. Fling, Eva M., grad, 202 S. Ingalls. Ann Arbor. 105. Donegan, Marie, Sch. of Mus., 920 E. Engle, Earle J., lit, 620 Monroe. 1449-L. Fairmont, W. Va. 988-L. Darrow, Alice M., lit, 14 Cutting Apts. Ann. 354-L. Erickson, Mary J., lit, 1037 Baldwin. Flowerday, Gertrude D., Sch. of Mus., Ann Arbor, 1726. Dondineau, Arthur, lit, 804 Monroe. Hancock, Mich. 1622-J. 1400 Traver. Daskam, Edward, lit, 451 S. Fourth Hart, Mich. 1072-J. Ettelson, Eleanor, lit, 814 S. Univer- Fok, Ins C., eng, 710 12th. Canton, Ave. Ann Arbor. 1299-L. Donnelly, Herbert H., lit, 426 N. In- sity. Waco, Tex. 368. China. 1569-L. Davidson, Paul F., med, 102 12th. galls. Toledo. 16. Ettinger, Clayton J., eng, 903 Huron. Ford, Franklin E., grad, 506 S. 5th. Cleveland, 0. 921. Donnelly, Justin M., lit, 102 12th. Ann Ann Arbor. 1466-L. Tecumseh, Mich. 767-J. Davies, Gordon, law, 809 E. Washing- Arbor. 921. . Eustine, Ralph F., med, 601 N. 5th. Ford, Robert D., grad, 506 S. 5th. Pitts- ton. Marysville, 0. 1178-J. Douglas, Stratford B., eng, Camp Bo- Southampton, N. Y. 486-L. field, Me. 767-J. Davis, Earl, law. Beaver Falls,, Pa. gardus. Grosse Ile, Mich. Evans, Arthur T., lit, Biol. Sta., Doug- Follin, James W., eng, 200 N. State. Davis, James 'E., med, 1926 Geddes. Downing, Jay L., law, 618 Packard. las Lake. Wellington, ill. Washington, D. C. 1022-L. Detroit. 1553-J. Hastings, Minn. 1597-L. Evans, Augusta B., lit, Pittsburg, Pa. Ford, Bert, lit, 321 S. Division. New- Davis, Stanley P., eng, 513 Thompson. Doyle, Katherine H., lit, 503 Monroe. Evans, Emma L., lit, 715 S. 12th. Nor- berry, Mich. 1324-J. Youngstown, 0. 1204-L. Buffalo, N. Y. 288-J. walk, 0. 954-L. Foran, Joseph, law, 211 N. Ingalls. Davitt, Peter M., law, 301 N. State. Draper, Gladys E., lit, 1110 Willard. Evans, Lora B., lit. Eau Claire, Mich. Joliet, Ill. 436-L. Wilkesbarre, Pa. 159. Grand Rapids. Evans, Porter H., eng., Camp Bogar- Forney, Tom G., law. Columbus, 0. Day, Susan C., lit, 621 S. State. Mt. Draper, Lenore C., lit, 610 S. State. dus. Erie, Pa. Forman, Wm. 0., lit, 802 Packard. Ann Clemens, Mich. 979-J. Ann Arbor. 1457-L. Everett, Edward S., lit, 522 Hill. Arbor. 908-J. Dean Aurie J., grad, 1223 Volland. Drew, Russell E., lit, 1408 Washtenaw. Brook, Ind. 1180-L. Forster, Louis M., lit, 1408 Washtenaw. Nashville, Mich. 1394-J. Milwaukee, Wis. 343. ' Evers, John W., sed. Flint, Mich. St. Louis, Mo. 343. Dean, Harold R., lit, 1315 Hill, Mada- DuBois, Francis W., eng, Camp Bo-. Ewing, Benham, lit, 537 E. Liberty. Foulk, Fred B., law, 520 E. Jefferson. lin, N. Y. 1460. gardus. Washington, D. C. Brooklyn, Mich. 1568-L. Ann Arbor. 