THEW O L V E RI N "0 PHILADEL PHIA ORHEIISTRA The May Festival wil, as usual, W E R E SEY A N DIC AN 1 EREWSII TO HEAl) coistie of five cocerts, te eact dates C. I. K1DD LE UJPRE-FESTIVAL MlUSIIANS. of whlich have not yet been decided Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. ___ pn h sl hoa rhse vi DRLY AND STEAM CLEANING -uo.Tefl hmsOcetawl AT LAST! The University Musical Society has apear again. The Choral wxerk THIS WAY you Summer Students-Come around for a LUNCH coispleted arrangemets for the Pe- choseis ae Elga's "Carastacus" and that is a LUNCHJ Festival concert for the next season. Handel 's "Messiah."Cre fMno Tefrtcnetwllb ie nOt B N R FlS and Thayer Ss.a 22, when Paderewski, the best known To pet-Furnisbed suite at three cool A full line of pianist in the xorld today, will be light rooms on first floor. Front and Tobacco and Cigarettes. Hilgh Grade Confections and Frut. heard. It is nearly twenty yearo since back parlor with bedroonm. Best of hie appeared in Ann Arbor. locations. Modern. Call 515-. The second concert will be given - - FO Y T I E O P T L Iby Margaret Matzenauer, leadin con- Charcoal Grilld Pi terhouse Steaks. WE REPAIR ANY MAKE WHILE YOU WAIT. We Also Sell lit tralto in the Metropolitan Opera Co. Bessimer's Grill. 113 W. Huron St., 30S. STATE ST. IRVING F. SCHLEEDE greatest siners in Germany, and *created a decided sensation in New Call 1 for taxi. tf. ______________________________________________________York where she appeared in the lead- ing *Blog operatic role. Suits Pressed, 25c, Pants 10c. Fuller N VE SITY VENU'PHA MACYOn Dec. 9th the Philadelphia Or- & O'Connor, 619 . Willism St. f. UIW~R~~KALL NEXT WEEK che stra, one of the best of its kind GOULDING & WIKEL ST R IG M N A will be heard. It consists of nearly a rs, Cigars, Cardy, and Stationary. Ageny Moore's Non-Lakable Pin T ATI NGT Y Y MONDA hundredL men p and is nndkowkr the ler A £ i 1 t h knoxn Polish conductor,i N RV R __________________________________________________Tho fourth concert will be given by CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING the Coral nion and will differ ma- 2 The Ger Oyle T he W ite S an La ndryterally from any concert given on the JTe" J ieS~ a a n r ADS IN TEIS COLUMN MUST BE Choral series. The soloists chosen I J g - Q Corner Detroit and Caherine Ss. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor PAID FOE IN ADVANCE. for this occasion are Madam Lucile Tewkesbury and Marion Green, who IpuJffJ Quarry's Drug Store, corner Stats appeared in Ann Arbor at a May Fes- / t USES SOFT W ATER and N. University Ave., where you tival a few years ago. ALL COLLEGE wlfndanything i Drugs and Pre- Carl Flech one of Germanya greatW R scription supplies. est violinists who is on his first Amer WHITE SWAN can tour, will furnish the last num- Nail usTaeJOrder. Suits cleaned and pressed, 75. Ful- be. Since his arrival here he has JOURNAL BUILDING ler & O'Connor, 619 . William St. tf. been very highly honored by the inDTOTMC, strumental artists of this country j'~ ERI IH First class shoe repairing. Modern _________________________________ Shoe Repair Shop. tilt E. William St DETROITT L D 1 l't. CLEVELAND PORT HURON. ~Fuller & O'Connor Tailors. 