T HE W OL VE R INE * . SEVERAL ID11)5ARE MADE Bicycle ider Must Reep to Street. C s Eic FOiR POSED) LOCATION E r. P. Stwell was fined $3.40 at Js- C. I. KIDD M a je OFPiLEPTIC HOSPITAL, tie Dty's court Saturday for riding Phn 50J1112 s. Univ. Ave. a5iyl ntesieako el Phn 80J DRY AND STEAM CLEANING - iyl nte ieako el -- AT LAST!I Anni Arbor is not to av a clear street, near Packard Friday. Owing THIS WAY you Summer Students-Come around for a LUNCH field in e bitt to brine the new state' to the numerous accidents caused by thaI is a LUNCHf epileptic hopitat to this city. Several te violation, the city authorities will B j Corner of Monroe I sites for the location of the hospitlI strictl enforce the law forbidding the 1 l and Thayer Ss. weesbitd yesterday to the cor- riding on sidewalks. A full fine of mtissioni at Lnig u odfnt Tobacco and Cigarettes. High Grade Confections and Fruit. acton was taken. Forner Missionary Settles Here. ______________________________________________________The coinmission ilciiivisit a tew of Tetifying to the advantages of Ann the inre desirable laes before mal- Arbor not ony as a home but also as SUM~ER SUDEN SUPLIESIitg a dcisio. The tarmn colony wiii an educational center, Rev. F.M. Chap- SUe RSpef nNTUENTO SU LESPTO have need of at least :1000 acres of in, of Traverse City, has just returned *Watch and Jewelery RepairingI land. here for the purpose of finishing the 140 S. STATE ST. IRVING F. SCHLEEDE The site in 'Washteitaw county, nar education of his two sns. Mr. Chapin P 1 Witmore lake, was offered for $5 yas or 26 years a missionary in Chi- _______________________________________________________per acre. Okland county offers a site n ia, and came to Ann Arbor in 1906, r near tOxford inc $50 an acre. There afterwards moving to Traverse City. UNIV RSIY AV NUE PHAR ACYis another near Caro in Tscola con- IA LL NEXT WEEK ty Inc $10o an acre. GOUDN WKLS A TIG M N A One site in Areac county could be "You oan tell I, 1111, ltdOULIN & IIEL it-oaabl P1 SAR~NG MON AYobtained for $38 per acre. Represen- A Gentleman DrusCigarCandy, adSatiory. Agecy Mor's1101 1 been i U L Y 14 4t4 h talve Ryburn of Alpenasubmitted th __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _bth U ~I I' Iaproposition to sell either 000 or CeniesO _______________________________________________________________2000 acres of uncleared land in Alena lalieso CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING county for $12.0 per acre. In Oa-I His Linen" T he W hite S wan T aundry - omac county there are 1000aes'Icown ototai /L u d y ADS IN THIS COLUMN MUST BE which could be obtained for $22,000 if doego Corner Detroit and Catherine Ss. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. the owner kept the staiding tinber; ohrwise the price wold be $30,000.. The City Laundry To Ren. - - - -THS, liW t, Prop. 44-40 Detri Street USES SOFT WVA.TIER arn fitted for Automobile. Good 1o- TANGO PARTY. _______________ v cation. Less than one block from There will be only one party every campus. Inquire 516 E Madson St, eel duringksutmmer school on WedCtHiBOC WHITE 5WANM phone 288-L. 19 nedaynsght at Graners. 50 cents HACK, BAGGAGE & LIVERY -- - er cople.Two Good Saddlers Waned-To buy a double decer stn1 Phone 348 11 N. Fourth Ave. bed. Call 71 . Inyahs us phone Call 15 for taxi f I 1915. _ _1--2 OL DO Quarry's Drug Store, conier State D T OTT L D and No. University Ave where yon CLEVELAND PORT HURON. will find anything in Drugs andI Pr- BUFFALO OD RC Yscription supplies. NAGARA i ~ LtNA' L.ao in eety Bundle of Laundry sock sent from the White- FALLS ,, eaos Swn Laundrt, why yo should Suits cleaned and pressed, 7c. Ful- ler & OConnor, 619 E. Willianm St f ' CA LP ON 5Microscopical and all Laboratory for our wrasn.GOODS NrOUTtED OsY CIEMlCALS -White, Stpplies at Quarry's Drug Store. if - -.