T H E W H L V V IN 1E Iia"I 1 E g'Ill IISI tIE N tIsurance on South Wing i5 Adjusted. Cole, Iward It, gad, 811 Mtoro. The;hreetiNI I'll )IN IE) Claims for (damage, resulting, from Ann roi' "alThe H F IlNiN tINId . AEElIEN 4. Ite receni, soulh sits ire, on the in-Coler, RoJ., lit, Biol. MS., Diouglas Great Attributes -- surance companies, have come to a's ak.aoGre encastleInd. "Ti ii iiiroan ii iii1 inthe iedliielleiient. A suns amounting to Colisori e, ielsi IWeig, 9HOCorn- of ousr sios are style, comfort ad$150wlsbiitoteunvriy wl. oeoo 9 durability. They ae shoes you ol ii Isis.o iicisisn sid 1rea- $41,500eisrill be paaltohttewinlcer-stoliiii If.,i' rad, H.,Sli.Maon wil beprod t wer, hativil i- ent iT C\NCMc lair iofithe Miei"hian 'bythe different concerns. Te whole ti i~ls i,"a,11 l taios sre fot comifort sait that will Siol oc ies ini iselsire usi"Te biilinisi, isctlsding ithe niversity ha iolllch wear surprisingly tng. See our 11uts.. ' ii- isiSsi' iHsad the Nis ugs sd their esuimient sollien Fsdeio, eng, 1210 Wasse- i In inrtamSoeofIissasetfruoela ~oooo i l~iai r hn852 y display and note the prices. For leobi 'ti'i ii ssIii. te es sriroesisuredformorethan_$,800,000 Conaw.fMaai , ast, 706oIngattJ . ~. 1 otear of sorts lass tir prices oi ltles asis iiilabraliry yesterday stMsosinie, Itct. 271.L los- dss'.'' - ieesiisii.Collier Jo'. I., la, 152 S. uver- Heaqurtes ormosnsg ii asiip.esiigtiroblmsi DIRECTORY OF SUMMER is AunnssArbor. PINGREE MADE SH9IOES 'isis i iiiCCollierIPecy 1., sia, 25 1E. lnier- a iwrensaiso ite u liii" of lidiii Ispes sst I'Esgese, On'. 1216-. GILMV U E SHOE OM P ~ jY , he CHOO STD~eCol ,ig Floreice 1E. lit, 407 EL tin- GI M R E CO MPANY Btrac51m51 il'ioil i the drllsndi Nams in iithis directory' are tskens s essy 6ao ih.16- 119 South Main Street the Sipls7o -er. front the records is the offices of the Cotinsi',sM. 2., lii 210 S. 'Thlayer. Thii lii sre was ilius ii ii ibhiliii secretaries of the various departmntss, Port Hutiros, Miich. 11-hL. iernslide" -sli s-an ra'tis..ThI seak si- asdlconstainthe sane errors. I550 Colosa,lRaysm uin'.,1i t, 54 FE. Li- cc tsidiof i isoal espene isisiai55pone numsiber has been placed ons the erty. Midltetort, N. Y. 1.47-. F v W IESTAR LINE S 1R 0 (RTr >sat40 etde.erolment card, noie is shown here, Colon, Jose, li, 220 12th. Areibo, FraDelightful All Day Outig on theibeautifulSi t. Claiiser bit that ds not preclude there beig oris t~ie. _ tak theseame"Lasnu ' ay toring 4ll5ulays oo Iea.eahone ii te hos; call the chiefCigtsNli 1.tat i7S li - e i roiisdaiiy 83o ail.,isituins ito D roi 7si5P. i.; freSO . lleM c . 7 3-f S-- no tis 5c kdy s ss .1. s1 5S ,VSII 4 1'(TTll,' sant. C'onkliin, lisps' f, grai, 1108 ropect. For n Atenon Rid tiSt5. Clais Flts, Taliess Pak or Pct Hurnstway pets tke tie "City or Tid" asz3o , . -t'lssilssl, Therons E., grad. arms.,SMih. In Arbor. llti-. More Work - ' '!gand better done. MVind bright -a as a dollar-quick as a flash. '4 That's how4 xii help you. It is so cheerful, wholesome and satisfying a drink. Good fr both body and bain Delicious -efreshing Dmnth eun-eueSsittshenever THE COCA-COLA O, Repairing of Eye Glasses a Specialty LENSES ILUPLICATED FINE WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Hailer