TIfH WO0L VERI N E ALUMNI 1110MOM ALL ('OUNTIITIES lands, Cal.; J. 1H. Hemingway, Klanmp- The score: JOUR>NEY VlA.CK TO RtEUNIO. ton, is.; Judge L. E. Knappen, Grand PENNSYLVANIA. --- Rapids, T. E. Bliss, Cleveland, 0.; A. Martin, rf ......... 3 0 1 0)0 0 'I1wo Members nof('hiss of '7:1Ha-ve A. Birney, Washington, D. C.; Rev AGSFR II'D A I Siiis i G:. line (' lass Herbert Davis, Ann Arbor, W. 1ll. Cur- Coleman, It ....4 0 1 2 0 thiiFear. rer, Flint; Arthur Bishop, Flint; Wil- Coryell, 3b . 4 0 0 1 3 _ ~~bur Buzzell, Port Clinton, 0.; S. T. Minds, mn.....450I0 1 010 Alumni .D.GllwyTomy from all parts of the country Johnson City, Tenn.; 11. R. Jess, Royal Gordon, c,. 2 II II 0 4 itI I have arrived to participtle in their Oak; T. Kteeney, Tecumseh; Chias E. Glendenning, as .... 4 0 2 0 5<>1 various class reuniv ;. Among those Stewart, Detroit; E. T. 'Tappe y, De- Imlay, p. . 4 0I0 1 321 who have journeyedl real distances to troit; Chss. Wells, Bay City; W'. B. Wallace, lb.... 4 0 0 15 10 be with their classanta;.-s again are: Williams, Lapeer; and C. M. Burton, - - - - - Elmer Ilubbard, '88, of Cartenas, Cu- Detroit. Two ot the memsbers of the 331 1 4 27 18 5 ba. Mr. Hubbard is a superintendent class, A. A. Birney and Rev. tHerbert MICHIGAN. of the Industrial Home for Cuban fOr- Bavis, have sons who are nenibers of All It 1I I'l A I1 phans at Cartenas. Dr. Jeninie Crozier, the presenit graduatiing class. Bell, in ......4 i0 1 1 0I a 1711,-who has since gradution beeni The 65 literary class held their cc- Cory, rf .....3 0 1 0 0I a medical nisosionary in Inils, is here union. dinner with Prof. Steere, at the McQuen, 2b .... 2 01. 1 1 2 for her class reunion, I14. C. Ripley, 1st Icr's hose three miles romo Ibis city. Sisler, I'.....4 I0 1 i0 31 701E, chief engineer of the Parts Brazil The three members of the class pres- Webber, c....4 0 0I5 1 10I P'ort Works came here from that place, cut were Hon. Levi Barbour, Detroit; Baker, ssa....4 0 2 6 7 1 Arthur Abbott, 0l, of Los Aisgel- Judge V. W. ('oolidge, Miles; and tDc. Sheehiy, It......4 0 0( 1 0 0I en, Cal., Dr. Fanny Todd, '$1, 01 Oak- Martin Sabin, who went to war in '62, Housead, lb ..... t3 0 12 0 0 land, Cal., John Greusel, '88, of Holy-I and did not flnish with the class. lBughitl, lb ..... 3 10 50 0 wood, Cal., Br. IH. M. Haskell, '71, of George Lane, '53, of Detroit, ia the *Baribeau .... 1 0I0 0 0 0I Redlands, Cal., soil Floyd E. Candy, sole representative of tht class. Dunitanson, rf ..... 0 0 0 10 0 0I OI3L, of Spokane, Wash., are among Among the old athletic stars back - ----- those wvho have come here from the 'foe commsencemsent iare Al. E. IHerrn- 32 052 27 12 4 Pacific coast., steii, football star of the class of '03 *Batted for Cory in thse eighth. Two of the eight surviving memsbers; Joseph Nurser, '11, and It. C. Craig, 1 2 3 4 1 6 7 859_11 of the '6211 class are hsoldiug a reunion '13, of Detroit, furmier track stars. Pennoylvaiinia...0 0 0 0 0 01 1 0 0- here today. They are tDc. George 1Ram- ____ _Mihian0__0__00__00- age, of Jennings, La., and Br. Charles -_________ I,__ Sacrifelits . 