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June 24, 1913 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1913-06-24

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Vol] IV.

A\N ARBOR~l, MIC.i] (fAN, T'.U'' Th-4t, J'NI21,1.11.

No. 1.

rA I S w 1 '9ID'w t f g ( .
I lhies 7. Pnn vh ii'7
I~~~ B Y1(' wt bfu usuo
frl,1iH, 1 1stb iii'a us 11
ll i' 4 17, 1Pen, yl 'nlsa ,
dni of a lovely
-'' "nl'u 'ivnassorf-
' n_.'i tellfi~'jusr-
-. Idilsastrouns
11'.i ; \ .111 r <i t ie h iu uii
niflfaf i iivI ii l 11:4111like
a hit-aisl-rt iiests i\ lby tndutiginig in
a Sleniditchrh s'bairli iiie George
SIl] r being liis oppoinent.
aker s Three 'Bagger' Win's.
Anil if i T' iiii;;n ' 'iien fr 1Baker~
madelie . Iuity "Ss e>rroo;s iiinh
thirditathli tti heieI pf lu' 1111 flifwhore
" cke ouldiconectf-withliiiiffor three
wasnffithtri'i' iin iiiusthi' basis
lheii rrscoldlie sill aiiihrsor toli
As I it as, the gate 0111y'lasteid three
lottings,1iiiecroild wiihl laker's mightly
iv iillop sil f3ari's debitfoii flu'
finc. eliveetkil"l ptchrs, vwifihflie
batfsmein on boho s si'es vioously
puniingiithe ozoiie full ofihles
Thet'(hiklrsa openedIby tniloingito,
hillson Sisfleri t f'lit-sf atid if lookid
iis Itl ltlesin : iii had nout heledii
eofr fy'. (ti: isissilell bui; iias
tli~o\\tou;iii 5i s ilon .on('ryell'
gruzni r. C' irye il o' ifo0thirid on
induts' 1f4', iando nngto itslide home
before flit fuee'is roild return Ain-
Sfronii's groundter to lieplalte.i
Bell, Ithefirs st ohal; for ffichigtao,
dlraia ;lIt t!it l o ira ireffyilfer '
of thit'r ii' tiitonu Affer f'ory
toufl-ti, i le stitis in iialyafsed
Ii,, A:(~tI i ti's rloiuil iirop phi' scoe-
eI t-iotl:11fQuen tirenfil oii siconai.
lcI ee Qi'ibegan to tee airfpftainiii lgt
and the rileid Qer i iflir iriet- oI
cael tiiiii'im "Idu. '1lie firowi itas
secoiid ff~,iifiof fi'Qakirn

Hill Memorial Auditorium

Will Be Dedicated Tomnorrow
PRES. HUTCHINS AND DR, c sfl os, hufr oigaruin itell'' ADELINE BIRDSTARS
ANGEL ADDRESS ENIORS' a _ ins sl otiode dir- oo IublicIN SHERIDAN'S PLAY

I residlt-1 naitut' . 1B.Angell Mill
Present Auaditorium to Univ ersity
on Behalf of Hill Efstate.
Iumpressive ceremonties in which dis-
tiguished guests, regents, faculty
miembeltrs, alumni, and seniors partici-
patie, will mark the dedication of 11111
auditoriumt omoorrovv morning.
'Te bugle call at 8:15, tomorrow
muoring, followoed by fhe hoisfing of
ihi' flatg will mark the opening of the
exerries. Fiffeen minufes later, the
arademic procession in which the
matrrhers will be attired in academic
rooftuiaes will form. The graduating
clasoes ovill meet at their respective
buildings;f regents, ex-regents, candi-
dtates for honorary degrees, specially
inivited guests and members of the
se-nate will gather at University hall;
amnd ftie aliumni'will assemble at Mem-
orial hall.
'The ceremonies at the auditorium
trill breimi at 10 o'clock. Bishop Wil-
liamis will give the invocation. The
bumildimng wiill be presented to the uni-
versity on behalf of the heirs' of Arthur
11111 by president-emeritus James B.
Anigell and will be accepted on behalf
of thietiniversity by Rfegent Clements
alid ont behaslf of the state by Governor
W. N. Ferris. Seisator Townsend sill
deliver the dedicatory address.
('lass Daty Exercises Were Held In
U'niversity Hail; Judge llurphy
tUrges iReforms.
Judge Alford J. Murphy of the
VWayue Circuit,' was the principal
spteaker at the class day exercises of
the senior laws held yesterday in uni-
versify ball. In his address on the.
funtmiofin of the lawyer of today he
eniphasized the necessity of a reform
by the members of the bar themselves
rther than by the public at large, and
advoeated a system whereby the
"law's delay" might be obviated,
The customary class oration was de-
lirereid by E. B. Chafes and the vale-
dirtory address by Charles Avery. An
innsovation in class memorials was
laiunched whetn H. S. Young presented
the first senior memorial loan fund,
former classes having presented por-
trails of laow professors as the annual
class giff. Dean H. M. Bates accepted
the fund on behalf of the department
of lawv and the board of regents. Presi-
dent J. J. Kennedy presided as chair-