619 E. BUFFALO GDRC 1fWilliam S. tf. NIAGARA c4s 1ls '[ is every hundle of Laundry work sent from the White MicoLLpSa ad al abraor R a ns SwasoLaunodr, why you should Supplies at Quarry's Drug Store tf______ CALL PHONE 1 65 Rubber Sole Oxfords, all tyles at _________-- for our wago. GOODS NOT ROTTED B3Y CIvICALS-Whit, Cmu otey I-. tt t not yellow nor blue--huttos holes intact uttons ditto. Special atten-__ ioo given to lathes-clothe-. OUR PRICES THE LOWEST. Call 15 for baggage checked from t houe to destination. tf. I THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS Sped yorivcaoonc tahe Great Lakes,te wo eoomical sd enjoysloing is TH H T W N L U D Y For prompt and most satisfactory vy oNomttrdowhpint yo wat to go, use D. & C. YTC5VATwork bring your fins to Hoppe, pho- Whre iOU Ct~nfG Lie tamrs oeaig o alimipotat pots. Tri WH TE wr~ L UND YDail seie betee 0Detoii sd Bufalo. Mar iiit is Noemibr 1t. Cite of tographer, 619 E. Liberty t iff Detroi Iliiad CiyrofCleelad11,iwo oteargscsideoweeisteaerssin e wod, osthi dvmsos Je s0th ioSpebr 10th..Dailiesrceibewees Detriiad _______________________________________________________________Ceeland April sbtisto cebe iit. Duig Jly ad Ags wobass osi of Detootand Cleelnd evidyISat r odSnday nigt. Call 15 for taxi. tfo For tis wekly beesees Toledo, Detoito, Maoia Island ad way pots. Ten Day Stopve rallowed at Alpea eiee dietinioctouisticikes witot addiosal Ruber ole Fot- out arcissirbeiw eToedo,ielsdd'sisay nunr Sld ro- Rubber Sole Oxfords, all styles, a etme 0t tig yat eis Ha btipad iodapebicOt, ee odaii CampusBotery,218 . State St. tf. i-boasi adl Satudydon-bosnd. Plls y ~~SpcailiDyTip bmetwenDeri adCleveand, Dring Jly and Agst uowear tar M n ana _Teday,Wdesday, Tbuerasd ndSiudsa ioutoit; Moday, Wdedy Soap sodtoiet pepartios atthe RAILROAD TICKETS AAILABLE-Ticket readiosa via sy ril Wo~men Qarry Drug Co. - - os trasoratisonnD. &C. Lie Steamrc tn in eihe dirctin. -. -' --Addess: L. G. Lewis, G P. A., Detroit, Mih. that is SATISFACTORY and An usrbr.isigbc ois Pilip H. MMilln s. RIGH INPRIC wil b foud a ofThe Wolverine to complete their MY NEW LOCATION19 E. LIBERTY STREET files can obtain the same by caling at * jD Detroi & Cleveland .s U \\ the Press building during ofce hours. - Navigation Company Call 11 for baggage checked from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ house to destination. tf. F OR Camra t rnt cetspe dy, Mrs. E. A. Huriburt Groceries and Meats 1hve been headquarters for the pst seven years for Cmrstorn,10 cnt erdaJ OAR ,$ .® Call 407. Eeryhing First-lass and Frolh. thclass of footwear, at oppe's, 619 E. Liberty St. I 06SohUGeriyAeu IVE USA TRIL (IlijlsCasle loeJ~e~li'ilf/ spcialy)_________... _ Aross forn Tappan al A LEMBLE, Sr., Prop. 530 Forest Avenue UN H M Gilbert's Chocolates ailays fresh at I__________________ TN E & *TUTTLE LUNCH ROOM Quarry Drug C. The Man Martin Haler TINKER& CO.We have very deirable places for That Makes FURNISHERS and ATTERS to Unversty Mel Lunches and Sodas Saeorntercmps WhitingThMotcmle 342 S. State St. 338 Soths State Street Realty Co., 10 N. State St., Phone The Clothes ________________________114-T. tf That Make STUDENTS FURNISHING Universal Dry and Steam Clean- Good Board Call 11 for baggage checked from Esabiseen IcMokaasr Ing Works --- Artistic Cleaners Two locs 3 00mhusegtodestintion.lfdg.iA LC0LlvDes.Tbsan T. E. WAHL, Mgr. ts ticeigBd Large Michigan towels for Bath or The Qualify Tailor 112-22 E. Liberty t. Phone 877 1119 Packard St. 539 Forest Avenute Swi-at Quarry Drug Co. POST CARDS We Sell EA Drug Stor Excepi KODAK SUPPLIES verything a re Handles t Drugs MEET ME AT the WZeta Corner of State and Packard N. E. KONOLD, Proprietor Of Cours You Know.1 Our fount STATIONERY About BOX CANDIES I