AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75c SUMMER PUBLICATION Vol IV. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1913. No. 5 M H A ITC 1IFE A15 (USTO y M:ATTRACTSMAN EYE WITHESS OF 1lAILKAN WAR LEA OFL ICTURS1'QUE BRITT MANY HA SHIIIRILLING EXPERIENCE. STUDENTS TO MICHIGAN STARS WIN AGAIN Prof. J. P. Bird Tells of Interesting ProJ. R. Allen Relates Numerous OF WILD BIRDS !'fays and Mlanners of Quaint , Vivid and Interesting Details of Through hand-Book and Correspond- Koi~r ans lilisi 'French Penii.IpnlBokadrrsn. Recent Struggle. Kehler.Lands Highest Individual Fnce, Local Organization Accom- Ren __Col. Shields Says Billions of Dollars Total Annexing I Points in modates Perspective Freshmen In a talk on "Quaint and Pictur- Fresh from the scene of the war in A by Friday's Meet. . AregLostroyers.o esque Brittany" in the west physics the Balkans, Prof. John R. Allen, of Bug Destroyers. lecture room yesterday afternoon, T .. the engineering department related HAFF WINS FIRST IN' QU'ARIT'EI Prof. J. P. Bird described a trip by the Students Christian association numerous vivid and entertaining de- TO GIVE THREE MORE TALKS is now in the hands of the printers. through the interesting region, show- tails about the struggle in a lectre Michigan men were agcin in the stpnt thrngh thesnte sting e son, sh Harry Johnson, 14, is manager-in- in the west physics lecture room "A bird in the bush is worth a dozen chief, and Harry Bell, '14, is business light at the championship games in (peculiar architecture of the early Be- Thursday evening. The talk was ii- in the bag," said Colonel G. O. Shields Chicago Friday and Saturday, and tons, and the equally peculiar life and managThe book has been materially ater- lustrated by pictures of life in Con- of New York city in a lecture on "Wild with a id of men world-faious in customs of the present inhabitants Tmanbook haue aeialyaler- stantinople and the surrounding ter- Animals and Birds" in the west am- of "the most beautiful portion of . ritory. phitheater of the physics building last their avents, to compete sgaiist, at- France." making it the largest and most rum- In spite of the exciting situation, night. He appealed for the preserva- tracted universal attention. During his trip, Prof. Bird not only pete edition ever issued. Delivery Prof. Allen said that at all times the ion of wild birds and animals saying, will be made August 1. About 2,000 Captain-elect Kohler was the indi- 'visited the noted relics and towns, but . Turks were most gentle and polite. "American people lose one billion dol- vidual star of Friday's meet, acd was resent at fe wedding ceremo- es will be mailed to prospective "I felt as free to go down town with lars a year on account of insects be- nies and other festivities of the peas- .amy family as I would in Ann Arbor," cause of the birds which God put here again landed a total of 11 points for in response to inquiries sent by Sec- he said.1tu destroy them have been killed." thts.mInzerdnr blue.frKondey wowasthe seta.ytSmitth yothhe superintekndend. the maize and blue. Koler von the compelled to drink hard cider which retary South to the superintendents The Allen family was awakened one Colonel Shields spoke as a field nat- cenlieledtodriik mir ederevhchand principals of high schools andI discus throw at 129 feet 2 inches. Ile all of (he Breton peasants forced uponpreandrnto pary morning by what was at first believed uralist rather than as a scientist and ppaaryschools throughout the was second to Walsh of the Irish- him as a token of hospitality. to be, thunder. It proved to be a bat- his remarks were illustated by an in- AmercanAthlticClub wh did133country American Athletic Club, who did 138 All correspondence in regard to em- tle, however. By ascending enneih- teresting collection of stereoptican f 2 h rd lpo et sought by students desiring boring hill, Prof. Allen said that he' pictures. e is editor of the Recrea- feet 2 inches in the hammer throw, Accept Plaus A", Contagions Hospital pllyetsuh ystdnsdsrn was able to witness a fiercely waged tion magazine and president of the and was beaten only by Kanzler, C. A. Plans for a contagious hospital re- to enter the university in the fall is ale to win g a rsk wed li ag aeran prsen. 'battle and was willin torsben legeoAmicnSrsa. A., in the shot put. The winner did cently submitted to mayor lclenizic, turned over by the university to the hit by stray bullets to see the conflict "There are only tan per cant as 44 feet 3 1-2 inches. Bees Hinsdaie, of the Boeopathic University V. M. C. A. and anserd many song birds as there were 30 In Saturday's meet former Captain school Heaiih beer Wessinger, and by the secretaries. Many students ar LIBRARIAN KOCH SAYS years ago," said the speaker.. Me at- the University hospital committee, each year brought to Michigan in this SEX SEGREGATIN IS tributed the slaughter chiefly to ig- Haff led the field in the first event by d T fi waySX EG GAINIYtog hai' seen accepte .The splechca- .IMPOSSIBLE IN LIBRARY norant immigrants who go forth ev- winning the 440-yard dash, rmmining uions have been drawn and bids have The Y. M. C. A. reading rooms in eaiy n iihn nI - eodbe ~d5rthe building on State street are open cry Sunday morning and kill song easily, and finishing in 51 1-5 seconds. been asked fortebidn nSaesre r p11 Ta ergto ftesxsi m birds within a radius of ten miles of .