T H E W O L V E R I N E LILT WOMEN HAVE NARROW Guila H. Hickman, '16, of 236 S. Thay- ESCAPE IN TRAIN WRECK. er St., was reported injured. Miss ---Hickman has notified her family, how- Narrowly escaping injury, four wom- ever, that her injuries were but slight en of the lit department had an excit- and that all members of the party ing experience Saturday when the I have been able to go on with their work. Among the other members of train in which they were traveling to the party were Mabel M. Bradshaw, the scene of their summer's work, was Leona Rummel and Mabel B. Good- wrecked near Jericho, Tenn. The en- fellow. All of the girls are enrolled ) gineer and conductor were killed and is the lit department. ,h SUMMER SIUDENT SUPPLIES We Specialize in NOTE BOOKS OF ALL DESCRIPTION Watch and Jewelery Repairing 340 S. STATE ST. IRVING F. SCHLEEDE r I UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEL -w Drugs, Cigars, Candy, and Stationery. Agency Moore's Non-Leakable Pen The White Swan Laundry Corner Detroit and Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER 'WliITEWAN 1. Q1 s ievery huvejie oftLasedryc woik sent li-us the White Reasons a s LadiWh S wan Latzndry, wh y you :dhould CALL PHONE 165 for our wagon. GoODS NOT ROl'TED BY CI MICALS-White, not yellow nor hlue--button hol s ictact buttons ditto. Special atten- tion given to ladies elolhes. OUR PRICES THE LOWEST. l PROMOTIONS GIVEN TO Ie MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY'. Board of Regents at Its Last Meetingt Announces Its Annual t Raise. Promotions in the faculty were nade by the board of regents at its1 last meeting. They are as follows:f C. L. Meader was made professor of Sanskrit, Latin and general linguistics,t instructors R. W. Sellars and D. H. Parker, advanced to assistant profes- sors in philosophy, E. D. Jones to1 professor of commerce and industry, J. L. Sharfman to junior professor of political economy for one year, W. H. Hamilton, assistant professor of' political economy, Dr. G. W. Downe, assistant professor, for one year, as- sistant professor T. W. Rankin to junior professor of rhetoric, C. P. Wagner to junior professor of Spanish, and French, E. L. Adams, assistant professor in engineering, W. H. Wait, professor in the engineering depart- ment, Peter Field to junior professor of mathematics, A. F. Greiner, assist- ant professor of mechanical engineer- ing, F. B. Bailey, professor of electri- cal engineering and A. H. Lovett, of the same department, was made as- sistant professor. Wolverine Will Not Play Gophers. Michigan will not meet Minnesota on' the gridiron this fall according to au- thentic information,for the date reserv- ed by the Gophers for the Wolverines has been given to North Dakota. The only available date would have been October 25, and while this was held open for some time it was finally dis- posed of, thus closing up Minnesota's 4 schedule. On account of the Fourth of July the business staff oh The Wolverine will not hold office hours until Monday, July 7. The business office will then I be olen daily from 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. A NNUAL TRAVEL MAGAZINE. "Waterway Tales" Published by D.& C. Line, Sent to You Free. The latest contribution to the litera- ture of travel is the 250-page book issued by the D. & C. Line. It contains detailed description of new steamer City of Detroit I11, several interesting stories and is beautifully illustrated with fine halftones of scenes along the D. & C. Coast Line to Mackinac. Sent anywhere upon receipt of ten cents to prepay postage. Address: Dept. W. D. & C. Naviga- tion Co., Detroit. Soaps and toilet preparations at the Quarry Drug Co. May Change Name of Old North Wing. Any subscribers wishing back copies The historic north wing of Universi- of The Wolverine to complete their ty h-aII will have its name changed it files can obtain the same by calling at the board of regents sees fit to grant the Press building during office hours. the request of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This society We have a few Commencement num- has sent a