T HE WO LV ER IN E 1IAKES ILEA FOE c ith the possibility of betterineat on "MOtST LIVING AIT' IS MO'T'ION RACE BIETTERMNENT. the onoe hand and of deterioratisaon nI I("I'IIREf SAYS PROF. STIIA ISS tother."_____ (Continued from page 1) Although the speech was aimed at Evoluion of Nallm.t is Outlined in the race by combining nature and nor. every class. a disrect appeal wao made 'Jais ason"Present Tendencies tore, heredity and environment ins the to young semen. "Do not marry a tlrau. proper proportione. The itecture was maso with bad habitosowith fli; hope of____ of a popular nature, treating many dif- reforming him," said the speaker, "If "Tise most living art is the motion ficult scientific problems in a manner yee ever succeedl in this attempt whichpitrsadPo.LA.Sausna which was easilyunoderstood as well as jmost fregsuently fails, you wili bearPeture "idProf. we A.tStrsis linsr entertaining. children, who repeat faults of their ro etra feno."ti h In making hsis appteal, Dr. Vaughan fat1her. foe't marry a manesinless y0ou elemental drie'maisnd the preseat ds y said, "Every normsal indiv iual freeswishisyour eihildren itoie like hsim." iiiwilt\ 0( owl osuyi. untainted stock should prepare for the Copies of the lecture msay he oh- In his talk ons"The Present Tendencies resp~onsibility of parenthood. Some tained at the office of the secretary of 5 h rm"tesekrbifynt ure infinenced by the hope nf personal the mnedical detparteet. hined the evoluition of the draiia, plac- immorality; some may be led to right ---_inIbenttepintinhic prsen living by rewards promised in another seisi tte'lti hc rsn and better world; some may he re- Cameras to reist, 1t censts per day, dramsatic iprodioienes has its birth. at Ileppe's, tt9 E. LibertySt. 'use stramaflourished most chen strained from evil by the fear of eter-il a i t ek. d h iekr nal punishment, but all should knocwlite s alitsiabeans s sid testiltker. that each generation begets toe susc- Microsconpical and alt LaboratoryIseetli'rseraasasceko ceeding one, anid that like breeds like ;iSupplies at Quarry's Drug Store. ft FOR THE F L - f GLORIOUS FOURTH ansd all tse reisaindler of (lie summers c our iliw cut shoes are f moosecs of cool consfort ansi font- s5r< wear elegance. They arc made on I special lasts, nt on high shoe ..lasit s lctowsn. That umeans a perfect fit withsoitstlippiisg at the m heel. Coise ,aiis try on a few i pirs'Try ensme iii all leathers and atall prices. / Headquarters tar PINGREE MADE SHOES GILMi ORE SHOE COMPANY 119 South Main Street WHITE 'STAR LINE WIAP E FOOT O0 GIStlWOL RET, ETtPItT Fr a Delightul All Day Outing un t,e ieastiful . e'Sir ic r tktliiesi auss c"''asitt"axy tssoruings'sss,,,s~iuyse noirarc tisisatu' adyisPortH rn $rs5 a'i itoshn ioark, hoi' ct,, we ~ek-as , 5sSo,,,days; foc r : i~nd ascin,,,searr "iwaa" -lares Diinoft'aily.ii8:30,sa. i., retuns t o Deroi 715p, n. owfare - -^ Sundays o ee dray osa _ ~Fran Afternoon Ride to't. sCi Fats, aatooiPacro or on rack or campu depends on the isi-t10the minute fitness of proier trainulng Mk a Iart ef the ssem.o, t ill iihelp se rs'ito ptrelsieasitd sd o s o eto besides, A elhfual, delicius bsevege -i!o life a'ct_,r Delicious - efresh n Thirst- 0 O .'.nf, Demsand list Geesiss -r fcfise fSsisstufeS Wheneer THlE COCA." 0T_1 pC), Acusee.a A t in'~ _e oft Coca-tCola ' N. Michigan Souvenirs SEALS, WATCH FOBS, STEINS, Etc., Etc. Also Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Hailer Jewelry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street The New Catalogue OF THE University of Michigan IN NOW READY Complete Informaion concerning seven departmets: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (afiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University A NN A RBO0R use ninteenth censtury because that peritd'sas an age of science and eve-' lustion. 