____________________________________ to all students of the summer session, That segregation of the sexes is in- who are invited to come in at any time possible in the university library was nearly every large city. As game war- andoaka use of the newspapers and shown by Librarian Theodore W. Koch den, Colonel Shields said that he once -l. in his lecture on "College and Uni- found 47 song birds in the hands of / periodlicasis on file hhara. The tanms commts- are open to members only. A versity Libraries" in the west physics one small body of Italians. memubrship fee of $1.08 is charged of lecture room Thursday afternoon. A The woman who consciously wears the sumnsr school students. few years ago "Reserved for Women" the plumage of a bird on her hat is The campaign for funds for the signs were placed on certain "desks violating a law of God," he said, "and new building is being quietly conduct- about the library. "All of these signs I believe the time will come when she ed by Secretary Carl Smith. In ac- adorned fraternity houses in less than will be violating a law of man." cordanice with an agreement reached a week," said the speaker. In speaking of birds as bug eaters "ifh t Diei:n Union n aalumni By illustrations of the libraries in ha said, Tb' pheasant is now pr- are beEmn ci'assd. Lgland and the United States, Libra- i y xarebulst bum it is definitely rian Koch showed the evolution of the known that one pheasant eats on the The local aseocatioms was wall rap- \ resented at the annual meeting of the library from an institution primari- average of 3,500,000 bugs every year." Stmdent Christian associations lush ly ornamental to one which is design- In the same connection he said, "Two closed at Lake Geneva, Wis. Eighteen ed to be very utilitarian in its nature. owls are known to have eaten 414 mice men were in attendance. There were In regard to library architecture the and rats i one mouth. 4 g t r speaker said, "The library of the Colonel Shields will speak this af- x749 delegates in attendance represent-1 i e a t l s u University of Michigan suggests in a trnoon on "The Blanket Indian of r " ing nearly all the colleges and uni- teiotws"a :0ocoki h versities in the Middle West. general way a Mississippi steamboat." the Northwest" at 5:88 o'clock in the _ _ _The combined libraries of the Uni- physics building. The two remaining 1(1..SICIANS VISIT EUROPE versity of Michigan include 335,000 lectures on the series will be given in Pa anI'iidmark..ND) MOUNTAINS OF COUNTRY. volumes University Hall at 8:00 o'clock Wed- nesday and Thursday evenings. FAMOUS OLD MEDICAL BUILDING Europe and te mountains of this country appear to be the Meccas EXISTS ONLY AS MEMORY which will draw away the members of the School of Music faculty. Prof. After over sixty years of faithful was destroyed by fire in the summer of Albert Stanley will spend the summer service, during which time it not only 1f11, was built in 1864, as a result of in England. Prof. Albert Lockwood, fostered the new. founded medical the rapid expansion of the depart- Miss Grace Johnson and Mr. Earl mient. This was torn down a year Moore are visiting France and Ger- school but aided in producing" 'once of because the cracked walls were many. Secretary and Mrs. Sink will the foremost men of American med- a 5enance to passers by. go to Colorado; Prof. Samuel Lock- icine, the old medic building now re- Aniong the renowned men who have wood to his summer home in the mains only as a memory and a heap held classes in the old laboratories Adirondacks, while Messrs. Dotter- of broken bricks and scattered tim- and amphitheaters of the building wich and Whitmire are spending their bers. One of the oldest buildings on are Dr. C. . Ford, Professor of summer in the lake region of Michi- the campus and for atlong time the Anatomy. Dr. G. '. I Frothingham, Pro- gan. only building on flee east smue, it has lessor iii hurger3' Br. I. J. herdmain, -__________ now served its period of usefuiness, Professor of Nervous Diseases and Uses New Scheme for Fleecing AAlumni and has had to go in spite of the fact 'rof.I h C. Cheever, Professor of Reports received by Prof. James P. that the Alumni tried hard to save it Physiology; all fameus names in med- Bird of the engineering department as a memorial to the men famous in ical history. Others who studied and from Toledo have just brought to light the early history