communication to the re- hers of The Wolverine remaining. gents calling attention to the fact that These extra copies can be had for five this part of the old building was form- cents per copy. erly known as Mason hall and was -heWO _ERNE___ pu__ h_ so named after the first governor The WOLVERINE wil publish a of Michigan. "Lost and Found" column. Use it. A "two-bit liner may bring back that lost Call 15 for baggage checked from article and save you dollars. Calls 1 ores agage cecke fm _________ house to destination. t Bring your 4th of July films to Pho- tographer Hoppe, 619 E. Liberty St. Large Michigan towels for Bath or Developing and printing done with Swim-at Quarry Drug Co. care. tf DETROIT TOLEDO CLEVELAND PORT HURON. BUFFALO GODE RICH NIAGARA ALdENAr FA L S L THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS Spend your vacation on the Great Lakes, the most economical and enjoyable outing in America No matter to what point you want to go, use D. & C. Line Steamers operating to all important ports. Datly teretse beteen Oetroit and Buffalo, May let to Novemher 1stc City of DeOtrit Ill andyCityoCleveland Ill, o toofth elargestsidrewheel steamers intheworid, en thisdivision Jern 1td to Septembesr 10t1. Daily service hetween Detroit and Cleveland ApriI 15th to ODeceterIst. Ocring July and August two coats oat at Detroit and Cleveland seeyPetueday and Sunday night. Feou trips weebly betwee Teledo, Otroit, Mackin::nIsland and way ports. Ten Day Stopover allowed at Alpena either direction on tourist tickets without additional cost. Daily service between Toledo, Cleveland and Put-in-Bay. Special Steamer Cleveland to Mackinac Island, two trips weekly, June 15th to September 0th stopping only at Detroit every trip and Goderich, Ont., every Monday up-bound and Saturday down-bound. SpecialDayTripsbetweenDetroitand Cleveland,DuringJulyand August Tuesday, WedneFday, Thursday and Saturday out of Detroit; Monday, Wednesday, Thursday sod leriday-out of Cleveland. RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILABLE:-Tickets reading via any rail line between Detroit and Buffalo and Detroit and Cleveland will be honored fnrtranspnrtati'n on D. & C. Line Steamers in either direction. Senid 2centstampifonIltlustrated Pamphletand Great Lahes Map. Address: L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. Philip H. McMillanShea. A.A.Schantz Bce-Pres. and Gen'lMgr Detroit & Cleveland . Navigation Compan THE WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY Rubber Soled Foot- wear for Men and Women-- that is SATISFACTORY and RICHT IN PRICE will be found at MY NEW LOCATION-119 E. LIBERTY STREET I have been headquarters for the past seven years for this class of footwear. (High Grade Shoe Repairing a specialty) Mrs. E. A. Hurlburt BOARD, $4.00 806 South University Avenue Across from Tappan Hall The Man That Makes- The Clothes That Make The Man MA LCOLM The Quality Tailor FOR Groceries and Meats Call 407. EveryihingirFClass and Fresh. A, LEMBLE, Sr., Prop. 530 Forest Avenue Ann Arbor, Mich. Martin Haller The iost Complete STUDENTS' FURNISHING Establishment for Book Case:, Desks, Tables and Chairs 112-122 E. Liberty St. TINKER & CO. FURNISHERS and HATTERS to University Men 342 S. State St. Universal Dry and Steam Clean- ing Works --- Artistic Cleaners T. E. WAHL, Mgr. TUTTLE LUNCH ROOM Lunches and Sodas 338 South State Street Good Board $3.00 Two Blocks from Engineering Bldg. ANQ I trC Av ri_ ['', I' it SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR ~The Wolverine" THE OFFICIAL SUMMER SCHOOL PAPER FEATURES Directory:-Address and Phxtne No. of every student. Announcements and notices of Future Events. Substance of Public Lectures and Estertaiements. ALL the Campus News. Official Faculty Notices. 75e for the Suzmmer; $1.00 by mail. Address: Press Bu.ilding Phone$ 77 1119 Packard St. ; av_ __ __ __res_ tom _ ______ TOILET ARTICLES MEET ME AT STATIONERY We Serve ces, Sherbets, Pure Spring Water at Our Fountain Corner of State and Packard Ice Cream N. E. KONOLD, Proprietor BOX CANDIES COOL OFF HERE AFTER YOUR TENNIS MATCH KODAK SUPPLIES