Jewelry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street The New Catalogue OF THE ilhiversity of Miehigall IN NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departmets: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientiic administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address SHIRLEY We SMITH ''Those w1'io issi liii'= theso-Chsapmassn, Helen EClit, 42 5 Ilivision. cal1led cainal- s n1.rsar I ees tiis Bangor;,.Mitu.15-J of liuini is lborire 'solyipersos o hi htsei, 'ernsonsE.,lit, 802 Monroe. tendsit0 be sells i is o s.'ssiliildft- Montaguie, SMichs i99- L. 3iilsly i si i f"tect ingstsa itdt'thase, Williani13It lit, 503E. Huron. Prl' R1. HI. Cuise ,i i li--se sii on"The Ciiadiiili Forks, N. Y.1028. Asisdir es i .oiisiiiriof .asroniomiy," fCiess, (flingasse tes lit, 400 Church. is the eiis,si ii-is. ci cIre roomii 'b'etii, e-chuenis Chitsa. 001-2. Thuri sai'e 5ciisi.t(Csin, iGeorge S. OHlass 602 EF I-lurois. TNhe id -ifl 1;tis in i ds'srofi. Hunis-Whsa-Fus, Chiiia.1212-J.2 ''rtis --a sumbri!' iiii' iissis. lChn 1hosI-lwasi.eno. 722 S. Thayer. mcl thesu ir.en 1ass, Juphues, Fiskies, China~. 1547-J. and it iii e slim isis - iihereluincisi 01hfn i, Quits Kitinig, lt, 1021 Cathseriins. I~c toth ert.I(i, alo txlined 2 ChuangshaiChinas. 964-I. th ii.''slsay,'s is s isis ssir (slustecs, Chin. ShsinsYuesi, lit, 422 Maytiarsd. is-buh-ant tho shis. tCsstois, Chins. 1276-J. - _-----_-t ssihe, Tc F'en,cog, 7223Thiayer. Flash- 1)0C HIllS III\Y fkIt IIsDItS t a nttiii.1547-J. AT h I It l -'I 1-11.1) '1DAYXSChesney, Clsrence A., cup, 715 FE. Anns. It-oit. 1462-L. The Seot'tCein-,Ilsan tKing, lit, 40 Church. Ii miiiiii ofii tihei Iu itsii Fu-Chess, Chsinss. 805-J. legu wil t - .dtisafenon tChrosmsan, Lessis 1L., grad op. 604 W. Conkhlisi, Louiss' NV., Sch. of Miss., 1108 l'ro'slse.t. 1150-I,. Coinn, Claurence It., eing,8112 Moisroe. Hetroit. 79ls-i. Conn'e'lly, Ois. 151., liss, 722 S. State. Busffalo, N. Y. 287. Cnnery,T'hos., grads, 500 S. 5th. Sag- iss,"1 hisi. 1018-J. Consradi, LessC'. Hi. H., it, 825 Churcs. Nesw Brennsass, Ct. 12. Cosoper,.Ni'neii.I., grash. 804 I+. Madiison. Ncaperville, Ill. 789-L. Cools,lBietshs, Sets.sif Miss., 810 S. Di- visioss..5812-W. Cosok, Sidnsey M., luass, 022 N. Univer- s11y'. Natlclitocties, ta. 2042. Coopse, sail It., law, 2025 Vaiighno. tassiopsolisihet. 248-2. Colic, Certrudse V., ttisiisg Sun., hod. Copse. harry F.. lit, 11085. Ciniversity. ilosansiossis, PaI. 1070-J. louse, Heniry T., cng, 6157 F. University, hDetroif. 1551. meiicls. Arnoildwhs's Iistisiig wsis Oltn "iivess ast, Wedsbussibay, siill a :J..I' ii5 b lie In w b yf ' il lIs's iis I 'oii s bhi nd tihes]bis tsi wislbs'Sissith sansib laiiter isill cosisiliii I iiei mdiicbs 'iishe i s i-ilagi' ss e a aae of haing l isd ogehesonebefore, t'rysis t h ;l pay ci 0, initheir' lineupbliss' is'ha 'iseenirsac- Wing daiy_ D Y -isisandexisct is Ist ' sba, goo!si'slit.5 lusti ' is is ibs'i ississ11i's hei,'sisgsebissi iseasis; Sweek.0 blre ls itd - iga, inishi sily killed bsy "ligting,2Jsly n hsishonesowin ui is lilie ssss-sssiis 'thei hSosse' s-les. in- 11s ' Ws"',,0a iI i b'i bt;jd e'stsandi I1eprtn tesniio ni'iessssof ibis sffsir for l'te slare iSenill , of mcsis-isissfauthes', KnosicisAndruis , iseditoi'. Wile iii c ollege, sinrswis isprorai- inseis oni ibisisis n iiss, ii- 5'as 25 yseas old andsi sss. easesN zil io blinss''s-iech to lisi sMiss selsissilof t'ire. 