911-J. Deckman, Alice A., grad, 427 Hamil- Dubry, Ernest E., eng, 802 Oakland. Ewing, Sara C., lit, 602 E. Washing- Franck, Elsie A., lit, 1316- Geddes. Mil- ton Pl. Philadelphia, Pa. 1024-L. Sibley, Mich. 1680-J. ton. Freeport, Ill. 593-J. waukee, Wis. 1879-L. DeForest, Carl B, med, 1015 Huron. Dudley, Davis, eng, 806 Hill. Orange, Fairchild, Helene, S., lit, 749 E. Uni- Franck, Harry P., eng, 617 Forest. Ann Arbor. 397. N. J. 374. 1 versity. Hastings, Mich. 1207-J. Oak Harbor, 0. 1498-L. Francks, Thos. H., law, 344 S. Division. Ashville, N. C. Freeman, Otis W., grad sp, 644 S. 12th, Ann Arbor. 1807. French, C. Wallace, grad, 616 E. Hur- on. Muskegon, Mich. 762-L. Frew, Florence A., grad. Rahway, N. J. Fritch, Giles M., lit, 430 Cross. Ann Arbor. 1236-L. Fuerstenau, Carrie H., lit, 437 S. 4th. Saginaw, Mich. l Fuerstenau, Jennie G., grad, 1520 Cambridge. Saginaw, Mich. 1570-J. Gabriel, Edith C., lit, 211 S. Ingalls. Owosso, Mich. 436-L. Gabriel, Ina V., grad, Owosso, Mich. Gaff, Mary R., lit, 606 S. Division. Ann Arbor. 2102-J. Gage, Elinor, lit, 310 W. Huron. New Hudson, Mich. Gage, Helen L. B., lit, 703 Church. New Hudson, Mich. 1762-L. Gaines, Zaida, lit, 516 Walnut. La- moni, Ia. 807-J. Gallabher, Katherine, lit, 119 Park Terrace. Cleveland, 0. 765-L. Galloway, lit, 514 E. Liberty. Dayton, 0. 1479-J. Gallagher, Katherine, lit, 119 Park Col. Galt, Martin H., lit, 519 Forest. Ann Arbor. 882-J. Gandy, Roxana S., lit, 610 S. Ingalls. Dennisville, N. J. 936-J. Ganzhorn, Edwin C., med, 1105 Spring. Ann Arbor. 953-J. Garcia, Gonzalo, eng, 236 S. Thayer. Botolan, Zambales, P. I. 1138-J. Gardner, Mary E., hit. Ypsilanti, Mich. Garst, Wm., eng, 907 Monroe. Logans- port, Ind. 1532-J. Gegenheim, Frank C., law. Marion, 0. George, Elmer A., lit, 102 S. 12th. Cleveland, 0. Gerganoff, Ralph S., eng, 427 Maynard. Fredonia, N. Y. 1370-J. Gibson, Edward D., phar, 1023 Oakland. Buenos Aires, Arg. 906. , Gibson, Mrs. Ethel H., lit, 429 S. Divi- sion. Oklahoma City, Okla. 1813-J. Gibson, Deborah M., lit, 1314 S. Uni- versity. Ann Arbor. 1498-L. Gibson, Louise K., lit, 609 Monroe. St. Louis. 789-J. Gidley, Wm., phar. Holly, Mich. Gibson, Susan B., grad, 720 Whaley Ct. Ann Arbor. 1449-J. Gibson, Wm. C., med, 1005 N. Univer- sity. Petoskey, Mich. 45-2. Gilbert, Chester A., lit, Washtenaw and Hill. Woonsocket, R. 1. 188. Gilbert, Wilbur G., 325 S. 5th. Dillon, Mont. 978. Gilchrist, Janet E., lit, 1243 Washte- naw. Ann Arbor. 1181-L. Giles, Wm. A., eng, 209 S. Thayer. Springfield, Mo. 640-L. (Continued on page 2)