'list advenst of Ibsessnmarsekass epoch ini the dramass" said Prof. Strauss. "He saw0 te ls iiessoefosodersi society and muosded his art to fit his thoieit." Tfogether with lbsesismo, mysticiesm cat plasedsi is'n important element to the draest of today. Its greatest die- etipie is Maetierlinck, "the Blgian lSakespeare."1Both Ibsenisosasid nmys- ticisn were shown to play parts iii the mcakinig of the drama of fist twentieth censtury, shich the speaker said couldl be a great century in this particular. 'Ns Clsisses Neet Tens1orraw,. No classes trill he held tomorrowe, althsough a test of the tans professors have expressedi their desire that the clases meet on the 4th to nauke up for stork sisesedi commsencemoesittweek. feirlter IEducation Prof. visits (City, Pref. Chsarles Hughes Johnsoo, for- oserly' instructor in the department of eduscatioss here, and fec the past three yeairscteans of that departosent to the tiiversity of Kansasi' at presetthfis guest of Prof. C. 0. Davis iniiss city. Prof. Johnonshlis recently beess up- piointed to aimiiportanst position in fist depatrtmsenst of eduscatioss ini flitUniver- sity of Illinsois. ftl'cli 31,1Ltt eaves fot' East. 'ref. Jacob Heighard of the zoolosy departmsent' leaves today for Wootle Hdole, :Muse., wtrethe twill etagin t toork in the labhoraitory of the Btureau of Fioseries, Departmenst of Agricul- ture, duissnsg the sumsmer. Gilbert's Chocolates always fresh at Quarry Drug Co. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LEONARD A. BARRETT, Minlise Morning Service 10:30 SUBJECT cif I will that he tarry till I came, what is that to thee? Fallow thou Me,'' is CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WS1 IN '.TIlS COlUMIN 9MU.ST lii' PAIl) FOE, IN AIIANCE. Hurst fitted for Autoosobile. Coodin- ,atioss. Lees than sne block from anspis. Issquire 516 E. MadisonsSt., hoist 288-L. 1-9 1 a MAJESTIC FtILS DARo PHOTO PLAYS CONTINUOUS SHOW 7iTO lO P. M. MATINEE WEDNESDAY O NL Y lsstnted-T-lo buy si dotible declker triosnJJA LL SEATS 10 CTS .I best. Cali 718 S. Ingails, or phsone ______________________ 1915. 1-2 We canss ell or resit lotssnything H S O R S you ant Cal Whtne Reaty o.,The Finest nBtlard Rotm in the State. you ais. Cal Witisy R tit Lu CtGARS and CANDtES. 210 N. State St., P'hone 1134-J. ft -_ ___- "We Try to Treat You Rtght" Quarry's Heist Store, corner State saud No. University Ave., swhers you will find anything in Drugs and Pro- COUSINS & HALL scriptin snupplies. FLORISTS Car. S.University ad Twelfth Street Suits gleaned and pressed, 75ce Pul- Telephone I115 her & O'Connor, 619 E. Willisans St. ft Call 15 for taxi. tf. F ~ e~ First ciass shoe repairing Modern Shot Repair Shop. till N, William St. tf. Fuller & OCoisnor Tailors. 619 N. William St. tf. Charcoal Grilled Porterhouse Steaks. Dessinser's Grill. 113 W. Huiron St., upstairs. Opp. Interurban Station. tft. Rubber Sole Oxfords, all styles, at Canmpus Bootery. 208 5. Stt Sftft. Call 15 for baggage checked from house to destination. tf. Rfubber Sole Oxfords, alt styles, at Camspus Bootery. 200 5. Staft SL. ft. A C entleman Iby the I Cleanliness of His Linen" Ifnaouwaisnt ts tisi The City Laundry Till, ROWE, Prop. 404-406 DieritStieel C. H. BROCK HACK, BAGGAGE & LIVERY Two Grad Saddlers Phone 348 118 N. Fourth Ave. We Make Old Hats New Allikis Clemiandadtiloued. The Best Shoe Shine Shop NEXT TO WAGNER'S Call 15 for taxi. tfo :, For promipt and most satisfactory work bring your filins to Hoppe.isho- tographser, 619 N.iberty St. tf WE PRESS BY HAND C. I. KIDD Phone 15311J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING THIS WAY you Summer Students-Come around for a LUNCH that is a LUNCH 'trA1 1 CR F 1x. Corner of Monroe i 7 and Thayer SIts. A full line of jTobacco and Cigarettes. Hi1gh Grade Confections and Fruit. LYNDON, PHOTOG RAPH ER Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies I Iuake a specialty of Developing, Printing sod ELnlargisng for Amateurs-by Mxodern methods, This has been my business for nine years and it has increased every day-only results will do this and so whenever you want aisything photographic look for the sign of she kcdak- that's where things move. L YN DO0N 719 North University Kodaks for Rent, 10c per day P. Jj IL