'The isodbywis taieiiito b bistisl;s, hlicluigsi, tse fos-mesr hineis of the -Andrucis fussily, los buialss. Maisont. Herea, Ohio. 789-L~. Corbs'tb, ClysdeHi., hiss, 425 S. Division. Chiristess, Mabel L., lit, 821 S. uIgalls. Kesit, Ohios. 1565-J. Lemoynse, tOhio. 403-IL. Cornwisci, Irnse ttlrif ,grasd,208 C'hirch, Hesry A'.,, grad, 21895. Thsayer. Cornwell'11h. Anai Arbor. 798. St Joseph, Michs. 726-I.. Corsett, itarsid L., isig, 200 N. State. Clarik, Abnier M5., eng, 429 Hamilton Pt. (tleass, N. N'. 5022-Is. Mlt. Sterlisig, 111. 1389-J. Cory, JoistsW., hr.,law, 522 Mouroe. Claris, Ethel iN., lit, 825 1E.Uiversity. Spsensers, Is. 10. Si. Johnss, Mich. 96-L. Cotey, Amauryllis M.1 grad, 1183 5. Uni- Clank, Hiernia A., grad sp, 821 Forest. versify. Cadillic, Mich. 3110-J. C'rysbtal"ails, Micha. 1216-L. Cotuer, Frank B., lit, 11d N. State. Clark, Raysmond L., used, 284 N. ho- Strawsberry RidgeFa. 183-L. galls. Dhetroif. 1399-J. (Cottoni, Reardons S. lit, 721 Mourns. Clark, Willis IH., grad, 712 N. Uni-ver- bioboken, N. 2 948-L. city. Mtanistee, M~ich. 1262-L. Coultes', Chaise C.,isis,754 Church. Cissnise, George WN., esig. Springvilile, CharlevoixMisch. 1211-J 1thus., Conivensey, ErwnstsF.,esig, Camip Bogar- Cluarke, Johns N., laiw, 810 N. Huron. dslim Detroit. Mtt. Pleasasit, Mich. 1171-L. Cowdery, :LawrneT, Si,13 Wash- Charlie, Lucy 10., it. Dhetroit, Mich. tenaws. OberlinsOC d66 ('lasssosi, H-arry B., lit, 429 5. Divisioss. Cragose, EdwardsJ., grad, 207 5. In- Fails Creek, Fa. 1813-2. galls. Crystali FailsMich. 7711. Clay, Lloyd It.. sued, 523 Packsard. An- Cromnptoni, Edwin N.,'cad, 128 Thomp- gola, lust. 1212. sons. OlivetSMich.78-2. tCleiesst, thanrkN., law, 708 Chorcs. Crane, Jacob L.,hr.,osed,1617 Wash- Miontrose, Cot. 1145-J. tenaiw. ChatrlevoixSuch. 1018. Clisse, Hossard 2., lass, 525 Thompson. Crassford. Win C.,it, 429 S. Division. Detroit. 1556-L. South Fork,1Pa. 1853-J Cobban, Bessie N., lit. Neiw York City. Craiwford, Win. 2., Jr., stag, Sf23 Oak- Cochrane, Johns C., lt. i'ashinglon, hand. Buffalo, N. Y. 908. Ind'Creighton, Nevua, lit, 724 5. Iugalls. Cccker, Clara I., lit, 719 5. hngalls. Franklisn,l'a. 1288-2. .awvton, Misch. 1389.CrthrLenrH.Jr,11SI- Coffin, Leroy A., grad, 123 N. Thayer. CeeeLosis . r,115 n Los Angeles. Cal. 183-J. galls,.lDe Graff, 0. 1466-L. Cohen, Arthur C., laiw, 129 5. Division. Crisiseli, Robert Hr mcd, 523 Packard. Seattle, OWash. 1745-L. Quiusey, Ill. 1213. Cohn, David H. lair, 728 5. University. Crockett, MNagaret N., lit. Inudianap- ISpoksane, Wash. 153. otis, Ind. L"YND ON, PHOTOGRAPHER Ann Arborts Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies Z uiiake a specialty of Do'-doping, Printing and Enlarginig for Amateurt-by modein Mtohsods. This hiss been us)' hbtsiness for mune years and it has increased every day-only results n-ill dlo this and so whenever you want attylbing photographsic look for the sign of the kodak- tihat's wvhere thsings move. LYNDO-N 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, 10c per clay Secretary University ANN ARBOR