THE W O L VER IN II TRY TRUBEY'S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 16 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Special Summer Session June 30-August 22 All Branches of Music For Catalogue or Information, call at office or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Capital, $o,o,,.c Surplus, $5.ooooc Undivided Profits, $2,oo.oo THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BAN ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safe Bankingnd CureosT atmetoa Cstos'cccis Or Wathword. 3 per cent interest in our Savings Departmen Gents' Furnishings Varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Ave. BOOKS LAW AND MEDICAL NEW AND SECOND-HAND Complete Line Text Books Text Laboratory Books Reference Books Dictionaries Compends, etc. CASH OR EXCHANGE FOR YOUR OLD BOOKS LARGEST STOCK IN MICHIGAN C. E. Barthell 326 S. State S'reet Tel. 761 L "The Arcadia" OPEN During Summer Session Regular Prices $3.50-$4.00 BRENNAN-MORROW, 612 E. Liberty, Phone 164 The Tobacco Shop & Billiard Hall The Place for Summer School Students 118 -120 E. Liberty Street 1H. WILD CO. I 3115S. State St. Carry the Largest Line of Wool- ens in ihe city. Satisfaction guaranteed. We cater to those who want the best. SUMMER STYLES A SPECIALTY Established 1888. All work made in this city. S. H WILD CO. 3115. State St. THE W OLVERINE blindness. But we are hoping that after you learn to appreciate the more The official newspaper of the sum- likeable side of the heathen you will T I mer session of the University of Mich- not always take yourself too blamed igan, published by the students, Tues- seriously. T I day,sThursday and Saturday after- noons. I . I - Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., CALENDAR Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Office Hours-1:00 to 2:30 p. m., daily. July 8, 5:00 p. m.-"The Blanket In- Phone 960. dian of the Northwest." Illustrated Subscription Rates-By carrier, seven- lecture by Colonel G. O. Shields. MA ty-five cents for the summer; mailed West lecture room of the physical to any address for one dollar. laboratory. Advertising Rates-Furnished upon 8:00 p. m.-"Care of the Germ Cells application to the business manager. as a Basis for a System of Ethics." 1,500 students; 22,000 townspeople. Professor A. S. Warthin. West am- g phitheater of the medical building. AD Louis P. Haller-Managing Editor. July 9, 5:00 p. m.-"Timber That - Phone-1016. Grows at Timber Line." Illustrated William A. Hart-Business Manager. lecture by Colonel G. O. Shields, of Phone-357. New York City. West lecture room DA Gordon Davies-News Editor. of the physical laboratory. 8:00 p. m.-"The Beaver, the Most Subscriptions and ads taken at Wonderful Wild Animal in the Quarry's, Cushing's, and South Uni- World." Illustrated lecture by Col- versity Pharmacy. onel G. O. Shields. West lecture room of the physical laboratory, 1 Issne Editor-Y. F. Jabin lso. July 10, 5:00 p. m.-"Modern Devel- Delive opment of Astronomy." Illustrated lecture by Professor R. H. Curtiss. 101 West lecture room of the physical TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1913. laboratory. 8:00 p. m.-"Snow Slides in the Ca- 0 There will be a meeting of the news nadian Rockies." Illustrated lecture staff tonight at 7:00 o'clock in The by Colonel G. O. Shields. West lec- DeF K Wolverine offices. Important. ture room of the physical laboratory. Visitor's night at the Astronomical 2 2CT GET TOGETHER. Observatory. Admission by ticket t We are a queer conglomeration here only. at summer school; men and women FACILIT from all corners of the globe, who PLACES PICTURE OF FORMER ANN live too far away to go home for the WOLVERINE EDITOR IN OFFICE. summer, specialists who -have come Additio back to brush up on some detail of A large framed picture of Robert between their profession, real students who Gillette has been placed in The Wol- starting enjoy studying even when it is hot, verine offices by the combined staffs wil leave real hedonists who stay here because of The Michigan Daily and The Wol- in the mc there is no pleasure in Podunkville, verine. Gillette was appointed man- afternoos those who have met with misfortunes aging editor of last year's Wolverine, leave at in their academic career, and a hun- but died during the summer from the morning dred and one other types, all as differ- effects of an attack of epidemic throat ent from each other as they can be. trouble. We haven't much in common with