of the medical de- taught inside its old walls, and who a novel scheme which is being em- partment. have mnow gone out to serve in other ployed there in fleecing Michigan Due largely to the efforts of Dr. universities are Dr. Wu . Bosell now alumni. A aval dressed middle aged Abram Sager and Dr. Silas 1H Dna- mrolesscur of Physuolugy ait Johns Hlop- man, posing alternately as an uncle las, the medical department was kips and *Dr. A. R. Cushny, Professor and father of Don Webster, has vic- founded in 185 and the following of Pharmacoloy at University Col- timized various members of the '05 year witnessed the completion of the loge, London, both men of interna- engineering class, of which Webster front half of the building. At that tional reputation in em dical science. was a member. Appearing- at the time the faculty consisted of such men Semrvi"ng not only as a class room in house of one of Webster's classmates, as Dr. Moses Gunn, Professor of Ana- training the greater part of our med- the stranger states the pretended re- tomy, Dr. J. A. Allen, Professor of ical faculty, it produced men for other lationship, the loss of his pocketbook, Pathology, Dr. Samuel Denton, Pro faculties and institutions as Dr. F. P. a delay in forwarding money, and fessor of Physics, with Dr. Sager as; i'all, Professor of Anatomy at Johns begs, with evident embarrassment, the president. Later men trained in the hophkins and Dr. William J. Mayo, a loan of a couple of dollars till morn- old building were appointed to chairs surgeon of national reputation. ing. It is needless to say that the and Dr. Henry Sewall, known for his iThe building was in actual use until money is always forthcoming, but how work on snake venoms, which was a four years.ago, when the departments much has been collected in this man- pioneer work in the more recent of Physiology and Pharmacology left ner is not yet known. studies in immunity, which led to the Iit for their new quarters in the old Last year a similar scheme was discovery of diptheria antitoxin, tuber- chemistry building. After that time worked in the west, a young man bor- culin and vaccines, was appointed to and until its final destruction by the rvowing small sums on the strength of the chair of Physiology. fire and wreckers it was used as a an alleged relationship to Dean Henry The back part of the building, which University' storehouse. C. Bates of the law department. APPOINTS MRS. BACHER DEAN OF SCHOOL OF MUSIC WOMEN To the recent privileges granted the women of the university comes an additional one in the appointment of Mrs. Harry Bacher as dean of the women of the School of Music. The need of a dean had been long felt and for some time urged, and the appoint- ment of this official is especially ap- propriate in view of the large repre- sentation of women in the school. t Mrs. Bacher is eminently fitted for the position, being a graduate of the School of Music, and a resident of Ann Arbor,, she brings to her task a keen appreciation of the objects and aims of the department and of the local situation. Her musical ability has earned a good reputation. Mrs. Bacher will also give vocal instruction in the department. PITTSBURG PUBLIC SCHOOLS SEND SEVEN TEACHERS HERE. For the first time, seven of the pub-' lic school teachers of Pittsburg sup- ported by the educational fund com- mission of that city have been sent to Michigan. They are.Mrs. Elsie Steph- ens, and the Misses Bertha Mensch, Delia Whited, Beulah Evans, Ruth Golden, Mabel Schulte, and Annette Dyess. The commission has available a fund to be spent in sending teachers to the various educational centers of the country to acquire new ideas for the work that each is specializing. The number of teachers sent this sum- mer totals 115. MUCH IS ACCOMPLISHED BY MICHIGAN GRADS IN NEW LORK The last issue of the University of Michigan Gothamite for the year 1912- 13 has appeared, containing articles on the doings of the New York club since the last month, a review of the baseball and spring track season at the university, and a review of what the club has accomplished during the past year. Among other things the club has contributed $2,500 toward the $8,000 debt on the Alumni Memorial build- ing, it has established a committee on business information which has plac- ed four Michigan men in responsible positions, has issued the Gothamite regularly and distributed it to club- members, regents and university offi- cers, arranged for weekly news-letters and for illustrated articles on Michi- gan in the New York Times. One of the things that they did not do was to express an opinion on "The Athletic Situation" of Michigan. THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor. Fair today, and warmer. Moderate southerly winds. Yesterday's Temperatures. Maximum 72; minimum 56; no rain- fall. One year ago: maximum 86; mini- mum 72; partly cloudy with trace of rain. f.