In 11I C 't l__Ift ;' ' F'm104111S"Otsf '
Da1yI '' rob'lul eIm''11i s IT . lrd 1,is Slow13lyRcovering.
lilt iii41. 1 rall 1 5 4., ithtilttst 1ruckd
DR, 1 t NT'il l, uVS )1xIIIIIIESS by'an in e r-boundtl lliifv-i et'eirtil
l®-iers' ',n (t rin ,Jiunr 15 itid iijuredl
f~u u~s-ii Cii ii-'Onon 'iH- hab ,I TiT?2s, l'"s, anti. nei01t, is at
, I f, i ir' antI xi 14'lzt itfal. [is
iii Sunday niflitvlt i si' li t . over9010 .ii u i oii fv ai' rI it}esni
taluri 1 in Itili 1is rafirbleland uness, fivf-

til o iilte ainnvalI biirea 'ireat' see-
iioi 1ofipesidentt11.13f.I litcilinstil
1o ltii'brie'f rmtarksotfpridienit-
uItt riu i 'itfofoB.oitilef.il'lie Rei.
vofftia]litarf of t'e ixe'rcise", toilai
ntabtle 'uticiaitl lro 'rtsti i iwa'sf'rord
114 a chorusn ofI140tvtiters direced lby
'rof. A. A. Statileyi of ftir Sch'itulof
'Tal iii-ifot his suibject '''1 ittkiti
41 r il." lre'siden't, II tlhins ralledilat-
tentionto itprei lit daycotitiiotnsandsI
to tene o osrcietiknl all linies'oliiof uanietdeavo01.
'Too tmui'h of Illhtethikigof (t'elast
tro fityears, In riafitit , hits beiti dfrert-!
edtiiowartd mtleritai rends, iandIto itm-
meitfi'problems.Ili e tl a strongi
fla. fora'ba der"1'ifuilt'eotl ooik amid
ilt eeprirsituily of Iprobli'ms ini an ef-
firttotiril ithflthemiiiin strtoi hfania

itC'. 'iii' ifous atise li-ius utunnownini-
ter'nal ijuiros, fie o utloohk is tottards
a Slottttretover .
8:0 pi-i1itii Ieioi'rereption anid
itll i'iiby hoe' ,ailtaitig classes
of all di_1-itmtit t in Wateirimano g''m-~
8:15a. -- rall. Ceremonty o1
!lhisltingi 1
i:t0l, '-Aaemuirhprorcssioni
,I~h lit'r-tIncit s'11551ilvfiortmuitt
lint ittiresetie bailditigs at
i : =J <. Il., finr h iiretion of thi'
r'Iii olIn ii ir .riquistfdito0 01't1at
tip ''otil hail hiyit:3"fta. iTi. 'oefflti
1'in Idill auitor'uium iwill be e
411: af. iii.--icaftion of fill audi-
(Cfotituted ott page it)