He was a member of the Psi Upsi- EMPLE H E A T R E MAIN STREET Pathe Play HER. SKED BEAUTY JULY 9, 1913 IISSION 10 CTS. VIS & OHLINGER Prompt Printers tries made when promised Phone 432J 9 E. Washington Street Fries Art Store URES AND FRAMING SOUTH MAfIN STREET ATE TRAFFIC BETWEEN V ARBOR AND YPSILANTI. nal cars will be on service Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, from Thursday next. They Ann Arbor at 7:46 and 11:06 orning and 5:06 o'clock in the n; while those from Ypsy will{ 7:05 and 9:18 o'clock in the and 7:18 in the evening. TANGO PARTY. SUMMER SESSION STUDENTS Bring Around a List of Your Wants It doesn't matter what you want in Second - Hand Text - Books, we have them for any department of the University, and at the right prices. The best stock of Engineering Sup- plies and Loose Leaf Note Books. The best Fountain Pens for $i .00 each. All kionds of second - hand book- hocgmtlsold and ex- changed, at WAIIR'S University Bookstore MAKE OUR STORE YOUR MEETING PLACE H USTON BROS. The Finest Billiard Room in the State. CIGARS and CANDIES. "We Try to Treat You Right" COUSINS & HALL FLORISTS Cor. S. University and Twelfth Street L Telephone 1 15 We Make Old Hats New Ali kinds cleaned and Blocked. The BestShoe Shine Shop NEXT TO WACNER'S THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK capital... ... $oo,oco.oo Surplus and Undivided Profits. oo,o oo Rcesouxes ................ $,00,00.0 Transacts a General Banking Business 3 per cent interest paid ax Savings Deposias. vsour5Business Sscicited. chas. E. HiscoCe, Pres., Michael J.Fritz, cash'r W.n.sasir a ,s ice-res .,carl.Brau,Ass. Cash'r, Wix. Wal,iAsst. OCahe BSavings sept. RED RUBBER SOLES Put on Any Shoes at 0. G. ANDRES, 222 S. State Street I C I each other. The summer flies past without stopping to repair tires, and before we know it, September will be here. Most of us are striving so des- perately to store up as much intellec- tual voltage as possible in the short tme we have, that it hurts even to stop studying and eat. But we really owe it to each other to get acquainted. It will help you men with the thick glasses and the stooped shoulders to rub shoulders with the man who spends his mornings in bed, his afternoons lolling under a shady tree, and his evenings canoeing on the river. If you have to look at the matter from a serious viewpoint, you can regard it as being a species of missionary work, with the hedonist playing the role of the heathen-in-his- lon fraternity, of Sigma Delta Chi, tWe ric se only one party every the national journalistic fraternity, week duringsummer school on Wed- and of Griffins, Sphinx and Woolsack. nesday night at Grangers. 50 cents He took part also in some of the dra- per couple. matic performances of the Cercle Francais of which he was a member, Call 15 for baggage checked from ani served for two years as reporter house to destination. tf. and night editor of The Michigan Daily. Large Michigan towels for Bath or Swim-at Quarry Drug Co. TANGO PARTY. There will be only one party every Suits Pressed, 25c, Pants 10c. Fuller week during summer school on Wed- & O'Connor, 619 E. William St. tf. nesday night at Grangers. 50 cents per couple. I We have very desirable places forOCALL TAXI 155.--n Call Day or Night sale or rent near campus. Whiting uto and Baggage Livery Realty Co., 210 N. State St., Phone Ann Arbor Taxicab Co., 300 N. Main St. 1134-J. tf ' ALTERATION SALE THIS WEEK WHOLESALE CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S WEARINC APPAREL :. lag c 1 W 0 Y S Doe to extensive alterations being made in our second floor we are greatly cramped for room and are forced to clear out a large portion of our stocks immediately. Every university woman will find it extremely profitable to attend. Reductions average from one-half to two-thirds on seasonable summer merchandise. Hun- dreds of other bargains besides the following: $25 and $30 Suits, now . . . $8.75 Coats, our entire stock . . . Half-Price $6.50 White Lingerie Dresses . . $2.95 $15 to $30 Cloth Dresses . . $2.95 to $11.75 $5 Silk Kimonas, only . . . . $2.95 $2.98 Silk Petticoats, now. . . . $ 1.69 $5 Raincoats, special at. . . . $3.75 ANN ARBOR'S MACK & . LARCEST STORE SOSAR BOWL 109 S. Main Street BEST ICE CREAM SWEETEST CANDY PROMPT SERVICE SUSAR BOWL 109 S. Main Street Phone 967 SUMMER SALE We are offering a special price on tmusic, tlringcd Inntrumcenln and Pianos during the Summer months. 'aniveret u flusic ' bouse Across From Majestic