0 ue0ntGord0n0 itolen Beardsley, of Ottowa, Ohio. Br. 1Ram-, ;tll OV~, NGSOLITPAW bacrifiCemit, Bakue, Goheeon. Stole age s _bac forthefirt tie i 45Queen. First. base on batlo, nfl Sisler years. He was greatly impressed with 2, off lnay 1. First. base on errors, the growth and development of1 the (Continued front page 1) Mlichigans 4, h'eintsylvainia 3. Left oni university. Baker a Star i the Field. btaes, Michigain.4, P'eninsylvatnia 31. Twenty-flee menibers ul the class of Aside from Sisler and Imlay lie Struck out, by Stsler 5, by Imltsy 2. '73 are celebraling the 40lths iiniver- honsors itt the game west to Btaker, de- Double 1p15y5, Sisler, Blaker In How- sary of their graduation. A dinner was spite his participtation it two bone- aed; Toomey to W~allace. Passed held at the Union it which the follow- heads on the bases. The shortstop balls, Gordon, Webber. Time, I hour, log were present: W. 1E.IElliott, Silver had a pretty busy day snd accepted 55 minutes.:tUmpire, Chamtberltsin otf City, New Mexico; WV. F. Clark, ;tack- 1 14 chansces with hut a singe fluke. Biufftilo. Aitendatnce, 8,00(0. son; l7oshia Willis, Bluffalo, N. Y., Sid- This he immediately redeenmed by cc- --_ _____ - ney Eaostmuan, Chicago; Wi. '. Fair-covering the btall after a fumible by AII'MNI OF- F{OUR 'l,.hSiS banks, Chictigo; H. 1M. Hatskell, fRed-., McQueensad itailing bis ymntn. . E'l'ICI'A1IN IIIGA!IEi9?\t It Fake the College kMui om Compe thtok fCollege SngeadHoleg Opera Songs and Scores MRS. M. M. ROOT Press Bldg., Across Irots. Majestic Maynard Street FOR THE Nwest Stles in Shoes That are Right in Price, for Menl and Women Go to the LIVE Shoeman MY NEW LOCATION IS 119 EAST LIBERTY STREET To my friends and old customers among visiting Alumni I desire to call attenion to the fact that 1 have moved from Main St. to 119 E. Liberty St., where 1 would be pleased to have you call on me. (Migh Gmtde 'hoeriiss I atstt'sgtpecialty) TINKER & Co. TUTTLE LUNCH ROOM FIItNIt M dt st UTTDV s toinlvtsrmitf uanI Lunches and SodasI Presentitg atvaried arrasy o1frtttts- .K3 ville talent, alumni of thte '0, '0:1, '10 3ww and '11 classes entertasinedi a Iairgi' siu- 3 ~ ~ C AS I . diencesitsSarah tasswell Dingell hastll 3 = - .-- 3 Aensa o iifloin h il - A -Ctuthtoritisut tltit in.sexercises: Lee _ A WIhite', '10, use' 11itesate c coe- monsies. THE CHARMS 0OY L) 7 SUMM-ER 'SEAS Georgu' Sincuit', '10, arrasyed lsinHighs- Spendyaute vacaon oan Ihe Gef r cnmc n noal uigi slith plaid timd kills, 01steitd thur pro- AyYuft g o tc atnt you owant to go, ase DE&C. gramswith biatslhihpi'solo authws Whttre YIUU481UUoLie-,St operantuso alimpnortast psass. BDa inn erice teenDtrstad f ,dueayist ioNoveausubu1t. City nf follow'ed byosa s'xte't of olud mandutolin Detroit illsand CitynofCleveland il, t i s arg eust sidenwthtl si°awHeus inu te rd, club sasrs ei bytDc. Ge'orge ('hark, 0onuthis divisian Ju1tn toinSep~tembers . Baisricesgnreon Detrait sod Cevelnd April1thttoiDeem1stttl ,r.