' hSt 111111 Cir'ls Inte'rpret "Schosol For
'tt ,,tttl fiho ('w''m ltl.
Ilfh nll; 111W ) APPlLAUDS)AC"TOltS.
"Thue Sniiioi for Scanudailipresented
Ity thei'.-, uuor girls fMontday tuightfits
Siartih 'ii''lAtii sell l11al, isrorrud a
bil ig u,n>. Tlhewonlte rosf aeqitited
li -ui--''ins in prlessionl mnnaler,
and lgaus ani admuirable' presetation
I(' 'flu-i filt 's ldificutiplay.
aduielino ;GiA irin thei'plitfof. Sir
It fi r Te'i ei , asiii' star oith le play
andi iior ri-tniitiont tffit'eleingliukmtale
l; vas iiithue high'isf ordetr.Mil-
lin-il flxilfulrulandulCarrie Fyffe, as
't irii'Suirf'are stud Bones, also pre-
manneuiir lttha tiiou to'becotnsidered ex-
celletfor t-iviit mile actors. Joseph
Suirface nd uh ir Oliver ISfurfae swere
a150so i'll fai cagiue of by hlizabeth
Burns atdtultai litBrafdshawin.
Lnu'Il-iehltfantl Hareriet Carroll
aibil htndledulthe rcharactees of.InLy
Teazilie 11111fils. (Candoni, andilwere not
'ulit ii by thiresisters ini thus male
hurls. 4Thei'man1114 pluises fthat fhe
h a - cfrowrid f'aveI showeid ftftfhheplay
as ' ipiurir d antd thaif the1913
I s1etuor firls' produetion ovill go down
itt heitoryus onue of thue besf giveni by

drewova his Inaud lihen iilii ' ~iblled up silo uliia watoy'
fu'ibbieL. lut- fly. I Pitlo- :vini-theii' lii t'tlo"uur in vi-tioli
W4ohlieine tcsf1 totukanthelr slutip iisiulelili-itt'ritus.. . auuilill a-
ill thue seid ,'l"nbtlt sis li 'o i."iy ii is' i-iith,Mots.-. eAtge ll e. lt
fiuppitg flh ldruili t he kneei lur i ohoh* tur betueits viv Ithle hi-li tv ii a
t shor~d ul fis fl '~1 ,tlnitoo)z i' i ltd t..o' o ftt sl it1 -
w 'li j 10 iro il t 1hilay's sac'i ht i Iitii . ial "' I i di I
i d tult1thuid oni i n haI uli tliadt sn-l'< . i irbrovudrmotug
tancls ift'ti itii'i hoviciiidit - 51511 t no nu thenlb i,,iii' :lii 'aol dig-
rofi'1 :osil hall. 'lTa tine lits ptt-, itli '2 fthirdI, the'lose tund
1 W' 1I_ fets wvi iffed inthOur m fv . i I

Ptttttlctl I)erttnged 1by'heat. t
ally 4dt-r:uilitei by ft'eintense ALUNIDIAMIOWNiSTARS LOSE
3 it ie iiek go, Frederiek W.V. our- IIASEBA13LL GAME TO 1913 .TEAM.
7i "+. 3I, acesio00quteerly that his
lala~l r ca ' i lurth pollee, sod he ovas At the baseball gaine between the
ii' us t tie psychopathuiehsospital. alumnmi and the present team played
__________________ on June 7, the old boys were nosed out
of a virtory by a score of 7 to 6.
The L s "Jerry" Utley and "Dave" Davis, the
AND famons 1903 battery, did fins work for
Bet Itheovarsty ascUroeolyafur itsn
The esttheoldrstyasuedtonelastouinning
and Fashion Sheets! and two runs, but then "Jerry" tired
amid in the final session the varsity
NMTS] shored over five runs and won the
-- ganse.



- - - 31 1'itil ti' heuld luiining.
ti !t.r -of fcfshi on ulom
- . , - , 1 i - il to tutu-
fo)r eserved Seat at
3 p.i., Wednesday,
June 25.

Maga i'-
eNhmber of h a io
Love and Pliics! .: : Murder

Iu niy--Wednesday, June 2
FRYFIELD, 4:00 P. M.
Bleacher Reserved Seats, 50c3 Covered Stand Reserved Seats, 75c
On Sale at Athletic Office

Beginning Monday,
June 30th
a fee of $1.00 will be
charged all students de-
siring to use the Tennis
Courts during Summer

. 3ur . ,_ 7 F: c.°. i ..SF, <« a:SJr:s.' ;ii " Y.i'CR. vf -' .5": .71: ..n.e,: ,7 t r?: : ..


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