-I not yellow nor blue---bnton bot s itlac thateons ditt. Special atten- tion girten to lades clothes. OUR PRICES THE LOWEST. First class shoe repairing. Modern - ShoeRepairShop_611_E._WilliamSt._ITHE _CHARM OF OUR SUMMER SEAS i - - - tf.Scrd your vacatintono IheGret Lates, the most eonomial and enjyable ottgg ts ° r Aerica TH W ITTS AN L U D-TI. Fuler& 'CnnYouaior.Can . he et Nonater to wat poit you want to gen, $ C THE VWherEeAU DRY6allrYoOunuor aiors169 . tttt Line Stemes peatig to all importn s Williano St. ti'. Daily seevie betwenecDletrit and Bufo ay e lt to Novebe st City oh oetrit IIllandCity o les l n 111t, twosnftbelagest side w eet steaers itbewold,- _______________o n titsdisisnssunon1sib to SpinmbeeI tu. Daly snrvieb e es Detrit and ________________________________________________________CleeladApil 15tbto centereIst. During Jly ad August tw, boats out o Charcoal Grilled Porterhouse Steaks. D etrit and CeelndnvrySatusrdyand Sndayigt. Bessim r's G ill, 1.3 W.Hur011St. ontis soety betseenToledo, Detsr oitciac sltond and way pots. Ten Des\nrs Grl. 11ay tuo St opIrseSsoenalowised at Alpna ete direto o tourist tiiets without additional Rubber Soled Foot- upstairs. Opp. Interurban Station f. cs. DalilytenitbteensTold, Cleeland ad Pt-i-ay. -Setmbnr.10tltoppig5m ly t erite very tipad Goderch, Ot., every Monday ..Rubber Sole Oxfords, all styles, at up-bond adStrdydswn-ond. wear[ forIVMeeIandSSuyu y DtotadCeean, ouyaduCampus notery. 208 S. Sate St. t. Tesdymi usdayfCeendndantd.Stdyoeut outo of Dtriet;rot; Monday, Wednesday, ' ~RAILROAD T'ICKTS AVAILALEt-Tickets reading via any nail lisebets'ensDetoitand Buffaloand Detroit and Clevend wilibethonored tCall 1 for bagtage checked from for tasprttoosnD. & C. Lin Steamers in either directio. Wo e ~hon e to destinationi.I. Sed 2 cent sampiner llsortd Pmphet and re at Lates Map. Addes:L G. Lewis, G. P. A.. Deot, Mih. Bthat is SATISFACTORY and -- - Philip H. hicMilan, Prs. RIGH4T IN PRICE will be found at or prompt and most satisfactory A. A.Scnoi,VfDr-Ds. ndGenIMg. MY NEW LOCATION--119 E. LIBERTY STREET work bring yur films tn oppe, pho- Detroit & Cleveland tographer, 619 E. Liberty St. t LompaDye Call 15 for taxi. tfo uau aunto CampuslBoIthave beenS. Staite St f. MrsEA. Hurl burt Groceries and Meats 1hvbenheadquarters for the past seven years or O R D e® al47 vrtigFrtCasadFeh this class of footwear. Soaps and toilet preparations at the 1041SnutUUnverstyIAenu Grd SieIeoiiyt ieilt)Quarry Drug Co. A oss ronsTalles A. LEMBLE, Sr., Prp 530 Ff1es1 Aenu ________________________________________ ___ _____An Arbor, Mch. LUNCH n Any subcribers wihing back copies - Ti UTTL.E1~U of The Woleeriote to cmplet their LUNC files can obtain the ame by el ing at The ManMa tn H le FURNISHERS aid HATTERS to Unversity Mn Lunches and Sodas the Press bilding durintg office hours. That Makes i Y_________ The Mfost Complete 342 . State St. 338 Soth State StreetTh Clte __________________________ Call 11 for baggage checked fromo1 h Cote _____________ ______________house to destination. tf. That Make STUDENTS' FURNISHING Uirslr adSemCen Go d B a d Cameras to rent, 10 cruts pe day, Etabishsmet for Book C..... ing Works- Artistic cleaners $ 3.00 at HoppIes, 619 F. Liberty SL _. M ALC OL g Desks. Tables ad Chars T. E. WAHL, Mgr. Two M~ouksflom ngRiseereing Bldg. Gilberts Chocolates alWays fresh at The Quality Tailor 1112122 E. Liberty St. Phone 877 11 19 Packard St. 539 Fovesf Avenue Quarry Drug Co. IL TOILET ARTICLES MEET ME AT STATIONERY We Serve Ices, Sherbets, PueSrn ae b D taat Our Fountain Corner of State and PackardIeCra N. E. KONOLD, Proprietor BOX CANDlES COOL OFF HERE AFTER YOUR TENNIS MATCH KODAK SUPPLIES