-Jly ad Augstwobatsot of '11S, fs'suurmng canusa sirs. Detroit and Cleveland ueseySaist s t eraya, igh st . Four trips weklbtwenToledo,13cB+st. ifs trueliand andvway sects, Tsp Aunlusteriatingynumbiers's'billed a05 DaBitopuoerraslnned at A] pusa eiteer tion ourist ticlots without additnaol "The corlo ir"u~shrc~t~h ,est. Daily tseicebetween Toludo, Clessl]nd adcs--in-Bay. Whis lirg (rrl as reseted Secisl Steawur Clevelansd to ackine.sac s1,-o isn tueekly, Junes15h Sto by Mrsa.EihLs eonard Miller, '10, Septmrusthtsstoppingcoasyat BDetrit sery ttd Goderich, Ost., every Monday whoas' uwhistliungsolos, accomiihanuiedh by SpecialDay Tr~isbewensTe',.oit ad Cleve-, ,,d,DringJulyand Augst Tuesday, Wudnsdsay, Tlsss-,y dnycc.ituedar act ofletrot;unay, Wednesdar, Mliss Frane smamiltons, were cathit- Thurssduy and Friday outu of C'-nsluud. siasticaully receivedh. RAILROAD TICKhETSIAVYAILAOLh1--TWickets reading via sny rail usne betwees Detroit usdBuittanud Deiroit amd Clevslosd will be hisosed hFormuerueubirsof ltst'glherclub, hoe rasorotation on D. & C. LinSteamiuers ain ;tirdirection. led biy Dick SimuuOius, '11, offired sous ed e nAdsstapfrLC 1 c s 0amp 1'etandGressiMh. roeaI music. Afte'r respoodlig to sin Philip H. McMillin, Nes A. AekSh antie sadlald~Tr escore thsey gisve waiy to IHarrison Stehensa,'10, who gore as artistically * j I t& & l "ea I rendhersidBrahmnsIRhuapsody. Na iia onply Iomitations rsanging from a buce sate a s ass. r in action to T. R. anid ex-Pre'sident. - Taft twere circus by las Bennetet, '1, _______________________________________ I mdfiuihd~siesiu l1igs Mrs. E. A. Huriburt ro ere an d M eats After as oandolin solo hy Dr; George Clark, '0 "Miebigan's HasrrvyLsuder" BO R- 41 al 0. Ethuyttiug First-Class ant Frisk. to the pserson of Fred Lawrtont'11, sod t6 south University Avensue GV SATIL urrayed in thue amuple garments o i- Aross Sfrus Tappan iiaih A.. . = V1L_.' Sr..Prip. 530 Forhsl Aelte chair renidered two of Loauder's song -__________________,As AnnAbsr, Mich. in thi' Scotch comedians's beat style..I Rtubber Sole Oxfords, all styles, atI The Man *_ lle Campius 'Bootery. 108 5. State St.. That Makes 342 S. State St. 338 South Siate Street Call 15 for -baggage checked from __________________________________________________________house to destination. tf. Universal Dry and Steanm Clean- Good Board Soaps and toilet preparationus at thur ing Works --- Artistic leaners $ 3.00 Quaurry Drug Co. T. E. WAHL, Mgr. Tohhe~ inR~sru s lg Soils caned and pressed, 75c. Ful- Phone 877 1 119 Packard St. 5 39 Forest Avenue her & O'Connor, 619 E. Williams St. tf. The Clothes That Make The KMan MA LOOL The Quality Tailor STDENIS FURNISHING Fosthhisstatr aooko Cset, c ss , 'Tables taol Chairs 11-122'. Liberty St. MEET ME AT College Supplies, Toilet Articles at A nice walk from any part-any evening 4,LT Moderate Prices, Box Candy for some of our Soda Specials. TE N. E. KONOLD, Prop. Cor. Packard and Stale Ss. WATCH OUR "AD"